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February 03, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-02-03

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2A - Monday, February 3, 2014

r FLK( T

Dylan performs amid convtroversy

Forty years ago this week
(February3, 1974)
Bob Dylan performed in
Crisler Arena two days after an
investigation by The Michigan
Daily revealed an Ann Arbor
scalping ring was connected to
the concert.
Dylan's tour promoter made a
public appeal at the event for fans
to help break up the scalping ring.
He announced that he would be
conducting an investigation of
the scalping accusations.
The Daily had previously
reported that in a survey of ticket
holders in Crisler Arena Section
B, not one person had reported
buying the tickets through legiti-
mate means.
All shook up DE
WHERE: East Ann Arbor m
Medical Center
WHEN: Thursday at WH
around 12:10 p.m. Me
WHAT: Two individuals WH
were involved in argument aro:
that escaleted to one person WH
shaking the other, Univer- pho
sity Police reported. The roo
two were seperated without Jan
further incident. Uni
Pole, meet M
mirror m
WHEN: Thursday around WH
5:20 p.m. aror
WHAT: A University vehi- WH
cle accidentally hita pole seve
in a parking lot, University men
police reported. The vehi- repc
cle's side mirror suffered den
several scrapes as a result of rehc
the incident. repo

Twenty-five years ago this
week (February 7,1989)
Philosophy Prof. Peter Railton
proposed that LSA graduation
requirements should include a
class on race, ethnicity and rac-
ism at a monthly LSA faculty
meeting. The class, tentatively
called University Course 299,
would go into effect for all under-
graduates entering the University
after the fall of 1990.
The course was created by a
drafting committee of 20 fac-
ulty members from various disci-
plines. The meeting also created
an oversight committee for the
course, with membership includ-
ing seven faculty members and
two students.

Ten years ago this week
(February 3, 2004)
The newly formed student
coalition Our Voices Count had
their first meeting in response
to changes in University sexual
assault prevention services.
Those changes included mov-
ing the Sexual Assault Preven-
tion and Awareness Center's
two designated counselors to
full time roles at Counseling
and Psychological services and
transferring the center's crisis
line to SAFE House, a county
provider for sexual assault ser-

Folk-pop songwriter Ingrid Michaelson performs
at the Ann Arbor Folk Festival at Hill Auditorium

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on't stop the
IERE: East Ann Arbor
dical Center
HEN: Thursday at
und 9:50 a.m.
FAT: A pair of head-
nes were taken from a
rm sometime between
. 29th and Jan. 30th,
versity Police reported.
ore pipes,
ore problems
[ERE: Northwood 1
[EN: Thursday at
und 7:15 p.m.
FAT: A burst pipe caused
ere flooding in the apart-
nt, University police
sorted. Apartment resi-
ts will be temporarily
oused elsewhere while
airs occur.

finance lecture
WHAT: Yale Prof. Heather
Gerken will dicsuss the Citi-
zens United Supreme Court
WHO: Ford School of
Public Policy
WHEN: Today from 4:30-
5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Annenberg
Auditorium, Weill Hall
Religion and
law symposium
WHAT: The interactions
between religious values
and the secular court sys-
tem, especially as it pertains
to shifting ideas of gender
and sexuality, will be dis-
WHO: Institute for Resarch
on Women and Gender
WHEN: Today from 9:00
a.m to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Assembly Hall,
Rackham Graduate School

Dance festival
A sudden volcanic erup-
showing tion on Saturday in Indo-
nesia has caused the
WHAT: The 42nd Dance on death of at least 15 people,
Camera Festival, the oldest the New York Times report-
dance film festival in the ed. Over 30,000 people have
world, will be screened live been evacuated from the area
from New York. since the start of volcanic
WHO: School of Music, asiieythertnov me
Theater, and Dance actovity there n November.
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Helmut Stern The Michigan men's
Auditorium, Musuem of Art basketball team
suffered its first loss of
Big Ten play at Indiana on
CLARIFICATION: Sunday, 63-52, moving into a
Athletic Department spokes- tie with Michigan State for
man DaveAblauf clarified
his comments in a Jan. 31 first place in the conference.
article "Gibbonsfax sent >> FOR MORE, SEE SPORTSMONDAY
Dec.19 camefrom 'U'foot-
ball," saying he could not
confirm a Dec.19 meeting Philip Seymour Hoff-
between Gibbons andAth- man, a famous actor
letic Department officials. and 2005 Academ
His clarification was sent y
by e-mail on Jan. 31. Award winner, was found
dead in his apartment Sun-
0 Please report any day morning, the Wall Street
error in the Daily to Journal reported. The exact
corrections@michi- cause of death has not yet
gandaily.com. been determined.

Presidential hopefuls begin
campaigning in Afghanistan

a a a m p n

- - ----A .1- - rnn --11-

As NAiT forces rigging marred the 2009 polls. venues.
The eventual winner will face The specter of violence hangs
withdraw, elections the tough task of continuing to over the election season, with
fight the bloody Taliban insur- the Talibanvowingtodisruptthe
will test Afghan gency, overseeing the end of the polls and two political workers
inmternationalcoalition's combat killed in western Afghanistan on
political stability mission and possibly deciding if the eve of the campaign launch.
any residual foreign forces will The government provides each
remain next year. candidate three armored vehi-
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Karzai - who has more or less cles and three pickup trucks,
Campaigning officially opened led Afghanistan in the 12 years plus 35 armed policemen as pro-
Sunday in Afghanistan's presi- after the intervention to oust tection.
dential election, with 11 candi- the Taliban's extremist Islamic There is no clear front-runner,
dates vying to succeed President regime for sheltering al-Qaida's though opposition leader Abdul-
Hamid Karzai in polls seen as a leadership after the Sept. 11 ter- lah arguably has an early advan-
crucial test of whether the coun- rorist attacks on the U.S. - is tage in name recognition and
try can ensure a stable political constitutionally barred from campaign experience, having
transition. running for a third term. gained 31 percent of the vote as
The April 5 presidential vote On a cold and rainy Sunday runner-up to Karzai in the 2009
will be held in a climate of uncer- morning in Kabul, campaign elections. He is popular among
tainty as NATO combat forces workers hastened to hang post- Afghanistan's Tajik ethnic
ready their withdrawal at the ers on lampposts and plaster minority, but it is unclear if he
end of 2014. If successful, the their candidates' faces on bill- can attract votes of enough Pash-
election will usher in the first boards. Several political heavy- tuns, the largest ethnic group, to
handover from one elected presi- weights including opposition win office.
dent to another in Afghan his- leader Abdullah Abdullah and Abdullah voiced support
tory. former finance minister Ashraf Sunday for Afghanistan enter-
Security is a major concern Ghani held rallies in local wed- ing into a security agreement
in the election, as is potential ding halls, while security forces with the U.S. that would allow
fraud after allegations of vote- with machine guns guarded the a few thousand foreign forces
to remain to train and equip
Afghanistan's army and police,
HUESUsaying the country still needs
outside support.
"God willing, with the sign-
ing of this agreement, today or
tomorrow, the concerns of our
people would be over," Abdullah
3 8 told supporters.
Karzai has refused to sign the
agreement, and none of the other
8 3 7 candidates has addressed the
41 1The lineup of other candidates
illustrates that patronage and
alliances among the elite still
8 1 2 form the bedrock of Afghani-
stan's politics, where tribal
elders and warlords can marshal
, 5 votes.
The contenders include Ghani,
a Pashtun former finance minis-
ter who oversaw the transition
of security from foreign forces
6 2 to the Afghan army and police,
and who ran and lost in the 2009
elections. He promised that if
2 3 7 elected, he would strengthen sta-
bility across the country, where
5 1 8 6 insurgent attacks and bombings
are a daily reality.
"This campaign is for the
people, and starting from here, I
believe that there will not be any
fraud this time," Ghani said.

Punxsutawney Phil is held by Ron Ploucha after emerging from his burrow Sunday on Gobblers Knob in Punosatawney,
Pa., to see his shadow and forecast six more weeks of winter weather.
Pennsylvania groundhog
foresees etne inter

Thousands watch
as groundhog
gives gloomy
2014 prediction
- Emerging from his lair on
Super Bowl Sunday, groundhog
Punxsutawney Phil couldn't
predict the winner of the big
game but his handlers said he
was sure of his weather forecast:
There will be six more weeks of
Pennsylvania's famed
groundhog was roused from
slumber at 7:28 a.m. Sunday and,
according to the Punxsutawney
Groundhog Club, directed
handler Bill Deeley to a scroll
that contained the prediction
- along with a Super Bowl
As usual, thousands of fans
turned out on Groundhog Day
to see the furry rodent, the
most famous of a small group of
groundhogs said to forecast the
Legend has it that if the
groundhog sees his shadow on

Feb. 2, winter will last another
month-and-a-half. If he doesn't
see it, spring will come early.
In reality, Phil's prediction
is decided ahead of time by a
group called the Inner Circle,
whose members don top hats and
tuxedos for the annual ceremony
on Gobbler's Knob, the tiny
hill in the town for which he's
named about 65 miles northeast
of Pittsburgh.
The prediction fell on Super
Bowl Sunday for the first time.
The closest the game previously
came to coinciding with
Groundhog Day was in 2009,
when the just-down-the-road
Pittsburgh Steelers defeated
the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 the
night before Phil's forecast.
Thisyear's NFL championship
pitting the Seattle Seahawks
and Denver Broncos at MetLife
Stadium in East Rutherford,
N.J., will be the Super Bowl's
48th installment, while Phil has
been predicting the weather
since 1886.
In a nod to the game, Phil's
forecast came in the form of a
Super Bowl-themed poem:
"A Super Bowl winner I will
not predict, / But my weather
forecast, you cannot contradict, /

That's not a football lying beside
me / It's my shadow you see / So,
six more weeks of winter it shall
This year's Groundhog Day
celebration marks a winter that
has brought extreme cold to
vast stretches of the country,
including areas of the South
wholly unaccustomed to severe
winter weather. A snow and ice
storm paralyzed Atlanta and
other Southern cities last week.
Phil has now seen his shadow
101 times while failing to see it
17 times, according to the Inner
Circle. There are no records for
the remaining years.
The National Climatic Data
Center has put Phil's forecasts
to the test and found them sorely
lacking, declaringthe groundhog
has "no predictive skill."
"It really isn't a 'bright' idea
to take a measure such as a
groundhog's shadow and use it as
a predictive meteorological tool
for the entire United States," the
data center says on its website,
helpfully if somewhat obviously.
Other prognosticating
groundhogs include Staten
Island Chuck in New York and
General Beauregard Lee in

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