2 - Friday, January 10, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2 - Friday, January10, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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UPPER LEFT Tourists follow
their guide in a single-file line
along one of the paths of Perito
Moreno Glacier in Argentina.
LOWER LEFT A passersby
admires the view of the Space
Needle through the public art
at Waterfront Park in August
2012. (PAUL SHERMAN/Daily)
RIGHT A squirel searches for
food during the snowstorm
Tuesday. Ann Arbor was hit
with a snowstorm that started
Sunday afternoon, making it
difficult for many students to
return for Wednesday classes.
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Arts Section
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Katie Burke Managing Editor
JenniferCalfas ManagingNews Editor
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letters to the Editor
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Bullet catch Music: Moun-
WHERE: University
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 5:20 p.m.
WHAT: A patient spit on
a nurse in the emergency
room, University Police,
reported. The nurse was
Pipes need a
warm hug
WHERE: Northwood IV
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 8:50 a.m.
WHAT: A resident woke
to a burst pipe and much
water, University Police
reported. Significant dam-
age was reported.
WHAT: A stunt that has
killed at least 12, so danger-
ous even Houdini refused to
attempt it: theatrical magi-
cian Rob Drummond will
try a bullet catch. Tickets
are $40.
WHO: University Musical
WHEN: Today, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Walgreen Drama
Stolen glasses, Christmas gifts
found unstolen swindledS
tam Heart
WHAT: A high energy,
six-member band that syn-
thesizes the sounds of rock,
country, blues, jazz, folk and
bluegrass will perform.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Today, 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark
piano recital
WHAT: Brian Locke will
perform a free piano recital.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: 8 p.m.
WHERE: Walgreen Drama
Center, Stamps Auditorium
" Please report any
error in the Dailyto
. U
A DUI report in Penn-
sylvania quickly turned
dirty after a hospital
x-ray found a large amount of
stolen jewelry in a suspect's
rectum, Gawker reported.
Necklaces, bracelets, 11 ladies
rings and a socket wrench
were pulled from his anus.
The women's basket-
ball team won its 11th
consecutive game
when leading at halftime
this season, beating Wiscon-
sin 70-62 in its conference
home opener.
To the surprise of few,
half of the members of
Congress are million-
aires, Open Secrets reported.
A study by nonprofit Center
for Responsive Politics dis-
covered at least 268 of 534
members were worth ,an.
average of $1 million in-2012
SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Ian Dillingham, Sam Gringlas, Will Greenberg, Rachel Premack
and Stephanie Shenouda
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Allana Akhtar, Yardain Amron, Hillary Crawford, Amis
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SENIOSPOS E DInTORoSMax Cohen, AlexaDetebcnph, Raja Khane, Jerney unnit
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Lev Facher, Danilelldman, Simon KaufmanErin
Lennon,JakeLourimand JasonRubinstein
John Lynch and jpynych@mchigandaitycoan
AkshaySe"h ManagingArtsEditors aksehichigandaitycom
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Giancarlo Buonomo, Natalie Gadbois, Erika Harwood and
sSISnnNT ARTS EDITORS: Jamie Bircoll, Jackson Howard, Gillian Jakab and Midde
Teresa Mathew and
Paul Sherman Managing PhototEditors photo@michigandaily.com
cSNOReOnOEDnnOoS: ParickcBarronansuyWallau
Carolyn Gearig and
Gabriela Vasquez ManagingDesign Editors design@michigandaily.com
SENIOR DESIGN EDITORS: Amy MackensandAliciaKovalcheck
Carlina Daan MagazineTEditor statement@micigandaily.com
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Amal Muzaffar Digital Accounts Manager
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Olivia JonesLayoutManager
The Michigan Daily (tsN 0745-%) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan One copy is available free of charge to alreaders. Additional copies may
afttr; ern rr naryrth oughp:: s11> , yearing (September through April)is $195sunivsity afiiates
aresutoard *aitnr*n'amussuscript"onsfara"r e$Ssscrtnmst
WHERE: University
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 10 a.m.
WHAT: Sunglasses initial-
ly reported stolen from a
valet-parked car on Dec. 31
were located by the owner,
University Police reported.
WHERE: School of Den-
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 2:20 p.m.
WHAT: Two gift cards of
unknown value and speci-
ficity were stolen from a
desk drawer during winter
break, University Police
WHAT: Taubman College
graduate students unveil
research and projects pro-
posed as "earth observato-
WHO: Taubman graduate
WHEN: Today, 9 a.m. to 5
WHERE: Ruthven Muse-
ums Building
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Texting connected to
certain health benefits
Christie apologizes for
staff's 'stupid' behavior
Researchers discover
weight, other issues
aided by text alerts
Daily StaffReporter
The text message has changed
the face of social interactions and
business operations around the
globe. Today, approximately 2.4
billion cellular device consum-
ers use texting, demonstrating its
massive capacity for outreach.
Now researchers are discover-
ing the potential health benefits
this phenomenon may produce.
In a new trial study, Lorraine
R. Buis, an assistant professor
in the Department of Family
Medicine, found text messaging
programs can be successful in
helping people track their weight
and manage health problems.
"I have great interest in under-
standing how people can use the Cincinnati. The results showed
devices that they already use in very few differences between the
their daily life and how those two communities. Approximately
devices can be used to help man- 30 percent of the participants
age and improve health," Buis completed the 14-week program.
said. "The messages really focused
Buis and her colleagues ana- on things like physical activity,
lyzed a government-subsidized diet, links to local resources and
texting service, txt4health. The other things of that sort," Buis
free mobile program sent partici- said.
pants customized, automatic texts When participants texted the
in an effort to make them more word "health" to a phone code, the
aware of their diabetes risk levels, program responded with a survey
and encourage them to make life- of questions via text. The survey
style changes. assessed almost 2,000 individu-
The program was federally als' risk for Type 2 diabetes and,
funded in 17 communities by the once completed, provided them
Office of the National Coordina- with a risk profile. Subsequently,
tor for Health IT, or Health Infor- the program sent them custom-
mation Technology. Three of the ized text messages for 14 weeks.
communities - Detroit, Cincin- "Ifyouwere considered to be at
nati and New Orleans - piloted highriskfordiabetes,youreceived
txt4health to explore how "health messages from one pool, whereas
IT" like a texting program could if you were low risk, or ifyou never
influence patient care. completed your risk assessment,
Buis and her colleagues evalu- you received messages from a dif-
ated the program in Detroit and ferent pool," Buis said.
Roughly 74 percent of partici-
pants completed the diabetes risk
assessment, 89 percent tracked
their weight and 55 percent
reported participation in physi-
cal activity at least one time dur-
ing the program.
Buis and her colleagues sur-
6 2 veyed161tparticipants. The survey
results overwhelmingly showed
9 7 individuals' attention to health
improved when using program.
While it was not surprising
that the people who took the time
to complete the survey were the
7 ones who responded positively,
Buis said the program's approach
5 6 still proved successful.
"I can tell you that people used
it, and I can tell you that people
said that they changed their
behavior, but more work needs to
8 be done to establish the efficacy
of these types of programs," Buis
With the stronger evidence
provided by the trial, Buis said
she is confident these types of
programs will be used frequently
in the future to improve health as
communication technology con-
tinues to influence patient care.
N.J. Gov. denies
involvement in
traffic scandal
Republican Gov. Chris Chris-
tie fired one of his top aides
on Thursday and apologized
repeatedly for his staff's "stupid"
behavior, insisting during a near-
ly two-hour news conference that
he had no idea anyone around
him had engineered traffic jams
as part of a political vendetta
against a Democratic mayor.
"I am embarrassed and humil-
iated by the conduct of some of
the people on my team," Christie
said as he addressed the widen-
ing scandal, which could cast a
shadow over his expected run for
the White House in 2016.
The famously blunt governor
fielded dozens of questions from
reporters with uncharacteristic
patience and at times a sorrow-
ful tone.
Christie, who had previously
assured the public that his staff
had nothing to do with the Sep-
tember lane closings that caused
major backups at the George
Washington Bridge, said he fired
Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget
Anne Kelly "because she lied to
me" when he demanded weeks
ago that anyone who knew any-
thing about the episode come
The gridlock in Fort Lee
delayed emergency vehicles,
school buses and countless com-
muters for four days.
Kelly was the latest casualty in
the scandal. Two other top Chris-
tie appointees have resigned in
the past few weeks.
The investigation broke wide
open on Wednesday, with the
release of emails and text messag-
es that suggested Kelly arranged
the traffic jams to punish Fort
Lee's mayor for not endorsing
Christie for re-election.
In other developments:
- The chief federal prosecutor
in New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Paul
Fishman, said he is "reviewing
the matter to determine whether
a federal law was implicated."
The Legislature also is investi-
gating. Using public resources
for political ends can be a crime.
Democratic Connecticut Gov.
Dannel P. Malloy, a former pros-
ecutor and mayor, said there was
"no doubt" a crime was commit-
- David Wildstein, a Christie
appointee who resigned from the
Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey after being impli-
cated in the scandal, was found
in contempt by a legislative com-
mittee on Thursday after he
invoked his Fifth Amendment
right against self-incrimination
and refused to answer questions.
The Port Authority operates the
-bridge and other area bridges
and transit hubs.
- Christie traveled to Fort
Lee later in the day and apolo-
gized in person to Mayor Mark
Sokolich. Christie said they had
a "productive meeting," and
Sokolich told The Record news-
paper the governor had taken "a
big step" toward regaining the
trust of Fort Lee's residents.
- Six state residents, though,
filed a federal lawsuit against
Christie, the state, the Port
Authority and others, call-
ing the traffic jams "deliberate
The political-payback allega-
tions turned a local traffic furor
into a national issue and raised
questions about Christie's lead-
ership and integrity as he lays
the groundwork for a White
House bid. Democrats at the
national level have seized on the
scandal as more evidence that
Christie is a bully.
The governor brushed off
questions about the effect on his
presidential prospects, saying he
was too busy governing the state
to think about that.
"I am absolutely nowhere
near beginning that consider-
ation process," he said."Ihaven't
even been sworn in for my sec-
ond term yet"
Afterward, some political
analysts on both sides of the
aisle said Christie would prob-
ably pull through OK - provided
there are no more surprises.
Democratic operative David
Axelrod complimented Chris-
tie for handling the news con-
ference "as well as he could,"
writing on Twitter: "Unless
smoking gun turns up tying him
to scheme, or others arise, he
lives 2 fight another day."
Besides firing Kelly, Chris-
tie cut ties to former campaign
manager Bill Stepien, askinghim
to withdraw a bid to become the
next state GOP chairman. The
governor said he was disturbed
by the "callous indifference" dis-
played by Stepien in the emails
released Wednesday.
Stepien had widely been seen
as a potential campaign manager
for Christie if he runs for presi-
Christie said he is still looking
into the traffic jam episode and
will take action against other
senior staff members if it is war-
Over and over, Christie took
responsibility for the affair by
virtue of his role as governor
while simultaneously blaming
his staff for doing something
"stupid" and for not telling him
the truth when he asked.
He said he saw the emails and
text messages for the first time
on Wednesday and was "blind-
sided" by what he read and out-
raged by the callous language.
He said he was left "heartbro-
ken" and "betrayed" by his
tight-knit circle of advisers.
"I had no knowledge or
involvement in this issue, in its
planning or execution," Chris-
tie said of the lane closings.
"And I am stunned by the abject
stupidity that was shown here."
Kelly hasn't commented.
Christie said he hadn't spoken
to her or asked to hear her side
of the story since the emails
were released, saying he didn't
want to be accused of trying to
influence a possible witness.