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October 07, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-07

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2 -- Tuesday October 7, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandai[y.com

2 - Tuesday, October 7, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

Prof. studies history of slavery
Rebecca J. Scott is the Charles understanding other societies by opposed to the Cuban Revolutic
Gibson Distinguished University actually being able to read and
Professor ofHistory and a professor speak with people. Is there somethingyour
of law at the University. She special- students don't know about yo
izes in slavery, emancipation and What did you write
the struggle for equal rights in Latin your thesis on? My family - we are sort of
America and the United States. all-Michigan family. So my hi
It was on the impact of U.S. band teaches in the Philosop
How did youbecome policy on economics and soci- Department, our older song
interested in your ety in Bolivia. And I chose that his master's degree here in urb
fields of study? because there had been a large- planning,and our younger song



I was born in the state of Geor-
gia, and I was raised primarily in
North Carolina and I lived over-
seas when I was younger for a
couple of years, one year in Italy
and one year in France, so I was
interested from very, very early
on in learning languages and

scale revolution in Bolivia in
1952, and so it was a somewhat
unusual example of the United
States granting extensive foreign
aid ... to a country that had just
been through a revolution. This
was interesting to me because it
was in the same period in which
the United States was strongly

his B.A. here in 2010 in the His-
tory Department and in the Phi-
losophy Department and is now a
professional academic translator.
... so we are big enthusiasts for
the excitementof being at a major
public research university.

Steve Marsh, head curator at the Creature Conser-
vancy, speaks at the University's chapter of the Alpha
Delta Pi sorority on Monday. .


Structural Medical school String
power lecture interview prep showcase

WHAT: This seminarwill.
explore the ways in which
large financial institutions
dominate the American
political system.
WHO: Center for European
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building, Room 1636

WHAT: Career Center
experts will discuss
preparation tips for.
students getting ready for
medical school admittance
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Student Activities

WHAT: The showcase r
will kick off a new monthly
performance series that will
feature selected soloists and
champer music groups.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building

Group study Medieval Documentary
session Chinese poetry screening

Arundhati Roy
WHAT: Roywilldiscuss the
influence of the caste system
throughout Indian history.
WHO: Institute for the
WHEN: Today from 5 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham Gradu-
ate School
WHAT: Singer-songwriter
Rachael Yamagata will
perform this evening at the
Ark as part of her fall tour.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark
* Please report any
error inthe Dailyto

SISIS militants are posi-
tioned to conquer the
northern Syrian city of
Kobani,The Guardianreport-
ed Monday. The invasion is
part of the group's attempt to
seize a 60-mile tract of land
leading fromit's self-declared
capital to Turkey.
Rennie Pasquinelli
argues that the
Christian extremist
protesters on campus evoke
a reciprocal response from
students and those with
Two ships will begin
a new search for the
remains of the missing
MH370 plane, The Guardian
reported Monday. No
remnants of the the plane
or its 239 passangers have
been discovered since its
disappearance in March.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday throuh Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the Universityo Michigan.One copy is availablefree o charge to alreaders. Additionalcopiesmay
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be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press

WHAT: Join fellow
scientistas to work on and
get help with essays or
homework for any class.
WHO: University Chaper of
the Scientista Foundation
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building, Room 1636

WHAT: Wendy Swartz,
a professor of Chinese
literature at Rutgers
University, will deliver a
lecture on intertextuality in
early Chinese poetry.
WHO: Lieberthal-Rogel
Center for Chinese Studies
WHEN: Todayat 4 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building

WHAT: The screening of
"Bigger, Stronger, Faster:
Sports, Steroids, and Mas-
culine Pressure" will be fol-
lowed by a discussion about
the pressures of masculine
identity in American society.
WHO: Sport, Health and
Activity Resarch and Policy
WHEN: Todayfrom 6:30
p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Angell Hall


Videojournalist suffering
from Ebola arrives in U.S.

Five things to know about

candidate Debbie

Cameraman is fifth
American to return
to U.S. for treatment
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - An
American video journalist who
contracted Ebola while work-
ing in Liberia stepped off 4 jet
Monday under his own power
on his way to a Nebraska hos-
pital where he will be treated
for the disease in a specialized
containment unit.
At the bottom of the jet's
steps, Ashoka Mukpo was
loaded onto a stretcher for the
ambulance ride to the Nebras-
ka Medical Center.
Mukpo533, was working as a
freelance cameraman for NBC
News when he became ill last
week. He is the fifth Ameri-
can with Ebola to return to
the U.S. for treatment during
the latest outbreak, which the
World Health Organization
estimates has killed more than

3,400 people.
Mukpo's parents said they
tried to talk him out of going to
Liberia last month, but he told
them he wanted to report on
the severity of the epidemic.
"I told him I thought he
was crazy," said his father, Dr.
Mitchell Levy.
"And I begged him from
a mother's perspective. I
said, 'Please don't go,"' Diana
Mukpo said. "But there was
nothing to do. He was deter-
Before returning to Libe-
ria last month, Mukpo had
lived there for two years while
working as a researcher for
the Sustainable Development
1 Institute, a nonprofit focused
on the concerns of workers in
mining camps outside Monro-
via. He only returned home to
Providence, Rhode Island, in
It's not clear how Mukpo
was infected, but Levy said it
may have happened when he

helped clean a vehicle someone
died in.
On Monday, his symptoms of
fever and nausea still appeared
mild, Levy said.
During his treatment, his
parents will have to rely on a
video chat system in his hospi-
tal room to communicate with
Meanwhile in Texas, a Libe-
rian man with Ebola who start-
ed showing symptoms while
visiting the U.S. remained in
critical condition at a Dallas
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said
he would create a state task
force to ensure Texas develops
a rapid-response plan if an out-
break develops in the state.
Perry also called on federal
officials to implement screen-
ing procedures at all U.S.
points of entry. He said screen-
ers should take travelers' tem-
perature and conduct other
assessments to determine their
overall health.
Doctors at the Nebraska
isolation unit - the largest of
four in the U.S. - will evalu-
ate Mukpo before determin-
ing how to treat him. They
said they will apply the lessons
learned while treating Ameri-
can aid worker Rick Sacra, who
was allowed to return home
to Massachusetts after three
weeks, on Sept. 25.
Sacra received an experi-
mental drug called TKM-
Ebola, as well as two blood
transfusions from another
American aid worker who
recovered from Ebola at an
Atlanta hospital. The trans-
fusions are believed to help
a patient fight off the virus
because the survivor's blood
carries antibodies for the dis-
In Dallas, the Liberian man
was listed in critical condi-
tion. Thomas Eric Duncan has
been hospitalized at Texas
Health Presbyterian Hospital
since Sept. 28. He is receiving
an experimental medication
called brincidofovir.

A liberal
Dingell looks to
succeed husband
Daily Staff Reporter
With the general election
less than a month away, Demo-
crat Debbie Dingell is hoping to
succeed her husband, U.S. Rep.
John Dingell, as the U.S. House
representative for Michigan's
12th District, which includes
Ann Arbor and Detroit's west-
ern suburbs.
Dingell is currently presi-
dent of D2 Strategies, and chair
of the Wayne State University
Board of Governors. She has
also served as president and
senior executive responsible for
public affairs for the General
Motors Foundation. Dingell is
active in many charities in both
Michigan and Washington,
D.C., and has been listed as one
of the, most powerful women
in D.C. by the Washingtonian
and one of the most influential
women in Michigan by Crain's
Detroit Business.
1. She is has a focus on
providing affordable health
care and has advocated for
women and children's issues.
As a founder of the National
Women's Health Resource Cen-
ter, Dingell said a highlight of
her resum6 is her leadership in
the national effort to include
women in federally funded
health research.
She wants to address the
issue of providing resources to
an aging population as well as
the stigma regarding mental

"Health issues are very, very
important to me," Dingell said.
"We are behind the rest of the
world; we need to be invest-
ing in research that is finding
answers to all these problems."
2. Shewantstoreduce
student loan interest rates
and increase state funding for
higher education.
Dingell said education has
always been one of her most
critical concerns.
As chair of the Wayne State
Board of Governors, Dingell
has had experience with edu-
cation policy. As chair, she was
responsible for presiding over
board meetings.
She noted that she recently
voted against a tuition increase
at Wayne State.
"Too many young people
who can't afford college or uni-
versities are graduating with
staggering debt," Dingell said.
"We've got to look at waiving
the interest rate that young
people are paying and mak-
ing sure that they are having
access to affordable student
loans. I believe that education
is a public good and it is an
important thing for the state to
invest in."
3. She supports gay rights.
IDingell said she advocates for
policies thatend discrimination.
She hopes to expand opportuni-
ties for all Americans.
"If two people love each
other, why should we keep them
from being with each other?"
Dingell said.
4. She hopesto expand
job creation.

Dingell said while the auto
industry has recovered some-
whatthe job market has yet to
recover from the 2008 financial
She wants to encourage busi-
ness and labor ttiwork together
to strengthen the economy and
bring people into the state to
"I'm concerned about young
people having jobs when they
graduate, and I'm concerned
about people that are being
forced into early retirement in
their early 50s that actually have
decades left in them that they
want to work hard," Dingell said.
"We've got to continue to invest
Sineconomic development." .-
S. Ifelected, she will be the
firstwomanto succeed a
living husband in Congress.
John Dingell, the longest-
serving member of the House
in U.S. history, will retire at the
conclusion of this term. While
many other women have suc-
ceeded their husbands in Con-
gress, Debbie Dingell would
be the first to succeed a living
"I want people to know that
I want to listen, and fight for
them and to be their advocate,"
Dingell said.
Dingell said while her hus-
band is a great influence and
has taught her a lot, she is her
own person with her own posi-
tions on today's issues.
"I'm not trying to fill John
Dingell's shoes because I know
how big they are and I could
never fill them; I'm going to be
Debbie Dingell," she said. "I'm
my own person. We share many
values, but I bring a women's
perspective to many of the




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