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February 11, 2014 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-02-11

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6 - Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

North Carolina dumps
coal ash deal with Duke

Following toxic.
waste leak,
agency drops
former settlement
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - North
Carolina's environmental agen-
cy sought late Monday to delay
its own settlement with Duke
Energy a week after a busted
pipe at one of the company's coal
ash dumps spewed enough toxic
sludge into the Dan River to fill
73 Olympic-sized pools.
Lawyers for the state Depart-
ment of Environment and Natu-
ral Resources asked a judge to
disregard their proposed settle-
ment with the nation's largest
electricity provider. Under the
deal, Duke would have paid fines
of $99,111 over groundwater pol-
lution leaking from two coal
dumps like the one that rup-
tured Feb. 2.
The state's letter came one day
after a story by The Associated
Press in which environmental-

ists criticized the arrangement
as a sweetheart deal aimed at
shielding Duke from far more
expensive penalties the $50 bil-
lion company might face under
the federal Clean Water Act. The
settlement would have required
Duke to study how to stop the
contamination, but included no
requirement for the company to
actually clean up its dumps near
Asheville and Charlotte.
"DENR asks this court to hold
in abeyance any further consid-
erationof the proposed consent
order while DENR undertakes
a comprehensive review of all
North Carolina coal ash facili-
ties in view of the recent coal
ash release into the Dan River,"
said the state's letter to Wake
County Superior Court Judge
Paul Ridgeway, a copy of which
was obtained by the AP. "DENR
will advise the court when it
has completed this additional
review of North Carolina coal
ash facilities and the require-
ments of the proposed consent
Drew Elliot, a spokesman for

the state environmental agency,
said late Monday that he had not
yet seen the letter and could not
Duke Energy spokeswoman
Tammie McGee said it is the
company's policy not to com-
ment on pending litigation.
On the afternoon of Feb. 2, a
security guard patrolling the
grounds of Duke's Dan River
Steam Station discovered that
a pipe running under a 27-acre
toxic waste pond had collapsed.
The company reports that up to
82,000 tons of coal ash mixed
with 27 million gallons of con-
taminated water drained out,
turning the river gray and
cloudy for miles. The accident
ranks as the third-largest such
coal ash spill in the nation's his-
The public was not told about
the breach until the following
day and initial reports provid-
ed by Duke and DENR did not
make clear the massive scale of
the disaster. It took six days for
the company to finally seal the

Pope Francis, right, delivers his blessing flanked by Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith, of Sri Lanka, after a mass for the
Sri lankan community in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Saturday.
After inaugrual year Vatican
praises Pope Franc is' efforts

Private tapes reveal Morsi felt
suppoter protests were useless

Members of owned Al-Watan newspaper.
Another member of Morsi's
former president's defense team, Mohammed el-
Damati, denounced the record-
defense team ing, calling it a violation of
privacy and the Islamist leader's
threaten lawsuit constitutional rights, and threat-
ened to file a lawsuit.
CAIRO (AP) - Egypt's ousted Morsi was ousted by the mili-
President Mohammed Morsi tary on July 3 following repeated
says protests by his support- demonstrations calling on him
ers and the violent crackdown to leave office. He is now held at
against them are "useless" in a a high security prison near the
recording of a private conversa- Mediterranean city of Alexan-
tion with one of his lawyers that dria. His incarceration there fol-
was leaked by security authori- lowed four months of detention
ties eager to show the Islamist at an undisclosed location.
leader in a less defiant posture. The leaked conversation
Morsi also asked his lawyer, reportedly took place on the
Mohammed Salim el-Awah, for sidelines of Morsi's trial earlier
money to. be deposited in his this month as he faced charges
prison account for livingexpens- of inciting the murder of pro-
es since he is not allowed visits by testers during his year in power.
friends and family, according to Two security officials told The
the recob-ding, excerpts of which Associated Press the recording
were releasdd by the privately was released to show the public

that Morsi knows protests will
not bring him back to power.
The two spoke on condition of
anonymity because they weren't
authorized to discuss the issue
Demonstrations led by the
Muslim Brotherhood calling
for Morsi's reinstatement have
frequently led to violent clash-
es between his supporters and
security forces. While the pro-
tests have waned as hundreds
have been killed and thousands
of Brotherhood leaders and sup-
porters detained, violence has
been on the rise, with an increas-
ing number of suicide bombings,
drive-by shootings, and assas-
sinations targeting mainly secu-
rity forces.
An Islamic militant group,
Ansar Beit al-Maqdis - Champi-
ons of Jerusalem in Arabic - has
claimed responsibility for many
of the attacks.

Pope Benedict's
longtime adviser
pushes message
of continuity
the quietest of announcements
that had the effect of a thunder-
clap on the Catholic world: A
year ago Tuesday, Pope Bene-
dict XVI said in a voice so soft
that cardinals strained to hear
(and in a Latin not all could eas-
ily follow) that he was becoming
the first pontiff to resign in more
than half a millennium.
on the eve of the anniversary,
Benedict's longtime private sec-
retary credited his boss' stun-
ning decision with opening the
way to the "enormous impact"
Pope Francis is having on the
church and world at large.
Monsignor Georg Gaens-
wein's comments sent out a
message of continuity between
the awkward, bookish Benedict
and his charismatic, super-star
successor, the first Jesuit pope
and the first pontiff from Latin
America. It also may suggest
that Benedict approves of the
dramatic changes that Fran-
cis is bringing about within the
church - even if many seem to
go against the grain of his more

restrained papacy.
"We are all seeing the impact
that Pope Francis is having on
the world, not just the faithful
in the church but in the world -
it's an enormous impact - and
this impact was also facilitated
by Pope Benedict in resigning,"
Gaenswein told Vatican Televi-
sion. "He opened a possibility
that until then wasn't there, and
we can see that Pope Francis has
taken this situation in hand and
we're delighted."
Gaenswein is in the histori-
cally unique situation of serving
two popes: While he remains
Benedict's secretary, lives with
him in his retirement home in
the Vatican gardens and takes
daily walks with him each after-
noon, Gaenswein is also the
head of Pope Francis' house-
hold, arranging his schedule and
appearing regularly with him at
his Wednesday general audienc-
es and other public events.
Gaenswein was by Benedict's
side on that Monday morning,
Feb. 11, 2013 when, during the
course of a routine announce-
ment of new saints on a Vatican
holiday, Benedict announced
that he no longer had the
"strength of mind and body" to
be pope and would retire at the
end of the month.
Francis was elected about a
month later and has dazzled the

world with his simple style, mes-
sage of mercy over moralizing
and a tone of welcoming that has
thrilled progressive Catholics
and troubled conservatives. He
has since been named "Person
of the Year" by Time magazine
and has injected new life into an
institution that was crumbling
following a decade of scandal
over sexual abuse, and more
recently over the theft of Bene-
dict's private papers by his own
As the anniversary of that
momentous day approached,
Vatican officials have sought
to stress Benedict's generos-
ity, courage and service to
the church in deciding to step
down as they battle to preserve
his legacy amid the increas-
ing temptation to contrast his
often problematic papacy and
reserved personality with his
crowd-pleasing successor.
It's no easy feat when no one
ever made a "Super Pope" wall
painting of Benedict or created
a life-sized chocolate statue of
him - as has been the case with
Recently, the Vatican spokes-
man felt the need to defend
Benedict when Rolling Stone
magazine put Francis on the
cover and compared his "gentle
revolution" to the "disastrous
papacy" of his predecessor.

Chinese, Taiwanese
Call: #734-418-4115 T is us
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t 71 l d- 117111 ifr oi 'in

RELEASE DATE- Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

1 Financial
5 Open wound
9 Dots on maps
14 Queens stadium
named for a
tennis legend
15 Easternhonorific
1e Outmaneuver
17 Munich mister
18 Track section
19 In a gallant
20 They swim with
the fish
23 Gore and Smith
24 Wrestling venue
25 Scottish pirate
27 Checkpoint
Charlie city
30 O'Brien of CNN
33 Dhabi
H Chain store
selling gates and
37 Twilled suit
38 Gently tosses
40 Nocturnal
42 Big intro?
45 Company
targeting 40-
47 Transgression
48 Man Ray or Arp
50 Some 36-Down
52 Fr thats not
53 With regard to
55 Priest's garment
07 Vince Giligan TV
drama, and a hint
to something
happening in 25-
Acrossand 11-
and 29-Down
t2 Freeload
6 Billy goat's bluff
65 Meditative
66 Less likely to
67 Where sheep
68 Creditor'sclaim
69 Wooden shoe
70 Power dept.
71 Movie lioness

1 Grumpycries
2"Got -?": "Can
we talk?"
3 Inonalstreet
sign word
4 Like somefolk
One with growing
6 "Here we go._"
7 Hindu deity
8Oflsound body
throat tssues
10OArtst Yoko
11 Bookmurked link,
12 and void
131i974 CIA spool
21 'What _!": "I've
been had!"
22 MGM rival
26 Judge
27 Bundled, as
28 Arcan virus
29 Start ofta rhyme
featuring a
butcher and baker
30 Foot warmer
31 Texas A&M
32 Campus heads
35 Tugboat blast

36 Hybrid, perhaps 54 Use a rink
39 Setback 55 "Hamlet'
41 DesignerTommy fivesome
44 Toon w han 56 octorZhivago's
upturned tie love
46 Gas in glass 58 Caesars
tubing "Behold!"
49 "To-, With 59 Recipe instruction
Love" eo Years and yeams
51 39-Down pattern 6e Funny Carey
53 Slugger known 63 Former
as Hammern' automaker with a
Hank globe inits logo



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Negotiations include
mention of potential
trade agreement
between the states
NANJING, China (AP) -
Representatives of China and
Taiwan gathered Tuesday in
Nanjing for their highest-level
talks since their split in 1949,
with representatives of the two
governments preparing to meet
despite Beijing's refusal to recog-
nize the self-governing island's
The choice of Nanjing as the
venue has special resonance
because it was the capital of Chi-
ang Kai-shek's Nationalist gov-
ernment during the war against
Mao Zedong's communists
before the Nationalists were
forced 65 years ago to flee the
mainland for Taiwan. it also is
home to the tomb of the founder
of republican China, Sun Yat-sen,
who is revered in both Beijing
and Taipei.
China is eager to nudge the
self-governing island democracy
toward its eventual goal of reuni-
fication, though the Taiwanese
electorate has been increasingly
cool to the idea. In the meantime,
the two sides have increasingly
boosted their economic and cul-
tural ties, opening investment
opportunities and travel across
the 150-kilometer (100-mile)
Taiwan Strait, an outgrowth of
a couple of decades of talks and
confidence-building measures.
No official agenda has been
released, but Taiwan's lead nego-

in Nanjing meetings

tiator Wang Yu-chi has said he
hopes to discuss setting up of
permanent representative offic-
es on each other's territory and
will push for greater Taiwanese
representation in international
organizations - something Bei-
jing has actively resisted.
Wang, head of Taiwan's
Cabinet-level Mainland Affairs
Council, is scheduled to meet
with Zhang Zhijun of the Chi-
nese Cabinet's Taiwan Affairs
Beijing wants to see Taiwan
ratify a trade services agreement
that would allow the sides to
open a wide range of businesses
in each other's territory. While
Beijing reveled in the signing of
the pact more than six months
ago, it remains stuck in Taiwan's
legislature, a reflection of public
fears of being overwhelmed by
their giant neighbor.
Expectations for the meeting
were measured. Richard Bush, a
Taiwan expert at the Brookings
Institution in Washington, D.C.,
said he believe the parties mainly
want to nail down their accom-
plishments thus far.
"My impression is that this
meeting is to consolidate and
ensure gains already achieved
rather than to seek new ones,"
Bush said.
There have been indications
China is eager for movement on
the political front, in addition to
the growing economic ties. "We
cannot hand these problems
down from generation to gen-
eration," Chinese President Xi
Jinping told a Taiwanese envoy
at an international gathering in
Indonesia last year.

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