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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuesday, February 11, 2014_
Night Owl
closes first
month with
many riders
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder speaks about his transition from business to politics at Blau Auditorium at the Ross School of Business Monday.
Snyder appeals to students
Govenor encourages
graduates to stay in
Michigan and help
rebuild economy
Daily StaffReporter
After kicking off his re-
election campaign with an
unconventional ad during the
Super Bowl last Sunday, the
nerd returned to the University
Monday night.
Over 300 students filled the
Blau Auditorium at the Ross
School of Business as Gov. Rick
Snyder (R) - who holds a BGS,
MBA and JD from the Univer-
sity - addressed his transition
from the private to the public
sector. Before becoming gover-
nor, Snyder served as the chair-
man of the board of Gateway,
Inc. from 2005 to 2007 and
founded two venture capital
firms based inAnn Arbor.
Snyder's speech was part
of Ross' 100/100 Initiative, a
series of events for graduating
BBA and MBA students in the
100 days leading up to gradu-
ation. However, the event was
not just limited to the Business
School as students from across
campus attended the gover-
nor's speech.
During the hour-long event,
Snyder touted his record in
office, particularly the trans-
formation of Michigan's $1.5
billion budget deficit into a
billion-dollar surplus. He also
emphasized Michigan's, and
specifically Detroit's, potential
for future job creation and a
high standard of living.
"It's one of the coolest places
in the country," Snyder said of
Detroit. "I've told people, if you
want to be another yuppie, go
to Chicago. If you want to make
a difference, move to Detroit."
During his speech, Sny-
der also discussed other top-
ics including his career path,
renewable energy and entre-
preneurship. However, he
returned multiple times to
addressing the need for gradu-
ates to stay in the state and help
with Detroit's revival, which he
said is already well under way.
The governor said many stu-
dents aren't aware of the high-
paying career options that are
already available in Detroit.
He also emphasized that while
reviving the city would be a
challenge, University graduates
would be essential to rebuild-
ing and recreatingthe city from
See SNYDER, Page 3
Ridership averaged
around 320 per day
during trial period
Daily StaffReporter
At the beginning of the Winter
2014 semester, Central Student
Government and the Interfraterni-
ty Council unveiled their late-night
bus route, the Night Owl. The pilot
program fulfilled what Business
senior Michael Proppe, CSG presi-
dent, called his "most difficult-to-
achieve campaign promise."
A month after the system's
launch, the Night Owl has been
met with positive student feed-
back, Proppe said. Running Thurs-
day through Saturday from 10 p.m.
to 3 a.m. each night, the Night Owl
buses have amassed 320 riders per
night on average, accordingto data
from the University's Parking and
Transportation Services, which
have been contracted to run the
The Night Owl bus route cur-
rently employs two Blue Buses,
making stops at popular off-cam-
pus locations, as well as Oxford
Residence Hall, East University
Avenue and the Thompson street
area. There are also transfers for
North Campus and the Central
Campus Transit Center.
Proppe said his goal is to even-
tually have 500 riders per night,
addingthat this cutoff would make
a good return on CSG's investment.
CSG and the IFC each spent
$15,000 to start the Night Owl bus
program, which covers the service
fees for the Winter 2014 semester.
The CSG assembly contributed an
additional $10,000 to cover adver-
tising and other incidental costs.
The system came as a response
to a perceived increase in crime
near campus. In a January press
release, CSG officials said 84 per-
cent of University crime alerts
occurred late at night, with 67
percent of them happening off-
"People feel safer now when
they're not on campus," said LSA
sophomore Michael Fakhoury,
CSG chair of off-campus trans-
portation and safety. "They have
a safe ride to get home. It's free,
it's accessible and they're able to
maneuver easily."
Fakhoury said the current
rider rate is good but has room for
Now, CSG is reaching out to off-
Parties begin to
announce their
CSG nominees
Make Michigan and
forUM have named
their candidates for
top leadership
Daily Staff Reporter
Asking students to join its
members in the "movement to
'Make Michigan,"' campus' new-
est party plans to enter the race
for Central Student Government
president and vice president.
Public Policy junior Bobby
Dishell, CSG vice president, and
LSA sophomore Meagan Shokar,
speaker of the CSG assembly,
will represent the new Make
Michigan movement, running
for president and vice president,
respectively. The Make Michi-
gan party hopes to focus their
party on providing for students
rather than on politics.
LSA junior Emily Lustig and
LSA senior Andrew Craft, the
chairs of Make Michigan, said
Make Michigan is not a party;
rather, it is a movement that will
focus on concrete, achievable
goals including health and safety
on campus.
While it is uncommon for two
high-ranking CSG members to
run on the same ticket, Dishell
and Shokar will square off
against Public Policy junior Carly
Manes, the only other declared
candidate in the race.
Manes is an LSA representa-
tive in the CSG assembly and was
nominated Sunday as forUM's
presidential candidate. Outside
of student government, Manes
founded Students for Choice her
freshman year. The organization
advocates for reproductive rights
and has roughly 32 active mem-
forUM has not yet announced
its vice presidential candidate.
After two consecutive years of
elections marredby hearings and
lengthy court battles, Lustig and
Craft said maintaining a positive
election focused on the issues is
"The political garbage that's
been happening ... it takes away
from the goal," Lustig said.
forUM won a plurality of
CSG's Assembly seats in last
year's election and initially
won the presidential vote, but
forUM's executive candidates
were disqualified for influencing
students while voting.
LSA senior Chris Osborn ran
for president on the forUM tick-
et in 2013, winning the popular
election. However, he was later
disqualified from the election
after reviews by the University
Election Commission found him
in violation of the election code.
During the April 2013 Central
Student Judiciary hearing on the
matter, Rackham student Chris
Stevens-CSJ chief justice-told
the Daily it "sickened" him for
elections to be decided by court
See PARTIES, Page 3
Business senior Sijia Hao works on her 3D piece in Clay for Non-Majors at the Art & Architecture Building Monday.
Researchers probe West
Nile and Dengue fevers
New contest
hopes to up
Michigan Collegiate
Innovation Prize
to award $100K in
prize money
Daily News Editor
Entrepreneurialism could
mean bigbucks for some students
- even before their companies
are off the ground.
As students at the Univer-
sity work to create a new entre-
preneurial climate on campus
though organizations such as
MPowered, the Michigan Col-
legiate Innovation Prize aims
to encourage similar endeavors
across the state. This contest,
which will award $90,000 in
prize money on Friday, will offer
students financial and academic
resources to pursue a variety of
business ventures.
"This is a way to keep Michi-
gan talent in the state," said
Contest Director Amy Klinke,
associate director of corporate
relations at the University's Cen-
ter for Entrepreneurship in a
press release.
Teams of college students
from 16 institutions of high-
er education across the state
were interviewed before judges
selected the 23 finalists that
will receive prize money. Judges
made evaluations, in part, based
New understanding
of protein behavior
gives clues for
eventual vaccine
Daily StaffReporter
In a recently published
study, researchers from the
University and Purdue Univer-
sity reported new findings that
could help better understand
and treat of a pair of deadly
mosquito-born diseases: West
Nile fever and Dengue fever.
The report was the first to out-
line the structure of the NS1
protein responsible for helping
the viruses spread.
The research was led by Bio-
logical Chemistry Prof. Janet
Smith and Richard Kuhn,
director of the Bindley Biosci-
ence Center at Purdue Univer-
"We've had it in our sights
for about 10 years," Smith said.
"We've been working pretty
intensively on it, I would say,
for five or six years."
West Nile fever, which
was first introduced to North
America in 1999, and has since
been found in each of the lower
48 states. In 2013, there were
36 reported cases of the dis-
ease in Michigan, resulting in
two deaths, according to the
Centers for Disease Control.
More than 400 million peo-
ple worldwide are infected by
Dengue fever annually, with
seven reported cases in Michi-
gan in 2013, according to the
CDC and the U.S. Geological
Survey. The disease affects
most of the countries in the
equatorial beltand has reached
the southern United States.
Both West Nile and Den-
gue fever are transmitted to
humans via infected mosqui-
toes and can result in high
fever, muscle pain, headaches
See FEVER, Page 3
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news@michigandaily.com and letus know.
The Podium: Study A-Blog: I did not flee
IN D EX N EW S .......................:....2 A RTS .......... ..................5
Vol. CXXIV, No.65 SUDOKU............2 CLASSIFIEDS................6
24 The Michigan Daily OPINION.......................4 SPORTS...................7