6B WdnsdyDcebe 21 W. lIq The language of sexuality by Sean Czarnecki statement on the survey: Everyone has sex questions. We asked you what your latest sex search on Google entailed. lat on the table lies the survey. An array of sexual orientations are ., listed down its leftmost column. In this column, both the well-known sexualities inhabit the same space as the lesser-known: "Heterosexual" and "homosexual" are listed next to "pansexual" and "questioning." There are two sub-categories among this assortment that may prove the most thought provoking: "other identity" and "unresolved." The survey is the work of Michael Woodford, an assistant professor of the School of Social Work. He studies people's experiences and interactions with institutional climates, like students on the University's campus. Woodford said society wants to fit people in boxes. "And sexuality is not something that we can easily put people in boxes, and they don't necessarily want to stay in those boxes." As we talk, he reads the list through aqua-rimmed glasses. He takes the paper and underlines one of the terms a student used to describe themself, classified-by the survey under "Other." "For example, somebody wrote in "Whatever' (as their sexual identity). Well, what do you mean by that? OK, is sexuality not important to you, how you're defined?" Another respondent calls themself "Men Sexual." The concept of how individuals coin their sexual identities partly forms the core of Woodford's work on campus. He hopes to understand and validate the experiences of sexual minorities. "We need to give space for people to identify those other categories," he said. Woodford is out to break the "master narratives." In the scientific'community and mainstream at large, he believes a biphobia - or aversion towards bisexuality - lingers. It's a factor that skews the conclusions of research in order to create linear narratives of sexuality, classifying people as strictly heterosexual or homosexual. These terms thoroughly fail, Woodford believes, to capture the nuances of lived experiences that exist outside sexual and gender binaries. . "Even theories of sexual minority development say that people go through these processes, where they may say, 'I think I might be gay, but really I'm bisexual,' " Woodford said. "Then eventually they come to a gay identity. Well, those sort of master narratives are being challenged." Woodford cites Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" campaign - a movement to improve the self-esteem of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals - as an example where spaces for more unique sexual identities are not provided. Gay identity still remains its focal issue. In his own surveys, Woodford gives students the option to write in their own classification of their sexual orientation if they do not identify with the list of predetermined categories given. "Topics of sexuality, like sexuality itself, are so fluid and how people get exposed to different identities - I think that's evolving so quickly that we're not exactly keeping on top of it," Woodford said. Despite the social pressure individuals feel to fitnicely into place, Woodford said sexual self-realization never crystallizes for many people. Categories can provide a useful way for people to locate their sexuality, yet for othersthe terms narrow the vastness of an experience. LSA senior Taylor Portela, the community engagement student lead of the Spectrum Center - the University's Office of LGBT affairs - faces such hard- lined, sharp-edged social boxes each day. Like Woodford, he fights a day-to-day battle against social norms, only outside the academic sphere. Sometimes, he even wears his social protest visibly. "I'll have my nails painted some days, or I have this weird neon '90s coat, so I get stares or cat-called on campus," Portela said. "I think part of my queer identity makes me want to mess with the categories and confuse people." Such anxiety around gendered categories runs common, according to Mical DeGraaff, the professional development coordinator at the Spectrum Center. "I think that's why people invent words all the time," DeGraaff said. "I've heard omnisexual, trisexual, question mark - they just identify as question mark - gender defiant, gender queer, gender fluid. Because when you place a label on something, it puts it into a box." Portela fought through a slow, arduous process in coming to his now-conceived identity. For much of his youth, he never devoted the time for self-discovery, instead honing his academic skills or participating in band and orchestra. It wasn't until his senior year in high school, after the death of a family friend and the marriages of both his sisters, that he forced himselfto think about his identity. Today, he identifies as gay and queer. To be able to put an experience in a word - to see it and to know its full meaning - brings comfort to Portela. He can now communicate his experience to others and form a community. But his journey forward in this overlap of two different identities continues. "There's comfort in what people are discovering is the fluidity of (sexuality). You don't have to be exclusively gay, if you are, great, but you don't have to be," Portela said. "It's like you're never fully out, because sexuality really isn't a visible thing. You perform it some days and not others. It's always just more conversations, more discussing and talking about my identities to (other people)." Portela stands outside the political scope ofwhatmaybe calledthe"majority" agenda of the LGBTQ community. The ways people would categorize him concerns him, the use of the word "queer" beinga particularly contentious issue. "'Queer' is used now as this umbrella term for everyone inthe LGBT spectrum," he said. "I think it kind of depoliticizes it, like there's no meaning to it. 'Queer' is supposed to have a destabilizing effect in spaces." Like those students in Woodford's survey, DeGraaff formed her own personal definition of the term queer. She also acknowledges that queer is a loaded term that many still haven't reclaimed, but it's simply the best she has right now. "(Queer) doesn't assume anything about me," she said. "It doesn't assume anything about my partners. It doesn't assume anything about their identities or my identities or the fluidity I see in identities. It allows me a lot more space to be the way that I feel that day." Before arriving at that identity, she came out as bisexual in high school. Her experiences in college, however, invoked certain connotations that made her uncomfortable. "There's a certain level of expectation that goes with identifying as bisexual as a White, fairly attractive female co-ed college student that I wasn't comfortable with," she said. "Specifically from men,- it was like, 'Make out with this chick so I can watch you. It was just a word; it was just the best I had at the time." Then, she identified as pansexual - which came with constantly explaining the term. "At some point I kind of gave up and just landed on 'queer' because it was just the easiest thing for me to use." The connotations inherently bound to words are irksome for those coming into their sexual identity. DeGraaff used the term 'gynosexual' as an example, which describes someone with sexual feelings towards women. Where some heterosexuals identify as gynosexual to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community, she believes others use it to escape their privilege as heterosexual. Portela also remains wary of the creation of more categories to describe people's sexual experience. It worries him that we're "pathologizing" sexuality. Still, he relents that people can identify as they will. He notes his own experiences when he first started work at the Spectrum Center and encountered sexual identities unknown to him. "I thought it was awesome that there were words to describe people's lived experiences," Portela said. "But then it's also strange still just because you don't really know what they mean or how they're used." Anxiety over labeling may cause people facing the traditional, rigid binaries of gender and sexuality to carve out new spaces ontthe sexual spectrum more to their fitting. Though helpful in understanding experience, Portela believes labels can "restrict and constrict the world." This is evident in the individualized categories seen in Woodford's survey. Another respondent's write-in, "Men Sexual," made him wonder whether the category "gay" feels foreign or problematic to that person. "One of the problems we sometimes have is that people identify as some unique category," Woodford said. "And there's just not enough people identifying as that category to be able to do any kind of analysis. It becomes a struggle." By continuing his research, Woodford hopes to advance the conversation further into the sexual unknown. As for Portela, he's still figuring out what it means exactly to be gay or queer. Not everyone is fluid in their sexuality, but he is. People always change, he believes, so too will the ways he experiences desire. "These are questions about ourselves that can't really be answered. The answer is life itself and continuing to live," Portela said, beginning to laugh. "And so I'll know what everything means as it comes at me, I guess." Woodford looks at his list. He points at different sexual orientations listed by respondents. He underlines those he does not yet know, but endeavors to understand. The list grows, it seems, with each new question, each untold story in the form of a moniker - an identity. what students last googled about sex: the secret behind the female orgasm how to stop a pepper burn on a penis (It was after we made and ate salsa with jalapenos. The answer is yogurt. You have to dip it in yogurt) how to make out dirty how do you work with an uncircumcised penis am I pregnant? porn U of M STD testing how to keep the passion during sex what does it mean to be asexual how to get a three way what a turtle penis looks like how to last longer Wisconsin isn't for snugglers. City officials in Madison stopped the opening of "The Snuggle House," a store where customers could pay to cozy up to a "professional snuggler," like Lonnie on the left, in aj"non- sexual way," according to Gawker. Officials worried the store could involve THE SNUGGLE HOUSE prositution. The porn industry halted production for the third time this year after a performer tested positive for HIV, ABC News reported. Policy makers tried to pass laws to require performers to wear condoms, but porn execs say rubbers are "bad for business." I pm Kids hoping to spend time with Frosty the Snowman got a surprise when a movie theater in Florida accidentally ran a sexually explicit scene before the animated film "Frozen," Gawker reported. Supposedly; the theater ran a clip from the move trailer "Nymphomaniac," which shows a blow job. Time for that awkward conversation, parents. -oQ I THE GUARDIAN A new study proved that sex is a workout. Couples were monitored via an armband when working out and when doing the deed, and sex measured as "moderate exercise," The New York Times reported. Gettin' it on compares to playing doubles tennis or walking uphill. p... F