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October 02, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-02

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2A - Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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Skate to impress
What's more roman- Steffes said he then girl.
tic than finding love at happened to catch sight And with that, he lost
an ice-skating rink? This of a young lady at the any chance he had with
was the question for LSA other end of the ice her, he said.
sophomore John Steffes arena. A naturally tal- Immediately after
when he tried to smooth- ented skater, Steffes saw the accident, Steffes
ly impress a girl while this as the perfect oppor- apologized repeatedly.
ice-skating last Saturday. tunity to make his move. In the end, the woman
He went skating with To get her attention, was okay and the two
his roommates to sup- he asked his roommate laughed it off and tried
port Habitat for Human- who played hockey to making small talk, but
ity. As a high school race him. Feeling confi- the damage was already
hockey player, Steffes dent that he could eas- done. Steffes said he left
had no trouble on the ice. ily win and show off his a little embarrassed.
He was having a great skating skills to woo the But he did have one
time doing twists and woman, he started off in positive note to end the
turns and other crazy the lead. All was going night:
maneuvers. well, Steffes said, until "I did catch her on the
"I was showing off a he lost control of his way down," he said. "I
little bit, of course," Stef- skates. was proud of that."
fes said. "I had to." He crashed into the -ALLANAAKHTAR


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The Michigan men's soccer team forced Western Michigan to overtime Tuesday,
but it couldn't hang on,.falling, -0 to extend its goalless drought.

r rv : a M }v- 'mix wz M 3t'u x '"r w
.5-c ' ,",. 3 'a ' ffl* } tip{ s y ,y lt.i r c
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Robert Guenzel, lecturer
at the Ford School of Pub-
lic Policy, was appointed
interim CEO of the Ann
Arbor Area Transportation
Authority Monday. He had
previously served as co-
chair of a financial task force
charged with overseeing
AAATA expansion efforts.
Dirt & Dish
With the pressures of
school and the stresses of
election season, Levandoski
suggests yoga as a healthy
and relaxing stress reliever
for students. After exercis-
ing, she suggests students
try a kale smoothie as a great
source of fiber, as well as
vitamins K, A and C.

Ross statement
In the wake of protests
from students calling for the
dismissal of Athletic Direc-
tor Dave Brandon, promi-
nent University donor and
real estate mogul Stephen
Ross, voiced his support of
the department under Bran-
don's leadership to the Wall
Street Journal Wednesday.
Beat the curve
As students are hit by the
struggles of midterm exams,
the Statement staff suggests
some means to beat the ever-
elusive grading curve. Find-
ing common themes among
classes and forming study
groups can both help stu-
dents better learn material
and score better on tests.

Farmers market
WHAT: In the fouth annual
event, the Central Student
Government, in partnership
with the University, is spon-
soringa farmers market for
students to promote sustain-
ability and healthy eating.
WHO: University Unions
WHEN: Today 10 a.m. to
2 p.m.
WHERE: Duderstadt
Center's outdoor area
1' *1-1

STEM writing
WHAT: Students interested
in writing for the sciences
are invited to attend this
seminar, which will address
many facets of the writing
WHO:Sweetland Writing
Center and Rackham Grad-
uate School
WHEN: Today 2:30 to 4 p.m.
WHERE: North Campus
FBX Building - Room 1109
Penny Stamps

Secret Service director
Julia Pierson resigned
Wednesday, following - a
series of missteps - includ-
ing failure to stop a White
House intruder and allowing
the President to ride an eleva-
tor with an armed man - The
New York Times reported.
Studio space in North
Quad and a dedicat-
ed student team may
keep WOLV-TV alive for the
immidiate future, but ques-
tions linger about the chal-
lenges facing the TV industry
with internet competitors.
Following the first diag-
nosed case of Ebola in
the U.S., Centers for Dis-
ease Control officials found
the patient had been released
from the emergency room
days earlier without a proper
travel history being recorded,
CNN reported Wednesday.

Katie Burke Managing Editor kgburke@michigandaily.com
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bepce pat h Diysofcefr$2 uscriptos frtlltrsatn n Setm vaUS .mals ae $110
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ar sbjc t areuedsuscitinatO n -,,e,,,x sbscitions, f or ll tr r 3. Subcriptos us
be prepaid. The0MchiganDiyi el mbrofAThe,,ssoc ,, iatd r ssn TeAsoitd CllegitePress.


jewisn ienuty speaker series
in the Ukraine

WHAT: The Center for
Judaic Studies will host a
lecture discussing iden-
ties, space and memory in
Russian history through an
examination of literary fic-
tion in the post-Soviet era.
WHO: Center for Judaic
WHEN: Today at 12:15 p.m.
WHERE: 202 South Thayer
- Room 2022

WHAT: Fred Tomaselli
will discuss his work with
unorthodox materials.
WHO: School of Art and
WHEN: Today at 5:10 p.m.
WHERE: The Michigan
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

LSA-SG budget to use

Hong Kong protests
inspire Diag gathering

new rolling app.
Procedures provide develop and implement the new
funding plan.
student organizations The Budget Allocations Com-
mittee is responsible for the
more flexibility when distributing funds for some stu-
dent organizations and events at
receiving funds the University. The three LSA
SG members said the greatest
By ALYSSA BRANDON adjustment to the process grants
DailyStaffReporter student organizations addi-
tional opportunities to apply for
LSA Student Government funding.
looks to offer student organiza- "The difference is a switch to
tions better access to resources a rolling fund," the group said
this semester with the restruc- in an e-mail. "What this means
turing of its budget process. is that there will be four oppor-
On Sept. 17, LSA SG passed a tunities, or four separate cycles,
resolution to create a rolling sys- to apply for funding, instead of
tem for student groups to apply the previous single cycle once a
for funding as opposed to the semester."
old, single deadline system. The three also wrote that
LSA SG President Natasha each cycle will have a receipt
Dabrowski, an LSA senior, along deadline. If an organization
with LSA SG Vice President doesn't meet the receipt dead-
Corey Walsh, an LSA senior, line for the corresponding cycle,
and LSA junior Jason Colella, that their money will be allo-
Budget Allocations Committee cated for the next cycle toward
Chair, worked collaboratively to another organization or event.

Student organizations will also
have the opportunity to appeal
funding decisions made by LSA
SG one week after award notic-
es are distributed during each
Organizations can apply at
each cycle but cannot receive
more than $2,000 total per
"The new plan will provide
flexibility in allowing groups
to plan and implement costly
events in a more timely man-
ner. The increase in the number
of receipts deadlines will also
allow us to fund in excess of our
$30,000 budget, " Dabrowski
LSA SG members decided to
amend the funding allocations
process after they noticed issues
student organizations were hav-
ing with the previous funding
plan last year.
"LSA SG saw that a number
of student organizations were
missing the deadline for our
funding cycle, and we knew that
was problematic," the group
said. "It seemed to be a combi-
nation of transitioning leader-
ship within the organization,
new organizations who had not
previously applied for funding,
event organizing changes, and
our own publicity of the funding
Over the summer, members of
LSA SG reached out to various
student organizations to receive
feedback about the old plan, as
well as receive feedback regard-
ing potentially switching over
to a rolling funding plan. The
response to the proposed fund-
ing switch was overwhelmingly
positive, they said, so the group
decided to move forward with
developing the new plan.
Dabrowski said LSA SG mem-
bers have been careful to keep
student organizations up to
speed regarding the new fund-
ing switch and have been work-
ing since the passing of the
resolution to spread the word
about the new funding switch.
See BUDGET, Page 3A


Daily StaffReporter
Dozens of students gathered
on the Diag Wednesday after-
noon to show solidarity with
pro-democracy protesters in
Hong Kong.
The silent rally was one of
over 50 on college campuses
around the United States. The
group is part of the global move-
ment to raise awareness of the
protests in Hong Kong, "United
for Democracy: Global Solidarity
for Hong Kong," which started
at Harvard University. Rackham
student Anthony Ip and LSA
junior Chris Cheung created the
University's chapter, also taking
charge of organizing and publi-
cizing the protest.
Tension has been growing in
Hong Kong since China decid-
ed not to give Hong Kong full
autonomy in 2017, as the country
promised it would back in 1997
as part of an agreement to reas-
sume sovereignty over the island
from the United Kingdom. On
Sunday, protests escalated after
clashes with police officers using
tear gas and pepper spray result-
ed in 41 injuries.
Louisa Lim, a visiting profes-
sor of journalism at the Univer-
sity, wrote an op-ed for the New
York Times Monday compar-
ing the protests to the massacre
in Tiananmen Square in 1989,
where the Chinese army was
also deployed and used violence
toward protesters. She added
that the tension stems from not
just gaining autonomy, but from
the "gaping inequality" in the
region, said to be rigged by gov-
ernment policies.
"As students and activists
faced off with riot police amid
the canyons of skyscrapers, one
popular chant was simply, 'Hong'
Kong People! Hong Kong Peo-

Architecture senior Ashish Bhandari participates in a rally Wednesday on the
Diag in support of pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong.


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he wrote. Cheung said the rally did
aid the goals of the event not intend to take a stance on
to share the stories of the issue or politically sway the
y student protesters in public. The students wanted
Kong with the campus to support the largely peaceful
unity, support the civil- protesters fighting for a cause
ghting for true democracy they believe in and rebuke the
eaceful way and to speak officers preventing them from
ainst police brutality. doing so.
e want to speak out glob- "The thing is that the protest-
ers in Hong Kong are peaceful,
are unarmed. Wejustwanttoget
the voice out that why are you
want to speak usingviolence?," Cheung said.
)Ut 1ba11 Law student Brian Wong
Ut came to the event to show his
support for the spirit of Hong
Kong's fight for democracy.
Though the political future of
share, to make the whole Hong Kong remains uncertain,
know what's going on in he hopes that through rallying
Kong," he said. and bringing awareness for uni-
ugh no student group on versal suffrage, the rest of the
.s officially sponsored the world will help the protesters
members from across the achieve their goals.
s community came out to "The more international
their support. During the awareness, the more pressure
tudents stood on the steps there is on the Chinese govern-
cher to sing the chorus of ment and the Hong Kong gov-
liserables' song "Do You ernment to do something about
he People Sing?" it."


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