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January 21, 2014 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-01-21

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 5A

From Page 1A
First place winners were given
a trophy, medals and first picks
from a table holding prizes rang-
ing from video games to t-shirts
and pens. Mini-achievement
awards were also given out so
all participants received a prize.
Some of the prizes included a
gold-painted rock for the team
that had the most solid game idea
and a gold-painted Monster drink
for the person who stayed up the
The event has grown since its
inception in 2004. This year's
competition included nine more
students than last year's event
and 41 more students than two
years ago.
In addition to creating a com-
plex game in a brief period of
time, students incorporated a
theme reveled at the beginning
of the event. This year the theme
was "separate."
Engineering freshman Alex
Dishaw and his team incorpo-
rated the theme by giving their
game's character the ability to
separate his torso from the rest of
his body.
"This is my first time I've made
a video game and it's really, really
fun," LSA junior Hope Tambala

said. "Hearing my music and
playing the game that I helped
design is really cool."
Engineering junior Austin
Yarger, WSOFT president, said
the ideal team is comprised of
two programmers, an artist and a
musician. However, not all teams
had experience in some of the
roles and many participants were
forced to test their abilities in new
"That is kind of part of the fun
of game development," Yarger
said. "You often are exposed to
so many different industries and
art forms that may be out of your
comfort zone. You learn a lot. It's
While participants are allowed
to leave at any time during the
competition, some competitors
made themselves comfortable in"
various corners of the Duderstadt
Center and stayed overnight.
Engineering junior Robert
Reneker came to the event pre-
pared to sleep in the library both
nights. While his teammateswent
home, he laid out a few blankets
and slept on the floor.
and staying the night," Reneker
said. "I could just get right up and
go straight to work once I got up
in the morning."

Award-winning social activist Harry Belafonte speaks at the keynote memorial lecture of the Martin Luther King Jr. symposium at Hill Auditorium on Monday.


From Page 1A
ity into the Union. The two estab-
lishments will share a seating
"I think they will both be great
places to hang out, study, meet
friends and gather with student
organizations," she said.
Business junior Michael
Proppe, Central Student Govern-
ment president, agreed, adding
that he hoped the two could gen-
erate more activity in the Union.
"There are so many student
organizations housed here,"
Proppe said. "I don't think a lot of
students know the Union outside
of the food court in the basement.
But these are going to be very
popular with a lot of students,
bringing them through so they
cansee theotherstuffthat'sgoing
on here as well."
Starbucks will be open from 7
a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Monday through
Saturday and 9 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. on
Sundays and is expected to appeal
to late night studiers.
Renovations to the space pre-
served historic details of the
95-year-old building while mak-
ing some changes to conform to
the traditional Starbucks atmo-

Store manager Nikki Beaudry,
who has nine years experience
working for the company, said she=
is excited because of the unique
location and customer base of a'
college campus.
"I think it's a great place to be,""
she said. "I love the young atmo-
sphere and I'm excited we can be
a place for students to come study
and drink coffee, not only stu-
dents but administrative people
and people in the community as
well. We're unique because we're
the first Starbucks ever to be in
the Michigan Union, and we're a
little different looking than other
Starbucks because we still have,
that historical feel with a little
bit of the pop of the modern Star-
As a part of its opening festivi-
ties, Starbucks will hand out free,
tall coffees from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Wednesday, and samples of sand-
wiches, espresso and blended
beverages from 11a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pile said she has high hopes for
the coffee chain's newest location.'
"I think food is a really key
component in bringing people
together," Pile said. "Coffee in
particular helps drive community
building which is really what the
Union's all about."

From Page 1A
Scales ended her speech by
promising "physical actions"
against the University and
increasing activism if negotia-
tions are not concluded within
the given timeframe.
In a letter delivered to Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man and the University's Board
of Regents late Monday, the BSU
clarified that if the University
does not comply with their seven
demands, they will be forced to
increase "physical activism for
social progress" on campus.
The deadline given at the pro-
test is Jan. 27 by 5 p.m.
The protest comes on the
heels of the University's newly-
announced plan of action to
combat diversity issues on cam-
pus. An e-mail Thursday night
from Provost Martha Pollack
outlined new initiatives includ-
ing improvements to the Trot-
ter Multicultural Center and the
creation of a new leadership posi-
tion to help combat low minority
"This commitment is long-
standing and fundamental to
who we are as an institution,"
Pollack wrote. "And yet, there
are times we have not lived up to
our highest aspirations."
However, LSA senior Tyrell
From Page 1A
great job and other universities
around the country are quickly
adapting as well."
Many of the event sponsors
used MHacks as a venue to
recruit future talent to their
companies. The companies
observed participants solve
problems and present solutions
in real time, Hurd said.
"You have to go actually
apply what you've learned in a
real-world setting, solve unex-
pected problems, encounter
new obstacles that you didn't
see coming and work in a team
more often, which is absolutely
essential to the real world," he

Collier, BSU speaker, said
Thursday that the BSU was not
consulted before the announce-
ment, even though it explicitly
acknowledged the #BBUM cam-
paign. The movement, which
was led by the BSU in November,
received national media atten-
tion and shed light on the experi-
ences of many Black students on
The list of demands was sub-
sequently tweeted under the
trending BBUM hashtag:
- We demand the University to
give us an equal opportunity to
implement change. The change
that complete restoration of the
BSU's purchasing power through
an increased budget would
- We demand the Univer-
sity available housing on central
campus for those of lower socio-
economic status at a rate that
students can 2 ._ 1 to be a part
of university life, ant not just on
the periphery.
- We demand for an oppor-
tunity to congregate and share
our experiences ir a new Trotter
(Multicultural Center) located
on central campus.
- We demand an opportunity
to educate and be educated about
America's historical treatment
and marginalization of colored
groups through race and ethnic-
ity requirements throughout all
schools and colleges within the
This year's event was held
in the Qube - the Quicken
Loans headquarters. Dan Gil-
bert, founder and chairman of
Quicken Loans, worked closely
with the organizers to promote
the city's resurgence, a mission
he supports through Oppor-
tunity Detroit, a subsidiary of
Quicken Loans that works on a
variety of restoration and revi-
talization projects around the
Business and LSA junior
Lucy Zhao, one of the event's
coordinators, said Detroit was
a logical choice for the event,
given the University's close ties
to the city.
"Detroit is a big part of the
University of Michigan iden-
tity and the Ann Arbor com-
munity and we thought it was
a great opportunity to show

- We demand the equal oppor-
tunity to succeed with emer-
gency scholarships for black
students in need of financial sup-
port, without the mental anxiety
of not being able to focus on and
afford the University's academic
- We demand for increased
exposure of all documents
within the Bentley (Historical)
Library. There should be trans-
parency about the University
and its past dealings with race
- We demand an increase in
black representation on this
campus equal to 10 percent.
"The University should
invest in our well-being because
we invest in it," Scales said.
"Because after all the struggle
of being brown and Black on this
campus, in the end, we still bleed
the same colors as everyone else
- maize and blue."
The BSU protestors quickly
dispersed after Scales conclud-
ed her remarks. The majority of
attendees from Belafonte's lec-
ture left the building after the
protest was over.
LSA sophomore Alexis Farm-
er, a student who observed the
protest, was skeptical that action
will be taken in seven days.
"Realistically, some of the
demands were stated in the first
movement," Farmer said. "That
was over 30 years ago and we are
still having the same problems."
off the city," Zhao said. "A lot
of the time, people around the
country only hear of Detroit as
dangerous and bankrupt - they
only hear bad news about it."
Zhao said the combination
of the Martin Luther King,
Jr. weekend and Detroit Auto
Show seemed like the oppor-
tune moment to reverse some
of the public misconceptions
regarding the city.
"The great thing about an
event like MHacks is that we
can bring 1,200 real talented,
top engineers from around the
country and world to this loca-
tion," Zhao said. "It's a great
opportunity to show off the
entrepreneurial renaissance
that's happening in Detroit -
tons of startups, venture capital
and new investments - that a
lot of people don't know about."

LSA senior Ravon Alford,
another student who observed
the protest, was more optimistic.
"I think it is possible because
if BBUM can receive national
recognition within a few hours
in one day. Seven days is enough
time for this video that they
made to just take the media by
storm and for it to be taken to
the administrators of this uni-
versity," Alford said. "We need
more diversity on campus to
make this an enjoyable experi-
ence for all students of all racial
A second protest by BAMN,
an advocacy group that protest
in favor of affirmative action
policies, began shortly after the
BBUM rally. The organization
is part of a national group with
chapters on college campuses
and the country.
Students held signs and chant-
ed down South State Street, up
North University Avenue and
through to the Hill neighbor-
hood. The event came after Fri-
day's protest in the Diag, which
called for similar actions.
The Supreme Court heard
oral arguments for Schuette v.
Coalition to Defend Affirma-
tive Action in October. The case
questions the legality of Propos-
al 2, a 2006 amendment to the
Michigan State Constitution that
banned the consideration of race
in the college admissions pro-
cess, among other factors.
This year's winning cre-
ation was "Workflow", an iPad
application that allows users
to create and execute a com-
plex series of tasks using simple
drag-and-drop controls.
Check out Wednesday's
issue of
The Statement

From Page 1A
last time he worked with King
before his assassination. At the
time, King told him, "I've come
to the realization that I think we
are integrating into a burning
house." To save the country from
the painful ending, King said to
Belafonte that they must become
He continued King's metaphor
and stated that the only way to
become firemen and save the
nation from being consumed by
its problems of poverty, racism
and sexism was for people to take
responsibility for their actions
and the world around them.
"We can ignore our respon-
sibilities and pay the price, but
I think there's still time for us

to sit and seriously take stock of
what's going on," Belafonte said.
"Because this inclement weather
we are experiencing, it's our fault,
let no one tell you differently. It is
up to us to find the moral center."'
LSA sophomore Queosha Jones
said she was glad she could learn
from someone who was friends
with King and was actually a part
of the civil rights movement.
"There's still a lot of change.
that needs to happen and I think
young people have to try to make
that happen," Jones said.
Belafonte encouraged the
new generation of young men
and women to look to histori-
cal figures such as King, Nelson
Mandela and W.E.B.' DuBois for.
inspiration on how to take action. .
"How do we fix things? Let's
get back to what we know how to

911 recordings related to two FOLLOW THE MICHIGAN DAILY
exorcism deaths released il Md. for witty tweets and news updates

Reports revealed after
police charge suspects
with murder
Montgomery County Police have
released 911 calls related to the deaths
of two children in Maryland, deaths
police attributed to two women who
believed they were performing an
The release of the recordings
Monday comes two days after police
charged Monifa Sanford and Zakieya
Latrice Avery with killing two of
Avery's children, ages 1 and 2. The
women are also facing attempted-

murder charges for injuring the chil-
dren's siblings, ages 5 and 8.
Police had said previously that they
were called Thursday to the German-
town home where the women lived
after a 911 caller reported a child
unattended in a vehicle. By the time
the police arrived, the child'was no
longer in the car and no one answered
the door at a nearby home. Police
returned Friday when a neighbor
called 911 after noticinga car with the
door open and a knife that appeared
to have blood on it. That's When the
children were found dead inside a
nearby home. Police said they suf-
fered multiple stab wounds.
In a 911 phone call from Thursday
about10:15p.m., a male caller-eports

a baby being left unattended in a
blue Toyota Corolla. While the man
is talking to the operator, he reports
that two women have come out for
the child and are "attacking" the call-
er and walking after him. He can be
heard telling someone, "You need to
back up off me, ma'am" and "A baby
in the car for an hour is my business."
He later tells the 911 operator that one
of the women is talking to herself.
911 recordings released in Md.
exorcism deaths In a 911 call from 9:30
a.m.. Friday a female caller reports
seeing a blue Toyota with a door open
and a knife with blood on it.
"I heard loud noises in the night,"
says the woman, a neighbor.
She adds that she heard what

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