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September 22, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-22

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~IieC4digan aIt
Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, September 22,2014 michigandaily.com
Bi House
Extreme weather at 830 p .m Players were also
allowed 15 minutes to warm up
postponed the game, before play recommenced.
Joe Piersante, chief operations
displaced fans officer for DPSS and detail
commander during football
RUB WALLAU/Daily ByMAX RADWIN Saturdays, is in charge of the
Utah football players celebrate as they enter the tunnel during the rain delay at Michigan Stadium, which ultimately lasted 144 minutes. The game resumed DailySraffReporter many publc safety agencies
after the lightning left the area and Utah went on to win 26-10. tasked with keeping the Big
Though the game didn't end in House safe: Huron Valley
Michigan's favor this Saturday, Ambulance, emergency
HOSPITAL the evacuationto clear all 103,890 medicine, the county chapter
fans from the Big House due to a of the American Red Cross, the
weather emergency went exactly Ann Arbor Fire Department,
as planned. Hazardous Materials and federal
U M H S reversesparkingAfter lightning struck near the agencies who partner with
stadium,the University's Division University Police.
of Public Safety and Security and "We preplanned for such
game officials postponed the events," Piersante said of
game and proceeded to evacuate Saturday's weather evacuation.
fans from the stadium. "And we have thatin our game day
According to NCAA operation plan and emergency
Michigan Nurses controversial new parking plan - the hospital - which was previ- run frot 1 a.m. to 5 a.m., forcing regulations, if there is lightning management plan because we
one which the Michigan Nurses ously the standard practice. In some nurses on the night shift detected within eight miles of a worked closely with athletics and
Association protested Association claimed would put response to intense outrage from to walk the. half-mile from the collegiate stadium, the game must knew there was a possibility for
nurses and other hospital staff the nurses, the University has structure to the University Hos- be paused. It can only be resumed hazardous weather."
controversial plan members in danger. reversed course on the new plan. pital entrance on East Medical 30 minutes after the most recent DPSS and other agencies
Last month, the University In a Sept. 16 press release, the Center Drive. lightningstrike within six miles. plan for all kinds of evacuation
ByAMABEL KAROUB enacted a parking plan that MNA wrote nurses feared for In the release, several staff Athletic directors for both scenarios,hesaid,includingthose
Daily StaffReporter required night-shift staff mem- their safety parking in the Wall members expressed concern teams must decide whether caused by fire, the presence of
bers without an appropriate St. structure at night. Though with the plan, including that the the game will be postponed, hazardous materials, explosions,
In response to outcry from parking permit to park at the UMHS provides a shuttle service unreliable shuttle service caused resumed the same day or called active shooters and dangerous
staff, the University of Michigan Wall Street structure instead of that can takenurses fromWall St. them to be late for their shift, a, ,ontest. Saturday, play was weather.
Health System has reversed a the secure structure adjacent to to the hospital, the shuttles don't See UMHS, Page 3A stopped at 6:35 p.m. and resumed See EVACUATION, Page 3A

Play to raise
awareness of
sexual assault

Performance to
work with campaign
to prevent assault
on college campuses
Daily StaffReporter
In light of an increased
nationwide focus on preventing
sexual assault on college
campuses, the University's School
of Music, Theatre & Dance will
premiere Naomi Iizuka's new
play, "Good Kids." The production
will be in conjunction with the
University's broader Expect
Respect: Flip the Script sexual
assault prevention campaign -
which itself is a part of the Big Ten
Theatre Consortium's New Play
The performance will play
during the first two weekends
of October at the North Campus
Arthur Miller Theatre.
The Big Ten Theatre

Consortium will put on the play
at all Big Ten schools in an effort
to address the issue of most plays
being predominantly male centric.
According to Assistant Theatre
Prof. Gillian Eaton, the show's
director, the Music, Theatre &
Dance School in its history have
only performed nine plays written
by women.
"There just aren't that many
plays by women, for women, with
big parts for women and about
women's issues," Eaton said.
"That's why this consortium was
put together."
The Expect Respect: Flip the
Script initiative will address
sexual assault prevention on
campus. In addition to the play, the
initiative willinclude a widespread
social media campaign to get the
message out. All students and
faculty involved in the play will
receive sexual assault bystander
intervention and sexual assault
prevention training through
the University's Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center.
See ASSAULT, Page 3A

Frank DeMauro, Vice President of the Orbital Sciences Corporation, speaks at an event to commemorate the
100th annivesary of Aerospace Engineering at Michigan at the League Friday.
Aerospace Engineering
celebrates 100t year

service aims
to increase
University's free
service to Detroit
enters second year
Daily StaffReporter
After a successful first trial year,
the University's Detroit Connector
bus has established itself as a via-
ble option for students traveling to
Detroit. Now, the goal is to generate
more interest to keep the program
alive and growing.
The bus, now in its second year of
operation after being renewed as a
part of the University's Detroit Cen-
ter budget, made its first journey of
this year Sept. 18 running on grant
money. The service is free, and the
Connector staff plans to keep it that
way for as long as possible, though a
$5 donation per ride is suggested.
The first Detroit Center Connec-
tor launched back in October 2013


Event features
series of lectures,
panel discussions
For the Daily
The University's aerospace
engineering department might
not always get the most atten-

tion on campus, but it was hard
to miss them this weekend
when 15 aircraft dazzled fans
at Michigan Stadium prior
to the Wolverines' matchup
against Utah.
The department celebrated
its 100th anniversary with a
three-day Centennial Celebra-
tion held Sept. 18-20, which
drew academics, students and
visitors from all over the coun-

The events celebrated the.
department's diverse accom-
plishments over the past 100
years. During this time, alumni
fromthe departmenthavegone
on to become pilots, astronauts
and researchers - contribut-
ing to advancements in many
fields of aerospace research
and development.

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INDEX NEW S .........................2A ARTS........................ 5A
Vol. CXXIV, No.141 SUDOKU.....................2A CLASSIFIEDS.h..............6A
©2014TheMichiganDaily OPINION...................4A SPORTSMONDAY..........1B


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