4A - Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom I C Mdcigan 4:at*g Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MEGAN MCDONALD and PETER SHAHIN DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Buying democracy Snyder introduces bill that reduces transparency in campaign donations n Dec. 27, 2013, Governor Rick Snyder signed a law that doubles the amount of campaign contributions individuals can donate. The law also solidifies non-disclosure laws that hide the names of individual and corporate donors from the public, inhibiting proper democratic oversight of the election process. Duringhis gubernatorial campaign, Snyder blasted the lax regulations on issue ads. He ran on the promise that he would force donors to reveal their identities as well as reduce the amount of spending in political campaigns. Transparency is crucial to the fair and democratic process of gov- ernment. Snyder and the Michigan legislature should introduce more legisla- tion increasing transparency, rather than promote non-disclosure. Bursting the Ann Arbor bubble ike clockwork, twice a year it happens: exams end sud- denly, winter break and summer vaca- tion begin just as abruptly and all of my Uni- versity friends from outside Metro Detroit leave ASAP to their respective homes. Those ALEXANDER who do hang HERMANN around for any period of time either imbibe themselves emphati- cally (somewhere between South U and Main Street, of course) or spend an unthinkable amount of time on the couch catching up on the latest Netflix offering, both as a means of numbing the mind following their undoubtedly roughest semester yet. And who can blame them, really? Exams are stressful. The weather sucks. And at home family and friends typically claim everyone's holiday time months in advance. But for me, this time serves as the perfect reminder that there's so much worth seeing in Metro Detroit, including things without equivalent in Ann Arbor, and even in the United States. Unfortunately, many University students rarely take advantage of this during their time here. Though you may have missed one perfect opportunity at the end of last semester, an equally good opportunity presents itself right now at the beginning of another. So, before another "worst-semes- ter-ever" really heats up, grab your nearest car-owning friend and burst the Ann Arbor bubble for the first time. Allow me to make a few recom- mendations: Middle Eastern Cuisine Of any community in Metro Detroit, Ann Arbor might have the best overall food options. From cheap college food and late-night options, to a wide-range of eth- nic (or ethnically inspired, in most cases) choices, to ing, Ann Arbor off everyone. But tha does all food equal Take Middle E example. Without options on- and of Arbor are of the they-are" variety. city of Dearborn, concentrated Arab munity in the Uni forty minutes eas The crucial stop ery on Warren Av Middle Eastern pa fee and even its o cream. From ther just Yelp your way better than anythi Arbor. That stratel last time in Dearb Al-Ameer res- taurant left- overs, just a couple blocks from Shatila, for days after eat- ing there for the first time over break. Detroit Considering I could - and have - devoted entire columns tc city of Detroit, I' gritty details and just a few recomm itously, there are e- for students not to with the Detroit C offering weekend< Detroit. For the uniniti Institute of Arts r class museum wit Bruegel the Eld Gogh and more. do in Detroit: Slor best barbecue yo ern challengers we Bell's, though it's Last Word for jazz Michigan Brewe I love Ann Arb much as the next g some finer din- ery, Grizzly Peak and Blue Tractor ers something for included. But only Wolverine State t doesn't mean it Brewing Company holds a candle to lly well. the larger stock of incredible Mich- Eastern food for igan breweries across the state. pointing fingers, Now, I won't ask you all to drive out f-campus in Ann to Kalamazoo, Bellaire or Grand "good-for-what- Rapids to try Bell's, Founder's and Fortunately, the Short's, respectively, especially with the highest considering their most prominent American com- beers are readily available locally, ted Sates, is just bottled and on tap. But you should t of Ann Arbor. definitely check out a few of the is Shatila Bak- closer, lesser-known options. enue that serves I'm admittedly a little biased con- stries, cakes, cof- sidering I grew up less than a mile wn brand of ice from Dragonmead Microbrewery in e, you can simply Warren, but it offers everything that to Lebanese food Wolverine State does, but way better. ng served in Ann You think Wolverine State is located gy paid off for my in an obscure, out of the way location orn, as I enjoyed off campus on West Stadium? Drag- onmead raises you an unmarked Before another "worst- building in an industrial com- semester-ever," burst plex adjacent to an expressway the Ann Arbor service drive. bubble for the first You think Wol- verine State's time. double-digit in- house taps are nice? This week's menu at Dragon- o discussing the mead offers 45 of its own brews on ll spare you the draft, each as delicious as the last leave with you If you're not up to going to War- endations. Fortu- ren, there is also Bastone Brewery. ven fewer reasons A solid brewery by itself, Bastone visit the city now is located in downtown Royal Oak, Center Connector within walking distance of a num- shuttle service to ber of other bars and restaurants in Royal Oak and, after only a five min- ated, the Detroit ute drive, Ferndale, probably the two emains a world- "trendiest" places outside Detroit h paintings from and Ann Arbor in Metro Detroit. er, Monet, van Classes are only just beginning, Other things to and despite your best-intentioned ws Bar BQ is the efforts to "get ahead," we both u'll find (South- know what's inevitable. So why not elcome) and Cliff make "syllabus week" an extension pricey, kills the of winter break, and check out some :. of what Metro Detroit has to offer? The new bill protects financial donors to issue ads by allowing them to do so without revealing their identities. Although issue ads don't specifically endorse a specific political candidate or proposal, the issue ads are overtly political. Theyusually attack a specific official's policy and can contain a line that tells viewers to proactively take a stance on the issue by vot- ing, calling political officials, etc. The ads have been highly successful in the past and some have even been labeled attack ads. The new law requires these ads to reveal the political group funding the ad, but it doesn't require identification of financial donors. This allows political groups to fund biased ads that may be damaging or factually-questionable without public repercussions. Groups that place robocalls and issue ads will be required to pro- vide an "authorized by" disclaimer, but those statements won't give any information about donors or support groups. Thenewlaw willnowdouble campaigndona- tionlimits, from $3,400 to $6,800 for candidates for statewide office, from $1,000 to $2,000 for candidates for state Senate, and to $1,000 from $500 for candidates for the state House. The limitswill increase slowlyovertime. Inthe 2010 gubernatorial race 99.992 percent of Michigan residents did not reach the limit for campaign donations. This will only allow more affluent Michigan residents to have a more powerful say in Michigan's gubernatorial race. This legislation also solidifies the non- disclosure laws that ensure the anonymity of donors to political issue ads. Unable to discern which individuals or what political groups may be paying thousands to push an agenda, voters participate in government without knowing which issues are promoted by special interests with a history of controversies with transpar- ency, including the New Energy to Reinvent and Diversify Fund, Snyder should be aiming to improve Lansing's transparency rather than further restricting public access to information. This new law is a complete turnaround from Snyder's platform position in2010,whenhe pub- lished an administrative report, which argued that the anonymity of political donors harmed Michigan voters. The publication argued that the combination of large political contributions and anonymous donorscreated a "perfect storm where citizens become disenfranchised with politics ... unable to follow who istryingto influ- ence policy and for what reasons." The expanded funding cap furthers the movement towards monetizing governmental policy by increasing access to the wealthiest of individuals. It promotes support for special interest groups and encourages a system where the most affluent citizens are able to heav- ily influence government policy and elections. Since the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court case, corporations and wealthy individuals have been able to donate ludicrous amounts of money in support or opposition of a candidate under their first amendment right. This creates a system in which candidates are focused on appealing to who may make the largest dbna- tions instead offocusingonthe people. Snyder's new law only further propels this trend toward buying officials, alienating the people from the democratic process. ries or's breweries as uy - Arbor Brew- - Alexander Hermann can be reached at aherm@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, James Brennan, Rima Fadlallah, Eric Ferguson, Nivedita Karki, Jordyn Kay, Jesse Klein, Kellie Halushka, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe Writing our conclusion JONATHAN HERSHAFF I A wolf in sheep's clothing Boom! Crash! 6 a.m.You wake up in your dorm the post-1967 occupation. Many individuals have room to loud explosions up and down the hall- grown up during that time period facing check- way. Youhave no idea what's going on, and natu- points, poverty and near-constant war without rally begin to panic. As you rush to the front door, ever having been alive duringthe pre-1967 wars. you notice a large flyer has been slipped under- It is grossly unfair and one-sided, however, to neath. It reads: highlight Israeli acts of war that have affected #MOCKROCKETFIRE. The explosions Palestinians while completely ignoring Pales- you've heard are not real and are not dangerous. tinian acts of war that have affected Israelis. They have been set up to raise awareness about Both Palestinian supporters and, I hope, objec- what life is like under the threat of thousands of tive observers would be absolutely correct to rockets being fired into Israel on a regular basis. condemn the hypothetical demonstration men- Later, you receive an e-mail from a member tioned at the beginning of this piece; likewise, I of the group responsible for the fake explosions, call on the University community to similarly listing a host of statistics and describing a one- condemn the demonstration carried out by the sided, hero-versus-villain battle in the Middle Students Allied for Freedom and Equality. East: 12,000 rockets and mortar shells fired into Hate needs to be called out whenever it is heavily populated urban centers in recent years, present. Is the Students Allied for Freedom and suicide bombers blowing up public buses and Equality a hate group, despite their euphemistic shoppingmalls,kidnappings, bombers from Gaza name, or did they simply gotoo far in this demon- using children as human shields toavoid counter- stration? Let's look at their actions. This group is attacks and more. willing to distort a conflictcompletely in order to Understandably, groups with ties to the Pal- create the perception that the only Jewish state estinian people and, more generally, fair-minded in the entire world is the sole villain in a conflict people would consider this demonstration to that is, at a minimum, over 65 years old and has be disingenuous and unfair at best, and hateful been subject to countless wars, nearly perpetual propaganda at worst. The demonstration and violence,under constantthreatofattack and sub- subsequent communications depict one side as ject to its neighbors continuing cry for its anni- evil warmongers while the other side is simply hilation. Do Palestinian refugees face hardships? the victim. Absolutely. But, one might ask, how was this A group called Students Allied for Freedom conflict chosen among others? If SAFE cares so and Equality - a euphemistic name that would much about refugees worldwide, where are the make George Orwell proud - sent outmock evic- demonstrations for the 2 million refugees from tion notices to hundreds of University students Syria or the more than 300,000 people displaced living in dorms and emailed just about every in Darfur between January and May 2013 alone? mailing list they could find to cite statistics on I absolutely do not claim that Israel has been the demolition of housing in the West Bank by an innocent bystander in this conflict and do not Israeli forces. They provide the count of demoli- make claims that one side is "more innocent" or tions since 1967 as well as inflammatory econom- "more guilty" than another in aggregate. Given ic "reasons" for them, compare Israel to the era the endless cycle of violence and retaliation, it's of apartheid in South Africa, and depict Israelis easy for both sides to claim that their actions are as war criminals. All this, while conveniently only responses to injustices imposed upon them neglecting to mention the hundreds of suicide bythe other side. What I do claim is thatorgani- bombers and thousands of rockets fired into zations seeking to depict this decades-long con- Israel by Palestinians over the same time period, flict as one-sided, with one hero and one villain, as well as the recurring attacks on Israel's UN- are disingenuous at best, and at worst, purveyors defined borders in 1948, 1957 and again in 1967 of hate-filled propaganda. We are privileged to leading up to the current occupation. They call live in a country where everyone - including the the forced evictions "war crimes" while ignor- members of SAFE - has a right to free, speech. ing that Palestinian targeting of civilian popula- However, we also have a rightto call these groups tion centers for rocket fire and use of children as out for what they truly are: a hateful wolf hiding human shields by those firing the rockets have behind a sheep's name. Around this time last year, will be packing u I thought I'd be ready. I ing in to places oft thought I'd be ready to paintmaybebrigh close the books, may be cleaner, wi bid farewell to we left behind. the corners of Many of us exi this place we between the fre made our own money and the h and move on. I time. Our part-tim thought I'd be jobs may not have ready for a new in Ann Arbor, and city and the next look forward to th phase. Now, I ARA port ourselves an can feel myself MOROSI pursue our interes holding tight- four years, we have ly on to every at the office 40+1 piece of college did have the freed that I can. For many of us seniors, time if we chose to May won't mark goodbye forever. night treks to the We'll keep in touch with friends and fee shops, where we'll come back to Ann Arbor. But procrastination the inescapable truth is that in four with friends months, the meaning of this place seemed like a will change. Though some will stay, better idea than many will not, forcing the last four studying for years we spent together into a time that exam. Some capsule that can be revisited but not nights we'd relived. While I still find excitement ditch the books in looking forward, the impending altogether and end of college is making it increas- choose trivia at ingly difficult to imagine reaching Charley's, kara- the end of this chapter. oke at Lep or a over the last four years, many of shark bowl at us have lived in beat-up, off-campus Rick's. Pretty soot houses with a group of our closest ing real full-time j friends. Through that experience, the days when d along with the laughs, we learned nights was accepta a lot about how people operate. We The past four learned to take pride in calling a fairly predictable house a home, no matter how much tracks were set, on paint was chipping from the walls or We chose the pe what you imagined tobe soaked into ourselves with. V the carpet. Before long, many of us this place like the1 ip oul ite :pei e& Ere( ne, g( I i he nd sts. ,en' ho doi o, v so n v job Irii abl "yl e. cur boxes and mov- Despite the pressure to succeed in .r own. While the our competitive environment, our ra andthe carpets world here becamefamiliarand 11 miss the homes comfortable. We parted ways for the summers, knowing we always had 'rienced the pull the fall. Most of us have never been dom of having here before - at a crossroad where edom of having we can't look a year - let alone four ,minimum wage - ahead and know exactly where otten us very far we'll be. We can look at it as scary imagine all of us and really exciting. I've come to real- day we can sup- ize it's OK to view it as both. have money to I assume that all of us can look . But for the past back over the past few years and see 't had to show up the things we wish we would have ours a week. We done - the decisions we wish we :m to work over- had made, as well as the oneswe did which meant late make, but wish we hadn't. To some ibraries and cof- degree, speculation of the paths we ometimes a little chose is inevitable. More reveal- ing though, is to look back and remember the I can feel myself things we did do - the choices holding tightly onto we made that led us to some of the every piece of college most important people in our that I can. lives, or taught us some of the most important lessons. And the we'll all be work- best part is, it isn't over. Graduating bs. Lest we forget seniors - we have one semester left nking on week- to do our best to make up for any le. lost time along the way. All good rears have been things must come to an end, but we Our academic aren't there quite yet. Let's give this weekends filled. chapter a good ending. eople to surround We came to know back of our hands. - Sara Morosi can be reached at smorosi@umich.edu. ... the South Pole this morning is 6 below. That means places like Chicago, Detroit ... are colder than the South Pole. - Meteorologist Tom Kines at AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania in an interview with Bloomberg on Tuesday Jan. 7. alsobeenlabeled war crimes. Reasonable observers of the conflict do not deny Palestinian suffering and hardship during Jonathan Hershaff is a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics. r I A: I