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January 13, 2014 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-01-13

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, January 13, 2014 - 3A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, January13, 2014 - 3A

Woman allows
her child to drive,
receives probation
A southeastern Michigan
woman has received probation
for letting her 9-year-old son
drive around their neighbor-
Thirty-three-year-old Leah
Jaglowski pleaded guilty Nov. 19
to allowing an unlicensed minor
to drive. In exchange, a charge of
contributing to the delinquency
of a minor is being dismissed.
Lenawee County District
Judge L. Suzanne Geddes on
Thursday sentenced Jaglowski
on one year's probation, telling
her the action was "quite neg-
ligent" and more than just bad
Water tainted by
coal companies in
West Virginia
For Bonnie Wireman, the
white plastic bag covering her
kitchen faucet is a reminder that
she can't drink the water.
The 81-year-oldwomanplaced
it there after forgetting several
times the tap water was tainted
after a coal processing chemical
leaked into the area's water sup-
ply. Every time she turned on the
water, she quickly stopped and
cleaned her hands with peroxide
- just to make sure she was safe.
The widow of a coal miner,
Wireman was angered about the
chemical spill that's deprived
300,000 West Virginians of
clean tap water for four days, but
doesn't blame the coal or chemi-
cal industries.
Christie believes
controversy won't
affect future goals
Prominent Republicans leapt
to GOP Gov. Chris Christie's
defense on Sunday, insisting
that an ongoing traffic scandal
wouldn't ruin any presidential
ambitions, while Democrats say
it's difficult to believe such a
hands-on manager knew noth-
ing about a plan by a top aide to
close lanes at a bridge into New
York City.
Politicians from both sides
of the aisle took to the Sunday
talk shows to debate the fallout
from the traffic jams near the
George Washington Bridge in
September and any role Chris-
tie may have played. Documents
show Christie's aides appeared
to engineer lane closures at the
heavily traveled bridge for polit-
ical retribution.
Republican National Com-
mittee Chairman Reince Prie-
bus told NBC's "Meet the Press"
Christie could move past the
scandal and still win support
from primary voters in the 2016
presidential race.

Nuclear program
to be open to daily
inspection in Iran
Iran has agreed to limit ura-
nium enrichment and to open
its nuclear program to daily
inspection by international
experts starting Jan. 20, set-
ting the clock running on a
six-month deadline for a final
nuclear agreement, officials
said Sunday.
In exchange, the Islamic
Republic will get a relaxation
of the financial sanctions that
have been crippling its econo-
The announcement that Iran
and six world powers had agreed
on the plan for implementing
an interim agreement came
first from Iranian officials and
was later confirmed elsewhere.
Some U.S. lawmakers have been
leery of the agreement, calling
for tougher sanctions against
Iran, rather than any loosening
of controls.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

Court to rule on
abortion clinics as
a protest-free zone

Members of the Knesset guard carry the coffin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the Knesset plaza, in
Jerusalem on Sunday.
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Israelis pay final tribute
to former Prime M in ise

Sharon guided Israel
through 1982 war
with Lebanon
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israelis
from all walks of life flocked to
parliament Sunday to catch a
glimpse of Ariel Sharon's coffin
and pay their final respects to
the iconic former prime minis-
ter and general.
A stream of visitors rang-
ing from former army com-
rades to political allies - to
citizens who only knew him
from afar remembered Sharon
as a decisive leader, for better
or for worse, and one of the final
heroes of Israel's founding gen-
"Words escape me. He was
just a man who was larger than
life," said a choked-up Shlomo
Mann, 68, who served under
Sharon's command in the 1973
Mideast war. "Those who didn't
know him from up close can't
truly understand what a legend
he was. There will never be any-
one else like him."
The 85-year-old Sharon died
Saturday eight years after a
devastating stroke left him in a
In a career that stretched
across much of Israel's 65-year
existence, his life was closely
intertwined with the country's
history. He was a leader known

for his exploits on the battle-
field, masterminding Israel's
invasion of Lebanon, building
Jewish settlements on war-
won land and then, late in life,
destroyingsome thathe deemed
no longer useful when he with-
drew from the Gaza Strip.
As one of Israel's most
famous generals, the man
known as "Arik" was renowned
forbold tactics and an occasion-
al refusal to obey orders. To his
supporters, he was a war hero;
to his critics, a war criminal.
As prime minister late in life,
he was embraced by the public
as a grandfatherly figure who
provided stability in times of
"Arik was, first and foremost,
a warrior and a commander,
among the Jewish people's
greatest generals in the cur-
rent era and throughout its his-
tory," Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, a fierce political
rival of Sharon, in the Likud
Party, said Sunday. "I think he
represents the generation of
Jewish warriors that arose for
our people upon the resumption
of our independence."
President Shimon Peres -
a lifelong friend and rival -
and former Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert, who succeeded
Sharon after the 2006 stroke,
were among those who paused
before the closed flag-draped
coffin displayed in a plaza in

front of the Knesset and sur-
rounded by an honor guard.
But the event was mostly an
occasion for everyday Israelis
to honor him.
With tears streaking behind
dark sunglasses, 44-year-old
Anat Amir said she felt com-
pelled to bid farewell.
"These are tears of pain and
parting but also joy in a way for
him since now he can finally
rest," she said. "He was a leader
you could count on, someone
you could trust. He looked into
the future, relied on the expe-
rience of the past and had the
courage to make tough deci-
sions and carry them out."
Norman Zysblat, 64, called
Sharon a "hero of Israel," whose
death left the 90-year-old Peres
as perhaps the last remnant
of Israel's greatest generation.
He recalled crossing the Suez
Canal in 1973 under Sharon's
command, a move widely seen
as turning a war against Egypt
and Syria in Israel's favor.
"I saw and felt firsthand the
strength he gave the soldiers.
He was the one who pushed
ahead and provided the spirit,"
Zysblat said. "He was one of
the greats. When the history of
Israel is written, he will be in
the first row."
News of Sharon dominated
Israeli newspapers. Israel's
three main television stations
all broadcast the memorial live.

Similar case upheld
in 2000 Supreme
Court decision
BOSTON (AP) - Eleanor
McCullen clutches a baby's
hat knit in pink and blue as
she patrols a yellow semicircle
painted on the sidewalk outside
a Planned Parenthood health
clinic on a frigid December
morning with snow in the fore-
The painted line marks 35
feet from the clinic's entrance
and that's where the 77-year-old
McCullen and all other abortion
protesters and supporters must
stay under a Massachusetts law
that is being challenged at the
U.S. Supreme Court as an uncon-
stitutional infringement on free
speech. Arguments are set for
Outside the line, McCullen
and others are free to approach
anyone with any message they
wish. They risk arrest if they get
closer to the door.
With her pleasant demean-
or and grandmotherly mien,
McCullen has become the
new face of a decades-old fight
between abortion opponents
asserting their right to try to
change the minds of women
seeking abortions and abortion
providers claiming that patients
should be able to enter their
facilities without being impeded
or harassed.
In 2000, the Supreme Court
upheld a different buffer zone in
Colorado in a decision that some
free speech advocates, who also
support abortion rights, heavily
criticized. Noted First Amend-
ment lawyer Floyd Abrams
recently called the decision in
Hill v. Colorado "what may well
be the most indefensible First
Amendment ruling so far this
The three dissenters in that
case - Justices Anthony Kenne-
dy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence
Thomas - remain on the court.
They have been joined by Chief
Justice John Roberts and Justice
Samuel Alito, who may be will-
ing to provide the two additional
votes in support of the protest-
McCullen and other abortion
opponents sued over the limits
on their activities at Planned
Parenthood health centers
in Boston, Springfield and
Worcester. At the latter two
sites, the protesters say they
have little chance of reaching
patients arrivingby car because
they must stay 35 feet from the
entrance to those buildings'
parking lots.
Planned Parenthood pro-
vides health exams for women,
cancer screenings, tests for
sexually transmitted diseases,
birth control and abortions at
the clinic, although on this day
Boston clinic employees said no
abortions were performed.
McCullen doesn't know which
services arriving patients are

seeking, but she said that women
arriving with someone else usu-
ally are about to have an abortion
because they need a ride home.
Sometimes McCullen is able
to start a conversation before a
woman reaches the yellow line.
Protesters can usually be close
by when people emerge from
But when a couple approached
from the opposite way, McCul-
len could only call out to them.
"There's so much help available.
Can we just talk for five min-
utes?" she said.
The man and woman showed
no reaction and entered the
clinic unimpeded.
"This is what we have to deal
with," McCullen said, on the
first of two days in mid-Decem-
ber on which she spoke with an
Associated Press reporter out-
side the Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood work-
ers and state officials said that
the buffer zone has reduced
significantly the harassment
of patients and clinic employ-
ees. Before the 35-foot zone
went into effect in 2007, pro-
testers could stand next to the
entrance and force patients to
squeeze by, said Marty Walz,
president and CEO of Planned
Parenthood League of Mas-
sachusetts. While in the state
House, Walz was the lead spon-
sor of the law.
Walz said safety is para-
mountforpatients and her staff.
Other than Walz, people at the
clinic refused to have their
faces photographed because
they fear anti-abortion activists
would post the pictures online.
Clinic director Cheryl Sacks
said she is granted a special
registration status for her car
to keep the information private.
The concern about safety is
not theoretical. In 1994, a gun-
man killed two receptionists and
wounded five employees and vol-
unteers at a Planned Parenthood
facility and another abortion
clinic in nearby Brookline.
The most recent killing was
in 2009, when Dr. George Til-
ler, who performed abortions,
was shot in a church in Wichita,
"We're concerned for patient
and staff safety if the current
law is overturned," Walz said.
Mark Rienzi, the Catholic
University law professor who
represents the protesters, said
there has not been a document-
ed case of violence at a Massa-
chusetts clinic since the 1994
"The idea that someone
like that will be deterred by a
painted line on the ground is
nonsensical," he said. "In the
meantime, you shouldn't be
able to use that to stop women
from being offered these other
options. As a practical matter,
that's what happens."
Other state and federal laws
already protect health center
workers and patients, as well as
access to clinics, Rienzi said.

'Sister Wives' reality TV stars
react to cohabitation decision

Federal judge ruled
in Dec. that family
could cohabitate
There was no fist-pumping or
wild celebrations by the polyga-
mous family that stars in the
TLC reality TV show "Sister
Wives" when a federal judge in
Utah struck down key parts of
the state's polygamy laws.
In an interview with The
Associated Press, Kody Brown
and his four wives said they
felt humbled and cried when
they heard in mid-December
the judge ruled in their favor in
a lawsuit they brought against
Utah in July 2011 after they fled
the state for Las Vegas under
the threat of prosecution.
"The first thing I thought
about was all those families
that for 100 years had lived and
loved in obscurity, just in secre-
cy," said Kody Brown in a phone
interview from Las Vegas. "Not
being able to claim their family
or openly love one another."
Kody and his wives - Meri,
Janelle, Christine and Robyn
- said they hope the landmark
ruling stands and enables other
polygamous families in Utah to
live open and free without fear-
ing prosecution.
"It's been incredible not hav-
ing to live in fear anymore and
being able to fully claim who
we are," said Christine Brown,
Kody's third wife. "We wish
that for every plural family out
The Utah attorney general's
office has not yet decided if
they will appeal the ruling, said
spokesman Ryan Bruckman.
The state's new attorney gen-
eral, Sean Reyes, has been in

office for less than two weeks.
Jonathan Turley, the
Browns' Washington, D.C.-
based attorney, said he's been
told Utah will appeal. He said
he's eager to defend the rul-
ing before the 10th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals.
U.S. District Judge Clark
Waddoups said in the decision
handed down on Dec. 13 that a
provision in Utah's bigamy law
forbidding cohabitation with
another person violated the
First Amendment, which guar-
antees the freedom of religion.
The ruling decriminalizes
polygamy, but bigamy - hold-
ing marriage licenses with
multiple partners - is still
illegal. Utah's law was consid-
ered stricter than the laws in
49 other states because of the
cohabitation clause. If the rul-
ing stands, Utah's law would be
identical to most other states
that prohibit people from hav-
ing multiple marriage licenses.
In most polygamous families in
Utah, the man is legally married
to one woman but only "spiritu-
ally married" to the others.
There are an estimated
38,000 fundamentalist Mor-
mons who practice or believe in
polygamy, most living in Utah
and other Western states.
Polygamy is a legacy of the
early teachings of the Mormon
church but has no place in mod-
ern Mormonism, church offi-
cials said in a statement. The
Salt Lake City-based Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints abandoned polygamy in
1890 and it strictly prohibits the
practice today for its 15 million
members worldwide.
Though some have correlat-
ed the Browns fight to decrimi-
nalize polygamy with efforts
to legalize gay marriage, the

Browns don't see the two as
being the same.
"Though we support the
choices of other people orga-
nizing their families however
they choose, our argument has
always been very different,"
Kody Brown said. "What we've
been looking for is simply to live
free and to be able to live our
religion without the threat of
The family says they never
intended to challenge Utah's
polygamy law in court when
they decided to do the show.
Janelle Brown, Kody's second
wife, said they wanted to dis-
pel the negative stereotype of
polygamous families.
"We were tired of Warren
Jeffs being the only image peo-
ple had of polygamy," she said.
One of the most infamous
polygamists, Warren Jeffs, is
serving a life sentence in Texas
for sexually assaulting two
underage girls he considered
his brides. Jeffs still rules a sect
of fundamentalist Mormons on
the Utah-Arizona border from
The Browns are now liv-
ing in four new houses in a Las
Vegas cul-de-sac. That's where
TLC films episodes of the show,
which debuted in 2010 with
footage of the family at their
house in northern Utah.
But despite an arrangement
that looks comfortable, Kody
Brown said they miss living
in the large house they called
home in Utah. In fact, they miss
Utah dearly.
They said leaving the state
has left many scars for them
and their children. They fled in
January 2011 after local pros-
ecutors opened a criminal big-
amy investigation after the first
episodes aired.

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