The Michigan Daily -
Skull returned to
Indian tribe after
several generations
A skull that was apparently
passed down through generations
of a northern Michigan family
has been turned over to an Indian
group in a repatriation ceremony.
The family doesn't want its
name known, according to Leela-
nau County Sheriff Mike Borkov-
ich. He told the Traverse City
Record-Eagle that the family gave
the skull to his office in Sutton's
Bay Township in the northwest-
ern Lower Peninsula.
The skull had been in the family
for years, Borkovich said. He said
an elderly family member died and
younger members didn't want it.
According to family lore, a fam-
ily member was a mariner on the
Great Lakes, the sheriff said. He
said the family member stopped
at Beaver Island, where a Native
American offered him the skull,
according to the story.
siblings killed in
accidental fire
A basement blaze that killed
4-year-old half siblings was acci-
dentally set by children playing
with fire, authorities said Sunday.
The twin of one of the chil-
dren survived the blaze that was
reported to authorities just before
midnight Saturday in a two-story
brick home in the Far Rockaway
section of Queens.
Khalid Baylor, spokesman with
the Fire Department of New York,
said the fire was accidental, but
he wouldn't elaborate on exactly
what caused it.
Within minutes of police and
firefighters arriving, the children
were carried outside and rescue
workers tried to resuscitate them
as neighbors watched. The fire was
under control less than an hour
and ahalflater.
Miss America
asks school to
reconsider student
Miss America is asking a Penn-
sylvania school district to recon-
sider the punishment of a senior
who asked her to prom during the
question-and-answer portion of
an assembly.
The York Dispatch reported
Sunday that Nina Davuluri posted
a statement on the Miss America
Organization's Facebook page say-
ing she contacted Central York
High School to ask officials to
rethink the three-day in-school
suspension issued to 18-year-old
Patrick Farves.
Davuluri says her travel sched-
ule will prevent her from attend-
ing the dance with Farves.
School officials knew Farves
intended to ask her to prom and
warned him not to do it. Fellow stu-
dents cheered afterward,but Farves
was suspended for misbehaving.
Portrait of Queen
unveiled for her
88th birthday
A portraitw of Queen Eliza-
beth II by renowned British pho-
tographer David Bailey has been
unveiled to mark the monarch's
88th birthday.
The black-and-white photo-
graph, taken at Buckingham Pal-
ace in March, shows the queen
smiling broadly. Bailey described
his subject as a "very strong
woman" with "very kind eyes with
a mischievous glint."
The portrait, unveiled Sunday
for the queen's birthday on Mon-
day, was commissioned for a gov-
ernment campaign to promote
Britain's heritage and tourism to
potential visitors abroad.
Britain's monarchy and royal
history is one of the biggest drivers
of its strong tourism industry.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
From Page 1A
Blimpy Burger announced its
new location, Magner said con-
struction would take three to
four months. It would open in
March at the earliest or perhaps
at the end of April, adding there
From Page lA
sented their ideas for bettering
the world through social innova-
tion. The five teams included Go
Green Technologies, Synapse,
Miscellania, Blueprints for Pan-
gaea and STARR Movement.
Go Green Technologies won
the $1,000 crowd vote award.
This team developed a low-cost,
efficient alternative to home
energy systems. LSA freshmen
Praveen Loganathan and Alex-
ander Cox, Go Green Technolo-
gies' creators, engaged with the
audience to solidify their motto:
"Go Blue, Stay Green."
The freshmen will build their
first Go Green-powered home
this summer, which will use
solar, wind and hydrogen ener-
gies paid for in monthly incre-
ments of $250 for 10 years. Their
product reduces a home's aver-
age carbon footprint by 80 per-
Cox created the idea as a soph-
omore in high school, but put it
on the back burner. After he and
Loganathan met in their Baits
Residence Hall dorm this year,
the two decided to combine their
talents and bring the idea to life.
"Anywhere at Michigan, peo-
ple are so open and friendly that
you can make a new friend, a new
business partner," Loganathan
Loganathan, who is also a
member of the Ross Preparation
Initiative Learning Commu-
nity, said he was initially afraid
of taking the first steps towards
becoming an entrepreneur and
having confidence in his own
"But the aspect of 'Why not
me?' came to me saying I can do
it; I have the necessary knowl-
edge to do it," Loganathan said.
In between pitches, past final-
ists introduced the next team,
while sharing progress reports
on their own projects with the
audience. After receiving fund-
ing April 2013, these innovators
continued to participate in the
optiMize group by mentoring
the next cohort of social innova-
Business sophomore Claudia
Lynn, a member of the optiMize
core team, said previous teams
focused on Detroit.
"It's somewhere you can actu-
ally go physically and make a dif-
are "usually delays."
Magner said in December the
location is as close to the original
as possible and is nearby campus.
"It has been a long and compli-
cated process and we appreciate
your patience and support," the
Facebook post read. "We look
forward to serving you in a cou-
ple months!"
ference and see the results in the
moment," Lynn added. "You can
see the impact right away."
However, this year, students
focused on the local community
and the University. Other stu-
dents had a global point-of-view.
For example, Blueprints for
Pangaea seeks to reallocate
medical supplies to low resource
areas in Ghana, intending to
expand to other nations. STARR
Movement, whose founders
attend University of Michigan --
Dearborn, provide mentorship
to area students who are failing
Information graduate stu-
dent Tim Pituch, who is pur-
suing a degree in health
informatics,founded optiMize
with University alum Jeff
Pituch said the group has
grown significantly since its
inception just over a year ago.
More than twice as many stu-
dents applied to the challenge
this year, more workshops were
offered to contestants and fund-
ing increased from $26,000 to
Sorensen added that the con-
nections within the group itself
have continued to expand as past
finalists choose to stay involved.
The group hopes to allow
more teams the opportunity to
present their ideas and gain rep-
resentation among more Univer-
sity colleges.
In addition to maintaining an
expanding network of past and
current teams, optiMize Social
Innovation is offering four mini-
courses in "critical issues" for
the Fall 2014 semester. They will
focus on education, health, ener-
gy, environment and Detroit.
Buisness graduate student
Chris Roszell, who is in his first
year of the Master of Entrepre-
neurship Program, is a member
in the Social Innovation group.
He said the courses supports the
group's mission.
"The programis unique in that
it brings together students from
such a diverse range of academ-
ic backgrounds," said Roszell.
"All of these creative ideas and
thoughts to really affect posi-
tive change in our communities
around us, and even across the
state and country."
-LSA freshman Margo Levy
contributed to this report.
From Page 1A
tionally, she said she is currently
meeting with CSG representa-
tives to stay in tuned to the dif-
ferent goals and initiatives they
will be working on in the fall
Dishell said he hopes to contin-
ue their main initiatives through-
out the summer. These include
collaboration with the Alumni
Association and the LEAD Schol-
ars Program, creating a mental
health peer support network and
developing a mobile ticketing
system with the Athletic Depart-
These initiatives are all con-
tinuations of original platform
points from Dishell and Shokar's
campaign with Make Michigan.
A resolution involving working
with the Alumni Association on
expanding the LEAD Scholars
program and allocating CSG
funds was already introduced
Tuesday night at the assembly's
first meeting.
Dishell said he would be in
contact with the Athletic Depart-
ment throughout the summer to
work on introducing mobile tick-
eting as soon as possible. He said
it is possible that a mobile system
will be in place for the upcoming
basketball season with a pilot to
run at one football game.
Athletic Director Dave Bran-
don recently spoke to CSG and
commented on the thousands
of season tickets that go unused
every game. Mobile ticketing
would make it easier for students
to transfer tickets to one another,
helping to eradicate this issue of
empty seats.
Dishell added that repealing
the keg law is another priority
From Page 2A
an interview with The Mich-
igan Daily.
Kendall said Immortal
Technique, whose songs often
include social and political
commentary, embodies Hip
Hop Congress' core values.
"I really think Immortal
Technique was fitting with the
theme of a lot of things that
have been going on this year as
far as social commentary goes,"
Kendall said. "Hip-hop at its
root is social commentary and
From Page 1A
and neurosurgery. These seek to
aid patients with scoliosis, brain
tumor resections, spinal tumors,
peripheral nerve tumors and
other diseases.
In Fall 2013, the program
piloted with a class of four stu-
dents. Two of these students are
graduating in May; one student
switched fields and another is
staying to take additional class-
es. r
There are 17 students in the
CSG will work on immediately to
address student safety. The keg
law requires that a tag with the
customer's name, address, phone
number and state ID number be
attached to each keg sold, better
preventing purchases by under-
age students.
The law went into effect in 2011
with the initial intent of curb-
ing underage drinking, but back-
fired since many now prefer hard
liquor. Dishell said there have
been visible increases in hard
liquor sales and alcohol-related
hospitalizations since the passage
of the law.
"It's something we came to a
realization about that we didn't
necessarily run on," he said.
"We've really seen a drinking
problem increase."
Dishell added that he hopes to
increase the support of arts at the
University in the upcoming year.
He said he wants to find ways to
encourage students who are not
in the School of Music, Theater &
Dance to be engaged in the per-
forming arts as well.
"The arts play an integral role
in education in helping bring
about things and workingthrough
problems," he said. "Making them
more accessible to students here
I think is really huge, whether
that's formally through classes
or whether that's informally
through studentgroups."
Both Dishell and Shokar held
key CSG roles over the past year,
as vice president and speaker of
the assembly, respectively, giv-
ing them a clear idea of how to
improve based on their experi-
ences so far.
Dishell said soliciting student
organizations through stronger
Executive Commissions, specifi-
cally the Student Organization
Outreach Commission and Legis-
I think Immortal Technique
does great job in communicat-
ing that in his music".
In the past, Hip Hop Week
has consisted of a weekend, but
this year, organizers scheduled
activities each day of the week
leading up to the show, includ-
ing a film screening, a visit to a
Detroit gallery and a discussion
on drug use and hip-hop.
"A lot of times hip-hop or rap
is painted in a pretty negative
light so it's pretty much our job
to kind of show people the other
side of that," Kendall said.
Kendall added that the dis-
cussion of drug usage in hip-
second class participating in the
program, which capped at 18.
"We are limited by how many
students we can allow into the
program based on how many
clinical sites are available for
those students," Mergos said.
Though there was no formal
application process previously
for the program, there will be an
application process beginning in
Fall 2015, Mergos said.
"We want to give everyone
the opportunity that is interest-
ed and has the ability to do the
program well," Mergos said.
Winn heard about the pro-
gram from a Kinesiology career
Monday, April 21, 2014 - 3A
lative Committees, will be some-
thing to work on starting in the
"There's a lot of opportunity
there for the assembly to really
work with the Commission and
work with the Program Commu-
nications Director in the fall on
making sure CSG is out there, on
the ground, besides when its elec-
tion time," Dishell said.
Executives appoint leaders of
Commissions, and applications
for these positions will be avail-
able in the summer. Committees
are extensions of the CSG Assem-
bly and will be finalized sometime
next week.
The Black Student Union was
one of the more prominent stu-
dent organizations that worked
with CSG in the past year. CSG
passed a resolution in support
of several of the BSU's goals for
increasing diversity on campus.
LSA junior Geralyn Gaines,
BSU vice speaker, is also new rep-
resentative serving on the CSG
Assembly. She said the BSU has
not made any formal decisions yet
for what to work on next year, but
her role will help with any future
CSG resolutions.
"There are almost 800 people
in the BSU listserv," she said. "I'll
be able to use that perspective,
and perspective of students out-
side the BSU, in order to gauge
what people want and what kind
of change they want to see, what
issues are most important to
Overall, Dishell said he hopes
to increase CSG's visibility on
campus by attending more stu-
dent events and spending time
with more student organization
"We talk to a lot of students
every day, but there is always
more we can do," he said.
hop was the most popular event
apart from Friday's show.
"That was a great event,"
he said. "It was a conversation
where I feel like everybody
walked away with something so
it was really productive."
Kendall said the show's suc-
cess - with musical perfor-
mances lasting an hour past
their expected conclusion -
demonstrated the organiza-
tion's main goals.
"Hip Hop has the power to
bring people together that oth-
erwise probably wouldn't be in
the same room," Kendall said.
fair and shadowing a clinician in
the operating room.
"I cannot get enough of being
in the operating room, it is just
so awesome to experience,"
Winn said.
Mergos said she hopes to
expand clinical sites, incorpo-
rate international opportunities
and expand research opportuni-
ties for students.
"My hope is that there are
more directed study opportuni-
ties for undergraduate students
to be involved with the research
that is pushing our field for-
Before vote, Assad
visits seized village
as war continues
Syrian president's
trip attempts to
secure image as
minority protector
BEIRUT (AP) - Syria's
embattled president marked
Easter with a tour Sunday of an
ancient Christian village recent-
ly recaptured by his forces, an
important symbolic prize for
his government ahead of com-
ing presidential elections he
appears poised to contest.
President Bashar Assad's visit
to Maaloula, some 60 kilometers
(40 miles) northeast of Damas-
cus, serves a propaganda victory
for his government in its quest to
be seen as protector of religious
minorities as its civil war grinds
Meanwhile, questions contin-
ue to swirl about allegations of
recent poison gas attacks in the
country, with French officials
saying Sunday there were indi-
cations that Assad's forces were
behind them.
Rebels, including fighters
from the al-Qaida-affiliated
Nusra Front, seized Maaloula
several times late last year, most
recently in December. Govern-
ment troops swept through the
village on Monday, sending rebel
fighters fleeing to nearby hills.
Despite damage to holy sites
in the village, Assad told Syrian
state television: "Maaloula will
remain steadfast in the face of
barbarism of all those who are
targeting the homeland."
"Nobody, regardless of the
extent of their terror, can erase
our cultural and human his-
tory," the state news agency
quoted Assad as saying as he
surveyed damage to the Mar
Takla Greek Orthodox monas-
tery in the village.
Assad promised to defend
Christians - who make up about
10 percent of Syria's prewar
population of 23 million - and
protect churches that he said
were part of the country's cul-
tural heritage. Syria's civil war
has seen Islamic extremists and
radical foreign fighters join the
fight and target Christians and
their houses of worship.
Many of Syria's patchwork of
minority Christian and Muslim
faiths support Assad or have
remained neutral, fearing for
their fate should hard-line rebel
groups seize power.
Assad's visit, while highlight-
ing the recent gains his forces
have made around the capital
and along the Lebanese border,
also took on the air of a cam-
paign-style event. On Monday,
Syria's parliament will open
registration for presidential can-
didates in its upcoming election,
scheduled to be held this sum-