2A - Wednesday, October 15, 2014
The Michigan Daily ichigandaily.com
2A - Wednesday, October15, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
UCLA survey indicates recent grads have more debt
The University of California,
Los Angeles conducted a survey
that looked at doctoral alumni
from schools in the UC system
and their student loan debt, The
Daily Bruin reportedTuesday.
UCLA conducted the survey
for the first time this year and
looked at graduates with doctoral
degrees over the last 40 years.
26,000 alumni were surveyed,
but only 7,200 responded. Of the
respondants, 99 percent said they
were employed.
Unsurprisingly, the surveyalso
showed that alumni who gradu-
ated in recent years were more
likely to have student debt than
alumni who graduated in the
Princeton seeks investigator
for sexual assault cases
Princeton University is cur-
rently scheduled to hire an
external investigator to assist in
handling sexual assault cases,
The Daily Princetonian reported
The investigator's job will be
focused on properly handling
cases that arise during academic
This addition will be the sec-
ond staff hiring related to sexual
assault cases since Princeton was
pressured by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education's Office for
Civil Rights after the issue gained
attention nationwide over the
past year.
The Nittasy Lisa attempts ts fire up Peas State funss
at the football game Saturday. Mich igan defeated
Penn State by a score of 18-13.
JFK speech
John F. Kennedy announced
the idea for the Peace Corps
during a historic speech
in Ann Arbor 54 years ago
this week. Kennedy was
touring Michigan during his
presidential campaign and
made a stop on campus.
Tree moving
The University has sched-
uled a date for movinga
250-year old bur oak tree. A
Texas-based company will
transport the tree to a new
location off Tappan Avenue
to make way for a new aca-
demic buildingon the Ross
School of Business campus.
Game jam
WHAT: Studentswill
teamup to create a video
game in 48hours.Games
will be judged on theme,
mechanics, aesthetics and
WHO: Wolverine Soft
WHEN: Today from 12
a.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Duderstadt
Center, 3rd Floor,
Windows Training Rooms
WHAT: In homage to
the bicentennial of our
national anthem, the
University Library is
holding an exhibitthis
semester illustrating the
Star Spangled Banner's
influence on U.S. culture.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: 8 a.m. to 11p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher
Graduate Library, Room
WHAT: This lecture will
focus on the "ever-wandering
stranger" in Middle
Armenian literature, and how
and why literary conventions
traveledbefore our globally
interconnected age.
WHO: Armenian Studies
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work, Room 1636
WHAT: This workshop
will allow you to schedule
an appointment to meet
with a career coach and
psychology major adviser to
discuss career goals.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from10
a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: East Hall
ASP lecture Psychology
UNC, Chapel Hill Dance
Marathon to change name
The University of North
Carolina's chapter of the Dance
Marathon organization will be
changing its name to the Caro-
lina For the Kids Foundation. The
program had been named UNC
Dance Marathon since being
founded in 1997, The Daily Tar
Heel reported Tuesday.
UNC senior Evan Sherwood,
Carolina For the Kids' executive
director, said the previous name
didn't wholly communicate the
organization's mission to the
The World Health Orga-
nization said if drastic
measures are not taken
soon, the Ebola epidemic
could reach 10,000 new
cases per week, ABC News
reported Tuesday. Currently,
the WHO is working to con-
tain the spread.
This week, the State-
ment Magazine looks
at the University's
innovative approach
to preparing students for life
in film and theatre, as well as
a personal statement about
A deadly storm sys-
tem damaged the
Southeast, NBC News
reported Tuesday. Thirteen
tornadoes were reported
Monday from Texas to Ala-
bama, along with lightning
and hail. Thousands of peo-
ple were left without power.
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Sports panel UMS Jazz
WHAT: This panel will
discuss the history, power
and business of music in
athletics. It will feature
University Prof. John Bacon
and Women's basketball
coach Kim Barnes Arico.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Hatcher Graduate
Library, Room 100
WHERE: Today at 7 p.m.
WHAT: This performance
will feature Brooklyn-
based jazz and soul vocalist
Gregory Porter, who was
hailed by NPR as "the next
great male jazz singer."
WHO: University Musical
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m
WHERE: Michigan
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Ford School hosts talk
on impact of social work
Lecturer shares.
research regarding
Daily StaffReporter
While many students
decamped from Ann Arbor for Fall
Break Friday, Megan Comfort, a
research sociologist and professor
at the University of California, San
Francisco, presented her research
on integrating social work and
ethnography with what she calls
hypermarginalized populations -
people in extreme poverty affect-
ed by mental illness, poor health,
substance use, incarceration or
Comfortspoke in apresentation
for the Ford School of Public Poli-
cy titled "Integrating Social Work
and Ethnography with Hypermar-
ginalized Populations." The talk
was co-sponsored by the School of
Social Work Learning Community
on Poverty and Inequality.
Comfort's new research study,
which involved the innovative step
of incorporating a social worker
into intervention-based research
in addition to a researcher. The
study followed 20 impoverished
residents of Oakland, Calif.,
between the ages of 26 and 59.
None of the 20 participants had
stable housing, and many suffered
from mental illness, substance
abuse, sexual abuse and repeated
She aimed to investigate how
the impoverished navigate their
surroundings and how the addi-
tion of a social worker can affect
their experiences.
Comfort used the case of"Char-
lie," the pseudonym for a partici-
pant in the study, to illustrate the
challenges hypermarginalized
populations face.
Charlie is a 46-year-old, HIV-
positive man who suffers from
social phobia, depressive disorder,
generalized anxiety disorder and
drug and alcohol addiction. He has
been repeatedly incarcerated and
had been unable to secure perma-
nent housing because of his felony
Ultimately, Charlie's social
worker was able to secure him
subsidized housing. However,
his parole officer told him he was
legallyunable to live there because
the housing was outside of the
county where he was incarcer-
ated. This left Charlie with the
choice between living illegally in
a stable home or living legally on
the street.
Comfort repeatedly mentioned
and critiqued the "Kafkaesque"
bureaucratic institutions that the
extremely poor must navigate.
She also presented the case of
"Crystal," a 35-year-old woman
on probation and parole. Crystal
became homeless at age 11, began
using drugs at age 14 and is a sur-
vivor of repeated physical and sex-
ual abuse. She has been in and out
of jail, at one point returning four
days after she was released.
On one occasion, Crystal went
to the hospital following a violent
sexual assault. She arrived there
wearing only underwear, and was
treated and released that night
without shoes and only wearing a
hospital gown. She had no identifi-
cation or money.
Since Crystal had chosen not to
press charges for sexual assault,
she was not eligible to be taken in
by a domestic violence center, leav-
ing her with nowhere to go.
Comfort explained how Crystal
was able to find shelter because
she called her social worker,
underscoring the importance and
value of social workers and the
impact they're able to have on the
communities they serve.
Public Policy Lecturer Megan
Tompkins-Stange said the presen-
tation will stick with her and alter
the ways she thinks about this
work moving forward.
"In this paper you have given
voice to thevoiceless," she said.
From Page 1A
there was also a focus on recent
Taubman Scholars and the con-
tributions that they are making
with their own research proj-
The Alfred A. Taubman Medi-
cal Research Institute prides
itself in supporting clinician-
scientists with the resources to
make advances in biomedical
research that will translate to.
real world solutions to those suf-
fering from life-threatening dis-
eases. With such a goal in mind,
the Institute's tagline reads,
"where scientists create cures."
Part of the Institute's success
lies in its expanding influence.
From its conception with four
Taubman Scholars and no clini-
cal trials, it has grown to encom-
pass 31 Taubman Scholars and 51
clinical trials.
"I think that our biggest
accomplishment is our growth
and our outreach and really
meeting our mission because we
are scientists and we are creat-
ing cures," said Neurology Prof.
Eva Feldman, director of the
Taubman Institute.
Carl June, a professor of the
Perelman School of Medicine
at the University of Pennsylva-
nia, introduced his promising
research that will hopefully lead
to a cure for leukemia. Dr. June's
work is particularly compelling
to clinicians because it intro-
duces an alternative to previous
cancer treatments, chemother-
apy and radiation, in the hopes
that it will produce not only bet-
ter survival rates, but also fewer
side effects.
Oncology Prof. Max Wicha,
deputy director of the institute,
said June's work is extremely
innovative because he "has
brought together these two
areas of research, that is the area
of gene therapy and the area of
tumor immunotherapy, to actu-
ally genetically engineer the
body's immune cells to specifi-
cally fight cancer."
After being introduced by
both Wicha and Alfred Taub-
man, the founder and chair of the
Taubman Institute, June delved
into the specifics of the origins of
his research, where the research
currently stands today, and what
he envisions for the future.
June's treatment caters to
patients by using their own T
cells - a type of white blood cell
is important for immunity - to
personalize immunotherapy.
His gene transfer therapy allows
the cancerous body to overcome
tolerance, or the activation of the
immune system that ultimately
prevents the body from destroy-
ing the tumor, through synthetic
Through this synthetic biolo-
gy, the body's own immune cells
can be fundamentally changed
so that they are able to attack
cancerous tumors.
After testing his new therapy
with three adults, June moved
toward helping children, affirm-
ing the importance in doing so
by relaying that the number one
cause of disease-related pedi-
atric deaths is leukemia. Treat-
ment options for these children
are especially limited to those
who may fail bone marrow
transplants, which are already
dangerous to begin with.
With his new therapy, June
found a 90 percent response rate
in his trial patients. The first
patient that he treated, a young
girl, has been cancer free for
more than two years.
June also discussed the
potential for his new therapy
to go beyond leukemia to solid
tumors. Clinical trials are being
initiated to look into this possi-
bility, although there are poten-
tial complications regarding cell
While his results are very
promising, Dr. June also rec-
ognized some of the problems
that his new treatment will face.
There will be regulatory and
manufacturing challenges, in
part due to the high cost of treat-
ment, a function of the treatment
June reminded the audience
that patients and doctors will
need to be fully educated on the
new treatment - patient issues
as common as diarrhea, when
treated traditionally, potentially
become life threatening.
In his presentation, June
expressed his excitement about
the potential effect that this new
therapy could have on children
with leukemia.
"I loved taking care of
patients, and I thought that I
would do that the rest of my
life," June said. "Then I started
having the opportunity to do
some research, and it gradually
became what I do 100 percent of
the time."
This experience seems to
encapsulate the Institute's
motto, and Taubman himself
summed up the importance of
Friday's event.
"I think that (biomedical
research) is important to any-
one who realizes that there's so
much sickness around, so much
ill health, and if you're ina posi-
tion where you can bring people
together, and you can get great
minds together," he said. "We
can solve sickness and make peo-
ple healthier. I think that there is
a great opportunity."
In a September 2012 talk in Ann which will occur on the first day
REGENTS Arbor, Ross announced plans for ofclassesin fall 2015. Inexchange,
From Page 1A Blau to succeed him as the com- the new academic facility will be
pany's chief executive. named Jeff T. Blau Hall.
According to the regents' com- The University is in the middle
the Business School, a current munication, Blau has agreed to of the Victors for Michigan fund-
member of its advisory board and "release" the University from its raising campaign, which is aiming
the CEO of Related Companies, previous agreement to name the to raise $4 billion over the next
the real estate firm Ross founded. school's auditorium after him, few years.
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