6A - Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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Malaysian acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein speaks during a press conference regarding the missing
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tuesday, Apri15.
Robotic submarine stll
searching for Malaysianjet
From Page 1A
troversial of the BSU's demands
called for the University increase
Black student enrollment to 10
percent of the student body. Even
before the consideration of race
was banned under Proposal 2,
Black students did not represent
10 percent of the studentbody.
The University often cites the
challenge of convincing under-
represented minority students to
enroll and not choose more highly
ranked Ivy League schools which
may be able to offer more competi-
tive financial aid packages.
Beginning winter term, BSU
students will assist at admissions
events in an attempt to increase
the number of underrepresented
minority applicants. BSU stu-
dents will develop a process for
current students to encourage
applicants to enroll at the Uni-
The BSU also demanded
greater availability of affordable
housing closer to Central Cam-
pus. Though the BSU's original
demand did not touch on trans-
portation, the University's initial
plan to address affordable hous-
ing will focus on the availability
of transportation to areas fur-
ther from campus.
This spring, a pilot program
will launch that provides trans-
portation for students living
in neighborhoods beyond Ann
Arbor. The University created
a program through the Dean of
Students office where students
can apply for limited funding
to cover certain transportation
costs. However, the release did
not mention additional initia-
tives to improve affordable hous-
ing beyond the transportation
The University also empha-
sized its commitment to creating
a new Trotter Multicultural Cen-
ter on Central Campus and noted
that a group has been created to
begin exploring the design, pro-
gramming and location for the
new center.
In addition to the regular
funding allocated to the Trotter
Center, the University provided
$300,000 announced at the end
of January to make changes that
will improve the building's safe-
ty and make it more comfortable
for students. Some changes are
already underway.
The report also cited a new
social identity and bystander
intervention program set to
launch in the fall, Change It Up,
as a mechanism for addressing
the BSU's demand for updated
Race & Ethnicity requirements.
The program will engage incom-
ing residence hall freshmen on
the topic of race.
More direct changes to the
Race & Ethnicity distribution
requirement were not articu-
lated, but the release noted BSU
students will meet with associ-
ate deans from each school and
college to further discuss poten-
tial changes to the require-
Additionally, after a survey
determined that emergency
funds for students were not
exhausted for the academic year,
BSU leaders determined a great-
er effort was needed to publicize
the availability of these funds.
As a result, a central website was
created to provide students with
contact information for emer-
gency funding and programs in
each undergraduate college.
And to address the BSU's
concerns about a perceived
lack of access to historical
documents related to the Black
Action Movements of the 1960s,
many of which are not central-
ly located in various archives
across campus, an initial group
of Bentley Historical Library
documents related to student
protests in the 1960s have been
digitized. A long-term plan for
the remaining documents is
also being created.
Finally, a proposal increasing
funding for the BSU was gener-
ated and is pending legal and
budgetary review. The review
is scheduled to be completed by
"We realize that these meet-
ings with administration were
only small wins," LSA senior
Geralyn Gaines, BSU secretary,
wrote. "They were only the
beginning. There is still a lot of
work to be done on both ends.
I do hope that the demands of
the Black Wolverines continue
to be high on the priority list for
the University in order to reach
the long-term goals we created
together as students and mem-
bers of the administration."
Still, both sides expressed a
positive outlook in regard to the
progress. E. Royster Harper, vice
president for student life, was
already looking ahead to next
"I'm looking forward to build-
ing on the great progress we've
made this year and staying in
dialogue with the students,"
Harper said in the release. "We
have identified a number of next
steps and will, for example, con-
tinue our work on Trotter, the
race and ethnicity class require-
ments and recruiting of under-
represented minority students."
LSA junior Tyrell Collier, the
speaker of the Black Student
Union, lauded the process as an
important step in addressing
diversity on campus. Collier was
unavailable for comment Tues-
day evening.
"I think this movement, in
all of its facets, served as a huge
reality check for both University
officials and the University of
Michigan community at large,"
Collier wrote in a release. "How-
ever, it opened the door for us
to have a constructive dialogue
on the challenging issues facing
U-M's campus and get to work
on finding ways to alleviate these
problems. Working hand-in-
hand with University officials
proved to be the best method for
tackling tough issues facing the
student body."
U.S. Navy sub in
Indian Ocean has
yet to find debris
from missing plane
PERTH, Australia (AP) - A
robotic submarine looking for
the lost Malaysian jet contin-
uedits second seabed search on
Wednesday as up to 14 planes
were to take to the skies for some
of the final sweeps of the Indian
Ocean for floating debris from
the ill-fated airliner.
The U.S. Navy's Bluefin 21
submarine began its second
20-hour underwater mission on
Tuesday after cutting short its
first because the ocean waters
where it was sent were too deep,
officials said.
The unmanned sub is pro-
grammed to hover 30 meters
(100 feet) above the seabed, but
it started searching atop a patch
that was deeper than the sub's
maximum operating depth of
4,500 meters (15,000 feet), the
search coordination center and
the U.S. Navy said.
A built-in safety feature
returned the Bluefin to the sur-
face and it was not damaged,
they said.
The data collected by the sub
was later analyzed and no sign of
the missing plane was found, the
U.S. Navy said.
Crews shifted the search zone
away from the deepest water
before sending the Bluefin back
for Tuesday's mission, the U.S.
Navy said.
The search coordination cen-
ter said 11 military planes and
three civilian planes would
search a 55,000-square-kilo-
meter (21,000-square-mile)
expanse of ocean on Wednes-
day centered 2,000 kilometers
(1,300 miles) northwest of the
Australian west coast city of
Perth. Eleven ships would also
join the search.
Isolated showers were fore-
cast in the search area with sea
swells up to 2 meters (6 feet, 7
inches) and visibility of five kilo-
meters (3 miles), the center said.
With no wreckage from the
Boeing 777 yet found, authori-
ties said this week that the days
of the surface search were num-
bered as the hunt for the remains
of Flight 370 moved under the
Search authorities had known
the primary search area for
Flight 370 was near the limit of
the Bluefin's dive capabilities.
Deeper-diving submersibles
have been evaluated, but none is
yet available to help.
A safety margin would have
been included in the Bluefin's
program to protect the device
from harm if it went a bit deeper
than its 4,500-meter limit, said
Stefan Williams, a professor of
marine robotics at the Univer-
sity of Sydney.
"Maybe some areas where
they are doing the survey are a
little bit deeper than they are
expecting," he said. "They may
not have very reliable prior data
for the area."
Meanwhile, officials were
investigating an oil slick about
5,500 meters (3.4 miles) from the
area where the last underwater
sounds were detected.
Crews collected an oil sam-
ple and sent it back to Perth for
analysis, a process that will take
several days, said Angus Hous-
ton, the head of the joint agency
coordinatingthe search off Aus-
tralia's west coast.
He said it does not appear to be
from any of the ships in the area,
but cautioned against jumping to
conclusions about its source.
The submarine is pro-
grammed to take 24 hours to
complete each mission: two
hours to dive to the bottom, 16
hours to search the seafloor, two
hours to return to the surface,
and four hours to upload the
The Bluefin can create a
three-dimensional sonar map of
any debris on the ocean floor.
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 4 Brainy Simpson 40 Commonly four- 51 Oteri of 42-Across
1 Monarchy 5 Yogaclass supply stringed 52 Lift
6 Many a class 6 Onetime rival of instrument 56 Knockoff
reunion tune Sally Jessy 41 Bits of ankle art, 57 Land surrounded
11 "Captain Phillips" 7 Stocking thread say by agua
1 actor Hanks Mark of concern 46 Former 60 Prefix with
14 _ink ft Roth Japanese military metric
15 Fishing spots 10 Collection of heir pler 6 1 Dot who
16 itle heartbreaker pieces? 47 Horseradish, e.g. administers a
in a Three Dog 11 Country singer 40 Pal, slangily PET stat?
Night song Gibbs 40 NoelistJong 62 United
17 *Tyke's 12 Ancient Mexican 50 "... happily 63 English poet
dinnertime perch tribe known for ever_ Hughes
19 "I'm not a crook" tamved stone evrHgs
20 Rogue 13 Capital BSB of
21Plowingmeasure Moscow TAPE O P A L C L A D
23 Ad Council ad, 18 "_ homo" O R E S C A P E R H A L O
briefly 22Style reportedly P 0 S T I T N O T E I D L E
25*Unfairdeception namedfor lp H U E N A I L E M M Y
21 Energetic League oarsmen
31 Obviousjoy 23Western chum A S T I R C 0 F F E E 1 A R
32"Spider-Man" 24 Lasting marks T E A C U P O S T R I C H
trilogy director 26Hot-and-cold fits I S R A E L A R N E
Sam 27Working class SOM H1OT L I N E D E A
33 Feel sorry about Roman T R I P S L O U G H
34 Quipster 21 Collapse inward
37*Insignificant 30 Sndialhour C C L I FI0 C NO0I 1 C 0
amount 33Greek consonant WA I T S T A F F I DEA L
4t2Weekend TV fare 35"Don'teillme T A T A I R C 0 ft S A
fornearly 40 yrs. don't tell me H E A P S H E E T M C
43 Reading after 36 Neon swimmer ETNA H 0 L E S PEE K
resetting 38Courtplea,briefly 0 T N E o L Y a I C K
44 "Roots" hero _ 39 Multi-cell BA TTT C 0 0 T 0 I n
Kinte ~- creature? xwordeditor~aol.com 04/16/14
45Scandinavian 1 2 3 4s a 9 10 11 12 13
47 Comeback 14 1516
41 *Numerosn
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54 Lover of Euridice, 20 21 22
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65 Software buyers 454as 47
66 Kevinof Cry
Freedom" as as no ii no in
67 Audio receiver
68 Tag cry 5 65
69 Loosened
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1 Cage component 64 5 66
2 Ambient music 6 7 649
3 Worship ByGareth Bain4
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of Iranian nuclear
pact approaches
Rouhani calls
Geneva agreement a
surrender of Western
pean Union foreign ministers
decided Monday to sanction
more Russians with asset freez-
es and visa bans as a sign of the
trade bloc's outrage over Mos-
cow's ongoing interference in
Ukraine, a high-ranking EU offi-
cial announced.
EU foreign policy chief Cath-
erine Ashton declined to make
public the number or the names
of any of the Russian officials
or citizens affected. Another
European Union official, who
spoke on condition of anonymity
because of a lack of authorization
to reveal details, said the deci-
sion, adopted unanimously bythe
trade bloc's 28 foreign ministers,
needed to be enshrined in legal
documents, and that they will be
drafted quickly.
The decision was reached at a
meeting of the ministers domi-
nated bythe crisis in Ukraine and
how the EU should respond, Ash-
ton told a news conference.
"Foreign ministers roundly
condemned the illegal armed
activity in eastern Ukraine over
recent days. We are issuing a very
direct call on Russia to publicly
repudiate this activity," Irish For-
eign Minister Eamon Gilmore
Some ministers arrived in
Luxembourg talking tough. The
coordinated action of armed
pro-Russian groups occupying
government buildings in eastern
Ukraine "is something that is being
planned and brought about by
Russia," and needs to be met with
further sanctions, British Foreign
Secretary William Hague said.
Russia has strenuously denied
involvement in the escalation
of armed violence in eastern
Ukraine, but several EU min-
isters noted events there have
echoed what happened in the
Crimean Peninsula before Russia
unilaterally annexed it.
"The problem is it looks very,
very similar to what happened
previously in the Crimea. So you
know, if it looks like a horse and
it walks like a horse, it's usually
a horse - and not a zebra," said
Frans Timmermans, foreign
minister of the Netherlands.
Like many matters in the
European Union, though, levying
sanctions requiresthe unanimous
consent of member states. What
ministers were able to agree on
Monday was a public warning
that "any further steps by the
Russian Federation to destabilize
the situation in Ukraine would
lead to additional and far-reach-
ing consequences in a broad reach
of economic areas" between EU
countries and Russia.
Preparatory work on just what
those economic measures could be
is proceeding.
On Thursday, Ashton is sched-
uled to meet in Switzerland with
Secretary of State John Kerry
and the foreign ministers of Rus-
sia and Ukraine. Some EU mem-
ber country governments will
be closely watching the Kremlin
delegation's actions to deter-
mine whether it's time to move to
what, in the trade bloc's jargon.