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February 06, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-02-06

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2A - Thursday, February 6, 2014

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From home plate to in the clouds

Derek Kerr earned his under-
graduate degree in aerospace
engineering in 1986 and his MBA
in 1991, both from the University.
He is currently the chieffinancial
officer for American Airlines. He
met his wife of 21 years during
their time in graduate school at
the University and his daughter is
an LSA freshman. He and his wife
are also involved with the Univer-
sity's new Victors for Michigan
Whatwereyou involved in
during your time at
the University?
I was at the University for
undergraduate and graduate

school. I studied Aerospace
Engineering (as an) under-
graduate and received an MBA
in graduate school. During my
undergraduate years, I played
on the varsity baseball team and
was a member of Phi Delta Theta
How do you think the
University's education
prepared you for
your currentjob?
My Michigan education gave
me the technical and financial
skills I use in my job today. It also
taught me how to perform in a
group environment and effec-
tively work with all sorts of per-

sonalities. Also, as an athlete, I
learned to manage my time and
work with the team to meet our
goals. These abilities have served
me well over the years.
What is your fondest memory
about your time here?
My fondest memory of my
undergraduate years was learn-
ing I had made the varsity base-
ball team. I was with my friend,
Chris Brewster (who ran track),
when I found out. My -fondest
memory of graduate school was
meeting my wife, Carolyn, whom
I have been married to for 21

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LSA senior Heather Barlow and LSA senior Rachel
Gefen discuss stress relievers for students at a Greek
life health station in the Union Wednesday.

Welcome to Crying over
the club spilled oil

Kremerata Beginner
Baltica meditation

WHERE: 613 Oxford Rd.
WHEN: Wednesday at
1:30 a.m.
WHAT: A subject reported
he had fallen on an icy
sidewalk, University Police
reported. The subject did
not sustain any injuries.
We're on the
same team!
WHERE: Ann Street
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 1 p.m.
WHAT: A University bus
and a University service
vehicle reportedly collided
into each other. No injuries
were reported. The accident
was handed over to the Ann
Arbor Police for response.

WHERE: 1300 Block Beal
WHEN: Tuesday at 8 a.m.
WHAT: Aquantity of oil
was spilled, likely from a
vehicle that had already
departed, University Police
reported. No liquid made it
into the drain system.
Full stop
WHERE: 200 Fletcher St.
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 2:20 a.m.
WHAT: A driver was
arrested during a traffic stop
for possession of alcohol as
a minor and possession of
what was suspected to be
marijuana, University Police
reported. He was processed
and released, pending war-
rant authorization.

WHAT: Violinist GidonKre-
mer and his chamber ensemble
Kremerata Baltica honorsthe
ten's birth. Tickets start at $10.
WHO: University Musical

WHAT: The weekly event
will cover basic meditation
skills to relieve stress and
anxiety. Participants come
on a drop-in basis.
WHO: Counseling and Psy-
chological Services

NBC reported snowboard-
er Shaun White has bowed
out of the slopestyle event
at the 2014 Sochi Games. White
said he will solely focus on "try-
ing to bring home the third
straight gold medal in halfpipe
for Team USA."

Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily OSsN 0745967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University o Mihigan Onecopy is available free o charge to alreaders. Additiona copies may
be picked up at the Daiysoce fr $2. Subscriptions for fall term starting in September viaU.S.mal are$110.
Winter term (Januaryth shroug pis y15yearong(SeptemberthroughAprit)is$195.University affiates
are subject to a reduced subscription rate.On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must
be prepaid, The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

WHEN: Tonight at7:30 p.m. WHEN: Today from 5:30 Por this week's b-side,
WHERE: Hill Auditorium p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union, ink mmber
Antinuclear writer of the ComCo"improv
Writer to writer of
lecturecomedy troupe, the oldest
WHAT: University profes- (and best) humor group at
sors discuss the process, the University.
WHAT: Noriko Manabe, challenges and expectations FOR MORE, SEE B-SIDE PG.1B1

assistant professor of music
at Princeton University,
leads a lecture on music
in the antinuclear protest
movement of post-
Fukushima Japan.
WHO: Center for Japanese
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Working Building, Rm. 1636

of being a writer and being a
reader of student writing.
WHO: Sweetland Center for
WHEN: Today from 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Literati Bookstore
0 Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

Fans of Kraft Food are
in a state of distress after
Velveeta and Polly-O
string cheese experienced
a shortage of cheese, ABC News
reported. Kraft said the shortage
is due to a "premature spoilage"
and "minor manufacturing

MORE ONLINE Love Crime Notes?
Get more online at michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire

Utah district explains why $2 .
school lunches were seized

Cafeteria manager for that I am sorry," Orton's tice when students don't have
report says. "No child will have lunch money.
district supervisor their meal tray taken away ever Several dozen parents attend-
again." ed the meeting, and some said
on paid leave during To avoid that happening the report was vague and that
i e .i again, Orton said they've cre- the cafeteria worker put on
nvestigation ated new communication guide- leave was being scapegoated,
lines for kitchen managers. The The Salt Lake Tribune reported.
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A district also plans to notify par- Some parents urged district
Utah school district that came ents when their balance is at leaders to hold Orton and his
under fire for taking away $10, when its' empty, and then staff accountable.
$2 school lunches from some every day after as it accrues a "The lunchroom staff should
40 students whose parents negative balance. not be held accountable for the
owed money on food accounts The incident occurred Jan. policies implemented by their
are vowing to make systemic 28 at Uintah Elementary when supervisors," said Lynn Lonar-
changes to ensure it never hap- students trying to buylunch had do, who said her daughter's
pens again. their meals thrown away, anger- lunch was confiscated last week.
Salt Lake City School Dis- ing parents and stirring outrage But Heather Bennett, board
trict child nutrition department around the country. The district vice president, said the move
director Kelly Orton on Tuesday put a cafeteria manager and a wasn't disciplinary.
night delivered a brief, prelimi- district supervisor on paid leave District Superintendent
nary report to the school board as the investigation got under- McKell Withers said the leave
pinning the incident on viola- way last week. is typical during investigations
tions of agency procedure and The report didn't indicate and was meant to protect the
a failure to notify parents that whose decision it was to toss the affected workers from threats.
their children's lunch accounts lunches. Police investigated several
were empty or in the negative. The children who had their threatening phone calls made
"We took food trays away meals thrown out were given to the school following the
and embarrassed students, and milk and fruit, a standard prac- incident, but determined they
were not credible, Salt Lake
City School District spokesman
Jason Olsen said. School offi-
cials cited privacy concerns in
not identifying the two workers
on leave.
Bennett and other board
1 3 6 5 members said they were as upset
as the parents who attended the
5 9 4 6 3 meeting.
"We share your real horror
at the specific happening that's
9 1 8 brought us here," she said.
Under board member ques-
6 9 4 5 tioning, Orton said his depart-
ment didn't properly tell parents
1 9 3 about a new electronic payment
system, and he promised efforts
to prevent meals from being
9 2 8 tossed again. He said the inves-
tigation was ongoing and his
2 9 8 1 report wasn't definitive.
Many parents were unaware
3, 7 65of the system swap that makes
it harder to set up email alerts
about balances, Orton said,
5 2 6 whereas the old system auto-
matically sent out messages.
He said the new system is more
cost-efficient and processes
payments quicker.

Eric Heinze, Political Science and International Studies Prof. of the University of Oklahoma speaks at the Human Rights in
Conflict Series in Rackham Auditorium Wednesday.
Syria and South Sudan the focus
of human rights and norms talk

Panel examines
role society plays in
humanitarian issues
Daily StaffReporter
Building on the conversation
about the ethics and politics of
humanitarian intervention in
Syria and South Sudan, Human
Rights Through Education host-
ed a panel discussion with about
50 attendees Wednesday evening
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
The panel featured Megan
Schmidt, outreach officer at
International Coalition for the
Responsibility to Protect, an
organization of NGOs that advo-
cates increased for human rights
measures, and Eric A. Heinze,
associate professor of political
science and international and
area studies at the University of
The hour-long discussion
began with an introduction by
Schmidt, who joined the panel
via Skype, where she described
the goals of the ICRtoP. The
RtoP movement aims to protect
populations from genocide, war

crimes, crimes against humanity
and ethnic cleansing, Schmidt
She also described the criti-
cal role civil society plays in
responding to violations of
human rights and the difficulty
in finding an adequate way to
respond to these violations.
"This really serious response
gap left the international com-
munity to essentially choose
between the lesser of two evils,"
Schmidt said. "So you have on
the one hand doing nothing,
largely in part to the principle
of non-interference, or on the
other, misuse of military force."
Conceding that many
advancements have been made
in addressing issues of human
rights violations, Schmidt said
there are still many pressing
challenges ahead, including rais-
ing awareness, monitoring indi-
cators of human rights violations
and assisting in recovery efforts.
The discussion continued
with a short lecture by Heinze,
who discussed the internal and
external dimensions of human
rights. Heinze described the
internal dimension as "the
state's responsibility to protect
its own people," and the external

as "the international communi-
ty's responsibility to assist other
states in developing the capacity
to prevent those sorts of atroci-
ties within their own boundar-
ies, as well as the international
community's responsibility to
protect people in other coun-
Heinze also discussed the
establishment of international
norms of human rights and the
conflict between adhering to
those norms while maintain-
ing state sovereignty. He added
that because these standards of
expected conduct aren't bind-
ing for governments, violations
of human rights are allowed to
"Just because the norm pro-
hibiting torture is frequently
violated, (it) doesn't mean it
doesn't exist," he said.
He also addressed the ques-
tion of when humanitarian inter-
vention should take place, adding
that this shared responsibility
by the global community con-
flicts with the principle of state
sovereignty. Sovereignty - the
principle that governments have
the right to act as they please
within their nation's boundaries
See RIGHTS, Page 3A


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