2B - Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
28 - Thursday, January 30, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Warm up with
hearty Superb owl
Daily Arts Writers dig through recent
Netflix releases to find the shows worth
revisiting or discovering.
There are three things
that you should con-
sider absolute neces-
sities for your upcoming Super
Bowl Party: a big TV, drinks (I
won't give
any specifics
here, as this
is an official
and food. Lots
of food. As a
completely NATE
untrained, WOOD
my prediction is that Ann Arbor's
weather will be similar on Sun-
day night to how it is now: polar
vortex-like. Therefore, some
hearty, warm foods are in order
for Super Bowl XLVIII. (Any-
body else tired of these archa-
ic letter-numbers? Screw the
Romans.) Consider my following
suggestions as flexible themes
around which you can plan your
grub; there's no need to serve
all of this ... unless you and your
friends have the appetite of King
So many options here. One of
my favorite chili recipes of all
time comes to us from none other
than the 30-Minute-Meal Queen
herself - Ms. Rachael Ray. The
ingredients and directions for her
hot and savory buffalo chicken
chili can be found in one of my
past columns. Chunks of moist
chicken, a strikingly spicy broth
(tailor the quantity of hot sauce to
your taste buds) and - ala every-
thing Rachael Ray - a whole lotta
garlic worktogether towarmyour
body from the inside out. With
accompanying blue cheese tortilla
chips and a celery stalk or two?
Touchdown. (Yes, I just did that.)
Another good option would be a
simple white chili. Most any rec-
ipe off the Internet is fine, but do
go ahead and add a couple of cups
of shredded mozzarella cheese to
the pot as you're combining the
ingredients. It'll really take the
chili's consistency and umami to
the next level. And of course, your
own family recipe for beef or veg-
etarian chili will do just as well.
If you're looking to add a little
extra something, though, empty
in a bottle of a bold, dark beer.
The alcohol will cook off, leaving
a complex background addition to
the dish's flavor profile that you
won't regret.
You're the judge of how crazy
you want to go with this one.
It can be as simple as a bowl of
cheese dip - the standard Velvee-
ta-Hormel-Rotel is a great place
to start - and tortilla chips, but
it can also be as involved as an in-
home Chipotle Burrito Bowl pro-
duction line. A buffet-style line of
chips, cheese, jalapefios, guaca-
mole, salsa, beans, meat, rice, sour
cream, and hot sauce for guests
to serve themselves on massive
plates is sure to not disappoint.
Don't be lame. Buffalo Wild
Wing's wings are good, but bor-
ing and - frankly - overpriced.
Unless you want to drop a couple
hundred dollars to entertain your
friends for the evening, you're
better off buying a bag of frozen
boneless or traditional (or both!)
wings from Costco and heat-
ing them up in the oven yourself.
Make or buy a fewsauces, toss 'em
with the wings and voila: You're
Super Bowl-ready.
broccoli, and cauliflower are
all perfect choices for a healthy
game-day crudit4. Setout a platter
ofthevegetables andyour favorite
flavor ofhummus on ice as soon as
your guests arrive for pre-entre
Dips on Dips
Buy every type of chip avail-
able and whip up a host of dips to
complement a few. The options
are endless: French onion, bacon-
queso, crab, smoked salmon, beer-
cheese, garlic-herb and so on. See
my recipe for homemade caramel-
ized onion dip - and a suggested
bag of chips to pair with it - on
The Michigan Daily's website.
really aren't
Cupcakes aren't masculine
enough. Cake is too formal.
Brownies are boring, and ice
cream is too cold. So what's left?
Rice Krispies treats - while I per-
sonally don't care for them - are
always a crowd-pleaser, especially
when there's added peanut butter
and chocolate. Homemade saltine
"in Bruges"
What happens in Bruges stays in Bruges;
sightseeing in historical canals, snorting a bit of
angel dust with a foul-mouthed little person, and
contemplating the utter horror of our existence.
Full disclaimer: This movie is bizarre. Two hit-
men find themselves in Bruges, Belgium waiting
for a phone call from their boss after a botched
job. That's the premise, but "In Bruges" is hardly
an action movie. Watch for its labyrinthine and
completely offensive dialogue, unpredictabil-
ity and the 100 ways protagonist Colin Farrell
maneuvers his eyebrows. You'll either want to
never go to Bruges or visit immediately.
"Jiro Dreams of Sushi"
Jiro, chef of the most famous sushi bar in
the world, will literally dream about sushi and
wake up, Eureka! style, to scribble a recipe idea
down. At 85 years old, Jiro has devoted his
entire life to sushi. His devotion is of a pious,
monkish sort, at the cost of neglecting his sons
(If you're choosing between sushi and babysit-
ting, I guess the answer is obvious), but this
documentary focuses on Jiro's passion. His
apprentices take up to ten years to learn how to
properly wring a hot towel. This is a fascinat-
ing glimpse into how one man made perfection
his hobby.
but may
much att
watch ti
variety o
pizza -k
is anoth
your crew
toffee candy is tasty, a cinch to
Pizza make and easy to eat. Chocolate-
covered pretzels and mixed nuts
-your-own is always fun, are great. And, of course, there's
be requires a little too always the trusty ol' cookie. You
ention to simultaneously can't go wrong with a classic choc-
he game. Ordering in a olate chip and a pinch of flaked
f pies is easy, and veggie sea salt. Bon Appdtit, Food 52 and
good and good for you - foodnetwork.com all offer great
er fun option. Exercise resources to help you think of fun
ativity! and creative dishes to serve your
Super Bowl party guests, so if you
Hummus, etc. don't like my suggestions, check
out theirs! Happy cooking, cheer-
doesn't like hummus? ing and eating. Go Seahawks!
It's gluten-free, vegan, healthy
and downright delicious. Pita
chips, celery and cucumber sticks,
baby carrots, bell pepper strips,
Wood is rooting against
Peyton. To join him, e-mail
"Mulan" "Downfall"
Everyone knows that Disney has a secret gar-
den where they grow instant classics from magic
beans, and "Mulan" is no exception. After fail-
ing the matchmaker's test, Mulan cuts her hair
and runs away with her father's armor to replace
him in the military draft. With help from the
comedic styling of dragon/lizard Mushu and
her lucky cricket, Mulan proves herself to be not
only as tough as any man but smarter too. Sav-
ing a bright, colorful China from the dirty and
smelly horde of Huns never sounded so good.
Who could possibly refrain from singing along
to "Reflection" or "I'll Make a Man Out of You?"
"Downfall" takes place in the Fuhrer's private
bunker as the Soviet forces close in on Berlin and
World War II drags to a close. It tells the story of
Hitler's last days through the eyes of his personal
secretary, giving audiences a glimpse of the man
behind the monstrous figure. The film also bears
witness to the dark, depressing death of the
Hitler Youth, brainwashed children who gave
their lives fighting for the Nazi cause. "Down-
fall" offers a frightening premise grounded by
the gravity of these historic events, inviting its
audience to empathize with one of history's most
demonized villains.
With all eyes on Showtime's
other series,including"Home-
land" andthe departed "Dexter,"
has consistently
delivered some
ofthe network's Shameless
Now in season Season 4
fourthis peren- Episode 3
niallyunder- Showtime
is stronger than ever -and in
"Like Father, Like Daughter,"
realistic character growth and an
ideal blend of laughs and genuine
emotion continues to make it a
"Like Father, Like Daughter"is
"Shameless" at its best - cringe-
worthy comedy (Frank's budding
romantic relationship with his
long-lost daughter), authentic
portrayals of adolescence and
young adulthood(Debbie's first
dating experiences and Lip's
struggles atcollege) and surpris-
ing turns (Fiona's affair with her
boyfriend's brother).
Just when it borders on absur-
dity, "Like Father, Like Daughter"
is grounded by gut wrenching,
substantial drama,brought
together by superb writing,
unique direction and unrelenting
Like in most episodes of
"Shameless," addiction plays a
heavy role. But in "Like Father,
Like Daughter,"this running
theme propels the episode over
the edge ofsimplygood televi-
sion.While gazinguponher
unconscious father, with the
lingering, potent words of Mike's
brother inthe back of her head,
it's hard for Fiona to deny what
her actions have made perfectly
clear:she has more in common
with Frank than she hoped she
would. The tragic,self-destruc-
tive and addictive Gallagher
tendencies are too powerful to
overcome. And for viewers, it's
much too compellingto look