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April 09, 2014 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-09

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday April 9th, 2014- 3A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday April 9th, 2014- 3A

Shipwreck washes
up on lakeshore
The harsh winter and Lake
Michigan waves have revealed
the wreck of a large boat along a
northwestern Lower Peninsula
beach that may be more than 100
years old.
Ward Lamphere told the Tra-
verse City Record-Eagle that he
was walking about a mile north
of Glen Arbor in Leelanau Coun-
ty on March 31 when he saw a
40-foot-long string of large, worn
wooden objects poking out of the
sand. Body text.
The wreck is north of Sleeping
Bear Dunes National Lakeshore,
but will be included in a database
maintained by the park museum
that includes 13 othershipwrecks.
Man wrongfully
convicted released
From the day of his 1959 arrest
in a deadly New York City shoot-
ing, Jonathan Fleming said he had
been more than 1,000 miles away,
on a vacation at Disney World.
Despite having documents to
back him up, he was convicted of
Prosecutors now agree with
him, and Fleming left a Brooklyn
court as a free man Tuesday after
spending nearly a quarter-centu-
ry behind bars.
Fleming, now 51, tearfully
hugged his lawyers as relatives
cheered, "Thank you, God!" after
a judge dismissed the case. A key
eyewitness had recanted, newly
found witnesses implicated some-
one else and prosecutors' review
of authorities' files turned up
documents supporting Fleming's
DONETSK, Ukraine
Ukraine subdues
pro-Russia protests
Ukrainian authorities moved
to quell pro-Moscow uprisings
along the Russian border with
mixed results Tuesday, retaking
one occupied regional headquar-
ters and watching protesters con-
solidate their hold on another.
In a third city, Luhank,
Ukraine's Security Service said
separatists armed with explo-
sives and other weapons were
holding 60 people hostage inside
the agency's local headquarters.
Those occupying the building
issued a video statement saying
they want a referendum on the
region's status and warning that
any attempt to storm the place
would be met with armed force.
The Ukrainian government
and the U.S. have accused Mos-
cow of fomenting the unrest as
a pretext for another Russian
military incursion like the take-
over of Crimea last month. Up
to 40,000 Russian troops are
massed along the Ukrainian bor-

der, according to NATO.
PRETORIA, South Africa
Pistorius evokes
sympathy in trial
A subdued Oscar Pistorius
on Tuesday described dinner at
home, chatting and looking at cell
phone photos with Reeva Steen-
kamp on the last night of her life.
Then he erupted in anguished
howls and heaving sobs while
testifying at his murder trial
about the moments when he says
he realized he shot his girlfriend
through a closed toilet door.
In a dramatic scene before the
packed courtroom Tuesday, Pis-
torius left briefly at one point to
change out of his dark suit and
into a white shirt and shorts, sim-
ilar to the clothes he was wearing
when he killed Steenkamp.
Prompted by his lawyer, Pisto-
rius then took off his prosthesis
and stood on his stumps by the
bullet-marked toilet door, which
has remained in the courtroom
for much of the trial. It appeared
to be an effort by the defense to
illustrate what they describe as
the Olympian's vulnerability at
the time of the shooting.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1A
they will reach their goal, espe-
cially in the wake of Obama's
visit, though they are currently
behind where they'd like to be.
"It's like something rolling
down a hill; at first, it's a little
bit harder, just because nobody
really knows or cares," Moody
said. "Now that people are start-
ing to hear more about it, I truly
believe it's picking up momen-
tum. I don't think it'll be hard
to overcome the small deficit we
have now."
Running parallel to Raise
Michigan's efforts is a bill in
the state House which has been
stalled in committee since 2013.
The bill includes a proposed
increase of the minimum wage
to nine dollars. Michigan's mini-
mum wage is currently $7.50 per
hour- 15 cents above the Federal
Raise Michigan's ballot initia-
tive first proposed an increase to
nine dollars but is now pushing
for an increase to $10.10, in line
with President Obama's national
push for a federal increase to

State Rep. Adam Zemke
(D-Ann Arbor), one of the co-
sponsors of the legislation, said
he doesn't see the bill mov-
ing forward in the near future
due to opposition from House
Speaker Jase Bolger (R-Grand
Rapids) and other Republican
legislative and executive lead-
ership. He said the initiative is
a welcome addition to the over-
all campaign to raise the mini-
mum wage.
"I think that running things
in tandem, both on ballot mea-
sures and through legislative
processes, is always a wise idea
to account for things like issues
gettingstalled in the legislature,"
Zemke said.
Along with opposition in the
legislature, the measure also has
not proven to be popular among
business groups in the state.
Michael Marzano, Small
Business Association of Michi-
gan Grassroots coordinator and
policy adviser, said many of his
22,000 plus members are not
happy about the proposed wage
"Ifit goes up to $10.10, we look
at it like this; if you're only able
to pay employees 15 dollars an
hour for a wage, and you have

to choose between hiring two
people an hour at the current
minimum wage versus hiring
one person at $10.10, it's going
to decrease their output and not
enable them to invest in more
technology and more workers
to increase their productivity,"
Marzano said.
Several other groups, includ-
ing the Michigan Restaurant
Association, have also raised
concerns about a decrease in pro-
On campus and in the greater
Ann Arbor area, Moody and
Kastanis said they've mostly
received positive reactions to the
According to Kastanis, though
University students may not have
the experience of being a mini-
mum wage worker firsthand,
many still find a connection to
the issue.
"There are alot of people who
know people; they have family
members, friends, that have gone
through this, " Kastanis said.
"This affects everyone - your
neighbors, your friends, your
community, the campus overall.
It's literally an issue about every-
one, even if it doesn't affect you

STUDENT most deeply is her enormous return in safety.' It breaks my
From Page 1A human sympathy: she felt from heart that she could not do that
the inside of others' lives, with last."
principled and active care," The Alpha Phi sorority sisters
cussions that went beyond the Williams wrote in an e-mail hosted a candlelight vigil at their
curriculum, diving deeper into Tuesday. "My last message to house late Tuesday night com-
certain authors, sharing per- her was one written in late Jan- memorating Smylie's life and her
sonal stories and offering book uary and ended with a farewell impact on the University com-
recommendations to each other. which I often give my students: munity.
"What remains with me 'Go in happiness, stay in joy, and
INTERNET NET, the Internet was mainly own networks.
used by universities for research Van Houweling now serves
From Page 1A purposes and by national defense as the CEO of Internet2, a com-
agencies. Van Houwelingworked munity of scholars dedicated to
designed to connect supercom- with both MERIT and the Uni- the advancement of technology.
putingsites around the country. versity to brainstorm ways to He served as a member of the
Information Dean Jeffrey make NSFNET more efficient National Academies Panel on
MacKie-Mason said withoutVan while asking private corpora- the Impact of IT on the Future
Houweling, the Internet would tions like IBM and MCI to build of the Research University. He
continue to be a closed, research- hardware and routers for the co-authored the book "Higher
based resource. His work with network. Education in the Digital Age,"
NSFNET helped open the Inter- Following Van Houweling's and is a professor in the School of
net to public spheres around the efforts, the new NSFNET's con- Information.
world. nectivity grew by 400 percent His other awards include
"He was the visionary for put- per year for seven years. By 1992, the EDUCAUSE 2002 Excel-
ting together the organization over 6,000 networks were con- lence in Leadership Award, the
and the actual national back- nected and by 1994, networks Iowa State University John V.
bone so that the Internet could were in place in 93 countries Atanasoff Discovery Award and
become public that everyone can were connected. the Indiana University Thomas
use rather than a few number By the time NSFNET shut Hart Benton Mural Medallion.
of researches," MacKie-Mason down in 1995, many commer- Hereceivedhisundergraduate
said. cial companies started to pay for degree from Iowa State Univer-
Prior to Van Houweling's their connections and private sity and his Ph.D in government
involvement in rebuilding NSF- corporations had launched their from Indiana University.
PREVENTION Michigan Haley Williams also Commission, said suicide and
From Page 1A discussed their experiences other mental health issues are
with mental health concerns. difficult to talk about, but dis-
Williams spoke of how los- cussing it is crucial to finding
net and harp. The event also ing her father at the age of four solutions.
included LSA junior Madelyn took a toll on her mental health "Hopefully, with our pro-
Grant and LSA senior Joshua throughout her childhood. She gram we can build a strong
Ross who sung renditions of Bill said her past is what inspired platform, and we can all work
Withers'"Lean on Me" and Sam her to build her platform goals together to help people to help
Cooke's "A Change is Gonna as Miss Michigan to address others," she said.
Come." childhood grief. Beyond the event itself, CAPS
Hosted by radio host John The showcase ended with a also encouraged students to
Bommarito from Ann Arbor's call for University students to continue the conversation about
107one, he told guests about work together to end student student suicide prevention
his own battles with depres- suicide on campus. Engineer- through the Twitter hashtag
sion. Former Michigan football ing sophomore Shannon Guo, a #WeCanAllChangeTheStory.
player Will Heininger and Miss member of CSG's Health Issues
and then you apply to medical ing admissions," he said.
CURRICULUM school, you don't have to take As for residency, Skochelak
From Page 2A the exact same four years ... said Graduate Medical Edu-
It's less about shortening it and cation is amending the resi-
exceptional ability to graduate more about making sure people dency process to better fit the
early. can move along when they're changing landscape of medi-
Skochelak said there should ready to move." cine.
be increased flexibility in the The changes will also alter "There are already a few
time doctors must spend in the admissions and residency pilot projects where residency
training. process. Mangrulkar said the starts earlier," she said. "They
"If you think about it, nowa- Medical School seeks students also have to find ways to be
days many students are coming who will develop into prob- more flexible, just like the
(to medical schools) that aren't lem solvers as well as "change- medical school curriculum is
right out of pre-med," Skochelak agents." getting more flexible. We know
said. "If you're a physical thera- "We're in the process of it has to change, it's a big job
pist or a biomedical engineer relooking at everything, includ- though."

(We're really informative and stuff.)

BRANDON However, Brandon said stu-
dents remain a priority for the
From Page lA Athletic Department. He said
the multiple changes to ticketing
issues, including football ticket policies reflect that.
prices and alcohol in Michigan "Why in the world would I
Stadium. have gone through all that pain
Lochmann lauded CSG exec- and agony?" he said. "We could
utives for the persistence that have painted some pictures up
resulted in the successful elimi- in the bleachers that were empty
nation of general admission and during the game."
development of a new ticketing Several representatives also
policy. raised questions regarding
However, when the discus- possibly allowing alcohol for
sion opened to the assembly, sev- purchase inside Michigan Sta-
eral representatives challenged dium. LSA representatives said
Brandon on some remaining allowing alcohol could keep
flaws perceived in the new tick- people from tailgating exces-
eting policy, launching a discus- sively before arriving at the
sion of additional changes to the game.
overall relationship between the Brandon said the addition of
student body and the Athletic alcohol would risk the safety
Department. of the attendees. He said the
Law student John Lin, a Law number of people taken to the
School representative, pressed hospital and treated for alcohol
Brandon on the current price poisoning is disconcerting, and
of student season football tick- the sale of alcohol at the stadium
ets. Lin said he has seen a sharp would only make the problem
rise in prices since his time as an worse.
undergraduate. "As long as I have a say, there
Tickets cost $240 for the 2011 will be no alcohol in Michigan
season. This year, student foot- Stadium," he said.
ball season tickets will cost $295, Brandon added that the sale
the same as the 2013 rate. of alcohol at the Winter Classic,
The discussion did not reveal and potentially at the upcom-
any plans to lower ticket prices ing Real Madrid vs. Manchester
for students. Brandon said stu- United soccer game, will be per-
dent tickets are already about mitted because it involves a non-
half the price of those for non- University sporting event.
students. Brandon and Lochmann both
Brandon provided sugges- said they appreciate student
tions for how students who can- input and were open to collabo-
not afford season tickets could rating more with CSG in the
acquire tickets if they want to. future.
He said thousands of student "We're not perfect, but our
tickets go unused every game, intentions are good," said Bran-
addingthat students could easily don.
acquire one of these tickets that After Brandon and Loch-
go to waste for as little as $5. mann left, Proppe addressed
Public Policy junior Carly the assembly in the executive
Manes, an LSA representative, communications portion of
objected to Brandon's reasoning. the meeting, the last time he
She said student ticket holders would address the assembly as
who decide to forgo the game president. He encouraged rep-
can afford to sell the tickets to resentatives on student govern-
other students for a lower price. ment next year to keep working
Manes added that this is often a towards increasing studentinput
last minute decision by the stu- in the administration.
dent not to attend. "As well-run an institution as
Several representatives it is, sometimes it makes really
echoed Manes' concerns and bad decisions," he said.
asked Brandon if he had any Proppe cited the new football
plans to implement programs ticketing policy as an example
for students with financial need. of the power of student input,
Brandon responded by saying adding that CSG can do more to
students can go to StubHub to incorporate the student voice in
purchase cheaper tickets. the future.
GM fined for not
fully complying
with investigation

Agency admin. say
company will pay
$28,000 in fines
DETROIT (AP) - A govern-
ment safety agency is fining
General Motors $7,000 a day,
saying the company failed to
fully respond to its requests
for information about a faulty
ignition switch by an April 3
The National Highway Traf-
fic Safety Administration said
in a letter to GM on Tuesday
that the company already owes
$28,000 in fines, and they will
accrue at $7,000 per day until
it provides all the requested
In February, the agency
began investigating whether
GM was slow to provide infor-
mation and respond to prob-
lems with the switch that has
been linked to at least 13 deaths.
GM has admitted knowing that
the switch was defective at
least a decade ago, but failed to
start recalling 2.6 million com-
pact cars worldwide until this
In a two-page letter to GM
North America vice president
and legal counsel Lucy Clark
Dougherty, NHTSA's chief
counsel, O. Kevin Vincent, said
the company frequently stated
that it did not respond to all
the agency's requests because
of an investigation being done
for GM by former U.S. attorney
Anton Valukas.
But Vincent objected, say-
ing GM's reasoning wasn't
valid. "Mr. Valukas' investiga-
tion is irrelevant to GM's legal
obligation to timely respond
to the Special Order and fully
cooperate with NHTSA," he

The fines are a sign of a
deepening rift between GM
and the safety agency. Dur-
ing congressional hearings
last week, NHTSA Acting
Administrator David Fried-
man blamed GM for a failure
to act sooner to warn consum-
ers about the faulty switches.
Friedman testified that GM
had information connecting
defective switches to the non-
deployment of air bags, but
didn't share it with the agency
until last month.
GM said in a statement it
has fully cooperated, and will
keep providing responses as
soon as they are available. "We
will do so with a goal of being
accurate as well as timely,"
the statement said, giving no
indication of when GM would
fully comply. GM said it has
produced nearly 21,000 docu-
ments totaling over 271,000
Vincent did acknowledge
that the safety agency had
agreed to extend the deadline
on certain technical questions,
but criticized GM for failing to
answerquestions that weren't
technical in nature. He said
there were several unanswered
questions about the approval of
changes in the suspect ignition
NHTSA told GM that it was
aware of GM's approval of a
design change on April 26,
2007, and the agency asked
the company if there were any
other changes. But Vincent's
letter said GM did not answer
the questions.
"It is deeply troubling that
two months after recalling the
vehicles, GM is unwilling or
unable to tell NHTSA wheth-
er the design of the switch
changed at any other time,"
Vincent wrote.




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