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January 29, 2014 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-01-29

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, January 29, 2014 -

Kellog Foundation
gives $40M to
Detroit art fund
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation
is giving $40 million to prevent
the sale of Detroit art and help
city retirees, raising the pool of
money to $370 million.
The announcement was made
Tuesday by a coalition of founda-
tions. The group wants to con-
tinue to attract financial support
from foundations and individu-
als while Michigan Gov. Rick
Snyder tries to win approval for
$350 million from the state.
City-owned art at the Detroit
Institute of Arts could be vulnera-
ble to sale in Detroit's bankruptcy.
At the same time, Detroit's pen-
sion funds are short by $3.5billion.
Detroit emergency manager
Kevyn Orr has until March 1 to
propose a plan to take the city
out of bankruptcy.
Obama expected
to pick up pace in
his second term
Frustrated by years of parti-
san gridlock, President Barack
Obama is moving to flex his
presidential powers during his
sixth year in office. He's start-
ing by using Tuesday night's
State of the Union address to
announce executive actions to
raise the minimum wage for new
federal contracts, help the long-
term unemployed find work and
expand job-training programs.
Obama's go-it-alone strategy,
with modest steps for now, is
aimed both at jumpstarting his
stagnant second term and prod-
ding a divided Congress to take
additional action to boost eco-
nomic opportunity for millions of
Americans. But there's little indi-
cation lawmakers are ready to
follow along, particularly as the
nation barrels toward the mid-
term elections.
Helicopter crash
in Colorado under
Authorities were investigat-
ing after a helicopter crashed in
western Colorado on Monday,
killing all three people aboard.
Witnesses who saw the crash
believe the helicopter was carry-
ing a crew inspecting power lines
and that the aircraft snagged a
line, Garfield County sheriff's
Deputy Ward Stowe said. The
crash happened at 11:18 a.m. near
Silt, a small town about 150 miles
west of Denver.
Doug Sheffer, the owner and
chief pilot for DBS Helicopters,
based in nearby Rifle, was among
those killed, Sheriff Lou Val-
lario told the Glenwood Springs

Post Independent. The names of
the other two on board have not
been released.
Palestinian leader
reveals conditions
for withdrawal
Palestinians can accept a lim-
ited Israeli presence in the West
Bank for up to three years after
a peace deal, but reject demands
for a transition period of more
than 10 years, their leader said
in comments broadcast Tuesday.
PalestinianPresident Mahmoud
Abbas reiterated a long-standing
position, suggesting that there's
been little movement in U.S.-medi-
ated talks toward narrowing the
gaps between the two sides.
In an interview broadcast at
an Israeli security conference,
Abbas appeared to be speaking
about the Jordan Valley, an area
in the West Bank that borders
Jordan and has become a cen-
tral issue in Israeli-Palestinian
peace negotiations. Israel wants
a continued presence along the
strategic border and Palestinians
demand they withdraw once a
Palestinian state is formed.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

Hawaii student shot
by police in standoff

High school boy
stabbed officer and
attempted escape
police officer shot a 17-year-
old runaway in the wrist
Tuesday morning at a Hawaii
high school after the teen cut
one officer with a knife and
punched two others, authori-
ties said.
State Department of Edu-
cation spokeswoman Donalyn
Dela Cruz said the boy showed
up at Roosevelt High School
near downtown Honolulu, and
officials there recognized him
as a runaway and called police.
The boy had been a student at
the public school before, but
wasn't registered for classes
there this semester, she said.
Honolulu police Maj. Rich-
ard Robinson said officers
arrived at the school and tried
to take the boy into custody,
but he lunged at them.
The teen attacked one of the
officers with a kitchen knife,
leaving him with a minor cut
on his torso, Robinson said. He
also hit two other officers, but
neither suffered serious inju-
One of the officers then
fired two shots, hitting the boy
once in the wrist. The teen was
taken to a hospital in serious
condition, EMS spokeswoman
Shayne Enright said. His inju-
ries were not life-threatening.
"The suspect was taken into
custody and walked out of the
school," Robinson said. He
added the boy was arrested
on suspicion of three counts of
attempted murder.
The incident prompted a
lockdown at Roosevelt, which
has an enrollment of nearly
The officer who fired is on
administrative leave during an
investigation, Robinson said.

It wasn't immediately clear
whether the officer who fired
aimed for the boy's arm or
another part of his body. Rob-
inson said the details were
part of the ongoing investiga-
Tenari Maafala, president
of the statewide police officers
union, said the knife posed
a clear threat and officers
are trained to stop a threat,
regardless of the suspect's age.
"They didn't come here
looking to shoot somebody,"
said Maafala, who went to the
school as part of the Honolulu
police peer support unit.
Noah Powell, a 16-year-old
junior, said the shooting hap-
pened in a school counselor's
office. Powell said he was in
a nearby office and heard the
struggle and shots but didn't
see the 17-year-old or know
who he was.
Powell texted his parents
afterward to let them know he
was OK. He said he also posted
on Facebook that he was fine
and got quick responses from
people saying they were pray-
ing for the school.
Kealii Akiona-Soares, a
junior, was in a social studies
class when he heard a faint
shot at about 8:20 a.m.
Then a school bell sounded
and students were kept in their
classrooms, the 17-year-old
said. He said his class contin-
ued with a politics lesson, and
everyone kept mostly calm.
"I guess it happens a lot in
mainland schools, so it's not
surprising," Akiona-Soares
Several parents, including
Carolyn Richardson, gathered
outside Roosevelt after word
of the shooting spread. Some
were visibly upset, and many
texted or called their children,
who were still on lockdown
"This is really freaking me
out," Richardson said.

In this Friday, Jan. 3, 2014 photo, Jamal Abu Muhsin, second right shows his university degree earned at sn Israeli
prison in the West Bank town of Tubas near Jenin.
Imprisoned Palestinians
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son schools aim ics before earning a bachelor's
degree in political science via
rovide new skills long-distance learning at the
Hebrew University of Jerusa-
to convicts lem. He later added a master's
degree from the Palestinian Al-
BAS, West Bank (AP) - Quds University.
Abu Muhsin was a first- "I've studied materials about
Palestinian university the Zionist movement from a
nt when he was convicted Zionist perspective, but I found
bbing a 76-year-old Israeli no discrimination against us as
o death in 1991, in retali- students. I would write papers
for the killings of five to the university in which I
inian stone-throwers by would criticize the Zionist the-
i soldiers. ory and they would accept my
ently released from pris- argument," he said. "I wanted
r's now beginning a new to understand everything in life
er of his life thanks to a and to make my long life in jail
f university degrees - all meaningful. Otherwise my soul
d behind bars. would have died."
u Muhsin is among hun- Israel first began offering
of Palestinians who have university courses to the pris-
their time in Israeli pris- oners in the early 1990s, fol-
rsuing higher education - lowing a 14-day hunger strike
grain that was supported by Palestinian prisoners. Since
I -aeli pi son system for Israel captured the West Bank,
ecades a. lit was cut in Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem
s pa., f series of sanc- in 1967, tens of thousands of
against p 'soners. Since Palestinians have been impris-
prison-s secretly have oned for anti-Israeli actions,
ized tneir own courses, from stone-throwing to kill-
backing from universities ings. Hundreds of the roughly
West ank and Gaza, Pal- 5,000 prisoners held by Israel
an officials say. today are believed to be pursu-
rising leader Marwan ing degrees, according to pris-
outi, the most famous oners' rights activist.
tinian prisoner, teaches Orit Adato, who served as
ster's degree course in commissioner of the Israeli
Studies, and Abu Muh- Prison Service from 2000 to
as one of Barghouti's stu- 2003, said that criminal pris-
oners around the world are
u Muhsin said studying allowed to study but when it
d him get through 23 comes to prisoners involved in
behind bars. political violence, Israel is par-
'hen I found myself in jail ticularly lenient.
fe, I was faced with two "The prisoners in Israel enjoy
ns: either I make mean- conditions above and beyond
r my life or waste my life those of any others in the
iy mind behind bars," said world," she said. "It is part of a
Muhsin, 42, speaking at humane Israeli approach that
me in the West Bank city even prisoners deserve rights."
bas. Prisoners' rights activists say
chose ta study history, conditions are tough however,
anguages and ,ritong and and prisoners have staged sev-
y sciences and econom- eral mass hunger strikes in pro-

Under her watch, Adato
said prisoners were restricted
to studying in Hebrew so that
the learning material could be
monitored and prisoners pro-
hibited from studying subjects
deemed dangerous, such as
physics, chemistry and political
She said an upside of the pro-
gram was that prisoners, who
later went on to assume power-
ful positions in Palestinian poli-
tics, became fluent in Hebrew
and familiar with Israeli soci-
ety, which helped facilitate
peace negotiations.
Almagor, an Israeli asso-
ciation of families who have
lost loved ones in militant
attacks, said convicted killers
shouldn't be allowed to study.
Meir Indor, head of Almagor,
said the arrangement sent the
wrong message and hurt Israe-
li deterrence.
"It's a basic principle: Just as
those who were killed cannot
study, those who kwilled them
shouldn't be allowed to study
either," he said. "We need to
send a stronger message to all
those who are waiting in line
for the good life in Israeli pris-
In 2011, Israel scaled back
privileges of Palestinian pris-
oners in response to the con-
tinued captivity in Gaza of
Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier
seized by Palestinian militants
five years earlier.
Thought Schalit was
released later that year, uni-
versity studies have remained
cut off since the 2011 decision,
said Sivan Weizman, a spokes-
woman for the Israeli prison
service. said she could not
comment on whether materials
have been illicitly transferred
to prisoners or whether the
Palestinians are now teaching

Sochi drug tests to
be more thorough

Winter 2014
Olympics will
check athletes
LONDON (AP) - Go ahead
- just try to get away with it.
If you're willing to take the
risk, you'll pay the price.
That's the challenge laid
down to drug cheats think-
ing they can dope their way to
success at the Winter Olym-
pics in Sochi.
International Olympic
and anti-doping officials are
implementing the toughest
drug-testing program in Win-
ter Games history, using intel-
ligence to target athletes and
events considered most at risk.
Authorities are focusing
their efforts on weeding out
dopers through rigorous pre-
games and pre-competition
tests. Armed with an improved
scientific method that can
detect drug use going back
months rather than days, the
International Olympic Com-
mittee will conduct a record
number of tests.
Urine and blood samples
will be stored for eight years
for retroactive testing, provid-
ing further deterrence to any-
one thinking they can avoid
being caught.
"I think it would be stupid
to try to cheat," IOC medical
director Dr. Richard Budgett
told The Associated Press. "If
there are any doping cases in
Sochi, some of them may be
because athletes are being stu-
The Russian doping lab,
which had faced possible sus-
pension by the World Anti-
Doping Agency for inadequate
procedures, has been fully
accredited for the games and
will be analyzing samples
around the clock.
The Winter Olympics have
produced only a small number

of positive tests over the years
as they involve far fewer ath-
letes than the Summer Games
and fewer sports with a record
of doping.
Olympic officials hope any
cheats will have been screened
out already through extensive
out-of-competition testing
carried out around the globe
in the months, weeks and days
leading up to the games.
Don't think, though, that
nobody's cheating or that
Sochi will be doping-free.
"You'd be foolish to write
off the Winter Games as hav-
ing any lesser risk," said Andy
Parkinson, chief executive of
Britain's national anti-doping
The IOC plans to carry out
2,453 tests in Sochi, includ-
ing 1,269 pre-competition
controls. That's a 57 percent
increase in pre-games tests
from the 2010 Winter Games
in Vancouver.
The majority of the 1,184 in-
competition tests will be done
in sports like cross-country
skiing and biathlon, endur-
ance events with a history of
blood doping and EPO use.
About 20 percent of the doping
controls will be blood tests.
Much of the testing will be
based on intelligence gathered
from law-enforcement agen-
cies, whistle-blowers and pre-
vious suspicious blood level
The testing program begins
on Jan. 30, the day the athletes
village opens. From then until
the close of the games on Feb.
23, Olympic athletes can be
tested at any time and at any
place, including training sites
anywhere in the world. The
games open on Feb. 7.
About 2,000 of the 3,000
athletes competing in Sochi
are expected to be tested -
some of them two, three or
even four times. The top five
in all medal events are tested,
as well as others chosen at

The University of Michigan Board for Student Publications is
recruiting new members for three year terms beginning in April.
The Board is responsible for three publications:
The Michigan Daily, the Michiganensian yearbook, and the Gargoyle.
Because the Board is committed to realizing diversity's benefits for itself and
for the publications it oversees, the Board is particularly interested in recruiting
members of the University community (faculty, staff and students), or the
general public who are members of underrepresented groups and who
have experience and expertise in journalism, law, finance, or fundraising.
All interested persons are encouraged to apply.
For more information and application forms, please contact
Mark Bealafeld Student Publications General Manager at
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