Page 4A - Monday, September 29, 2014 The Michigan Daily -- michigandailycom Page 4A - Monday, September 29, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 4t fidhigan at*y Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. SAMUEL WEISS I Police-militarization A patriot against immigration? Like many members of the University community, I found the police response to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disturbing. Law enforcement's militarized response to mostly peaceful protestors made them look less like a police force than an occupying army. Their aggressive tactics sparkedprotests around the country, including on the University's campus. The issue of police militarization, however, is not confined to Ferguson. Last week, MLive reported that a University police officer was suing the department for improperly using a Department of Justice grant to purchase below-standard body armor. Leaving aside the merit of the suit, why is our campus police department attempting to buy military-grade body armor in the first place? My current employer, the American Civil Liberties Union, has documented how America's police forces have become militarized and the tragedies that have too often resulted as a consequence. Police departments do not buy military equipmenton their ownbutinstead receive itthroughgrants from the Department of Homeland Security or Department of Justice, or simply are given the equipment for free by the Department of Defense. The federal agencies provide the hardware with no training and little oversight. The results can be absurd: small town police departments across America have acquired automatic rifles, armored personnel carriers, bayonets and other objects designed for use on a battlefield, not our neighborhoods. A Detroit Free Press investigation revealed that Michigan is not immune to the national trend. The police of Dundee, Michigan, obtained a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle, built to protect soldiers from improvised explosive devices and weighing around 30,000 pounds, to serve its roughly 3,900 residents. Lake Angelus, Michigan, obtained 13 military rifles despite its department having a single full-time officer. The consequences of these programs have been tragic. Police departments with military weapons increasingly use them not merely for extreme circumstances but also for mundane purposes such as serving drug warrants. In one of countless harrowingexamples,aSWAT teamin Lima, Ohiokicked down a door to look for a suspected drug dealer. He was not home, but the police nonetheless opened fire on Tarika Wilson, his girlfriend, as she held her infant son. The infant survived his injuries but Ms. Wilson did not. In addition to the many victims of individual errors by militarized police, their use of military equipment and tactics undermine public confidence in the police, which in the longrun is agreaterthreat to public safety than the rare circumstance in which military equipment could possibly be useful. As is so often true with our criminal justice system, the burdens of our militarized police disproportionately fall on the poor and peo- ple of color. This disparity was on display in Ferguson and empirical examinations of the deployment of SWAT teams have confirmed that their use is inordinately against marginal- ized communities. African American students on Michigan's campus, through efforts such as the Being Black at the University of Michigan campaign, have recently been articulating the ways that students of color can still feel like second-class citizens on campus, among them being increased suspicion from the police towards students of color. Equipment that encourages more distant and aggressive polic- ing can at the least encourage divisiveness and at the worst end in tragedy. The University of Michigan has a legacy of protest of which we should all be proud. Past generations of University of Michigan stu- dents have rallied against the Vietnam War, demonstrated to end racial segregation, and pushed the University to fight for affirmative action up to the U.S. Supreme Court on several occasions (even if our record once there looks a bit like Brady Hoke's). In 1968, on the morn- ing of Martin Luther King's funeral, a group of University of Michigan students peacefully chained the doors of the Fleming Adminis- trative Building until the University agreed to take steps to make sure African American students and professors were full and equal members of the University of Michigan com- munity. A militarized police department like the one we saw in Ferguson would have responded to such civil disobedience with battle fatigues, grenade launchers full of tear gas and assault rifles drawn. The University of Michigan is too good for such a response. We don't need militarized police. Samuel Weiss is a 2009 University alum at the American Civil Liberties Union Center for Justice. June 19, The Kojo Nnamdi show on NPR's WAMU sta- tion reported on the immi- gration crisis that left both the American government and its citizens con- cerned and anx- ious about the influx of wide- eyed children ABBY seeking asylum TASKIER away from their impoverished and violent homelands. I remember sipping on a cup of coffee in my par- ents' house, reclining on the plush, blue couch in the family room while listening to Sheena Wadhawan, the legal program manager at Casa de Maryland, outline the tremendous hurdles that Central American chil- dren jump in order to cross the U.S.- Mexico border. The risks the children endure laid out by Wadhawan are almost unfathomable. She says, "rape is almost ubiquitous for young women. They're selling Plan B, the morning- after pill, all around the route, which girls take in advance, so because of the high probability that they will suffer sexual assault along the way. Kidnapping, assault, murder, starvation, heat, harassment by gangs, by various customs officials, havingto give bribes". Girls preeminently taking Plan B, assuming they'll get raped? This surely made me cringe when I recalled the countless number of stories of girls I knew irresponsibly popping Plan B pills like Pez. I can't believe that anyone wouldn't sigh in discomfort or empathetic pain at the graphic detailingof these conditions. Those are the only reactions I can assume from anyone who's just heard that Honduran gang members publically dismembered children as young as 5 years old in order to send a message of who's boss. Following this conversation exposing Americans to another world of systematic violence, one taking place on our neighbor's lop- sided continent, the program brings various callers on air who ardently oppose America's absorption of Cen- tral American children as citizens. The callers start off with a pre-craft- ed phrase like, "my heart bleeds for the children," or, "please don't think I'm insensitive," but... this ain't my problem. Well, while the complexities of U.S. immigration policies extend far beyond this situation, which has recently been quelled by a myriad of forces, including the more aggressive attitudes taken onbythe U.S. Border Patrol, I fully believe that this is America's problem. When I lived in Havana from January to May of 2014, I became blatantly aware of the discrepancy between my initial perception of U.S. involvement in Latin America's economic and social systems, and the reality. For four months, I'd ride the Cuban yank tanks all around town and be blinded by the excessive number of revolutionary billboards that stood tall next to the palm trees. iViva la revolucidon! Long Live the Revolution! And next to those bill- boards that so assiduously push the communist agenda were other, more disturbing declarations. El bloqueo es genocidio. The embargo is geno- cide. I couldn't remember a time other than in a high school U.S. his- tory class that I'd spoken about the U.S. embargo against Cuba. And at home, it didn't matter. But here Iwas in Havana, being taunted by Ameri- ca's incursions, failure to recognize the need for socialist ideologies in Latin America and the eventual 1962 embargo that would plague Cuba with severe economic impediments. Unfortunately, although the Castro government is more dictatorial in nature than it is truly socialist, the American influence over Cuba's economy has a lot to do with Cuban suffering. The fierce North American attitude toward Latin American democracy, however, is not unique to Cuba. In Guatemala, for instance, one of the Central American countries from which children are fleeing today, U.S. incursion brought civil war and a 30-year military rule over the country. In 1954, when the elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz, proposed land reform and attempted to seize idle lands from United Fruit Company, supplemented by demonstrations more democratic than socialist, the U.S. government led a covert operation attempting to "liberate" Guatemala from communism. What liberation meant here was the maintenance of the U.S.'s unfair economic foothold in Guatemala. Not to mention, a strategic political ploy against Soviet Russia to maintain capitalism under the heavy weight of the Cold War. But I wonder when or how anyone might know about America's detrimental 1 influence over Latin American popular mobilism if not through the insulatedbubble of academia. Guatemalawas afruit notallowed to ripen, and Cuba, a ripened piece of fruit then taken off the shelf. Ameri- ca's influence over what present-day Latin America looks like is, like its operations, covert. But that is not to say that American influence has not damaged and extinguished popular mobilismthat couldhave turned into positive socialism. Not every social- ist movement has to turn out like Cuba. If America is willing, through the Cuban Adjustment Act, to make Cuban refugees automatic citizens of the United States, then why can't that same privilege be extended to the Central American children who attempt the journey to the United States knowing that along the way they could be raped and murdered? We say that we are patriots, and we proudly accept our national identities. But how can we claim to be patriots when we ignore the historical significance of U.S. imperialism? The heavy inpouring of the children is over, but immigration from Latin America and into the United States is ongoing. If your sympathies are extended and your hearts are bleeding, but you still don't think that it has to do with you, then ask yourself if you area patriot. And if you are, then this is definitely your problem. -Abby Taskier can be reached at EMBERS hn, Nivedita Karki, Megan McDonald, .hael Schramm, on Raeck, Linh Vu, Wang, Derek Wolfe EDITORIAL BOARD MI Barry Belmont, David Harris, Rachel Jo J aco b Ka raf a, Jor dyn Kay, A arica Marsh, Victoria Noble, Melissa Scholke, Mic Matthew Seligman, Paul Sherman, Allis Meher Walia, Mary Kate Winn, Daniel CARLY MANES I Happy anniversary, Hyde Abortions are expensive. A first trimester framework of reproductive justice, forcing a abortion costs an average of $470. A second woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to trimester abortion at 20 weeks costs an aver- term is wholly a violation of human rights. age of $1,500. Reproductive rights are innately human So what do you do if you can't afford an rights, and for the more than 12 million abortion and you definitely can't afford a women who depend on Medicaid and other baby? federal programs, such as women in the If you happen to be one of the 12 million military, Peace Corps, disabled women, women who depend on Medicaid and other American Indians using Indian Health federal insurance programs, you are pretty Services and federal prisoners, their human screwed, thanks to the Hyde Amendment. rights are being violated. The Hyde Amendment was passed Sept. In the name of abortion rights, human 30, 1976. The Amendment bans all types rights and reproductive justice, it is time to of federal funding for abortion care. This repeal Hyde. Reproductive rights activists funding restriction is most salient for low- often focus on abortion's legality and income women on Medicaid. As we approach physical accessibility - where women can the 38th anniversary of one of the first federal receive abortion care and how far along into a restrictions on abortion access post Roe v. pregnancy the procedure is legal; but the fight Wade, it's important that we take a moment for safe and legal abortion means nothing to look at and reflect upon the social impacts if it isn't accessible to everyone. I shouldn't of the Hyde Amendment. have to mention that providing coverage The Hyde Amendment was crafted with for abortion care leads to better economic the intention of creating systematic barriers outcomes for both the women who have for low-income women seeking abortion abortions and for the institutions that would care, as the bill's author, Congressman Henry otherwise have to provide childcare service. Hyde, noted at the time of its introduction. But, for some readers and most politicians, The Hyde Amendment is simply one of these nuances are what matter most for their the many laws that systematically targets public support of repealing Hyde. Sadly, the low-income women, denying them the right value of a woman's life, autonomy and dignity to self-determination and autonomy. Which aren't always enough to influence policy. in the context of Hyde, is withheld as a Often in a political context we see financial privilege only for wealthy women who have outcomes superseding socially just policy. the money to pay out-of-pocket for abortion Hyde is neither a socially just policy nor an care. Low-income women are not only barred economically sound one. from abortion care due to restricted federal I currently have $342 in my savings funding, but with the hundreds of other state account. If I didn't admit that having less and federal laws that police abortion access, than $470 makes me nervous, I would women sometimes have to travel states away be lying. and wait days to access care. Between the Like I said, abortions are expensive. But so cost of the procedure and the money spent is the cost of injustice. on physically getting to a provider, abortion So, happy anniversary, Hyde. Here's to is less and less attainable with each passing another year of classism, sexism, and broad- week of pregnancy. based discrimination lovingly provided by If federal health insurance won't cover the United States government. abortion care, and federal welfare programs *This article refers to abortion care certainly won't aid in the exorbitant costs of patients solely as women, but not all people raising a child, we leave low-income women who have abortions identify as women. vulnerable to the cycle of poverty that is statistically likely to consume them. In the Carly Manes is a Public Policy senior. TREVOR DOLAN I When students vote, Democrats win People aged 18 to 29 composed 19 percent of the electorate in the 2012 election. This 19 percent had enor- mous sway, and 60 percent of them voted for President Barack Obama.F Our capacity to affect our country's political future issignificant, and we all have a responsibility to acknowl- edge this capacity by exercising our right to vote. The right to vote gives students a voice. Many students share progressive values.We feel that nature is a shared resource that should be protected, not exploited. We know that everyone deserves equal treatment, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We agree that women should be paid as much as men and that a woman should have total agency over her body. We understand that a quality education is a universal right and that no child should be penalized because of her socioeconomic status. We believe that every person deserves affordable healthcare and a living wage. The Democratic Party embod- ies and espouses these progressive values. By coming out on Election Day and voting for Democratic can- didates, you are voting for men and women who will fight on your behalf to craft policies and legislation that reflect your values. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that many of us will make it to the polls this year. In 2012, 64.7 percent of the eligible popula- tion in Michigan voted, but in 2010 only 42.9 percent made their voices heard at the polls. Midterm elec- tions have historically low turnout because there isn't a presidential election to draw people to the polls, and 2014 will be no different. It is important to understand, though, that the future of Michigan depends on this midterm election. This year we will be electing a new U.S. senator, as well as a new gover- nor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and attorney general. Every state house and senate seat is up for election, as are all 14 of Michigan's U.S. Congressional seats. This year we will not be electing a president, but we will be defining Michigan's political climate and determining the composition of the U.S. Congress. This is an incredibly important elec- tion for the state of Michigan, and the significance of your vote this year cannot be overstated. Michigan's governor and state leg- islature develop policies and legisla- tion with very real consequences for Michiganresidents. Michigan'shigh- er-education funding has declined 28 percent since 2008, and Republi- can Governor Rick Snyder's budget cuts have resulted in Michigan K-12 schools losing $393 million in state funding. This past year, the Michi- gan state legislature passed a law mandating that a woman must pur- chase an additional insurance policy if she wants reimbursement for an abortion, unless her life is at stake. This law - dubbed "rape insurance" because women now have to antici- pate the possibility of being raped and purchase insurance before the assault - is a striking example of the tangible impact that state-level leg- islators can have on the lives of their constituents. So, the people we elect this year will pass laws that significantly impact us. Who do you want to make such important decisions? In 2013, Republican legislators in Michigan attempted to pass a bill mandating that women undergo transvaginal ultrasound procedures (wherein an ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina) before having an abortion. In late 2012, the Michigan state legislature passed a "right-to-work" bill that seriously undermined labor union funding (Governor Snyder had previouslysaid thathe would avoid addressingsuch a "divisive issue"). In 2011, Republican state Representative Tom McMillin, introduced a bill that would ban municipalities from adopting nondiscrimination ordinances that include LGBTQ residents. It's clear that Republican state legislators do not share our progressive values. Meanwhile, there are a number of Democratic candidates and elected officials who fight passionately for the causes we support. Gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer has advocated for increasing K-12 education funding. State Senator Rebekah Warren, and state Representatives Adam Zemke, Jeff IrwinandSamSinghhaveintroduced an amendment to Michigan's Elliott- 6 Larsen Civil Rights Act that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. State Representative and state Senate candidate Dian Slavens has called for stronger regulation of toxic waste disposal in Michigan. The list of Democrats advocating for progressive values goes on. Unfortunately, Republicans hold a strong majority in both houses of Michigan's state legislature. If we want to see our state government advocate for the values that we support so strongly, we need to change that. If we want to win back the governor's seat and the state legislature, we need to get out the vote among University of Michigan students. If you aren't registered * to vote, the College Democrats at the University of Michigan will be registeringstudents onthe Diagfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., this Wednesday, Oct. 1, and Thursday, Oct. 2. It takes five minutes to register, and your vote is incredibly important. When 0 students vote, Democrats win. Trevor Dolan is an LSA junior and the Chair of the College Democrats at the University of Michigan. 4 A a