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April 01, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-01

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Ann Arbor,_Michigan

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


State's role
m marriage
ruling stirs

Students lined up from the Michigan Union past the Fleming Administration Building Monday night to purchase tickets for President Barack Obama's speech this
Wednesday, The hundreds in line brought tents, couches and mattresses to pass the night outside to wait for tickets to be distributed at 9 a.m.
tdline droves
f- ter Obake

President will
discuss proposal to
raise minimum wage
on Wednesday
Daily News Editor
and Daily StaffReporter
Following one of the warmest
days of the year, some students
felt inclined to stay outside well
into the night with one goal in
mind: to secure a spot at Presi-
dent Barack Obama's address on
campus Wednesday.
On Monday, the University
announced plans to issue alim-
ited number of tickets to attend
the address, which will be held
at the Intramural Sports Build-
ing at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. The
University said tickets would

be distributed on a first-come,
first-served basis to students,
prompting many to pack bags
for a long, chilly night waiting
outside the north doors to the
At 5:30 p.m. Monday, almost
16 hours before tickets for
Obama's Wednesday campus
address were set to be distribut-
ed, LSA freshmen Janie Brown
and Sydney Grant, as well as
LSA sophomores Olivia Mason
and Lizzy Brilliant, were
already waiting in line outside
the Michigan Union, as the first
four in line to get tickets Tues-
day morning.
By 11 p.m., lines stretched to
about 500 students, with more
arriving each minute. Plan-
ning for a long night, many
groups brought tents, food and
entertainment. At the front of
the line, Brown and Grant said
the experience was well worth
See TICKETS, Page 3

Attorney General
Schuette's defense
of ban on same-sex
marriage questioned
Daily StaffReporter
Almost immediately after Fed-
eral Judge Bernard Friedman's
March 21 ruling that Michi-
gan's same-sex marriage ban
was unconstitutional, Michigan
Attorney General Bill Schuette
filed for an emergency stay. Sat-
urday, after almost 300 couples
married in the state, that stay
was granted and later lengthened
into a more permanent stay that
will last for the duration of the
appeals process.
While Schuette is not the first
attorney general to be put in this
position, he is one of the first
to fight the appeal of the ban so
vigorously and also do so in the
midst of a re-election campaign.
In several statements to the
press, Schuette said his motiva-
tion is to defend both the will
of the people and Michigan's
Constitution -which has raised
questions about what the role
of an attorney general is during
this situation, given the actions
of attorney generals in previous
cases. The U.S. Attorney General
also issued a directive earlier this
year advising state attorney gen-
erals not to fight the overturning

of gay marriage bans.
During similar cases in Ken-
tucky and California, state attor-
ney generals have chosen to allow
the case to move through the
courts without getting directly
involved. Instead, other inter-
ested parties, such as the propo-
nents of the original bans, were
the ones who filed for the appeal.
Law Prof. Samuel Bagenstos
said Schuette's actions sppear
to have a deeper motivation
than what he has stated. Bagen-
stos added that getting directly
involved in the filling for the stay
steps out of the requirements of
his office.
"The waythat he has described
what he's doing is that simply that
he's carrying his obligations out
as attorney general and I'd say
that's not right," Bagenstos said.
"I think the only justification for
him to be doing what he's doing is
that he trulybelieves that it's con-
stitutional for a state to prohibit
people of the same sex from get-
ting married."
On Monday afternoon, Joy
Yearout, the attorney general's
director of communications,
reiterated that Schuette's moti-
vation is to defend the Michigan
constitution. She added that, to
Schuette, the other state attor-
neys' decisions to remain unin-
volved in similar cases is wrong.
"Attorney generals across the
country have a responsibility and
a duty to defend the constitution
and that's what we're doing here
See STATE, Page 3

talks changing
U.S. diplomacy

Richard Boucher
says social media is
important to reach
a global audience
Daily StaffReporter
On Monday, Ambassador
Richard Boucher delivered a
lecture to students at the Ford
School of Puhlic Policy Monday,
addressing the United States'
changing role as a world leader
and how the rise of social net-
working and new technologies
have affected modern diplo-
Boucher's tenure as assis-
tant secretary of state for public
affairs at the U.S. Department
of State was the longest in his-
tory. After earning a B.A. from
Tufts University and doing
graduate work at George Wash-
ington University, he worked
as an ambassador to Cyprus
and U.S. Consulate General in
Hong Kong. He also served as
the spokesman of the Depart-
ment of State for six secretaries

of state,including Colin Powell,
Condoleezza Rice and Mad-
eleine Albright.
In his lecture, Boucher said
the power of the Internet has
changed the dynamics of inter-
national diplomacy. He said the
United States wields the most
power internationally, not only
due to its large army and reach
in foreign markets, hut also
through its global connectivity
through branding and culture
"We no longer live in a world
of blocks and paths, we live in
a world of nodes and connec-
tions," Boucher said. "In our
world, everyone's connected.
Countries and teenagers, NGOs
and corporations, students in
universities and parents. Tradi-
tional measures of power don't
capture the changing nature in
the power of diplomacy."
For the United States to stay
a leader in international rela-
tions, Boucher said it must make
its actions open to the modern
media and accessible for citi-
zens to build credibility around
the world because "trust is what
turns power into influence."

University President Mary Sue Coleman speaks at a fireside chat Monday in the Michigan Union, where students
organized a surprise event to commemorate her work at the University.
Coleman reflects on her
tenure during Union event

Garden to
relocate to
Seva space
Move will be completed
by December if all
goes according to plan
Daily StaffReporter
Jerusalem Garden is just a little
spot on 5th Avenue now, hut hy next
Christmas, patrons can expect to
visit 314 E. Liberty Street instead -
which currently houses Seva - to
satisfy their cravings for Mediterra-
nean food.
Since August 2013, Jerusalem
Garden owner Ali Ramlawi con-
sidered the moving locations to
accommodate for the restaurant's
"We've always needed more
room ever since we opened and we
expanded every square inch we
could possibly expand at our current
location," Ramlawi said. "We also
tried to put an addition on with our
current space that we couldn't get
through with the landlord."
Due to convenience, space and
historical meaning, Ramlawi said
she believed the building current-
ly occupied by Seva's is the best
See GARDEN, Page 3

120 students came
to laud the 13th
president's service
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Mary
Sue Coleman's final monthly
fireside chat was more than a
little different this time around
as approximately 120 students
filled the Michigan Union's
Pendleton room for a surprise.

While Coleman typically
invites a random selection of
students for her fireside chats,
more than the anticipated
amount of students came to
applaud Coleman on her ser-
vice as the University's 13th
E. Royster Harper, vice pres-
ident for student life, joined
Coleman for the monthly event,
which Coleman continued at
the beginning of her tenure.
During her presidency, Cole-
man and Harper have orga-
nized fireside chats to field
students' questions and con-
cerns in a more intimate set-

LSA junior Michael Chrzan,
the student event coordinator
for the surpise, said he aspired
to make Coleman's last fireside
chat memorable to honor her
commitment to students during
her tenure.
"We wanted this to be really
special because she made hear-
ing students' voices a priority
and that's not something that
comes intrinsically with every
president," Chrzan said. "We
wanted to give back in a small
way, to say 'thank you' for put-
ting themselves on the line and
See COLEMAN, Page 3

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IN D E X N E W S................. ........... 2 A R T S ........ s.. .................5
Vol.CXXIV,No.94 SUDOKU.....................2 CLASSIFIEDS .................6
02014TheMichiganDaily OPINION.....................4 SPORTS.............7


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