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September 19, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-19

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f)l I N)(L)I\INI I ,,,N 4l010(1\611 FL)\

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, September'19, 2014


by regents

Pussy Riot members Nadya Tolokonnikova and Masha Alekhina speak at the Penny Stamps speaker series hosted by the Penny Stamps School of Art and
Design Thursday at the Michigan Theatre.
Pussy Riot tals p
govt repression in Rssia

IM Building, South
Campus facility
to receive $118.7
million investment
Daily StaffReporter
From varsity rowers to intra-
mural racquetball fanatics, stu-
dent-athletes are in luck.
Thursday, the University's
Board of Regents approved $18.7
million in renovations to the
Intramural Sports Building and
the construction of a $168 million
South Campus athletics facility -
one of the largest sports-focused
construction projects in decades.
The athletic campus proposal,
called the Athletics South Com-
petition and Performance Project,
is funded in part by a $200 million
gift by real estate tycoon Stephen
Ross, a University alum. The $200
million was.split evenly between
the Athletic Department and

Ross' namesake business school
and followed his first $100 million
donation to the school in 2004.
Plans for the athletic - facili-
ties call for the construction
of a 310,000 square-foot facil-
ity designed to serve student-
athletes, including participants in
men and women's track and field,
cross country, soccer, lacrosse,
wrestling, tennis, gymnastics and
women's rowing teams.
"What I appreciate about the
proposal is the holistic approach
that it takes," University Presi-
dent Mark Schlissel said. "It
allows us to address a number
of important needs across these
teams simultaneously."
According to Douglas Strong,
interim executive vice presi-
dent and chief financial officer,
the project will construct five
facilities including an indoor
and outdoor track venue that
will accommodate 2,000 and
1,000 students respectively and a
lacrosse stadium slated to accom-
modate 3,000 spectators.

* Feminist activists
famous for protests
against Putin
Daily News Editor
Students and Ann Arborites
lined East Liberty Street Thurs-
day night to see two members
from Pussy Riot, a Russian punk

rock protest group that's made
international headlines since
their 2011 inception.
Dressed in A-line skirts,
tights and lace-up sneakers,
Nadezhda (Nadya) Tolokon-
nikova and Maria (Masha)
Alyokhina did not look so dif-
ferent from their undergraduate
audience - a few of whom wore
the neon balaclavas that Pussy
Riot members typically don.
Interarts junior Daniel Ghas-

tin was one such balaclavaed
student, who said he and other
performance arts students
came to show solidarity for
Pussy Riot.
"As performers, we want to
understand what they do bet-
ter and a form of imitation is the
greatest compliment," Ghas-
tin said. "I am really curious in
what makes them tick and how
they formulate what they do,
but also I really admire the balls

that they have."
Before entering the theater,
one performance art student
mimicked a Pussy Riot dance
while two others filmed him.
Attendees packed the 1,700-
seat Michigan Theater, where
punk rock music played in
the background as they found
their seats. Tolokonnikova
and Alyokhina were not there
to play their own music, but

Provost announces plan
to control enrollment

Admissions office
considers admitting
fewer early applicants
Daily News Editor
Thisfall,the Universityenrolled
6,532 freshmen - an increase of
307 over last year - and about 500

more than University officials had
At Thursday's meeting of the
Board of Regents, University Pro-
vost Martha Pollack detailed sev-
eral steps the Office of Admissions
plans to take to reduce the size of
future classes - including shifting
more early applicants to a wait list.
She also outlined the University's
plans to handle this larger-than-
expected freshman class.

"We have been over-enrolling
every year for the past five years
and we have to stop this," Pollack
said. "I'm notchappy about it."
This year, the University
received a record-breaking 49,731
applications for Fall 2014 admis-
sion. Though the University's
adoption of the Common Applica-
tion in 2010 provided a bump in
applications, the growth has con-

University President Mark Schlissel presides over Thursday's Board of Regents meeting at the Michiga


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AG Democratic
'candidate aims to
aid student debt

Schuette's platform supported by experience


ten hopes to givet tion, but Mark Totten, Michigan
tb State University law professor and
ien better access Democratic nominee for that spot,
is hoping to bring that streak to
contraception an end. Totten, 40, has both a law
degree and Ph.D. in ethics from
By BEN ATLAS Yale University and his past expe-
Daily StaffReporter rience includes stints as a staff
attorney for the U.S. Department
as been 60 years since an of Justice and a clerkship for a fed-
bent attorney general in eral judge.

incumbent hopes
to keep seat for
second term
Daily StaffReporter
Attorney General Bill
Schuette (R) will ask Michi-
gan's voters to elect him to a
second term this November.
Running on the slogan
"Michigan's voice for victims,"
over the past three years,
Schuette has been involved in

issues affecting a variety of
constituencies, ranging from
college students to Detroit
pensioners. As his campaign
ramps up, he's picked up
endorsements from several
groups, including police offi-
cers and small businesses. His
Democratic challenger is Mark
Totten, a Michigan State Uni-
versity law professor.
Gay marriage
In March, a district court
struck down Michigan's ban
on, same-sex marriage, which
was approved by voters as an
amendment to the state consti-
tution in 2004.
Schuette, who represented

the state in defense of the ban,
filed for an appeal and an emer-
gency stayon the decision. Both
were granted, which means the
change will not go into effect
until the appeal is settled. Oral
arguments were heard in the
case this August by the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the 6th.
Schuette's decision to defend
the ban drew attention because
many other state attorney gen-
erals, especially in the wake of
a 2013 Supreme Court decision
against parts of the Defense of
Marriage Act, have declined to
defend similar litigation. Addi-
tionally, U.S. Attorney Gen-

eral Eric Holder has stated that
state attorney generals are not
required to defend the bans.
"In 2004 the citizens of
Michigan recognized that
diversity in parenting is best
for kids and families because
moms and dads are not inter-
changeable," Schuette said in a
March statement on his choice
to appeal the ruling. "Michigan
voters enshrined that decision
in our State constitution, and
their will should stand and be
Rape kits
Five years ago, the city of
Detroit discovered more than

It h

Michigan has lost a bid for reelec-

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INDEX NEW S.......................2A ARTS...........................7A
Vol. CXXIV, No.140 SUDOKU.....................2A CLASSIFIEDS..............6A
©2014TheMichiganDaily OPINION....................4A FOOTBALLSATURDAY...1B



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