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April 02, 2014 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-02

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Iphotographed the Michigan swimming and diving teams underwater for my senior
thesis project. The photographs that compiled for my upcoming show, Submerge, act as a
vessel through which I explore the physical transformation that takes place when a human
enters the water. Having almost drowned as a child, water often evokes feelings of fear and
danger for me despite its natural beauty. This project helped relieve those feelings, as I
made images in which humans seem to have control over their bodies beneath the surface
of the water. This would not have been possible without the athleticism and comfort that
these collegiate - and some Olympic - athletes have in the pool. Some images evoke
feelings of reflection while others are more aggressive and explosive. Some suggest flight
while others suggest stillness. What ties them all together is that these bodies, though
submerged, appear free.
Submerge will be on view starting Friday April19 in the Starnps School of Art and Design Undergraduate Thesis Show.

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