4A - Thursday, January 16, 2014 i f The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MEGAN MCDONALD and PETER SHAHIN DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Life after parole Michigan bill will certify parolee employment eligibility In recent years, Michigan parolees have faced tremendous difficulty gradually re-integratinginto society. Specifically, many ex-convictshave endured trouble in attaining employment - one of the most important steps to prevent recidivism. From 2001 to 2012, Michigan encountered a 30 percent decline in parolee employment . With tarnished reputations, these parolees are stigmatized by past criminal activity that may not be indicative of their current capabilities or work ethic. To address the employment crisis among former inmates, Michigan legislators are prepared to install a bill package that issues a certificate of employment for eligible parolees. The state should not delay the bill's passage, as it would help alleviate the problems faced by former convicts. A profession in crisis Almost a decade ago, a sin- gle question completely changed my life. Sitting in my catechism classroom with a dozen other 5th graders, we had just finished discussing some Biblical story and the instruc- JAMES tor was taking BRENNAN a short break to transition to our next subject. I raised my hand and she called on me. "How do we know any of this is real?" I asked. This question was not some type of challenge to authority or cross- examination- itjustseemed natural that I should ask for confirmation about all of these fantastic stories I was being exposed to. Rather than my teacher citing historical record or some scientific study - which was forsome reason what I expected her to do - she simply responded by saying, "We just have to believe. That's what it means to have faith. You just believe." All of a sudden my perceptions of God, religion and the meaning of life were completely shattered. By the time I reached middle school I had completed my transition to agnosticism, on my way to full- blown atheism. It allstarted with a single question, one that challenged the status quo and, in essence, authority. Today, American political and media culture seems far too afraid of these types of questions. I'm not talking about questions challenging religion, but rather questions that ask for hard verification of what we're all told every day. Journalists and citizens alike take to many statements at face value, backing down from challenging people in power and asking them to verify what they claim. Despite an established history of government and big business peddling half- truths and flat-ou more controversi too often sit back people or organiz than what they ac Years after aski teacher to prove wl se, I found myself classroom facing a Last June, j Greenwald beganr with The Guardia meta-data collect thanks to docum whistleblower Edv my public policy cl debating the meri intelligence state, question asking such a huge syste Like seemingly a the NSA, the con became a matterc against liberty. Most of my apprehensive abou surveillance syster threats of terroris for its existence. O' students shot dowi the NSA's behavir the claim thatmeta some 50 terroristl be a closed case; programs like PRISM were saving American lives, plain and simple. At no point did anyone ask how we knew the government was telling the truth. I tried to raise the claim that just becaus something does no instead of my pe heads in agreeme me as if I said the P in Kenya. it may have bee rial to assume the telling its citizens 1 it's not like it hadn' t lies about their I reminded my peers that General al activities, we KeithAlexander had lied to Congress and accept what under oath about the same program ations say rather we were discussing - a claim that tually do. didn't seem to help my argument. ing my catechism Early this month, a US federal hat she was telling judge and a comprehensive study sitting in another have come to the same conclusion. similar situation. Claims made by the Obama ournalist Glenn administration have been untrue - publishing articles the NSA meta-data collection hashad an about the vast a minimal role in fighting terrorism. ion of the NSA While I certainly feel vindicated eents provided by by such findings, I find it deeply ward Snowden. In troubling that journalists - and stu- lass we spent time dents, for that matter - whose job is ts of our massive to question what they're told, simply with a central took claims from the government whether or not and ran with them as verified facts. m was necessary. While there is asmallgroup of people l debates about committed to exposing truth rather versation quickly than simply reporting what is said, of safety weighed most of these writers are pushed to the fringes for refusing to trade jour- classmates were nalistic access for supportive stories. t such an invasive For ayoung journalist, it may seem m, but deferred to like being "fair" (i.e., sympathetic) m as justification to people in power is the way to ver and over again, make a name for yourself, refusing n any challenge to to ask your God to prove himself or by referencing That isn't what journalism is about. a-data had stopped It isn't some career to use to become plots. It seemed to rich or famous - it's a public service to inform your fellow citizens and hold people Journalists take too many accountable. statements at face value, ' On a closing 'fnote, I'd like ask backing down from askitig all of my fellow people in power to verify young writers to c . remember some- what they clam, thing. Edward Snowden didn't go to The Wash- ington Post or e someone says The New York Times when he decid- t make it true, but ed it was time to blow the whistle. He ers nodding their went to a journalist at The Guardian nt, they stared at known for asking the questions no 'resident was born one else would. Why? Because that meant he could mn a bit conspirato- trust him. Last week, the Michigan legislators introduced a three-bill package that would allow the Department of Corrections to issue a certificate of employability to inmates based on their criminal history, training, skills, behavioral record and education. The certificates aim to vouch for parolees' good moral character and ability to engage in the work force. With the certificate, employers are immune from negligent-hiringlawsuits. Ex-criminals and society alike would benefit from higher parolee employment. Studies have shown that increasing parolee employment would significantly mitigate future criminal activity. The reincarceration rate of employed parolees is 63 percent less than of those who are unemployed. Parolees being reincarcerated creates unnecessary prison maintenance which can rack up several millions according to Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending, a third-party organization that vouches for prisoners' rights. CAPPS executive director Laura Sager wrote that almost 30 percent of inmates who have been denied parole are in the lowest risk category for release. The inefficiency of the parole system is detrimental to both parolees who deserve fairer sentencing and to Michigan citizens who pay taxes that to maintain crowded prisons. Iowa and Ohio have already passed similar legislation that issue employment certification to qualified parolees. Both states require parolees to demonstrate commitment and desire to re-enter the work force in order to be eligible for the certificate. Attaining the certificate validates former inmates' exceptional performance while underthe states' supervision. The parolee employment license upholds government-approved standards that would ensure the safety of employers and companies. Already, Ohio has shown improvement in parolee re-incarceration rates. Parolee employment certification would undoubtedly reduce recidivism and prison costs, and fill unwanted low-entry occupations. However, lawmakers should be careful not to discriminate among the various types of crimi- nals. As it stands, the certificate of employment seems to have a preference for white-collar and non-violent offenders. Violent offenders should also have the opportunity to earn the certifi- cate if the rigorous and stringent evaluation standards are enforced. Taking these consid- erations in mind, Michigan should adopt the policy and effectively improve the quality of life for an oft-forgotten underclass in the state. government was bold-faced lies, but t happened before. James Brennan can be reached at jmbthreea umich edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Shank Bashir, Barry Belmont, James Brennan, Rima Fadlallah, Eric Ferguson, Nivedita Karki, Jordyn Kay, Jesse Klein, Kellie Halushka, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe SAMANTHA PINTO Shifting the power Does anyone remember "Spanglish"? That somewhat serious, sappy film starring Adam Sandler about the unorthodox relationship a wealthy American family has with its Mexican housekeeper? I do. I was 11 years old, and I remember watching it in theaters with my mom. The narrator of the film is the housekeeper's daughter, Cristina Moreno, who recaptures the summer she stayed with her mother's employers in her application essay to Princeton University. As the movie progressed, I felt captivated by Cristina's character. In the funny moments, I laughed with her; inthesadder moments, Iempathized with her. By the end of the movie, I wanted to be just like her. At one point during the movie, I remember turning to my mom and telling her I wanted to go to Princeton now. My mother replied that I could achieve this goal so long as I worked really, really hard. This dream of mine - to work really, really hard - only evolved as my middle and high- school years progressed. The image of Cris- tina stuck with me in the back of my head. She became a model for how I should live my life and what my priorities should be. Ten years later, what model of women are we projecting to young girls? I'm afraid that young girls today are not exposed to decent young female figures like Cristina, or even the more widely popular role model Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde." Even though Elle - our much adored childhood female role model - valued many of the same super- ficial things as reality stars like the Kardashi- ans, an education ultimately transforms her. She learns to instill in herself the values of hard work and intelligence. In the end, Elle ends up ditching her scum of a man, shifts her focus to the practice of law and diverts her attention to other hard working, passionate people more worthy of her time and energy. Girls today are instead exposed to young female figures such as Kylie Jenner. Jenner is a teenager who earned her success for no reason other than her wealth, physical appearance and familial connection to her reality-star sisters. With models such as Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians, young girls of today are lacking inspirational female characters with solid values. You go to the University of Michigan, which means you must have worked hard to get here. You must have stayed up late junior year of high school, tirelessly working through sample ACT math problems. Senior year, late nights were spent picking apart your Com- mon App essay until it was perfect. And so somewhere along the way, you began to value hard work and intelligence, seeing a link between these two qualities and success. But by watching shows featuring female charac- ters who lack these qualities - even when it's just when you're folding your laundry - you are endorsing and even promoting the kind of female figure the Jenners or Kardashians represent. The very reason these characters - and yes, they are characters, reality TV doesn't make them any more real - are get- ting so much airtime and attention is because we are giving it to them. Popular media only creates these caricatures of women and per- petuates this image of the female role model because, by watching their shows, reading their blogs and following them on Twitter, we are saying it's OK to do so. Now I know these female characters are addicting as hell to watch. When I was in 10th grade, I think I watched the Real Housewives of New Jersey's Theresa and her table-flipping scene at least a dozen times. But as alluring and entertaining as these women can be to watch, we owe it to ourselves, and to society, to begin tuning them out. We certainly don't hold the same values these female characters are rep- resenting, and so we shouldn't promote them. What sort of values and principles do you hope your brother's kid or that little girl you baby- sit acquire? Do you want her to want tobe like Kylie Jenner, or do you want her to want to be like the funny and charmingly nerdy mid- dle-child Alex on Modern Family - the only respectable figure I have seen on TV as of late. Realize that just by switching the channel you have the power to shift the popularized image of the female figure from that of the Kardashi- ans to one that young girls, like you once were, can look up to. Samantha Pinto is an LSA junior. EMILY CAMRAS| Creating a better dialogue Democratic elections. Diverse Israel protects citizens' rights fer domestic violence. Boycotting religions. A social scene for people regardless of religion - a hallmark Israel for human rights violations of different sexual orientations. of democracy. Israeli society also is ignorant and disregards Israeli These characteristics are absent encourages freedom of expres- freedoms and regional injustices. in many Middle Eastern coun- sion. Its LGBTQ community enjoys A better approach is addressing tries, but Israel has them all. By openness: the Pew Research Center sovereignty for two peoples. Condi- upholding freedom of religion and reported that 40 percent of Israelis tions in the West Bank and Gaza are expression for its citizens, Israel is said society should accept homosex- nuanced and complex, complicated a stronghold of values that is unpar- uals, compared with 5 percent of cit- by friction among leaders, lack of alleled in the Middle East. That is izens in neighboringArab countries, representation, unrest in the wider not to say that the country is with- including the Palestinian territo- Arab world and historical issues of out flaws. There are many problems ries. The annual pride parade in Tel ownership. Palestinians face many embedded within the Israeli-Pal- Aviv is one of 12 that happen across challenges: restriction of movement, estinian conflict. However, these the country, and national organiza- poverty, Israeli military control of need to be addressed in regards to tions such as Agudah offer support. borders and allotment of resources sovereignty - a Palestinian state Although he is critical of Israeli such as electricity and water. How- alongside a Jewish-Israeli one - policy, author Ari Shavit describes ever, it's unacceptable to equate without distorting the reality in the clubs and nightlife of Tel Aviv, Israeli occupation with fundamen- Israel and the wider region. asserting, "... anyone who thinks the talist, theocratic oppression against Within Israeli society, several new Israel is a fundamentalist the- a marginalized minority. Israel is a freedoms are apparent. Israel's ocracy doesn't know what the hell liberal democracy, forced to struggle population - which is 19 percent he is talking about." amid a turbulent region and existen- Muslim and 2 percent Christian - is As students, we also connect to tial threat. Palestinianleadership has guaranteed religious freedom in the Israel through technology and inno- also complicated the issue, having Basic Law on Human Dignity and vation. At the University, we benefit rejected a two-state solution in 1947, Liberty. Pastor John Hagee explains from the UM-Israel Partnership for 2000, 2001 and 2008. After Israel's that Christians in the Middle East Research, which recently offered withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Pal- face horrific persecution, "save for a cardiovascular research synipo- estinians elected Hamas, which has Israel," where they practice free- sium with collaboration from the been identified by multiple countries ly. Several organizations monitor Technion-Israel Institute of Tech- as a terrorist group. The conflict is Christian oppression in the Middle nology and the Weizmann Institute the responsibility of both peoples, East. Open Doors International of Science. Through Ben-Gurion but it is often portrayed inaccurately reported severe to extreme persecu- University, UM students pursue as aggressor versus victim. tion in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, renewable-energy projects in solar Although there is no clear solu- Iraq and Iran. The International technology, thermoelectric materi- tion, dialogue and conversation Institute for Religious Freedom als and advanced vehicle fuel. are stepping stones to coexistence. explains that though Christians These partnerships demon- Blanket movements to boycott and make up 10 percent of the Syrian strate academic cooperation and divest nullify dialogue by misrep- population, they face kidnappings free exchange of ideas. As Uni- resenting the conflict and Israel's and terrorist attacks. Israel, in con- versity President Mary Sue Cole- position within it. Israel is a real trast, is a haven for religious minori- man explained, academic boycotts country, with very real problems. ties amid widespread extremism. "violate the principles of academic Occupation and extremism must be In addition, many Middle Eastern freedom and freedom of speech." overcome, but boycotts and exclu- governments perpetuate religious Any boycott of Israel based on free- sion ignore that Israeli freedom persecution. A report by the US dom and equality misrepresents and democracy are unrivaled in State Department explained that in the reality of Israeli democracy and the Middle East. As an Israel sup- Gaza, Hamas has arrested Muslims applies a double standard to Israel porter, I am proud of all Israel has who do not abide by strict Islamic over every other Middle Eastern accomplished while acknowledging law. In Israel, however, religion country. In Syria, the death toll due that there is much more to address. is separate from government. to civil war has surpassed 100,000. Democratic elections. Religious Although there are religious In Turkey, the government dis- freedom. Gay rights. My hope is political parties, religious law does placed 44.5 million Kurdish people that, with a sensitive approach not decide national laws, and only 9 in the 1990s, a trend of oppression and the right conversation, we can percent of Israel's Jews identify as and murder that continues today. someday add two states for two Ultra-Orthodox. Religious freedom Pakistan is the third most danger- peoples to that list. also extends to small communities, such as Baha'i, who are oppressed in neighboring countries. ous country for women - more than 1,000 women are murdered every year and more than 90 percent suf- Emily Camras isan LSA and School of Music freshman. CONTRIBUTE TO THE CONVERSATION Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and viewpoints. Letters should be fewer than 300 words while viewpoints should be 550-850 words. Send the writer's full name and University affiliation to tothedaily@michigandaily.com. I