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March 11, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-03-11

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Karen Staller, associate professor of social work, speaks at a SACUA meeting about University President-elect Mark Schlissel and nominations to the Oversight
Committee Monday in the Fleming Administration Building.
Committee talks Sehuissel

chapters of
SAE to end
'Deadliest Gentleman Experience, which
will "enhance the educational
fraternity' to halt and leadership experience of our
members and build upon their
induction practices development during each year of
their collegiate tenure." The new
for new members program intends to move away
from the concept of a pledge
By MAX RADWIN period to a more holistic educe-
Daily Staff Reporter tional period that teachea mem-
bers about the values, miesien
Almost three years after Sigma and history of the 158-year-old
Alpha Epsilon was expelled from organization.
the University's Interfraternity Since 2006, there have been as
Council for hazing allegations, many as nine deaths connected to
the national chapter has decided SAE fraternities across the coun-
to eliminate the new member try, earning it the nickname, "the
pledging process. deadliest fraternity," according
Pledging, a longstanding tra- to Bloomberg News. Earlier this
dition in many Greek Life insti- year, the University's chapter
tutions, has come under fire underwent investigation after a
for fostering a hazing environ- Halloween party ended with two
ment among SAE's 241 chapters, stabbings on Nov. 1.
according to a press release put "The bad publicity Sigma
out by the fraternity March 7. Alpha Epsilon has received
"This change will adopt a is challenging and regretful
method, practice and policy that because we know that some of
treat all members equally and our groups have great new-mem-
fairly and strive for a continu- ber (pledge) programs and do the
ous development of our members rightthing," SAE's national chap-
throughout their lives," the press ter said in its press release. "At
release stated. the same time, we have experi-
In place of pledging practices, enced a number of incidents and
the fraternity will adopt the True See SAE, Page 3

SACUA discusses
issues, member
elections in meeting
Daily StaffReporter
At the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs'
meeting Monday, the faculty
governance body discussed an
array of topics and concluded
with an executive session with
University Provost Martha Pol-
SACUA members addressed
the proposed awarding of
honorary degrees at Spring

Commencement, appropriate
grievance procedures and an
upcoming meeting with Uni-
versity President-elect Mark
Schlissel. This meeting will be
the first time SACUA has had
the chance to meet with and
engage in direct discussion with
the President-elect.
During the presiden-
tial search process, SACUA
expressed concern that their
input was not solicited to a
greater degree during his selec-
tion. Nonetheless, some mem-
bers expressed approval of the
Board of Regents' Choice when
Schlissel was named in January.
Duringtheir meeting Jan. 24,
Dentistry Prof. Rex Holland,
SACUA vice chair, said he was
optimistic that Schlissell will

serve as an exemplary president.
"I'm very impressed with
President-elect Schlissel's cre-
dentials," Holland said. "His
speech was short but contained
several very positive references
to faculty governance. I have
great confidence that President-
elect Schlissel will be a splendid
leader for a splendid institu-
The non-executive discus-
sion during the meeting con-
sisted largely of questions about
SACUAs duty to nominate indi-
viduals to the Department of
Public Safety Oversight Com-
mittee. The committee is an
independent group that moni-
tors the DPS and any problems
or complaints that may occur,
advising the University admin-

istration if changes need to be
SACUA is in charge of find-
ing faculty nominees when
positions open on the Oversight
Committee, through a nominat-
ing committee. The nominating
committee will consist of Medi-
cal Prof. Charles Koopmann and
Astronomy Prof. Sally Oey, both
SACUA members, and Holland.
The nominating committee
faces some difficulty in the pro-
curing of nominees, due to tech-
nical problems with the Senate
Assembly's computers. The
server has recently been in use
by other sections of the Senate
Assembly, preventing the nomi-
oating committee from utilizing
it in their search.
See SACUA, Page 3

New awareness
day recognizes
rare disease


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State to formally
dysplasia today
Daily StaffReporter
Thirteen years ago, Pam Mace
was diagnosed with fibromuscu-
lat dysplasia, a rarely diagnosed
disease. Today, the disease is
being recognized in a statewide
awareness day.
After a year-long effort by
Mace to garner more public
awareness of the disease, the
Michigan state Legislature has
declared March 11 as Fibromus-
cular Dysplasia Awareness Day.
Experts said awareness is crucial
for the treatment of the disease,
which is commonly misdiag-
nosed due to lack of understand-
ing by medical personnel.
FMD causes abnormal growth
in the medium-sized arteries
in the body, potentially causing
hypertension, strokes and aneu-
rysms. It mostly affects women
in their 30s and 40s. When Mace
first had a small stroke, she
was repeatedly diagnosed with
hypertension, or high blood pres-
"I just kept getting told that
my blood pressure was high
because of my history with high
blood pressure with both of my
parents," Mace said. "I kept get-
ting told to get on with my life.

No one could tell me what caused
Unsatisfied with this answer,
Mace kept searching for a cause.
When she was finally diagnosed
with FMD a full year after her
stroke, she said she felt very
"You're told you have a rare
disease, you go to the doctor,
he says, 'I've never seen a case
before,"' Mace said. "There was
very little literature on the dis-
ease back then."
Faced with the daunting diag-
nosis, Mace began a campaign to
raise awareness. She joined the
Fibromuscular Dysplasia Society
of America in 2004, and she said
she has had many opportunities
to raise awareness since.
"We got the National Stroke
Association to list it, then the
American Stroke Association
listed it," Mace said. "More doc-
tors started diagnosing the dis-
ease, and different opportunities
kept presentingthemselves.",
In 2009, Mace came to the
Michigan Cardiovascular Out-
comes Research and Reporting
Program and asked them to cre-
ate a national clinical registry of
patients with FMD. The registry
now has 14 participating sites
nationally, and tracks nearly 900
patients. MCORRP Manager Eva
Kline-Rogers said the informa-
tion gained from patients has
allowed for some crucial find-
"What we found in the regis-
try is that 90 percent of patients

Taubman student Allen Grillers works on his thesis project in the Art & Architecture Building Monday.
CSG Judiciary examines
election irregularities

of foreign
film looks at
LSA theme
Film series examines
Indian society and
politics through the
silver screen
Daily StaffReporter
The University community
got a taste of classic film Monday
evening when roughly 30 stu-
dents, staff and Ann Arbor resi-
dents gathered to watch Golmaal
(Confusion), a 1979 Bollywood
comedy film. The movie follows
the trials of a young man as he
pretends to be his twin brother
to avoid being fired by his tradi-
The movie screening was
co-sponsored by the Center for
South Asian Studies, the depart-
ment of Screen Arts and Cul-
tures, the Cohn Fund and the
Language Resource Center as
part of the LSA Theme Semes-
ter Program, India in the World.
This semester, Indian films are
shown every Monday evening
with each movie focusing on dif-
ferent political and social aspects
of Indian history.
"They want to demonstrate
how much of an impact that India
and Indian culture has made on
society," said LSA seniorDustin
Hartz, a student advisory board
member. "The focus is to bringto
light more aspects of Indian cul-
See FILM, Page 3

Council elections
allegedly violate
UMEC bylaws
Daily StaffReporter
The Central Student Judi-
ciary, the highest judicial
authority of Central Student
Government, heard allegations
of irregularities in the Univer-
sity Engineering Council elec-
tions Tuesday night, which
took place in December.
Rackham student Kyle Lady,
the Eta Kappa Nu represen-

tative for UMEC, and Engi-
neering sophomore Kelsey
Hockstad, an officer of Tau
Beta Pi, filed the suit against
UMEC for alleged undemo-
cratic behavior.
The petitioners cited the
timing of the election and
withholding of official results
to the public as some of their
concerns violating basic demo-
cratic principles. The eligibil-
ity of elected officials due to
their constituency within the
University was also called into
Rackham student Chris Ste-
vens, chief justice of the CSJ,
said that an official opinion
may be released by early next
week. The final written verdict

will address in detail all issues
raised during the meeting.
According to Article II of
the - UMEC Bylaws, UMEC
elections should coincide with
Central Student Government
elections in November. This
year, elections did not take
place until December 5 to 6.
According to Article IV, results
should have been released to
the public by Dec. 9. Formal
public results have yet to be
published, and they were only
given to the plaintiffs at the
Jan. 22 UMEC meeting.
At the Jan. 22 meeting,
Engineering graduate stu-
dent Christina Zuchora, the
outgoing UMEC president,


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Frank Ocean releases new track "Hera"

INDEX NEWS ........................... 2 ARTS....................5
Vol, CXXIV, No. 79 SUDOKU. ......................3 CLASSIFIEDS .................6
U20l4TheMichigan Daily OPINION .........4...........4 SPORTS .............7


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