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September 11, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-11

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2A - Thursday, September 11, 2014

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2A - Thursday, September 11, 2014 The Michigan Daily -michigandailycom

Living in the Dark Ages

For a student, knowledge is power.
But that kind of power doesn't help
ity for a few days - and that's exactly
what happened to LSA junior Tucker
Schumacher and his five roommates.
Their power went out last Friday,
and they were subsequently stuck in
the dark for four days. Schumacher
had gone home for the weekend, and
though his roommates informed him

via text that they lost electricity, he
forgot about it until his return Mon-
day night.
"I went to my room, flipped on the
light switch and nothing happened,"
Schumacher said, adding that this
barred him from doing any work
there. "I had to go to the bathroom in
the dark. I had to shower in the dark.
Pretty much I had to do everything in
the dark"

The outage spared one working
outlet in the home, which meant that
all six roommates were forced to
share. Luckily, they had a power strip
handy to extend their device charging
capabilities and ultimately avoid any
Food also became an issue for the
students, Schumacher said, as their
stove would not work during the
power outage.

"I was forced to basically provide
BTB (Cantina) with their monthly
revenue by myself," he said. "They're
right next to our house. I mean, damn
it, it's good."
The loss of power was resolved
Tuesday, Schumacher said, and now
all is well. In fact, he found the experi-
ence illuminating.

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From Page 1A
high ranking should result in a more
dense applicant pool.
Even without extra applicants, the
University's residency programs are
extremely competitive. UMHS cur-

rently has 1,199 residents. This year, it
brought in 379 new residents, and Lyp-
son said UMHS usually takes between
300 and 400 per year. The number of
applicantsvaries from program to pro-
gram. In the internal medicine pro-
gram, only 1.5 percent of applicants
were acceptedfor the2014 cycle.
Most residencies last between

three and seven years, depending on
the specialty.
In spite of the potential benefits of
a larger applicant pool for the Univer-
sity and more information for medi-
cal students, Lypson did mention a
possible drawback to the rankings.
She said students may feel inclined
to apply to the top-ranked programs

rather than those that they feel would
best suit their needs.
"When you are trying to weigh so
many possibilities, one of the ways to.
shorten your list is to go to these rank-
ings to help you start to make some
decisions," she said. "Sometimes that
lessens a student's ability to really
make the best choice for themselves."

From Page 1A
which Democratic challenger Mark
Schauer and Republican Gov. Rick
Snyder have yet to accept invitations
to the same debate.
In the Senate race, Peters has
called for multiple televised debates
and has accepted invitations from
Michigan State University, WXYZ
and the League of Women Voters
along with the postponed WOOD-
TV debate, none of which Land has
replied to. The Peters campaign
announced Tuesday that Peters'
debate negotiator John Cherry, lieu-
tenant governor under Jennifer Gra-
nholm, would work to set up planning
meetings with Land and groups who
have offered to host debates.
"This is the first open U.S. Sen-
ate seat in over 20 years," said Zade
Alsawah, deputy communications
director for Peters' campaign. "And
that's why Gary feels it is so impor-
tant that Michiganders hear from
both candidates on the issues that
matter most."
The Senate seat Peters and Land
are competing for is currently held
by Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, who
announced last year that he would be
retiring and would not seek another

term. Levin has represented Michi-
gan for more than 30 years since win-
ning his first race in 1978.
Land spokeswoman Heather Swift
wrote in an e-mail that the campaign
is currently evaluating opportuni-
ties for debates. Following the Peters
event in Grand Rapids, Swift said he
has differences in his Congressio-
nal Record and campaign material
regarding issues such as equal pay,
immigration and outsourcing.
"It's only appropriate that Gary
Peters's first debate would be against
Gary Peters," Swift wrote. "Con-
gressman Gary and Candidate Gary
disagree on the issues that matter to
Aaron Kall, director of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Debate Team, said
when it came to the state Senate race,
it was unusual to see no debate in a
race without incumbents. He pointed
to Land's previous public speaking
experiences, however - she has most-
ly spoken from notes and in smaller
settings - asa potential explanation.
"Because there's no incumbent,
both candidates are going to be less
known by the public," Kall said.
"Debates, several of them, would give
both candidates the opportunity to
introduce themselves and make their
positions more clear."
In the 2012 U.S. Senate race, which

pitted incumbent Democratic Sen. the issues that affect them and their Kaufman,Erin Lennon,JakeLourimand JasonRubinstein
Debbie Stabenow against former U.S. families," Cunningham wrote. John Lynch and jplynchemichigandaily.com
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Holland), there The Schauer campaign announced EOIORATS E ITOR:: ia sasssmo, Natalie GadboisHika odnd
were no debates. In the 2010 guber- Wednesday that it had also formally A;O1"TAle S EDrITOn Jas ro,,,Jakso HadIliJkabdMdde
natorial election, Snyder and Demo- accepted invitations to debates from Thomas
cratic challenger Virg Bernero had one WXYZ, CBS Detroit and Michigan Teresa Mathew and
debate, as well as a joint event at the Public Television. PauhernManagig hotditors photo@michigandaily.com
SNOPHTEDTR:AllioFarrand and Ruby Wallau
Detroit Economic Club, a traditional The lack of debate this election ASSISTANTPHOTOEDITORS:KatherinePekela,VirginiaLozano,
SxslMcOenziesBs,,is, ad ihoasWllams,
forum forgubernatorial candidates. cycle is not unique to Michigan. JCa lGrMKenziezi s
Aside from the postponed WOOD- Nationwide, high-profile Senate races GabrielaVasquez Managingonigntdinan drsigs@nichigandaiy.om
TV debate, the Schauer and Snyder in Tennessee and Mississippi have SENIORDESIGNEDITORS:AmyMackensandAlicia Kovalcheck
campaigns have additionally been at also included no debates. In the New CarlinaDuan Magazine Editor statement@michigandaily.com
odds over a proposed debate at the York Democratic primary last week, ETATEMNTPOEOEDITOOR RubyWaadu r k
DEC. Both have accepted invitations incumbent Democratic Gov. Andrew STATEMENTLEADDESIGNER:AmyMackens
to hold an event at the club on the Cuomo, who has declined debating MarkOssolinskiand Meaghan
same day, but at different times. his closest opponent, called some SENIOROPYEDITORSMaramSheikhand David Nayey
Emily Benavides, communications debates a "disservice to democracy," Austen Hufford Online Editor ahufford@michigandaily.com
director of Snyder's campaign, wrote according to a report in The New SOCIALMEDIA E IBrannes~ons W
in an e-mail interview that the gover- York Times. BUSINESSSTAFF
nor offered two dates and times for Kall said the overall aversion to Madeline Lacey i.rityAouns Managr
the DEC event a month ago. debating in the current election cycle Ailie Steir classified Manager
"The ball is in Congressman could be a result of the increased SimonneKapadiaLocalAccountsManager
Schauer's court," Benavides wrote. scrutiny that has come to character- Lotus AnNationalAccounts Manager
"We look forward to discussing the ize public debates. Olivia Jones Production Managers
issues facing Michiganders and are "It's a cost-benefit analysis," he Nolan Loh special Projects Coordinator
proud of our record." said of a campaign's choice to engage Jason Anterasian Finance Manager
Schauer press secretary Cathy in debates. "Clearly, if you avoid
Bacile Cunningham wrote in an them, you're going to take some heat The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-67) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may
e-mail that the campaign is calling in the press, in the media, because bepickedupattheDalysofficefr2.Subscriptions forfalIterstaranginseptemberviau.s.malare$110.
for televised evening debates because the media is the host of a lot of these wn"t"rm'('an'' r''o'ghApri)s'15,yarlo(eptemberthrhl)is195Uni"s"y affil""ts
are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must
they are more accessible for the aver- debates, and so there may be a loss be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
age voter, politically there. But if the debate
"Voters have a big decision to make actually happens and you have a total
on Election 'ay, and they deserve to 'flop performance, then the voters are FOLLOW US @MICH IGANDAILY
know where each candidate stands on certainly goingto see that."



From Page 1A
their limousine for $50 pnd have
a Certificate of Authority, which
is a one-time fee of $300 with a
renewal fee of $50.
Uber Michigan Manager
Michael White said UberX driv-
ers are usually part-time driv-
ers who are students over 21 and
retirees trying to make money to
pay off student loans or pay bills.
White added that UberX driv-
ers have to pass federal, state
and county background checks, a
driving record review, a mechani-
cal vehicle inspection and online
safety training.
However, UberX drivers
use their own vehicles and are

required to have their own Michi-
gan insurance policy rather than
commercial insurance, which is
the center of the argument.
White said whenever an UberX
driver is transporting someone,
he or she is covered by Uber's
primary commercial insurance
policy, which includes $1 million
of liability insurance.
"Any time that that person is
actually providing transportation
to somebody, they are covered by
a commercial insurance policy
that meets or exceeds the state
requirements for a limousine and
is more than double the require-
ments for an Ann Arbor taxi,"
White said.
Michael Frezell, communica-
tions manager for the Michigan
Department of Transportation,

and John Heed, former chief
operating officer of Select Ride -
the parent company of Arbor Lim-
ousine and Yellow Car - argue
that UberX violates the Limou-
sine Transportation Act because
it does not require drivers to
have a chauffeur's license, acom-
mercial vehicle plate or full-time
commercial insurance.
According to MDOT, UberX
drivers can be pulled over by
police officers, pay a maximum
$500 fine and face imprisonment
Frezell also said UberX drivers
selectively using the commercial
insurance from Uber and their
personal insurance while trans-
porting individuals is putting the
driver at risk.
"Your own personal insurance
for your vehicle will state that if

you operate a vehicle ina for-hire
commercial basis, your policy is
not valid if you get into an acci-
dent," Frezell said.
Heed said by not having to pay
for a chauffeur's license, rideshar-
ing companies are at an economic
advantage compared to compa-
nies with commercially insured
"They can be cheaper because
they geta huge price advantage of
not obeying laws that are on the
books," Heed said.
When Uber came to the Detroit
area last year, MDOT notified the
company about the Limousine
Transportation Act by sending
them a letter in December. Frezell
said they have not received a
response from Uber.
"It's not like the company isn't

aware of the law," Frezell said.
White believes that Uber is not
breaking the law because the idea
of connecting riders and drivers
through technology was not con-
"The whole idea of what we're
doing was not even conceptual-
ized yet," White said. "That was
not written to address the type of
service we're providing asa tech-
nology company."
Councilmember Sally Petersen
(D-Ward 2), a sponsor of the reso-
lution passed last week, said the
first step in addressing these com-
panies is the operating agreement.
From the operating agreement,
she said she hopes state lawmak-
ers can recognize the significance
of this issue and draft legislation.
White said Uber is happy to

work with Michigan and its cit-
ies to draft legislation that would
emphasize the transparency of its
pricing and its quality of service.
"We're open to working with
both the state and the cities in
Michigan in order to put in place
regulations that would apply to
our service aslong as they provide
for economic development, pro-
vide for competition and provide
for consumer safety," White said.
However, Heed said UberX
needs to obey law as it has been
written - not as it suits them.4.
"Until the laws change, they
should comply with the law,"
Heed said. "If they are complying
with the law, there is no reason for
an operating agreement. If they
aren'tcomplying with the law, the
operating agreement is not legal."


From Page 1A
these training items."
In a statement, the University's
NROTC unit apologized for the

incident and said it resulted from
a break of standard operating
procedures and subsequent mis-
"One midshipman was in pos-
session of a rubberized, non-firing
training weapon," the statement

- -o5S

read. "Weunderstand the implica-
tions and optics of armed persons
appearing on college campuses
and the serious concern and
response caused ... The midship-
man should nothave attempted to
transport this equipment through
campus while on foot, out of uni-
form and formation."
The statement also said the
unit would "implement proce-
dures to ensure this mistake
does not recur." In addition,
Commander Scott Howell, exec-
utive officer of the University's
NROTC unit, said in an inter-
view that in a typical situation,
training weapons are transport-
ed ina less conspicuous manner,
which would avoid alarmingstu-
Howell said if NROTC stu-
dents or officers are not in uni-
form and in formation while
holding the training weapons,
the students are either in a van
or holding the weapon in bags or
cases around campus.
Kinesiology sophomore Vic-
toria Norris was in a lecture in
one of the Chemistry Building's
auditoriums when the first alert
went out. She said a student sit-

ring in the front of the class stood
up and showed the professor the
message, at which point, she said,
"everyone started kind of panick-
The students ultimately
worked together to turn off the
lights, shut down the projector,
silence their phones and shel-
ter themselves under desks and
between seats, she said.
Norris added that the students
neither saw nor heard anything
suspicious, and some hadn't even
received the emergency alert in
the first place. She received hers
solelyvia e-mail, even though she is
signed up to receive textwarnings.
"We had absolutely no idea,"
she said. "And actually, a lot of
people didn't get the alert until
minutes after it had already hap-
pened. I didn't get the alert until
about 10 minutes after they had
already cleared it.
"It was probably the scariest
thing that ever happened to me,"
Norris added.
Norris wasn't the only stu-
dent to receive delayed warn-
ings, an issue that Neumann said
"depends alot on the technologies

Inclement weather, service
providers and other related inter-
mediary systems were cited as
potential reasons for scattered
message receipt times, something
that Neumann said University
Police are constantly working to
Some students, including Nor-
ris, said the e-mail alerts were
significantly more delayed than
the texts. University Police said
e-mail is not expected to be the
primary mechanism for emer-
gency messaging as it is not the
fastest way to reach students.
Regardless, University Police said
the hope is that sending the mes-
sages over a variety of media will
reach a large area of the campus
"We're always trying to get
the best technology to help us
make those mass notifications,"
Neumann said. "We continue to
evaluate each emergency alert to
try and find ways to make it bet-
ter. In this case, we would say the
system worked."
LSA sophomore Eldar Hoessel,
an office assistant in the Housing
Information Office, agreed that
the system worked. The office is

stationed in the Student Activities
Building and went into lockdown
after Hoessel's boss received the
notification about a potential
"It was kind of shocking,
because no one really expects
that (to happen)," Hoessel said. "I
thought it was a good effort. I felt
pretty safe, just because I think
that thetiming of everything (was
good) in case it was actually areal
Though the notification sys-
tem appears to have been effec-
tive, Norris was concerned by the
content of the alert informing the
campus community once the situ-
ation was resolved.
"It was never clear as to what
actually happened," she said.
Though the information
became available onthe DPS web-
site, Norris felt that a text follow-
up would have been beneficial.
"If we got that text right away,
I would say 99 percent of students
are going to have their phones on
them, so it's going to be the quick-
est way to communicate with the
student body," she said.

420 Maynard at 7:30 p.m.

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