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April 02, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-02

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2A - Wednesday, April 2, 2014

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Princeton discusses meningitis

Mibs Mara, associate
director for reunions at
Princeton University, told The
Daily Princetonian that the
Princeton Alumni Association
is planning a "key meeting" to
discuss whether alumni should
be able to stay overnight on the
university's campus in light of
a recent uptick in meningitis
cases across the region.
After the recent death of a
Drexel University student from
meningitis, the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and the New Jersey
Department of Health advised
Princeton to increase hygienic
practices to prevent an outbreak
at the university, including vac-
cination clinics hosted by the
university in December, Febru-

ary and March. An investigation
performed by the CDC revealed
the Drexel student acquired
meningitis through a Princeton
student who carried the disease
but did not show symptoms.
According to the Daily Princ-
etonian, the university recently
announced it would cancel the
traditional alumni overnight
stays during their reunion
weekend for the "health safety
of newly admitted students."
Rabbi and reverend engage in
interfaith dialogue at Duke
Reverend Luke Powery, dean
of Duke Chapel, and Rabbi Raa-
chel Jurovics came together on

Monday to discuss how past
tragedies in the African-Amer-
ican and Jewish communities
influence modern-day culture,
the Duke Chronicle reported.
WUNC Radio's Frank Stasio
moderated the discussion as the
two reflected on slavery and the
Holocaust, focusing on both the
tragedies' evils and what society
can learn from them. The two
agreed that to truly progress
as a civilization, people must
discuss not only its triumphs but
also its devastation.
"The catastrophes that are
most difficult to understand are
those like slavery and the Holo-
caust that are experienced by
one group of people and gener-
ated by another," Stasio said.

734-418-411s opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Lettersto the Editor
Editnnial Page
Photography Section
Classified Sales

Art & Design sophomore Michelina Risbeck speaks
about the importance of campus involvement for
career preparation for Art & Design students.

ON T H E E sBrmEChi ndl c m
Invisibility spray Seeing red

Greek Week Golden apple
Show reception

The University's
Department of Engineering
has recently released an
online video showcasing
a new invisibility spray"
that uses nanotechnology
to make objects invisible.
The April Fools Day prank
proved to be successful, as
students shared the news.
PonoPlayer issues
The PonoPlayer is a
device that offers higher
quality audio formats
and streaming services,
distingushing "good"
quality sound from "great"
quality sound. However, the
player's main downfall is its
lack of a subscription-based

Mahmood narrates a
Friday he spent in Istanbul,
visiting a Sufi Shrine. In the
midstofpeople worshipping,
a homeless man bent down
to kiss a little girl wearing
a pink coat. At this moment,
Mahmood says he found
God in this simple act of
Finale depression
Gilke offers fiveI
creative ways to overcome
depression induced by the
series finale of "How I Met
Your Mother" - watch
"New Girl," resort to reruns
or listen to Michael Buble.
Read morefrom these
blogs at michigandaily.com

WHAT: Greek Week
championswill be named
in this final event where
sororities and fraternities
compete in singing and
dancing competitions.
WHO: University of
Michigan Greek Life
WHEN: 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
Rally against
sexual violence
WHAT: Survivors and their
supporters in the University
community rally to protest
sexual violence and bring
awareness to campus.
The rally is followed by a
march going through the
University campus and Ann
WHO: Take Back the Night
WHEN: 7 p.m.
WHERE: Rogel Ballroom,
Michigan Union

WHAT: Professor Victor
Lieberman and President
Mary Sue Coleman will be
honored at this event.
WHO: Students Honoring
Outstanding University
WHEN: 6p.m.
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School
WHAT: Armstrong, an
expert in sustainability,
architecture and landscape,
will address the concept of
"living architecture," which
contends that buildings
could adopt certain
biological principles.
WHO: College of Architec-
ture and Urban Planning
WHEN: 6 p.m.
WHERE: Art and
Architecture Building

SAfter spending over
10 minutes trying to
wake him, Deltona, Fla.
resident Daniel Hernandez
was charged with a DUI for
falling asleep in his vehicle
at a traffic light while eating
a Taco Bell burrito, the
Orlando Sentinel reported.
This week, The
Statement Magazine
looks at Arbor Vitae
and the influence pregnancy
crisis centers have on women
looking to learn about their
A new study has dis-
covered that urinating
in pool forms chemicals
that are associated with lung
problems and can affect the
heart and nervous system,
CBS reported. Study author
urged swimmers to use the
restroom, not the pool.

Katie Burke Managing Editor kgburke@michigandaiy.com
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Ho m mus Express closes
after slow winter bus iness

By H
out re
for ab
new n
for lea
cial, at

pite competitive and its basement storage space
are being listed on the mar-
ces, restaurant ket at $41 per square foot plus
utilities. Randy Maas, one of
ails to attract Swisher Commercial's agents,
said the majority of potential
customers buyers have been restaurant
owners, but the space is not
ILLARY CRAWFORD limited to that use.
DailyStaffReporter "It's a popular area and we
never know exactly how soon
r having trouble draw- it will lease but there's a fair
customers, Hommus amount of interest in the space
ss, a casual Mediter- already," he said.
restaurant, closed its Hommus Express is not
to downtown Ann Arbor unique to Ann Arbor and two
two weeks ago. other restaurants remain in
529 E. Liberty St. take- Southfield and Livonia, both
staurant, called La Pita operated by the former Ann
until a 2012 change in Arbor locale's owner, Said
ship, occupied the space Namari.
out two years under its For Namari, the Ann Arbor
iame. The property is restaurant set itself apart from
.tly being advertised the other two. He said first and
se by Swisher Commer- foremost, business and sales
n independent brokerage on a college campus rely more
heavily on menu prices than do
1,864-square-foot area restaurants in other metropoli-

tan areas.
He said cheaper prices
attract more customers, espe-
cially price-conscious stu-
dents. Although Namari
described the menu as cheap
and the portions as large, he
said they were not able to
attract enough business to
keep the doors open.
Additionally, this past win-
ter's brutal weather, which
Namari believes deterred peo-
ple from going out to eat as
frequently, took a toll on sales.
He added that on top of this,
competition in the area was
strong, mentioning the various
Mediterranean cuisine options
all within walking distance
of each other. Other Mediter-
ranean restaurants nearby
include South State Street's La
Marsa as well as Ahmo's Medi-
terranean Grill, which came
to the Michigan Union's base-
ment this past summer.
The closing of Hommus
Express, a fairly new business,
exemplifies a larger trend in
the downtown Ann Arbor area.
Namari said his situation is not
rare and that he watched the
businesses around him located
on Liberty come and go as a
short two years went by.

From Page1A
the University Elections Com-
mission delayed the release of
results, but each case was either
resolved or dropped by Tues-
day afternoon. The rulings had
negligible impact on the official
results of the election.
The complaint with the great-
est potential consequence was
dropped on Monday when Make
Michigan officially withdrew its
suit against FORUM for alleged
abuse of e-mail privileges.
Make Michigan filed the
complaint against its rival party
after LSA junior Domenic Riz-
zolo, outreach co-director for
FORUM, sent a campaigning
e-mail using a listerv he did
not own. If the UEC had ruled
FORUM guilty, the party would
have faced demerits for each
recipient of the e-mail in ques-
tion. The total accumulation of
demerits would have exceeded
limits outlined in the election
code and resulted in the disqual-
ification of each FORUM candi-
After further reviewing the
case, Dishell concluded that Riz-
zolo's e-mail would have had
marginal impact on the election
itself and decided to withdraw
his suit. In a statement sent out
to all candidates announcing
the withdrawal, Dishell said
he wanted to avoid the hostile
environment and unproductive
intra-CSG rivalries created by
a lengthy litigation process. He

added that he filed the official
complaint initially to uphold the
provisions of the election code.
"You can always withdraw,
just like we did," Dishell said.
"But I can't, after the fact, go
back and say, I really wish we
had filed this."
The official complaints
regarding alleged campaign
finance infractions by FORUM,
the Party Party and the House
of Cards Party were upheld
and addressed in a UEC hear-
ing Monday evening. Business
senior Matthew Fernandez, rep-
manager for Make Michigan,
filed the complaint on behalf of
Make Michigan, citing failure
to publish receipts on campaign
finance forms as a major infrac-
Dishell said these cases, in
contrast to the alleged e-mail
misuse, could have had an impact
on voting. He said possible over-
spending could have created an
unfair advantage.
In an official ruling released
Tuesday, the UEC found all three
parties guilty of the infraction,
but reduced the punishment
outlined in the election code.
While a major infraction usually
calls for three to four demerits
per violation, the UEC instead
assigned two demerits per party.
The UEC cited miscommuni-
cation between candidates and
the election director as well as
vagueness of the wording of the
election code as grounds for
reducing the number of demerits
assigned for the violation.
In the ruling, the UEC said

campaign finance forms pro-
vided to candidates did not
explicitly contain instructions
for receipts that were called for
in the code. Additionally, once
respondents were made aware of
the violation, they provided the
appropriate receipts.
These demerits did not affect
the outcome of the election in
any way. Parties are penalized
for demerits until they reach
10, at which point that party
is removed from the election
Law student Bryson Nitta,
election director, released a dis-
senting opinion along with the
UEC's official ruling. Nitta acts
as an ex officio member of the
UEC and does notvote on official
Nitta expressed discontent
with the demerits assigned to
FORUM, the Party Party and the
House of Cards Party.
"Candidates and students are
not law enforcement officers
trained in detecting deceit and
fraud," Nitta wrote.
Manes and Abraham hugged
fellow FORUM candidates after
receiving the news that they did
not win. Manes said their work
will not stop despite the elec-
tion's outcome.
"We wholeheartedly believe
that titles don't really give you
any extra power," Manes said.
"If students believe in doing
things, they can get things
done just by their own moti-
vation and their own personal
drive and passion because they
care about things."

Interested in learning about the
University's Sexual Misconduct Policy?
The Michigan Daily is hosting a panel for students ask
University adminitrators questions on the policy's changes.




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