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March 14, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-03-14

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h#Mid Pan &iIaj
Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, March 14,2014 michigandaily.com
plans face
Adminisrators ope leving employment. Adminis-
Administrators hope d L rln:
tration differentials - additional
to save $4.4 million responsibilities with a limited
timeframe such as department
per year through cost chairs - will no longer be includ-
ed either.
TRACY KY/Daily co tanm nt The plan was recommended
Politicians speak in a panel at "Changing the Game: Progressive Women in Government" at Rackham Auditorium Thursday. byaThe Univer committe
by the Uiversity's Committee
By SAM GRINGLAS on Retirement Savings Plan and
Daily News Editor Retiree Health Benefits, which
convened meetings in the fall
University officials have to analyze changes to the Uni-
approved one more piece of a versity's contribution to retire-
Leading progressive urged University students to nal candidate and member of However, the theme that multi-year set of cost contain- ment savings. Conceived as a
fight back against the perceived the Democratic National Com- dominated the hour-nd-a- ment initiatives. cost-saving measure, the move is
politicians call for injustice by running for office mittee, State Sen. Rebekah half-long event was the need for Beginning Jan. 1, 2015, the expected to save the University
themselves at an event held in Warren (D-Ann Arbor), State more women to run for politi- University willadjustthe types of $4.4 million annually.
more women in Rackham Auditorium Thursday Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Detroit), cal office at national, state and income accounted forin calculat- Currently, employees who
night. Washtenaw County Commis- even local levels. The politicians ing its contributions to employee contribute 5 percent of their pay
government More than 100 students and sioner Felicia Brabec and South- repeatedly referenced the fact retirement savings plans. to a retirement plan receive a 10
community members attended field Mayor Brenda Lawrence that the percentage of women Under the new policy, Univer- percent matching contribution
By ALICIA ADAMCZYK "Changing the Game: Progres- were panelists at the discussion. holding office in the Michigan sity income earned beyond an from the University. Last year,
Daily StaffReporter sive Women in Government," The politicians addressed a Legislature - 18.9 percent - is employee's base pay will no lon- the University spent $242 mil-
which was hosted by the Col- number of issues ranging from at a 20-year low, notingthat this ger factor into these calculations. lion on contributions to employ-
After Michigan's contro- lege Democrats'Women's Issues the controversial abortion leaves women'svoices and needs These types of income include ee retirement savings plans - an
versial abortion insurance bill Committee, FemDems, in honor insurance law to the media's at a disadvantage. compensation received for facul- expense that has continued to
went into effect Thursday, five of Women's History Month. obsession with Hillary Clinton's "Don't wait," Brabec said. ty honors, overtime and unused grow.
progressive female politicians Debbie Dingell, congressio- hair. See PANEL, Page 2 vacation and paid time off when See RETIREMENT, Page 2
Michigan to face Illinois
in Big Ten Tournament
Wolverines hope than second-place teams Wis. But that's not what Michigan
consin and Michigan State, coach John Beilein is thinking.
to defend regular- They conquered what the Big "Doesn't concern me at all,"
Ten offered to be conquered he said. "I think this is a great
season B1G title With the postseason now opportunity for us to get bet-
here, it seems that Michigan ter as asteam, to win, to go after
should have an eye toward the another championship this
ByNEAL ROTHSCHILD NCAA Tournament. Its four year."
Daily Sports Editor losses in the non-conference It's the first time Michigan
season are the team's signifi- has earned a No. 1 seed in the X
The Michigan men's bas- cant stain against its rdsum, Big Ten Tournament since its
ketball team ran roughshod and now that the Wolverines inception in 1998, and it will

through the Big Ten this year. have clawed back to its pre- take its first shots against Illi-
In perhaps the toughest confer- season ranking, surely the Big nois at noon on Friday. The Illini
ence in the nation, the eighth- Ten Tournament will provide a beat Indiana - ateam that gave
ranked Wolverines went 15-3 chance for them to earn a top- the Wolverines trouble this year PAUL SHERMAN/Daily
and finished three games better two seed in the Big Dance. See BIG TEN TOURNEY, Page 6 Sophomore guard Nik Stauskas tallied 24 points when Michigan last met Illinois. The two programs face off today at noon.
Colleges call for sexual assault guidance Health System offers
OSCR study shows form a task force to address sexual try, including public and private we can about the policies is really free screen in gs for
assault on college campuses. institutions with varyingstudent good."
universities want "There is no doubt that rep- populations. Holly Rider-Milkovich, direc-
resentatives from institutions The findings arrive as many tor of the University's Sexual N ation al K idn ey D ay
more support in of higher education echo the institutions complete the process Assault Prevention and Aware-
president's concerns," Wilgus ofadoptingnewsexualmisconduct ness Center, spoke spoke before With obesityand System's Division of Nephrol-
handling cases said in a statement. "We are policies. In 2011, the U.S. Depart- the University's Board of Regents ogy offered free kidney health
deeply concerned about the ment of Education released a Dear last month to raise further aware- other risk factors screenings on Wednesday at
By CLAIRE BRYAN problem of sexual misconduct Colleague letter that strongly rec- ness of the University's policy the University Hospital. The
Daily StaffReporter on campus and are strongly com- ommended that institutions more changes and laud the increased on the rise, activists screenings included urine
mitted to preventing and effec- actively investigate all allegations number of reported incidents. tests and measuring blood
A new study co-sponsored by tively responding to campus of sexualmisconduct. In a statement, Kurt Bumby, look to reverse trend pressure and weight. The
the University found that 83 per- sexual misconduct." The University's newest policy, senior associate at the Center for event was held in honor of
centofsurveyed institutions with He also added that many of which was officially adopted in Effective Public Policy, said the By CHARLOTTE JENKINS World Kidney Day, a global
written policies to address sexual those surveyed identified cam- August, was used to handle former results would help institutions Daily StaffReporter initiative to spread the word
misconduct said they want more pus safety as a top concern and kicker Brendan Gibbons' perma- better adapt to new policies and about kidney disease.
support and guidance inhandling expressed a need for additional nentseparationfromtheUniversity. improve campus safety. Regie, a superhero made of The event featured tables
students found responsible for technical assistance, training In an interview Thursday, "These findings can help broccoli, is on a mission from with information from the
sexual misconduct. and resources pertaining to the Coleman responded to student inform the national conversation the National Kidney Founda- National Kidney Foundation
In a statement, Jay Wilgus, handling of instances of sexual criticism of the University's and guide our ongoing efforts to tion. Regie is part of a cur- and the University Hospital
director of the office of Student misconduct. transparency regarding the Gib- assist stakeholders in responding ricular program to promote regarding organ donation and
Conflict Resolution, said the sur- The survey, jointly sponsored bons incident by emphasizing the appropriately to campus sexual healthful behaviors to prevent palliative care. The tables also
vey's results are consistent with by the University, the Center for importance of educating students assault and implementing effec- the onset of diabetes and high contained information about
conversations he hashad with col- Effective Public Policy and the about the policy's details. tive strategies after a student has blood pressure, the leading resources such as the Michi-
leagues at other institutions. He Association for Student Conduct "It could be that people don't been found responsible," he said. causes of kidney disease. gan Comprehensive Diabetes
also noted the findings are partic- Administration, covered more realize what the new processes A full report of the survey's The National Kidney Foun- Center and the Camp Michi-
ularlyrelevantinlightofPresident than 2,600 higher education are," Coleman said in aThursday finding is slated for release in dation of Michigan and the tanki program, the latter of
Barack Obama's recent decision to representatives across the coun- interview. "Knowing as much as April. University of Michigan Health See HEALTH SYSTEM, Page 2
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