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April 22, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-22

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2A - Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Tuesday, April 22, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

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Prof. examines art through history

EndiPoskovic teaches at the Penny
W. Stamps School of Art £t Design
and has a joint appointment with
the center for Russian, East Euro-
pean and Eurasian studies. He
teaches both undergraduate and
graduate courses in art and design
and is a student adviser.
Tell me about the topic course
you occasionally teach.
The topic course that I taught
,was called Persuasive Graphics
and it focused on graphic arts
production in central and East-
ern Europe during what was
considered the Communist era
in Eastern Europe: a period dur-
ing which graphic arts worked in
the range of fields and produced

graphic imagery, which subse-
quently developed toward more
politically charged imagery. So
the idea was to expose students
to a certain graphic vernacular
that developed over the course
of several decades, culminating
in what was a very politically
charged message that essentially
brought about political changes
throughout Eastern Europe.
What work do you do as an art-
ist when you aren't teaching?
I'm a graphic artist; I work in
printmaking; I make my own
images. Oftentimes my own
images explore different themes
that I carry through many cycles
and many years. I work in block

printing - woodcut as well as
lithography - and I make images
that sometimes work as singular
images but sometimes as a series
of images. And most recently I've
been working on animated films
that are based on my graphic
How has transitioning to ani-
mated films been?
I've collaborated with other
people who work primarily in
animation to explore how to
animate certain images that I've
produced, or turned them into
longer narratives and that's what
I've been able to explore in recent

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Classified Sales

LSA senior Daniel Lee breaks out his slackline on the
Diag Monday to practice for the first time this spring.

CR SON THE WE& m chigaodailycom


Sexual assault
University Police issued
a crime alert Monday,
afternoon in reference to a
reported sexual assault on
the Diag at about 1 p.m. A
female student reported that
she was "approached by an
unknown man who forcibly
put his face in her chest,"
University Police reported.

Order (
The histor
- and contro
of Angell soc
its 2015 i
Sunday nigh
release. The
which dra
from organi
campus, seem
social justice:

2014 InSPIRE Earth Day:
)f A gel WHT: Te C imae Acion urAi1e-year-old boy
WHAT: The C i survived a flight
NGHAM Interdisciplinary Science lasting five hours from
ically secretive and Policy Initiative for WHAT: Biology prof. California to, Hawaii in the
versial - Order Research Engagement Knute Nadelhoffer and wheel well of a Hawaiian
iety announced Workshop - InSPIRE Richard Rood, professor of Airlines plane, BBC
nductees late - will host Mayor John atmospheric, oceanic and reported Monday. An FBI
it in a press Hieftje for this symposium, space sciences, will deliver spokesperson said that the
where he will discuss addresses on the causes and "kes's o sai "
organization, ,,,r,'re ,tr "kid's lucky tu be alive."

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The Michigan Daly n , SN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winte ermsby
studens atte UnirsitMihign.Oec s avalbes frof charetsalsaers. Adiioalois mspay
bepckdupa thes Daily'sroffc or.S ubscriptios ffllter, startigi t ebers,s va.S.al e $11.
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ws members
zations across
ks to promote
and diversity.

Reluctance Stress relief

As Davis wraps up
his study abroad year in
Germany, he discusses the
financial burdens - or lack
there of - associated with
European universities. He
poses that expectations of
the U.S. higher education
system leads to exorbitant
costs and limits accessibility
for many citizens.

As the stress of finals
begins to hit students, the
University's Counseling and
Psychological Services is
working to provide resources
to keep students on track,
including advice on the best
methods to manage stress
and remain most productive.
Read morefrom thesej
blogs at michigandaily.comj

inreasing sustamna iy in
Ann Arbor.
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan League
WHAT: Students are
invited to a festive outdoor
celebration of the end of
classes Tuesday night in
front of Angell Mall. This
gathering will feature a
lazer light show, live D,
refreshments and other
WHO: Contexts for Classics
WHEN: 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
WHERE: Front steps of
Angell Hall

r pa s or glooa c ma~e
change in honor of Earth
WHO: Ginsberg Center
WHEN: 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Ingalls Mall
'U' Phil. Orch.
WHAT: Conductor
Kenneth Kesler will be
leading a rendition of
Beethoven's Coriolan
Overture, among others.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium

Redshirt junior
Thomas Paras has
evolved from a quiet
role player to an important
leader for the Michigan
lacrosse team and his time
will come to a close with
senior day this weekend.
Sherpas injured in an
avalachance on Mount
Everest are considering
a strike, the New York Times
reported. The president of
the Nepal Mountaineering
Association said that they are
dissapointed in the Nepali
government's support.

One year after
bombing, Boston
Marathon endures
In show of resilience,
more than 32,000 run,
compete in 2014 marathon \


BOSTON (AP) - Some ran to
honorthe dead and wounded. Oth-
ers were out to prove something to
the world about their sport, the city
or their country. And some wanted
to prove somethingtothemselves.
With the names of the victims
scrawled on their bodies or their
race bibs, more than 32,000 peo-
ple ran in the Boston Marathon
on Monday in a powerful show
of defiance a year after the deadly
"We're marathon runners. We
know how to endure," said Dennis
Murray, a 62-year-old health care
administrator from Atlanta who
finished just before the explo-
sions last year and came back to
run again. "When they try to take
our freedom and our democracy,
we come back stronger."
The two pressure cooker
bombs that went off near the end
of the 26.2-mile course last year
killed three people and wounded
more than 260 in a spectacle of
torn limbs, acrid smoke and bro-
ken glass. But the city vowed to
return even stronger, and the vic-
tory by Meb Keflezighi - the first

American in 31 years to win the
men's race - helped deliver on
that promise.
On Twitter, President Barack
Obama congratulated Keflezighi
and Shalane Flanagan, the top
American finisher among the
women, "for making America
"All of today's runners showed
the world the meaning of #Bos-
tonStrong," Obama wrote.
The race was held under
extraordinary security, including
100 new surveillance cameras,
more than 90 bomb-sniffing dogs
and officers posted on roofs.
As runners continued to drag
themselves across the finish line
in the late afternoon, more than
six hours into the race, state
emergency officials reported no
security threats other than some
unattended bags.
Kenya's Rita Jeptoo won the
women's race in a course-record
2 hours, 18 minutes, 57 seconds,
defending the title she won last
year but could not celebrate
because of the tragedy.
Keflezighi, who did not run last

year because of an injury, won the
main event this year in 2:08:37.
A 38-year-old U.S. citizen who
emigrated from Eritrea as a boy,
Keflezighi wrote the names of the
three dead on his bib along with
that of the MIT police officer
killed during the manhunt.
As he was presented with the
trophy and golden laurel wreath,
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
echoed over Boylston Street,
where the explosions rang out a
year ago.
"I came as a refugee, and the
United States gave me hope," said
Keflezighi, who was welcomed
by fans chanting "U.S.A.!" 'This
is probably the most meaningful
victory for an American, because
of what happened last year."
At 2:49 p.m., the time of the
first explosion, the crowd at the
finish line observed a moment of
silence - then broke into some
of the loudest cheers of the day,
with whooping, clapping and the
clanging of cowbells.
This year's starting field of
32,408 included 600 people who
were given special invitations

for those who were "profoundly
impacted" by the attacks, and
almost 5,000 runners who were
stopped on the course last year
when the bombs went off.
I said, 'I have to do some unfin-
ished business,"' said runner Vicki
Schmidt, 52, of Nashville. She
added: "You can't hold us back.
You can't get us down. Boston is
magical. This is our place."
Some of the victims themselves
returned for a ceremonial crossing
of the finish line.
"It was hard. It was really
hard," said Heather Abbott, who
wore a "Boston Strong" sticker
on the black prosthesis where
her left leg used to be. "I was
really nervous. I didn't want to
fall.... I'm just glad we made it."
Tatyana McFadden, who was 6
and sickly when she was adopted
out of a Russian orphanage by
an American, won the women's
wheelchair race for the second
straight year. Afterward, she spoke
of Martin Richard, the 8-year-old
boy who was the youngest of those
killed in the explosions.



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