The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 3A
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 3A
ORR was punctuated by statistics that
confirmed the difficulties Detroit
From Page 1A would face in restructuring, his
speech focused on how he helped
side your comfort zone and do assess the challenges facing the
something for service?" Orr city by releasing a transparent
recalled asking himself. He cred- report on its finances. He also
ited the former University Presi- outlined some of the initiatives
dent James Angell's description Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's
of the University's goal of offer- administration would implement
ing "uncommon education for over the next few months to bal-
the common man" for teaching ance the city's finances.
him the philosophy of service A portion of Orr's speech was
during his time asa student. dedicated to lauding several
Detroit's bankruptcy placed Detroit area foundations, such
pension payouts to thousands of as the Kresge Foundation and
retired city workers in jeopardy. Kellogg Foundation, which had
Because the bankruptcy pro- jointly donated $330 million to
cess has included negotiations protect the Detroit Institute of
between the city's creditors and Arts. Those funds, combined
labor leaders, Orr said the two with contributions from DIA
entities need to reach an agree- donors, will assist the city in ful-
ment regarding the extent to filling most of its commitments
which pension obligations must to pensioners, thus preventing
be repaid. the sell-off of DIA art to pay its
"I don't want to (cut pensions), bills.
but I'm making the hard call, Orr credited the foundations
that's my job," Orr said. as the reason that art from the
"Reaching a consensual reso- DIA has not been sold to private
lution (with creditors) and get- investors. The deal is pending
ting (a retired city worker) to approval by a federal bankruptcy
understand they have to give up judge later this year.
expectations, particularly those "Foundation leaders said
in the twilightoflife, is adifficult this is a particular time in the
call." foundation of America and we
Though Orr's presentation need to stand up because oth-
From Page 1A
encouraged by several members
of Hillel to attend.
CSG President Michael
Proppe, a Business senior,
motioned to allow a reconsid-
eration of the indefinite post-
ponement of the divestment bill
once the assembly reached the
Motions and Other Business por-
tion of the meeting. This motion
passed with five dissenting
votes, followed by a revote on the
motion to indefinitely postpone
the bill again, which failed with
only seven in support. Proppe's
motion to reconsider Resolu-
tion 3-050 then passed with only
three dissenting votes.
Despite an amendment to line
105 of the resolution, adding the
phrase "pending the results of
the ad hoc committee," the pro-
posal did not pass. It was voted
on ins' secret ballot, an atamend-
ment to the rules decided by the
assembly to ensure the safety of
individual representatives.
LSA senior Suha Najjar, one of
the original authors of the reso-
lution, said while it wasn't the
complete outcome that members
of SAFE wanted, she was happy
their voices were not silenced
this time.
"I am upset. I am disappoint-
ed. But more so, I am very proud
of what we've accomplished,"
she said. "Last week there was a
decision to indefinitely postpone
and resolutions likethat don'tget
called back in here, but because
of our persistence and because of
our determination we came back
and we fought and we got to say
what we wanted to say."
She added that the sit-in is
now over and SAFE members
will not no longer occupy the
After the vote, supporters of
the resolution left the chambers
in silence to rally at the Cube in
front of the Fleming Adminis-
tration Building. Speakers at the
Cube shared their plans to take
a divestment proposal to the
University's Board of Regents,
thanked the resolution's sup-
porters at large - particularly
the large number of non-Pales-
tinian supporters - and advised
all members to remain cautious
on their way home given the per-
ceived hostility on campus after
last week's vote.
During the Community Con-
cerns portion of the meeting,
selected membersofthe audience
are given a three-minute time
allotment during which they are
allowed to make statements to
the assembly. During the bill's
second reading, authors of the
resolution continued the discus-
sion. Guest speakers opened the
meeting, followed by 90 minutes
of Community Concerns. Usual-
ly, only 30 minutes are allocated
for Community Concerns, but
the CSG assembly voted twice to
extend this time limit.
Max Blumenthal, a Jewish-
American author and journalist,
served as guest speaker on behalf
of SAFE. He was the first speaker
of the meeting and opened by
praising students of SAFE who
have been protesting for the past
week. SAFE members responded
with sign language applause,
since audible cheers were banned
by assembly rules.
Guests on behalf of Hil-
lel discussed alleged flaws in
the divestment resolution. Four
speakers on behalf of Hillel were
present, including Yael Aronoff,
associate professor of interna-
tional relations at Michigan State
University, and four University of
Michigan law students.
Law student Scott Bloomberg
said the resolution indicates
there will eventually be a broad
and consistent consensus on
divestment. He said due to the
diversity of views regarding this
issue, no such consensus will
ever be reached.
History Prof. Victor Lieber-
man, who recently received the
Golden Apple Award for teaching
and currently teaches the course
"The History of the Arab-Israeli
Conflict," delivered a presenta-
tion on the history of the conflict.
LSA senior Bayan Founas, a
SAFE member, said the group
was not consulted by CSG about
which professor would be pre-
senting to the assembly. She
added that several students vis-
ited with Lieberman and asked
him not to speak because they
disagree with his interpretation
of the history of the West Bank
conflict. Founas said SAFE mem-
bers requested that Proppe find
a different speaker a few hours
before the meeting, but were
informed it was too late.
In response to a question from
LSA sophomore Jacob Ruby, an
LSA representative, Lieberman
said he believes the passage of the
divestment resolution would fur-
ther the broader Boycott, Divest-
ment and Sanctions campaign
against Israel.
Speakers heard in random
order during Community Con-
cerns included students both
for and against the resolution at
hand. Several students in support
erwise there will be a yard sale
in the DIA yard," Orr noted. "If
you don't think that can hap-
pen, there are many sovereign,
wealthy, Russian oligarchs, Bra-
zilian millionaires who are call-
ing and inquiring."
Marieke Van Damme, LSA
museum project manager, who
attended the talk, criticized Orr
for neglecting to mention arts as
an asset to Detroit's future.
"It was hard to hear him not
mention arts and culture to revi-
talize the arts at all, and instead
hear him say that he was going
to have a yard sale," Damme said
"He had an incredible opportu-
nity in this presentation to sell
Detroit on its history of art and
culture, I think creating more
sports stadiums is not the way to
empower a city."
Rackham student Kumar Raj,
an event volunteer, said he appre-
ciated the opportunity to hear
firsthand what was happening
in Detroit, especially as a student
who hoped to live inthe city after
"I think you learn a lot of the
academic side, and it's nice to
have a practitioner come and
speak to all of us on a topic as
important as Detroit," he said.
of divestment shared personal
stories of life in the Middle East
and Palestine specifically. Stu-
dents against the resolution reit-
erated sentiments that passage
of this resolution would further
divide the student body.
While CSG executive officers
are not permitted to vote on mat-
ters of the assembly, they did
address the room before mem-
bers of the assembly began their
Proppe advised representa-
tives to consider the strong divi-
sion of student opinion regarding
the resolution when considering
its passage. He added that he does
not think those representatives
who voted to indefinitely post-
pone the resolution did so with
the intent to silence students.
CSG Vice President Bobby
Dishell, a Public Policy junior,
said as a student leader, he less-
ened his involvement with pro-
Israel groups once he became a
representative. He reiterated that
he remains pro-Israel, but does
not want his own political beliefs
to influence his role as vice presi-
Dishell and LSA sophomore
Meagan Shokar, speaker of the
assembly, said the hostile cam-
pus climate in the wake of the
March 18 meeting threatens the
democratic process and would
not be tolerated. SAFE represen-
tatives told The Michigan Daily
that members have been receiv-
ing racist comments, have been
yelled at on the street by people
driving by and have been classi-
fied as extremists. CSG members
claimed to receive similar threats
and members ofbothgroups have
reported some individuals do not
feel safe enough to attend their
Administrators have met
repeatedly with SAFE and the
members of the sit-in, as well as
other groups, hearing the vari-
ous accounts of threats received
by CSG representatives as well as
members of the sit-in. In antici-
pation of the meeting, E. Royster
Harper, vice president for student
life, sent a campus-wide e-mail
early Tuesday evening reminding
students of the University's poli-
cy regarding freedom of speech
and artistic expression outlined
in its Standard Practice Guide.
She urged students to remain
respectful and tolerant of diverse
Harper referred to a previous
Daily article, an official response
from Proppe and a statement
from Palestinian students and
allies to provide students with
context of the issue.
From Page 1A
shop's milk and cream.
The ice cream base will consist
entirely of eggs, cane sugar and
milk, free of any added preserva-
tives, stabilizers or emulsifiers. All
of the add-ins, such as peanut but-
ter cups, will also be organic or
"We're trying to make an all-
natural product, that even though
you're indulging, you can feel good
about eating - something that's a
whole food," Segler said.
The store will feature a glass
wall to allow customers to look in
onthe processofmakingice cream.
The store will also include games,
chalkboards and slates for children
to draw on - providing inspiration
for the creamery's name.
Segler said she is also in the
process of developing partner-
ships with Mighty Good Coffee
From Page1A
nents: the car's bottom wing,
under-tray and top wing. These
components create a pressure dif-
ferential that ultimately pushes
downward to give the car better
"It kind of sucks the car down
to the ground," he said. "It's the
same concept that keeps air-
planes in the air, just reversed to
keeping the car on the ground."
Engineering Prof. Jason Martz,
MRacing's faculty adviser, said
the program's value comes from
students' ability to learn by doing.
"FormulaSAE providesuswith
a beneficial, real-world aspect
to our students' education," he
said. "The strong fundamentals
acquired here in the classroom
at the University of Michigan are
applied to real-world problems
through participation on this
Martz addedthatconcepts such
as internal combustion theory and
thermodynamics find practical
application in the building of a
motor vehicle, which makes them
more pertinent to study.
and a local chocolate store to add
to her bank of flavors. Though
Segler wants to keep the focus on
ice cream, sundaes and shakes, she
also mentioned the possibility of
introducing soup to the menu dur-
ing winter months.
Segler's idea to open a new ice
cream store did not materialize
overnight. She first first conceived
the idea when she was in her twen-
ties. To start, she visited an inde-
pendent shop in Massachusetts to
learn how all-natural ice cream is
made and to see whether opening
a store was something she really
wanted to do. After learning the
basics, she returned to Michigan
to perfect her flavors and propor-
Segler said she hopes to bring
something newto Ann Arbor while
keeping a local feel.
"We think our product is a good
match with what people in the
downtown area are looking for,"
Segler said. "We didn'twantto be a
Joe Fadool, the president of
BorgWarner Morse TEC, spoke
at the event as well. BorgWarner
- an international company that
develops technologies to improve
motor vehicle emissions, fuel
economy and performance - is
MRacing's title sponsor.
"We believe in the work that all
the administrators and professors
are doing right here in Ann Arbor,"
he said. "It is this type of work that
develops the next generation of
scientists, engineers and leaders
that we need for our industry."
Fadool also encouraged the stu-
dents involved with MRacing to
consider the automotive industry
as a viable future career option
- contrary to what some might
"The automotive industry is
back," he said.
In the comingweeks, MRacing
students will test-drive the For-
mula SAE car. Four of the orga-
nization's members, all of whom
have some form of previous rac-
ing experience, will operate the
vehicle in upcoming competi-
The vehicle will compete in
three races: one at the Michigan
International Speedway, another
shop in atypical strip mall."
Rather than thinking of the new
store as competition, the owners of
other ice cream shops in Ann Arbor
said the Blank Slate Creamery will
be a good addition to the commu-
LSA senior Nick Lemmer, owner
of Iorio's Gelateria on East William
Street, said ice cream and gelato
are very different products.
"Gelato is made with different
ingredients, so while it is a little bit
of competition, it's not direct com-
petition," Lemmer said. "We're
excited that another frozen dessert
place will be coming to Ann Arbor
because I think it's important for
the market itself."
Chera Tramontin, owner of
Kilwin's on East Liberty, said she
did not have any concerns with
competition posed by a new ice
cream establishment.
"I think that's great for Ann
Arbor, and I wish them the best of
luck," Tramontin said.
in Lincoln, Nebraska and one at
the Hockenheimring, a race track
in Germany.
Martin said the unveiling is an
important "first milestone" for
the team prior to competing in
the string of racing events.
"It's the first time that every-
body gets to see all the compo-
nents together," he said. "You get
to see all of your work culminate
into something that looks like
a car instead of just a bunch of
parts lying around."
Regardless of the vehicle's
performance in upcoming races,
Munson added, the MRacing
program's value exceeds its com-
petitive results. That said, an
MRacing vehicle has placed in
the top 10 in nine out of its last 10
Martin added that their orga-
nization ranks 36th out of 500
teams in the world.
"We look forward to this year's
Formula SAE competition series,"
Munson said. "Yes, we want to
win, but regardless of the out-
come, because of the experiences
and the skills created by this
opportunity, every team member
is a winner, and those of you who
support them are victors."
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