6A - Monday, March 24, 2014
From Page 1A
chose to participate in the Uni-
versity's tradition of surprise, and
they opened their envelopes for
the first time while on stage. They
each took a moment to absorb the
information before announcingthe
result to the cheering crowd.
Medical School student Fields
Mead was one of the many stu-
dents accepted to their top-choice
programs. For many this choice
was the University's Hospital Sys-
tem, and 28 percent of this year's
graduating class will return to the
University for residency. Rajesh
Mangrulkar, M.D., associate dean
for medical school education, said
this is likely because the students
have developed bonds with their
"When you train here, you get to
know the people in residency here
and so you mightcestablish relation-
ships," Mangrulkar said. "Our resi-
dency programs get to know our
students more than they would get
to know students from across the
When she discovered she would
be undertaking her residency at the
University, Medical School student
Jennifer Taylor shed tears of joy.
Taylor said she could not imagine
being placed anywhere else.
"I interviewed around and Ijust
couldn't find anywhere better,"
Taylor said. "I thought a long time
about, 'Should I go somewhere
else?' But when you fallin love with
a place, you just can't denythat."
While more than a quarter of
the students chose the University,
the other 72 percent will journey
to other institutions throughout
the country. Many students will
attend residency at schools includ-
ing Cornell University, Brown Uni-
versity, Stanford University, Duke
University and Northwestern Uni-
versity.After revealingtheir future
programs, students were invited
to puta pin on a map of the United
States to mark where they would
go. While the greatest collection
of pins was near Ann Arbor, there
were also large numbers placed in
California, Washington, D.C. and
New York.
Medical School stuedent Emily
Naom will leave Ann Arbor to
begin her anesthesiology resi-
dency at Massachusetts General
Hospital - her first choice. After
spending nine years at the Univer-
sity's undergraduate and medical
schools, Naom said she wants to
live in Boston.
"They say that you'll know
places that feel like you'd be a good
match there, and that was the one
for me," Naom said. "I really liked
the program here too, but after nine
years here I thought it would be a
good time to leave and hopefully
come backsome day."
Naom, who studied music as an
undergraduate, chose to become a
doctor afteraninspiringexperience
she had while working at the extra-
corporeal membrane oxygenation
lab in the University's Medical Sci-
ence Research BuildingII.
"I had done the pre-med thing
but I didn't get really involved until
I started working in a lab," Naom
said. "I had a mentor there who
helped me see real-life medicine
as opposed to the big pre-med lec-
While the vast majority of stu-
dentswere surprised on Match Day,
a number were unruffled. The pro-
grams urology and ophthalmology
have their own match days, which
occur before those of the other
programs. Medical School student
Zachary Koloff, who is studying
urology, went onstage holding a
personalized University jersey,
which, after announcing his resi-
dency would be at the University,
proceeded to put on.
"Our day was not as exciting as
this," Koloff said. "We're just here
for fun."
After every student had pro-
claimed his or her match, Man-
grulkar said he was certain they
would go on to represent the Uni-
versity well.
"Our students come together
so well, and that's the thing we're
proudest about. That value of
them coming together, we've seen
them do that with their patients,"
Mangrulkar said. "About a quar-
ter stay here at University of
Michigan, but three quarters
spread out all over the country.
They carry the block 'M' with
them and that core value."
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
RELEASE DATE- Monday, March 24, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS DOWN 40 Paving goo 52 White House
1 Injury reminder 1 Feudal farmers 41 Sales manager's family
5 Pet adoption gp. 2 Red winefrom concern 53 Ledger entries
10 Environs Bordeaux 44 Like the "A" in a 56 8-Down's milk
14 Nobel Peace 3 Betterventilated Hawthome source
Prize winner 4 Gotvthrough to classic 57 Cosmetician
Wiesel 5 Lend__: listen 47 At the outer Lauder
15 U.S.-Canada 6 14-line verse edges of the 59 Spanish kiss
defense letam 7 Cttae pokan normal coma 60 Iditardntransport
16 Having a hand 8Ranch newborn 49"Sthg like a bee" 61 Barypfluid
time deciding 9 Purim month boxer 62Goodnamefora
17 Hard to find, to 10 Useof one 50 Bloodhound or tree-lined street
Caesar requires a PIN boner 63 Dead heat
18_ Gay: WWII 11Groupie's dol ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
bomber 12 Significant
19 Thom _ shoes period S H A N E C L O T G A W P
20 OriginalIce 13 Raggedy doll L E N O X H A S H S A
Folliesslapstick 21 Make excited AGII T A E L 1ETS AR
skating duo 22 Gone by GErT A L 0 A D 0 F T H A T
23 "Justone darn 25 Prefix with legal B
minute!" 2Ladled-outmeal S L A B 0 P A R 5 I N
24dAmazed 29 Bucky Beaver's E EtIN A 5 Z ]_E L E M
reactions toothpaste brand S T A N D A R D I Z E A R M
27 Three in a deck 30 Pub spigot PA N E E A R E N V Y
28 Retaliatory 31 Envelope part O L D B L A N K S L A T E S
equivalent 33BeeGeesfamily R K 0 L A L O H A S
32Foundreally name K I T K A T SET T A S K
groovy 36 "Dragnet"'star T H E E I G L E B O W S K I
34 Bud Jack
35 Challenge 37tGillette razor T A T
36 Part of WWIl brand tCIUR C A 0 N C C N 0 T C
39 Happy heartbeat 38 Bad weather I T S Y H M O S A G N E S
sound contingency xwordeditor@aol.com 03/24/14
42 Like veggies on a 1 2 3 4 5 s n 7 a 10 11 12 13
veggie planter
43 Epectedlanding 14 15 1i
45 Prohibition 1
46 Opposite of ox 21 22
48 Knickknacky 23 24 252
51 Bible bk. with a 27 28 29 xo31r
seacrossing 32 m 3 n3
54 Trite
55 Opie Taylor's on 37 39 4 41 42
58 Small, irregular ox 44 on 4 47
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Spanish hero
65bGivexoff n8 n9 en er
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and Right Banks es en e
6 Pal at the barbie
69 Ron into ne 7x 71
70 More quirky
71 Being, to Ovid By Martionuay-Carpenter 03/24/14
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Two dead in Seattle
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The aircraft spun
360-degrees before
SEATTLE (AP) - Surveil-
lance video shows that a Seattle
news helicopter began rotating
at takeoff before it pitched for-
ward into a fiery crash that killed
both men aboard and burned a
third man on the ground, the
National Transportation Safety
Board said late Friday in a pre-
liminary report.
Video culled from three secu-
rity camera recordings near the
crash site shows the aircraft
began rotating counterclockwise
during takeoff Tuesday morning
and rose slightly, nearly level,
from a rooftop helipad, the agen-
cy said. The helicopter contin-
ued rotating counterclockwise
for about 360 degrees before it
pitched forward, nose low.
It "continued the counter-
clockwise rotation in a nose low
attitude until it disappeared
from the camera's field of view,"
the agency said in its one-page
Available video apparently did
not show the actual crash on a
street next to the Space Needle,
where the KOMO-TV chopper
burst into flames, setting sev-
eral vehicles ablaze and spewing
burning fuel down the street.
Multiple witnesses reported
seeing the helicopter lift off and
begin a counterclockwise rota-
tion, then pitch downward, still
rotating, and crash. They indi-
cated the fire began after the
crash, the NTSB said.
Witnesses earlier told report-
ers they heard unusual noises
coming from the aircraft as it
lifted off from the helipad atop
KOMO's six-story headquarters
after refueling. The initial NTSB
report did not discuss any noises.
The helicopter came to rest
on its right side and "all major
structural components" were
located in the immediate area of
the main wreckage, the NTSB
said. Wreckage debris was found
in a 340-foot radius of the main
The initial report did not
attempt to pinpoint a cause for
the crash. A final report could
take as long as a year, agency offi-
cials have said.
Agency investigators moved
the wreckage to a secure han-
gar in Auburn, south of Seattle,
where they are reconstructing
the helicopter.
The wreck killed both men
on board - pilot Gary Pfitzner,
59, and former KOMO photog-
rapher Bill Strothman, 62. The
two worked for Helicopters Inc.,
of Cahokia, Ill., which owned the
Eurocopter AS350 aircraft.
The agency continues comb-
ing through pilot and mainte-
nance and company records
associated with the flight, the
NTSB's Dennis Hogenson said
earlier. Investigators are focus-
ing on the helicopter's engine,
the airframe, the pilot and the
A Seattle man in a car, Rich-
ard Newman, 38, was seriously
burned when the helicopter
crashed and caught fire. New-
man underwent surgery Friday
and afterward was reported back
in intensive care in serious con-
dition, a Harborview Medical
Center spokeswoman said. He
suffered burns covering nearly
20 percent of his body, on his
back and arms.
The agency cautioned that
the initial report was prelimi-
nary information and subject to