4A - Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A -Wednsda, Apil 6, 214 he Mchian Dily- mihigndaiyco C 1 ttd Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views oftheir authors. Registration information The U should provide more support and information during backpacking anycolleges and universities, such as Cleveland State University, are beginning to allow students to register for courses for the entire year - during one enrollment period. Currently at the University, students will register for fall and winter terms at different times during the year. In fact, course guides are not even available for the future semesters at the time one registers for the upcoming one. The lack of information is stressful for students, and in some cases even delays graduation when a required class does not end up being offered when a students anticipated it would be. Further, there is a general lack of advising opportunities for students to help them make sense of the spread out and inconsistent course information. While having students register for the entire year may not be the answer, the University should provide course information for the entire year in order to help students plan their academic careers. MARGUERITE RAMM E-MAIL MARGUERITEAT ROSERAMM (UMICH.EI}U IT'S KIND OF POETIC BECAUSE MY FUTURE 15 AL50 GLAD YOU WERE THAT MARY BARRA BMKHIGAN MADE AND LIKELY HERE FOR IT. OUR'SPEAKERO BU AAI SFF IAM ESlA Beginnings are hard, endings are harder 've been a fan of Stephen Colbert since the eighth grade. while I probably didn't understand the meaning of half of his jokes at the time, it was something about his comedic style and satirical abilities that I admired. Honestly, it's surprising I even knew what satire was back DEREK WOLFE so Comedy Central, I'll be in my resume. I may also h the one who created tha occupation for myself. B worry about that. Jokes aside, Colbert's to leave his nest at Comedy to be Letterman's successo up interesting questions, a frankly, a rather polarizing why ruin a good thing? alreadyhasaverydedicateda so what is he gaining by c shows? And most import he's not in character, is he e funny? The times we've seen Stephen are few and far be however, I personally attest be just as laugh-inducing. As far as I'm concerne are two things to conside while of course I cannot s Colbert, I positthathe isins a new challenge. Since it on week from Letterman's ret announcement to Colbert' I think it's safe to assu To'help students in the current registration process, the University needs to improve the quality of its advising programs. Students are first introduced to the hassle of registering for classes during their freshman orientation, but increased advising opportunities should be available and suggested to help freshmen register for second semester classes. After the initial meeting at orientation, students often find it difficult to meet with their advisor. General advisers should be more available and encouraged to develop closer relationships with students to better aid their decision-making. One way to provide greater access to advising is to increase the number of advisors. This will create more opportunities for personalized service, and help build stronger relationships between advisors and students. However, because there are simply so many students, the University should also expand peer-advising programs. Further, advising centers should create a program to help students choose a major or career. This would help give students more direction, and make the backpacking process easier. Additional information needs to be given to students to help them register. The following semester's course guide should be available to help students, especially those taking classes that build off of each other. Planning on a semester-to-semester basis or guessing on availability based on previous term offerings is an inadequate approach to guarantee graduation success. Other universities - such as Michigan State and Cleveland State - provide their students with the option for registering for a full year of classes at one time. While instituting a similar process here at the University would require time, research and a period of trial and error, the University should provide students with information about the availability of courses readily and easily for an entire year. Other information like past syllabi and student ratings of the course should also be accessible when students register. While the information should be made available in advance, having students register for the entire year is not in their best interest. It would disadvantage students who are undecided on a major or who may change their major, as they might decide during their fall semester courses that a particular field is not for them. If they are already registered for more of these classes for the winter semester, by the time that they change their schedule, many classes they may wish to take will be full. Methods of registration should not punish those who are still exploring different majors and career paths. Considering students' restraints regarding time and money, the University should do everything in its power to encourage degree completion for its students. Working to fulfill requirements and succeed in class are already strenuous challenges for students. Failing to provide sufficient course information only prevents students from reaching academic and personal goals. then - shout-out to my teachers. His character of a right-winged idiotispuregenius.Andhe'smanaged to perfect the act over the course of the decade. He made a mockery of former President George W. Bush in 2006 as the host of the White House Correspondents Dinner. He co-led the Rally to Restore Fear and/ or Sanity with Jon Stewart in 2010 and decided to "form an exploratory committee to lay the groundwork for (a) possible candidacy" for the President of the United States of America of South Carolina in 2012. And if that wasn't enough, he even created his own Super PAC, which raised more than $1 million. So you can imagine the disappointment Colbert fans had upon hearing his decision to take over the Late Show on CBS for David Letterman. We're going to lose all of this. 30 minutes of eye- opening, accurate analysis of the world cleanly wrapped in satire four nights a week. Gone. The last months of 2014 are all we have left to enjoy the last episodes of the "Report" - pronounced "re-pore." But have no fear, my "Most Likely to Be" in my eighth grade yearbook was "Stephen Colbert's successor," sending turn on him. ave been What's also important to realize t future is that it's never a good thing when ut don't something continues for longer than it should, in all cases. I don't decision necessarily believe the novelty of Central Colbert's character has worn off. r brings In fact, it's finally gotten to the nd quite point where I can totally appreciate debate: it. However, it is far better to end Colbert a great thing a little early than udience, witness the pain-staking process hanging of jumping the shark and surviving antly, if off past success. That could be far ven that worse for Colbert than flopping on the real "The Late Show." tween - And there are plenty examples t he will of this. The ending of "The Wire" was perfect. It was 60 episodes of d, there incredible television and one more er. First, could have jeopardized its success. peak for On the other hand, the not funny earchof "Saturday Night Live" is still on TV ly took a - well past its glory days. tirement Ultimately, Colbert's ordeal is a s hiring, matter of risk-taking and knowing me that when to say goodbye. Neither is easy. Both are necessary. And mately, Colbert's someone is probably going deal is a matter to be upset risk-taking and about it. But that doesn't mean wing when to say don't go through with it. goodbye. My dad has reminded me many times very little negotiations, if any, took place between Colbert and Comedy Central. He wanted a change. And sure, we can be upset about it, but we have to Ultil or( of' knot admit we're being selfish. We like the status quo. However, we should also embrace someone essentially risking his or her career to exercise a different skill set. And if that's not an American ideal, even if it may be partly money-motivated, I don't know what is. Because we all know that if Colbert falters even slightly, fans and critics will not hesitate to of the old proverb, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." And while that's probably a bit emotional for a TV show I often fall asleep in the middle of, I think you get the point. - Derek Wolfe can be reached at dewolfe@umich.edu. SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@MICHIGANDAILY.COM EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Barry Belmont, Edvinas Berzanskis, David Harris, Rachel John, Nivedita Karki, Jacob Karafa, Jordyn Kay, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Melissa Scholke, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Paul Sherman, Allison Raeck, Linh Vu, Meher Walia, Mary Kate Winn, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe Seizing senioryear Ramping up the campus bicycle parking policy TO THE DAILY: Imagine you are running late for class. What do you do? You could walk, but by the time you arrive at your ASIANLAN 102 class in North Quad, your professor will have just finished roll call. Not being there on time will result in a .5 percent reduction from your final grade. You start to panic, and decide that rid- ing your bike to North Quad will enable you to just make it on time. Upon arrival at North Quad, you notice that available parking for bicycles is limited. However, out of the cor- ner of your eye, you spot the accessible ramp, which is completely void of bikes. Without thinking twice, you decide to ignore the numerous "no bicycle parking" signs, lock your bike to the handrail and hurry to class. This might not seem like a big deal to someone who does not constantly think about whether or not they can enter or exit a building. However, there are several stu- dents at the University of Michigan who have mobility impairments, and that thought is always on their minds. While the student that locks their bike to an accessible ramp might have done so to avoid arriving slightly late to class, a mobility-impaired student might not even be able to attend the same class as a con- sequence of the first student's actions. Worse yet, in times of emergency, students with mobility impairments may be prevented from exiting a building safely due to a bike being locked to a ramp. Central Student Government's Commission of Campus Accessibility and Disability Affairs in conjunction with Sgt. Gary Hicks of the University of Michigan Police Department and Carole Dubritsky, the University's Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, have devel- oped procedures to remedy this problem. Effective April 1, 2014, bicycles locked to the handrail of an accessible ramp will be subject to impoundment when a complaint is called in to the UMPD's non-emergency line at (734) 763-1131. Upon receiving a complaint, the UMPD will dispatch an officer to the ramp in question. If the aforementioned bike is registered with the University Police Department, the student will receive a phone call alerting them that they need to remove their bike immediately or it will be impounded. If the bicycle was not registered with University Police, it will be subject to immediate impoundment. When the bikes are impounded, they are taken to a secure location. In order to get the impounded bike back, a student has to call the University Police property desk at (734) 763-3434 to make special arrangements to pick it up. If the bike is not registered, the University police officers will ask for certain information in order to verify that the owner is who they claim to be. While there is not a fine associated with impoundment, students whose bikes have been impounded will have to register their bikes with the UMPD to have their bike released. Incoming freshmen will now be informed of this policy at orientation, and encouraged to register their bikes. Doing so will help police officers more easily identify bikes if they are stolen and help return them to their owners. In order to register a bike, please visit http://www.police.umich.edu/. As exemplified in the hypothetical situa- tion detailed above, students that park their bicycles on accessible ramps are not doing so maliciously. Rather, they just aren't putting themselves in the shoes of the students that necessitate the use of these accessible ramps. With this new procedure in place, it is the hope that the University student body will become more conscientious of this issue, and respectful of those who utilize these ramps as their primary means of entering and exiting buildings. Ryan Bartholomew LSA sophomore As I struggle to finish the papers, projects and assignments that have been pilingup all term within the final week of classes, one thing I'm , continually pushing out ' of my mind is this: I'm a rising senior. This HARLEEN year is when KAUR I'm supposed to create the experiences that I'll both reminisce about down the road and reflect upon as I encourage (read: require) my children to apply to the University of Michigan. But how do I want to remember it all? Justlikeyesterday,Istillremember the day I received my acceptance to the University of Michigan - December 16, 2010, in case you were wondering. I remember the never- ending tears I shed on my last day of high school, singing the national anthem at graduation and attending my peers' graduation parties weekend after weekend. I remember getting the contact information for my freshman year roommate, meeting up with her at Navy Pier over the summer and building our list of inside jokes throughout the year. I remember attending Honors Kickoff, surviving Great Books with Mira Seo, staying up late prior to orgo exams and frantically finishing my notecard for Calculus It exams an hour before the test began. I remember moving into my five- person suite in North Quad with four friends from my freshman year hall, completely in awe of the amount of space we had to ourselves. I remember late-night runs to the dining hall, early mornings in the CLC and the panic during the day of the "flood." I remember receiving my rejection from the Ford School with only a month left of classes, struggling to find a major as I finished my second year and picking English because it's always been my favorite. I remember coming back from Manhattan to ResStaff training for my position as an Honors RA in West Quad. I remember hot nights on the fourth floor without air conditioning or an elevator, meeting my residents and taking my first classes for my concentration and minor. I remember reading novels overnight, submitting papers a minute before the CTools submission deadline (not recommended) and studying in the Union until I was forced out at 2 a.m. I remember seeing President Barack Obama, again, watching our team in the Final Four, again, and experiencing the thrill of the Notre Dame night game, again. And yet, here I am: a risingsenior. With only one year out of four left, each moment seems even more precious. Seeing all of my graduating friends get ready to pack up and leave for the last time invokes the worst in my nostalgic self, leaving me unable to think about the numbers of days, hours and minutes we have left together. I can't explain the butterflies Iget every time I look at my calendar and see April 22 approaching quickly. I can't explain the uneasiness I had while signing up for my fall term, knowing that I would only have one more time to peruse the course guide after this one. I can't explain the panic I feel when I think about how, after graduation, I'll have to figure out what to do when I can't see my best friend every single day. But, the one thing I can explain is how happy I am - even with all the ups and downs - to have been able to spend my last three years here. And I thinkit seems fittingto reflect on all of it before we start another school year for the last time. Next year, I want to focus on obtaining an education, not a diploma. I want to attend events, partake in dialogues and form relationships that challenge my ideals and accept me for who I am. I want to push my passions to a higher level, taking my involvement to new heights and creating a new vision for the impact I hope to leave on this campus. I want to cheer until I'm hoarse at a football game one day, challenge the institutional hierarchies and prejudices that we sometimes uphold the next day and still wear maize and blue for no other reason but school spirit at the end of it all. I want to take time to sit in the Diag, enjoy the sun with friends and a new book and appreciate our campus for the natural beauty that it is. Next year, I want to have no regrets. Class of 2015, let's make this last one count. Here's to senior year. - Harleen Kaur can be reached at harleen@umich.edu. FOLLOW THE DAILY ON TWITTER Keep up with columnists, read Daily editorials, view cartoons and join in the debate. 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