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September 05, 2013 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-09-05

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4B - Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com



Michael Gustafson showcases the Smith & Corona Typewriter his grandfather used the in college. Though many typewriters are on display in the store, Literati's logo is based off of the family heirloom.
New bookstore osters growth or


A2 inde

Literati opens doors
for readers and
writers to connect
Daily Community Culture Editor
In the basement, philosophy,
history and science books line the
shelves. Generally, a few tables
are available for people looking
to sit down and peruse a title.
But tonight, rows of chairs and a
microphone turn the downstairs
of Literati Bookstore into a cozy

performance s
On this occ
are organize
Press, a local
lisher. Ann Ar
Burch and E
for Hobart, w
online journa
Burch walk
room to annou
To introduce a
he likes to play
him of them.
Mary Miller,
Jane's Last Da
As he explain

)endent publishing scene
pace. are both fans of Petty and listened ing network of independent pub- thought about writing stories in verges on the edge of perfoi
asion, the readings to him a lot during their most lishing. A brief look at the fiction terms of a collection." art. The narrator of the stoi
d around Hobart recent summer reading tour. And section of any bookstore can make That collection would become help but break things. In f
, independent pub- of course, Mary Miller and Mary one queasy with a sense of not "Big World," a final product that tion, he breaks a chair
bor residents Aaron Jane share the same first name. knowing what's out there. Chanc- Miller and Hobart worked on and don't make them like the
lizabeth Ellen edit Miller walks to the mic as Burch es are, however, that even within designed together. After publica- to!") and then accidentally
vhich comprises an plays the Tom Petty song on his that stock, a multitude of titles tion, she and Ellen went on a bi- hole in a wall, which he pre
l and some printed iPhone. She then begins to read a and authors have been edited out. coastal tour doing readings in bars wad sturdier. All this time
short piece of flash fiction. And that's where a store like Lite- and independentbookstores. is playing from various ma
s to the front of the With the closing of Borders, rati comes in. It provides authors, "You know, I think I've pretty one of which McClanahar
ince the first reader. the space for a general bookstore like Mary Miller, a chance to share much only read at independent by stomping on.
writer, he explains, in Ann Arbor opened back up. On their work. bookstores and bars," Miller said. "I'm friends with both
a song that reminds April 3, 2013, Literati opened its "I started writing flash fiction "Independent bookstores are and Elizabeth," McClanaha
For the first reader, doors to fill that gap in the down- probably when I was about 27 much more supportive of inde- "We've known one anotl
he's chosen "Mary town community. But as an inde- years old," Miller said. "I joined pendent presses and unknown years."
tnce" by Tom Petty. pendent bookstore, Literati brings a group called Zoetrope, which writers. ... There's a bookstore in While good friends
s, Miller and Ellen its own unique opportunities. Francis Ford Coppola started. It's Oxford, Mississippi called Square Hobart, McClanahan ha
Hilary Gustafson, co-owner just a free online writers work- Books that's been around forever. published with a few di
C for, U R of Literati, does the buying. She shop.I was living in a small town, They've sold so many copies of my groups such as Six Gall
works with a variety of distribu- and I didn't really have access book, through word of mouth and Pittsburgh, Lazy Fascist Pr
tors and publishers, some of to other writers. So I just found recommending it to people." Two Dollar Radio.
- which, like Consortium and Small people from all over the world While much of the sales of "Big "I've always got to knou
Press Distribution, provide Gus- through this writing workshop." World" come from online shops people personally," McCls
tafson with an array of alternative Miller originally comes from such as Amazon and Powell's said.
and indie press titles with which Mississippi but now lives in Aus- Books, occasionally "Big World" After McClanahan f
to stock the shelves of the store. tin, Texas. Her collection of short can be found on the shelf or at a Hobart brings out a cake t
However, Gustafson isn't the only stories, "Big World," is published counter, like it can at Literati. Escoria a happy birthda
person who makes the decisions by Hobart Press and is the sec- "When I went to Square Books cake has a giant pictureo
on stock. In addition to Gustafson, and printed text that Hobart pro- at Oxford and saw a stack of them nem on it. Earlier that day
there is a team of workers all with duced. It was through Zoetrope at the counter, even that was just ria, Ellenand her daughter'
previous experience in writing, that Miller and Ellen came to really exciting," Miller said. "And Eight Mile Road to settle a
literature and bookselling. Some know one another. it's exciting to go into a bookstore who was the biggest fan.
came from Borders, others from "We've known each other for and sign their stock. If they have "I'm thinking of Gregory
Shaman Drum (another recently years just through the online com- 15 books in there, to sit down with for some reason," McClE
V closed local book dealer) and some munity," Miller said. "She started a pen and signthem. You feel likea said. "He said, 'The Bea
come from the University's MFA publishing her work online, and I real writer." eration ... that wasn't a 1
poetry program. started publishing online and we Mary Miller finishes her read- tion. That was like seveno
"I allow them to be more became fansofeachother's work." ing. Then Burch introduces the friends."'
involved in the buying process," Shortly after Ellen and Burch second writer, Juliet Escoria, with
said Gustafson. "Having input had started their smallbooks divi- a song by Ministry. After Escoria, Literati will be provi
from everybody on the team is sion of Hobart, Ellen asked Miller Burch introduces Scott McClana- Daily with advancec
something that Borders didn't if she had enough stories for a col- han with "Sweet Child of Mine." books for future revi
have, at least when it was corpo- lection. Apparently McClanahan made article was assigned and
rate." "I said, 'I don't think so,'" Mill- a short video called "Sweet Ass before the partnershi
MARLENE LACASSE/Daily From this collaborative process er said. "And then I started putting O' Mine" where he's dancing to and is in no way affecte
emerges a small node in the dizzy- things together because I never the song. McClanahan's reading professional arran

ry can't
y used
kicks a
e music
n stops
an said.
her for
s also
Lery in
ess and
w these
to wish
y. The
of Emi-
, Esco-
went to
abet on
y Corso
t Gen-
or eight
ding the
copies of
4p began
d by the


The store attracts readers ofall ages.



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