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January 16, 2014 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-01-16

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the b


The Michigan Daily I michigandaily.com I Thursday, January 16, 2014


Tau man's
Architecture School a nexus of disciplines

charismatic and really opened my
vorld of architecture. I learned how
faculty were at this college."
students know about the Taubman
rchitecture, but given the quality of
, they're missing out.
rgraduates, Taubman's Bachelor of
irchitecture is a two-year pre-pro-
ogram beginning junior year. The
process includes review of a cre-
lio and assessment of grades. First
:s focus heavily on design and must
g classes.
io single class that can simulate the
and breadth of a Taubman educa-
ssociate Prof. Harris, who teaches
:tory drawing classes. "But I think

our pre-architecture classes together give stu-
dents a sense of Taubman's theme. They're sort
of like a litmus test - if you have a personal-
ity that needs to know if something is right or
wrong, Taubman may be tough. It doesn't hide
from the fact that problems are multifaceted
with many solutions, so you have to be really
flexible in your thinking."
Drawing classes typically build on a series of
exercises. Students may be asked to draw a sea-
shell placed before them, or a wood block - and
then again with fewer lines. Rather than merely
learn how to draft, the goal of the classes is to
teach students to question their work.
"If you draw a particular subject 20 times, you
don't see it the same way anymore. Students
finish the semester with the analytical tools to
view their environment with completely dif-
ferent eyes," Harris said.
See ARCH, Page 3B



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