2A - Monday, March 24, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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'U' secretaries hope for unionization
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Editorial Page
A group of University secretar-
ies began efforts to organize the
University's clerical staff of 3,000-
plus into a union.
The group, which called itself
the Concerned Clericals for Action
and was 35 members strong at the
time, named the lack of represen-
tation at the University as chief
among its concerns. Other issues
included low wages and a lack of
job security, CCFA member Vicki
Connell told the Daily.
"We have no power in this Uni-
versity," Connell said. "In all the
boards, committees, and commis-
sions, no one represents the secre-
The University responded to the
Supreme Court's announcement
that it would heara lawsuit filed by
a student who was dismissed from
the University after failing the first
part of the National Board of Medi-
cal Examinations.
The student, Scott Ewing,
recorded the lowest score ever
received by a Michigan student on
the exam. He was then discharged
from Inteflex, the Medical School's
accelerated program. His attorneys
argued that because he was the
only student who wasn't allowed
to retake the test after failing it, the
University's decision to dismiss him
was "arbitrary and capricious."
The University of Michigan
Health System refused to turn
over any records in relation to a
U.S. Department of Justice sub-
poena of obstetrician Timothy
Johnson's abortion records.
Johnson, along with seven
other obstetricians, was part of
a federal lawsuit challenging the
constitutionality of a 2003 par-
tial birth abortion ban.
The Department of Justice
stated that it needed the records
in order to ascertain whether
Johnson had performed any par-
tial birth abortions.
vicKI LIU/Daily
LSA junior Leif Helland plays limbo with other
contestants at the Mr. Michigan competition in the
Pendleton Ballroom of the Michigan Union Sunday.
-R ON THEVEB.: rracigancariy.C
TrEE T. 1( .,Y _.
9~WS OV~d a I'h
Fargo trailer
A full-length trailer was
released this week for FX's
upcoming series "Fargo";
blogger Chloe Gilke
discusses what it reveals
about how far the show
might deviate from the 1996
movie of the same name.
Insurance law
Recently, Michigan's
controversial new abortion
insurance law went
into effect; blogger Erin
Kwederis talks about
the popular moniker
it has received-"rape
insurance"-and why that
name could be damaging to
the pro-choice movement.
departed fro
Chicago to
Ann Arbor as
Saturday nig
Global health Education
New documents released
photos lecture policy lecture Saturday by Edward
S STAFF Snowden revealed NSA
The Rapper WHAT: Global health WHAT: Associate Prof. hacked into the servers
m his native expert Dr. Christine Sow Penny Pasque will discuss of Chinese telecom company
transform will discuss her career areas in education policy Huawei, The New York
s he took Hill and future concerns in the key to reducing inequities Times reported. The NSA
bysom health field. for education for women.
by stormon WHO: Office of Global WHO: Center for the was looking for connections
ght. Fellow Public Health Education of Women to the Chinese army.
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-9%7) is published Monday through Fiday during the fal and winter terms by
students at the University ofMihaOnecopy,savalablef e to all eaders ona opies may
be picked up at the Dailys fice r s$2.Susctonsfo ater m ,sa Septe, iaUSmailare,$110
be prepad. The Michigan Daly is a membeof The Associated Press and The Aso ciae olegiate Press
Chicagoan Noname Gypsy
and Michigan State student
Quinn opened the show.
The Michigan men's
gymnastics team completed
its first undefeated season
since 1974. The team
triumphed over Illinois-
Chicago, 445.75-401.75, at
Crisler Center. Sam Mikulak
led the charge with four
individual event titles.
Read morefrom these
blogs at michigandailycom
WHEN: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Public Health
Building I, Room 1655
WHAT: Sarnip Mallick,
co-founder of the South
Asian American Digital
Archive, will discuss the
organization's approach
to preserving community
WHO: Center for South
Asian Studies
WHEN: 4 to 6 p.m.
WHEREs Hatcher Library
WHEN: 4 to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of
Education, Room 1322
WHAT: The Michigan
Youth Ensembles Symphony
Orchestra will perform a
concert in honor of its 65th
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre and Dance
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
The Michigan women's
gymnastics team
recorded its highest
postseason score in 10 years
as the Wolverines won their
21st conference championship
and set a program record in
the process.
An object of similar
size to the missing
Malayasian Airlines
plane was photographed by
French satellites Sunday,
the BBC reported Sunday.
The object was first noticed
in Chinese satellite images
. aS
Candidates aim to improve
campus diversity climate
Party Party promises humor,
student involvement in CSG
Defend Affirmative
Action party aims
to increase minority
student population
Daily StaffReporter
In the upcoming Central
Student Government election,
one party is looking to com-
pletely redefine the role of stu-
dent representation.
The Defend Affirmative
Action Party's members believe
that CSG should be more than
just a liaison between stu-
dents and the administration.
LSA sophomore Mical Holt,
the presidential candidate for
DAAP, said student govern-
ment should be a more mobile
and active force in effecting
change on campus.
Holt will run alongside LSA
freshman Taylor Jones, DAAP's
vice presidential candidate.
"DAAP aims to make Central
Student Government an active
voice and dynamic organizing
center against racism, sexism,
and for equal, quality public
education for all in order to
make the University a more
inclusive one," Holt said.
To achieve this, their party
platform aims to improve
numerous mechanisms of
equality. These include restor-
ing affirmative action at the
University; doubling Black,
Latino and Native American
student enrollment; and elimi-
nating the SAT and ACT from
the admissions process.
Holt said all of these initia-
tives will help to create a "more
holistic approach" that coun-
teracts "biased and discrimi-
natory" elements of college
Holt added that an increase
in on-site admissions would
be a monumental first step in
the greater approach. He said
another means of increasing
the presence of underrepre-
sented groups would be one
instituted by the University of
Texas, where the top 10 per-
cent of students from each high
school in the state are accepted.
LSA sophomore William
Marshall III, who is running
to be a DAAP representative
in the CSG Assembly, said it is
also important for the Univer-
sity to consider race in the con-
text of socioeconomic status in
the admissions process.
"It's very likely that for
minority students especially,
possibly when looking at race,
some admissions officers may
or may not be more inclined
either way to make a decision,"
he said. "But when taking race
into consideration, it could be
possible to say, 'Oh, these stu-
dents are African-American
and they are from a poor area,
so maybe their school system
was not as good as their white
counterpart schools.
Detroit resident Joseph
Semana is a member of the
Coalition to Defend Affirma-
tive Action, Integration and
Immigrant Rights and Fight for
Equality By Any Means Neces-
sary - the parent organization
of DAAP - and is helping those
on the DAAP slate campaign.
Semana said the local BAMN
chapter received CSG fund-
ing earlier this year so that
students could attend the first
oral arguments of the Supreme
Court case debating the consti-
tutionality of Michigan's affir-
mative action ban on Oct. 15.
He said a decision on the case
is expected within the next few
"When Mical is elected or
DAAP people are elected to
Central Student Government,
whatever the resources that we
can use from there to help gal-
vanize-people around this case
could have a critical impact on
Newly formed
political party forms
in hopes of winning
upcoming election
Daily StaffReporter
The Party Party is all about
bringing fun and involvement
to Central Student Government,
but it wants voters to know they
are no joke. LSA junior Ryan
Hayes, the party's CSG presi-
dential candidate, and Business
junior Brennan Woods, vice
presidential candidate, are hop-
ing to bring a fresh perspective
to the CSG race.
Hayes said he and Woods
were motivated to found The
Party Party due to their distaste
for the mainstream campaigns
of recent years.
"Every year, it's a new
rebranding of a new pun with
Michigan," Hayes said. "We felt
that it was a Groundhog Day of a
continual cycle of the same can-
TPP is built on the goal of
increasing student engagement
as less than 15 percent of Uni-
versity students voted in CSG
elections each year.
"For a school like Michigan,
to have that lack of engagement
from a central student govern-
ment, that's a disgrace," Hayes
said. "It's a student body voice
and right now it's a whisper."
While The Party Party does
not have any candidates run-
ning for CSG representative
positions, its team includes
a group of 13 students titled
the "Extraordinary League of
Advisors" on the party's web-
site, umpartyparty.com. These
students have titles such as
"Bar and Fitness Expert" and
"Tommy Bahama Rep."
Engineering junior Erik
Winnega, designated the "Whiz
Kid" in charge of campaign
management, said Hayes and
Woods would be more transpar-
ent leaders.
"The only contact I have with
student government isan e-mail
every three months from the
president and that goes straight
to my trash," Winnega said. "If
they get into office, that's going
to change."
The Party Party platform,
referred to as their "Elevated
Surface," names engagement,
empowerment and expectations
as their beliefs.
Hayes said the mission of
TPP is much less specific than
those of other parties that are
running. He said listing indi-
vidual goals of candidates is a
contradiction of listening to the
voice of the student body.
"By saying, 'This is what
we're going to do,' it's a com-
plete fallacy of the engagement
that you're trying to promise,"
Hayes said.
Hayes and Woods promised
increased engagement by elimi-
nating the official office hours
currently held in CSG cham-
bers. Hayes said he is willing to
meet students where they want
to be met, rather than holding
office hours on the third floor of
the Union.
"That limits the passion of
the students. That dampers
their momentum," Hayes said.
"You need to be more proac-
tive than saying, 'Our doors are
open, come find us."'
Regarding empowerment,
TPP prioritizes increased fund-
ing for student organizations.
Hayes said involvement in
student organizations is how
Michigan students create their
undergraduate experience.
"The connection I feel with
people is not that we go to the
same school, it's that we have
passions and that we approach
those passions through those
organizations," he said.
TPP aims to dedicate the
majority of CSG funds to stu-
dent organizations. For the
Winter 2014 budget, 42 percent
of funds were allocated to stu-
dent organizations. Business
senior Michael Proppe, CSG
president, has also expressed
frustration with these low num-
bers in the past.
The third pillar of TPP's mis-
sion is the reevaluation of the
expectations of CSG. Hayes said
while he agrees with everything
Make Michigan and FORUM
are advocating for, he feels their
platforms are too ambitious to
achieve in a single year. He said
TPP would focus on a few spe-
cific initiatives if elected.
"Expectations that are realis-
tic is not a synonym with being
pessimistic. It's opportunistic,"
he said.
With elections approaching,
Hayes said he and Woods will
devote their energy to stand out
from their opponents.
Hayes said he is looking for-
ward to proving their legiti-
macy at Monday evening's CSG
elections debate, which will be
held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday in
Room 1225 South Hall of the
Law School. Winnega added
that he is confident they will
fare well in the debate against
the major party candidates.
"There have been funny cam-
paigns in the past and there
always will be, but they're not
backed up by anything," Win-
nega said. "(TPP) are going to do
well because people are going to
connect with them."
The Party Party's campaign
in the coming days mostly
involves its members embar-
rassing themselves, Hayes said.
Some of their plans include a
dance to Beyonc6's "Drunk in
Love" on the Diag and a rhyth-
mic gymnastics performance
in the Shapiro Undergraduate
"We're just going to be as
dynamic as we can," Hayes said.
Winnega said Hayes and
Woods' humorous approach
should not undermine their rep-
utations as effective candidates.
"They don't take themselves
seriously, but what I can say is
they take their work seriously,"
Winnega said. "I don't know
more sincere individuals."
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