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March 28, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-03-28

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, March 28, 2014


CSG results
stalled by

Paul Rusesabagina, President of the Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation, speaks to a full crowd at Rackham Auditorium Thursday. Rusesabagina focused on
his perspective of the Rwandan Genocide 20 years later.
Lecture examines Rwanda

New president,
vice president to be
announced after
suits conclude
Daily Staff Reporter
On top of an already eventful
week for the Central Student Gov-
ernment, students were left wait-
ing early Friday morning as CSG
presidential election results were
delayed by campaign infraction
The results of the CSG elections
are currently withheld due to two
lawsuits filed with the University
Election Commission by the Make
Michigan and FORUM parties.
According to the provisions
of the new UEC election code,
the results of CSG elections will
be withheld until all cases are
resolved, according to Law stu-
dent Bryson Nitta, the Winter
2014 election director.
In compliance with the election
code, the UEC will issue demer-
its to those foundTesponsible for
the infraction. Each demerit will
result in a 3-percent deduction of
total weighted votes per demerits

On Monday, Make Michigan
filed a formal complaint against
FORUM, particularly concern-
ing legislative candidate Robert
Greenfield, an Engineering junior;
legislative candidate Jacob Podell,
an LSA freshman; and vice presi-
dential candidate Pavitra Abra-
ham, an LSA junior.
The first complaint alleged that
Greenfield falsely claimed to be
associated with the Campus Saf-
eRide app in tweets and Facebook
posts promoting FORUM. The
second complaint stated that the
FORUM party improperly implied
the endorsement of the SafeRide
"Our own Engineering can-
didate Rob Greenfield worked
intricately on the application by
istration and top safety officials
to help make this app a reality," a
FORUM party supporter wrote on
Facebook on March 22.
In a March 21 interview with
the Daily, FORUM presidential
candidate Carly Manes, a Public
Policy junior, said FORUM was
responsible for the SafeRide app.
"The prototype is up, helped to
be completed by one of our repre-
sentatives, Robbie Greenfield," she
See CSG, Page 2

Paul Rusesabagina near, one of the event's most
well-known figures, Paul Ruse-
reflects on sabagina, the man who inspired
the film "Hotel Rwanda," spoke
experience during at Rackham Auditorium to more
than 700 people as part of the
genocide University's commemoration of
the ethnic cleansing.
ByANASTASIOS During his address, Rusesa-
ADAMOPOULOS bagina outlined the history of
Daily StaffReporter the Rwandan Civil War, as well
as its aftermath and lasting
As the 20th anniversary of effects on the country and sur-
the Rwandan Genocide draws rounding region.

"I hope that the students and
the whole world around the
University, and all the people
who will see my speech this
afternoon, will be once again
informed that the Rwanda
Genocide was not an event that
came out of nowhere and found
itself in Rwanda in 1994 and dis-
appeared in 1994," Rusesabagi-
na told the Daily in an interview
after the event.
The killings began on April 6,
1994 following the assassination

of Rwandan President Juvenal
Habyarimana, an ethnic Hutu.
The conflict that lasted 100 days
was initiated by militant Hutus
against ethnic Tutsis and mod-
erate Hutus.
Rusesabagina said the history
of the genocide is part of the
context of a civil war between
the Hutu government and the
Tutsi-Rwandan Patriotic Front.
The civil war began in 1990
after Tutsis who hadbeen exiled
See RWANDA, Page 2

LSA Student
pres. elected


With 15-percent
voter turnout,
clinches top spot
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA juniors Natasha Dab-
rowski and Corey Walsh were
elected president and vice
president, respectively, of LSA
Student Government for the
2014-2015 academic year. With
a roughly 15-percent turnout,
2,498 LSA students voted in the
March 26-27 election.
The election was the first
contested LSA-SG executive
race in five years, making can-
didates take a much more active
role in external campaigning.
Dabrowski said she and
Walsh are ecstatic to get started
"We're now honored to be
able to serve the organization
that gave us so much since
freshman year in this new role
and empower new leaders and
new progress," she said.
Walsh said he is ready to
begin working on initiatives.
"We're most excited to real-
ly start to get to work on a lot
of the projects that we set out
to accomplish over the next
year in terms of student life,
academics and beyond," Walsh

Dabrowski said external
campaigning helped raise stu-
dent interest in LSA-SG. She
added that overall campus
involvement in current CSG
elections contributed to the
increased attention to all of stu-
dent government.
"The campus is really gath-
ering around these elections,"
she said. "There are lots of dif-
ferent parties and lots of people
LSA junior Kendall Johnson,
current LSA-SG vice president
and presidential candidate, said
it was important that students
had a diversity of choices while
Election Director Melissa
Burns said the campaigning
was free of infractions.
LSA senior Sagar Lathia, cur-
rent LSA-SG president, said the
friendly working atmosphere
in LSA-SG did not suffer due
to the increased campaign-
ing. He said the absence of
parties helped keep elections
from interfering with the
group's work.
"Because of the culture of
our organization, I'm proud
to say both groups have been
very cordial with each other,"
he said.
While he has enjoyed his
time leading LSA-SG, Lathia
said all four candidates have
and will continue tobe assets
to student government in the
transition of power.
See LSA, Page 2

Graduate student Derick White performs during Maize and Blue Revue, the Center for Campus Involvement's annual
student talent show, in the Michigan Union Thursday,
'Pay it forward' tuition bill
considered legislatures

Student org.
pioneers new
DETROIT tutors will
lead by example
For the Daily
A teacher is more than an educa-
tor. A teacher is a reliable role model,
a motivating coach, a trusted friend,
and most importantly, a student's
number one fan. This is the idea that
initially kick-started CHAMPIONS:
DETROIT, anup-and-comingorgani-
zation ofstudent mentors on campus.
Beginning next fall, student men-
tors will serve as examples of the
opportunities that post-secondary
education creates for high school
students in Detroit. The organiza-
tion is looking for individuals who
are prepared to go above and beyond
- who understand that they are both
teaching and setting an example for
students. In short, they are looking
to provide students in Detroit with
"This is more than just another
mentor, or another adviser, estab-
lishing a more compassionate type
of mentorship that is relationship-
based," said LSA sophomore Nathan
Sell, a board member of CHAMPI-
LSA junior Michael Chrzan, the
organization's executive director,said
he began laying the groundwork for
this mentorship program after watch-
ing a documentary titled "Waiting for
Superman." In the film, social activist
Geof- See MENTORSHIP, Page 2

Newpilot program
proposed for
alternative payment
Daily StaffReporter
Imagine attending the Uni-
versity for four years without
ever seeing a tuition bill appear
on Wolverine Access. If a new
bill under consideration in the
state legislature succeeds, free
tuition could eventually become

a reality.
The Supporting Michigan and
Retaining Talent Act would fund
eligible students' public higher
education with the agreement
that they would then repay a
fixed percentage of their income
for a set number of years follow-
ing graduation.
SMART would introduce a
"pay it forward" model of tuition
in the state. In this system, a stu-
dent's tuition is funded by the
fixed payments of previous pro-
gram participants. Michigan's
proposal would require gradu-

ates to pay a percentage of their
income - 4 percent for four-year
college graduates and 2 percent
for community college gradu-
ates - for five times the number
of years they attended college.
For example, if a student were
to attend the University for four
years, he or she would make pay-
ments for 20 years.
Rep. David Knezek (D-Dear-
born Heights), who co-sponsored
the bill in the Michigan House of
Representatives along with Rep.
Theresa Abed (D-Grand Ledge),
See BILL, Page 2

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Nancy Kaplan to run for Ward 2 in City Council

INDEX NEWS............................2 ARTS...........................4
Vol. CXXIV,No.,92 SUDOKU.......................2 CLASSIFIEDS .................6
©20t4TheMichiganDaily OPINION......................3 SPORTS......................6



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