The Michigan Daily -
Friday, September 12, 2014 - 7A
Men's soccer to welcome Maryland to Big Ten
By MINH DOAN Michigan coach Chaka Daley.
Daily Sports Writer "Not just our team, but our fans,
the Ultras."
The No. 12 Maryland soccer But playing a more techni-
team will make history thisweek- cal game and hostile crowds are
end. something the 12th-ranked Ter-
After 61 years in the Atlantic rapins (1-2-1) are already used to.
Coast Conference, Maryland There's no shortage of talent
decided it was time for a change. in College Park, and it has been
In July, the Terrapins, along evident since 1993 - when it last
with Rutgers, officially became missed qualifying for an NCAA
part of the Big Ten, joining the Tournament.
conference's existing12 members. This year, though, is a bit of an
And on Friday, Maryland will anomaly.
play in its first Big Ten match in Gone from the NCAA College
any sport when it comes to Ann Cup finalist team is forward
Arbor to take on the Michigan Patrick Mullens, now in Major
men's soccer team. League Soccer, who led Maryland
"What's unique about soccer in last season with 19 goals and eight
the Big Ten is the passion players assists. The Terrapins scored 53
have in their institution," said goals in the 23 games they played.
Unlike last season, the
Maryland offense is still looking
to find its identity. In four games,
the Terrapins have scored just
four goals and have lost twice;
compared to dropping just five
contests all of last season.
on the other side of the pitch,
Michigan (1-2) is having a tough
time of its own.
After a convincing 3-0 win
against Southern Methodist
in their opening weekend, the
Wolverines traveled to New York,
where they lost convincingly to
Columbia, 3-0.
For a team that starts three
freshmen and three sophomores,
there has been a problem with
consistency in play.
"We're going through some
growth with our younger group,"
Daley said. "Every game 'is
extremely difficult. There's a lot
of parity in men's college soccer.
There are a lot of teams that are
formidable opponents. We need
to be competing at the high level
every match like we're capable
As Maryland looks to announce
itself in its first conference match,
there will be plenty of storylines
in this game.
But that shouldn't take away
from the fact that Maryland and
Michigan are two, programs
struggling to find their footing
and scoring touch in the new sea-
Friday will provide the chance
for both teams to do just that.
Colin McAtee and Michigan will host Big Ten newcomer Maryland on Friday.
M' looks to exact revenge wii'
For the Daily
As the Michigan women's soc-
cer teamopens the Big Ten season
this weekend against Minnesota
and No. 9 Wisconsin, the Wolver-
ines have revenge on their minds,
but it won't be easy.
Coming off a weekend with
two shutouts - 4-0 over Toledo
and 3-0 over Central Michigan
- that saw Michigan dominate
much of the possession and pace
of the match, the team is now
ready for its first conference
showdown of the year.
Minnesota, which comes to
town Friday, struggled the past
few years and should present an
even and competitive beginning
of conference play. The Golden
Gophers handed Michigan its
first Big Ten loss last season.
Michigan, which started nine
new players last weekend, doesn't
have much time to come together
before its firstd
against Wiscons
"We want to
time we step on
coach Greg
Ryan. "But
it does not
change our
because we've
got to continue
to make prog-
ress and we've
got a long ways
to go."
While Ryan
daunting battle
in on Sunday
compete every
the field," said
compete and win. Then, we'll
look at it and learn from it."
Given the team's lack of expe-
rience, Ryan views his squad as a
work in progress - one that may
not see success
right now, at
the beginning
"I'm sure they'll of the season.
The play-
grow into ers, though,
are much more
everything I hope confident about
the Wolver-
they w ill be." ines' chances
for immediate
"I'm actually
heartedly in this team. We all
have the same goals, we all want
the same thing from the season,
and that's to do our best and rep-
resent Michigan."
Hinz, one of the three fresh-
men in the starting lineup this
past weekend, says, while the
inexperience is undeniable, the
captains and the upperclassmen
are taking charge of the leader-
ship roles.
This group of fiery freshmen
will try to come together in time
to defeat the lofty competition of
the Big Ten, but their inexperi-
ence may be too much to over-
As the uncertainty swirls, we
won't see any answers until kick-
off comes Friday night. But Ryan
sees the potential for greatness in
his team.
"I'm not only confident, but
sure they'll grow into everything
I hope they will be," he said. "I
just don't know how soon."
Adam Liptak
Supreme Court correspondent of The New York Times
Wednesday, September 17
4:30 - 6:00 RM.
University of Michigan Law School
South Hall, Room 1225
reception immediately following in the Jeffries Lounge
is hopeful for the upcoming
weekend, he also understands
Minnesota is in a different situa-
"They don't have nine new
(starters)," he said. "I've got to
coach these guys to be the best
they can be right now and give
them the .best opportunity to
really confident we're going to
come out really hard this week-
end," said senior midfielder Jen
Pace. "This past weekend gave us
some more confidence going into
the Big Ten season, gave us the
momentum that we needed."
Added freshman goalkeeper
Megan Hinz: "I believe whole-