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February 20, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-02-20

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Lakes see
highest ice
levels after
cold winter

Eighty-five percent
of Great Lakes
currently frozen
Daily News Editor
As students return home for
spring break, those who live in
coastal regions surrounding
the Great-Lakes could witness
some ofsthe highest ice levels in
As of Wednesday, ice coverage
ing just above 85 percent, mean-
ing only a small fraction of the
surface areas of the lakes remain
unfrozen, according to George
A. Leshkevich, a researcher at
the National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administration's Great
Lakes Environmental Research
The Ann Arbor-based NOAA
lab, one of seven similar national
labs, conducts the majority of
the administration's Great Lakes

research. The lab partners with
the University's Cooperative
Institute for Limnology and
Ecosystems Research, which is
overseen by the School of Natural
Resources and Environment.
CILER was founded with the
goal of "fostering University and
NOAA partnerships in the Great
Lakes region," according to the
CILER webpage.
NOAA uses satellite imagery,
shipping reports and aircraft
computer models, to estimate
the ice coverage throughout the
winter months. Leshkevich said
the southern lakes typically see
ice levels peak around the middle
to end of February, where the
northern lakes see their peak
around the beginning of March.
. The high ice levels are likely
due to the early onset of winter
weather this season, combined
with last month's polar vortex,
which caused below-average
temperatures across many of
the lakes. The ice levels contrast
See ICE, Page 3A

Bangladeshi garrnent worker Reba Sikder, 18, and her translator and fellow survivor Kalpona Akter discuss their tragedies and new hopes and goals for better
rights in Bangladeshi sweat shops. "We need these jobs but we want these jobs with dignity," said Sikder.
Workers engage students

share traumatic
factory experiences
Daily News Editor
The University's chapter
of United Students Against
Sweatshops, a student-led
organization, hosted two Ban-
gladeshi garment workers who

shared their experiences about
working in a clothing factory at
a meeting on Wednesday.
To prepare for the event,
students turned an East Quad
Residence Hall classroom into
standing-room-only to show
their solidarity with the work-
ers. The move was part of a
longstanding goal of encourag-
ing the University to pressure
their licensees to sign a legally
bonding and one-of-a-kind doc-
ument allowing their workers

the right to refuse unsafe work-
ing conditions. The group met
with the President's Advisory
Committee on Labor Standards
and Human Rights on Wednes-
day afternoon to request they
require all University apparel
licensees to adhere to ethical
The event began with a
demonstration where USAS
members constructed a "power
map" exposing the discrepancy
between the companies that

produce collegiate apparel, the
factory owners and the workers.
They said students' voices are
impactful because of the stake
they have with universities, as
they're the target audience for
their apparel.
Translated by labor orga-
nizer Kalpona Akter, former
worker Reba Sikder described
the working conditions she
and her co-workers faced on a
daily basis, working 110-hour
See WORKERS, Page 3A

$3 million donation
to create virtual
curriculum for
Fall 2015
Next year, instructors will use
projector screens and laptops for
more than just presenting Power-
Points and documentaries.
Starting in the Fall 2015 term, the
University will expand its Islamic
Studies program through a $3
million grant from the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation by creating the
Islamic Studies Virtual Curriculum
The University's Department of
Islamic Studies and the Committee
on International Cooperation will
govern the program, which includes
all universities in the Big Ten Con-
ference and the University of Chi-
See STUDIES, Page 3A

Professor discusses
issues surrounding
Obamacare's launch

The History of Race exhibit is displayed at Hatcher Graduate Library Wednesday.
Hatcher diSplays exhibit
on the 'U's h istory of race

Culture of
Medicine Club
hosts ACA expert
Daily StaffReporter
As the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act,
also known as Obamacare,
continues to take effect, the
reasonwhyit wasimplemented
in the first place is often lost
among the political rhetoric.
However, Public Health Prof.
Scott Greer explained some
of the answers in a lecture
Wednesday night to about 15
members of the Culture of
Medicine Club.
Greer, who has done
research in Australia, Cana-
da, Spain, Belgium, Germany,
France, the U.S., the U.K. and
the European Union, said the
facts surrounding health care
are often difficult to discern.
"I've learned that practi-
cally nobody actually under-
stands how public health
is organized in most of the
world," he said.
When asked why the ACA is
such a big transition in the first

place, Greer placed most of the
emphasis on the United States'
employer-backed systembefore
the ACA.
"The U.S., unlike other sys-
tems, did not manage to break
past the point at which health
care was essentially an employ-
er-provided benefit," he said.
According to Greer,
Obamacare produced two
strange effects: employee
stiffing and job lock. "Job lock"
is a term referring to when an
employee will refuse to leave
their current job because
they cannot afford to lose
their benefits. This impedes
entrepreneurialism and an
unhealthier work force.
Greer added that this
emphasis on employer-
financed health care created a
strange system in the U.S.
"It's weird in the sense that
something that is, by design,
evanescent in a functioning
capitalist system - namely, a
big company - is made into
part of the welfare state."
Another difficulty with the
previous system was the dras-
tic transition from being unin-
sured to being on Medicare.
"There's a significant num-

To celebrate Black
History Month,
library presentation
poses questions
Daily StaffReporter
In commemoration of Black
History Month, the University
Library system decided to do
something a little more than
usual this year.
The University Library-

sponsored MLK Day Com-
mittee, along with the School
of Information and the Office
of Academic Multicultural
Initiatives, among others, cre-
ated the History of Race at
U-M display in the Hatcher
Library. The exhibit opened
to the public on Jan. 20 and
will be on display through the
end of February.
While the committee holds
a yearly commemorative pro-
gram for MLK day, this is the
first year the group created an
exhibit to examine diversity
and acceptance throughout

the University's history. In
prior years, the committee
has hosted speakers to dis-
cuss racial issues. Last year,
political activist Angela Davis
spoke at the University.
Darlene Nichols, librarian
for diversity and inclusion at
the University, said the exhib-
it aims to contribute to the
conversation about race on
campus by "providing an edu-
cation experience that could
draw people in differently."
The committee worked
with staff from the
See HATCHER, Page 3A


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Sign hung from Mason alleges'Vdefends rapists

INDEX NEWS......................... 2A SPORTS.......................7A
Vol.CXXIVNo.72 SUDOKU..................2A CLASSIFIEDS ...............6A
@2014TheMichigan Daily OPINION ...................4A B-SIDE .................,.1 B




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