The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 5 ' The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 5 Writing with the inkwell of music "Los pollos hermanos?" ana 'emories One Direction loses momentum with third album ByADAM THEISEN DailyArts Writer If One Direction's first two records are any indication, Mid- night Memories is set to be one of 2013's best- selling CDs. D It's hard, if not impossible, Midnight to imagine an Memories album that could be less One Direction deserving of that title. Even Columbia just approach- ing Midnight Memories as typical boy-band stuff leads to disappointment. Back in 2011, One Direction struck pop-music gold with its debut single, the energetic ear- worm that was "What Makes You Beautiful." You'd hope that at least a little bit of the spirit behind that song would still be present on the tracks of Mid- night Memories, but no, every idea here is botched, every sign of potential immediately thrown away and every band member whitewashed until they lose all charisma and uniqueness. The lyrics and voices are inex- plicably put at the forefront of the mix, even though they're so banal and generic that they're impossible to recall by the time each track ends. Midnight Memories is most attention-grabbing when you're just trying to spot all of the songs that One Direction and its songwriters are "borrowing" from. The album unnecessar- ily opens with a copy of the first 30 seconds of The Who's "Baba O'Riley," despite it having no relation to the actual first song. Elsewhere, "Diana" bastard- izes the vibe of the Footloose soundtrack, "Midnight Memo- ries" steals from Joan Jett's "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" and "Does He Know" takes from "Jessie's Girl," among countless oth- ers. The "Friday Night Lights" theme song can't even escape thievery here. The songwriters can't be bothered to be original in the songs' titles, either. Come on, guys - "You and I" was a Lady Gaga hit just two years ago. Keeping with the theme of re-appropriating other artists' styles (because, let's be honest, Midnight Memories does noth- ing original of note), the album's most interesting theme is One Direction's marketing team trying to subtly reposition the group alongside mainstream folk-rock revivalists like Mum- ford & Sons and The Lumineers. Songs like "Through the Dark" has whoever is singing (it's seri- ously impossible to tell - they all sound like a young Rob Thomas) doing his best Marcus Mumford impression as bass drums drive the song and the producers try to evoke a campfire atmosphere. It's reminiscent of when U.S. record executives changed The Beatles' Rubber Soul to better position it among the burgeon- ing folk scene of the mid-1960s. The only difference is that Rub- ber Soul was, you know, a little bit better. The makers of this album don't seem to realize that adding a One Direction dance- tint to folk makes it less palat- able, not more interesting. Considering the resources at the group's disposal, it's really surprising how terribly execut- ed Midnight Memories is. Surely the band could've hired better songwriters than the ones fea- tured on this record, and even the producers don't seem to know what they're doing. The record's artificial and overdone style is the musical equivalent of putting a poem through five different languages in Google Translate and then seeing what it looks like again in its original tongue. When Midnight Memories isn't bland, it's simply frustrating. Verses with potential give way to poorly written, boring choruses. There's no spontaneity and no energy, which is a damning offense for a pop album that needs to be constantly holding your attention. The few "highlights" are the opti- mistic cheesiness of "Don't Forget Where You Belong" and the best track, "Little Black Dress," whose relatively rough guitars make it sound like a lost Big Star cut from the 1970s. However, these songs are nowhere near enough to save an album that is destined to be played on repeat in your local Toys 'R' Us during the holiday season before quickly being forgotten altogether. Whether it's puzzling evidence that record companies think kids will buy anything, regardless of quality, or simply a mess of a CD from an already- past-its-prime boy band, Midnight Memories is sub-par and certainly not worth your money. Ihave a confession to make, something that could affect your perception of me as the writer you're cur- rently reading. It's the type of revelation that I usu- ally wouldn't even bother marking down, but it has gotten to the point where the ELLIOT truth needs ALPERN to be heard. Ready? Wait - first, actually, it's important to give you a little context before my admission will make sense. Regarding my own ability to write, I'm actu- ally pursuing a sub-concentra- tion in Creative Writing here, specializing in fiction. All of this is to say I take what I pen down quite seriously. So it's tough to divulge something I consider (perhaps erroneously) to be a flaw in my technique as a writer. Put simply: I need outside help when I write. Sitting down to a blank page - and it pains me to say this - is too difficult, sometimes. Occasionally, I go through the motions; I toss a few throwaway sentences down to see how they break up the white space. But, sooner or later, I always seem to return, begging for a chance - just a chance! To confess more specifically: I tend to turn to music when nothing else will get me going. It's easy to overlook the implications of that. After all, who doesn't play a little The xx when that homework gets to be a slog? How could I be blamed when I just want a little flavor to build my recipe around? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. Each master author these days seems to sell the same advice like it's going out of style: In a world where the Internet is suffocating humanity on par with Love- craft's "The Crawling Chaos," the only way to stay true to your f kind o Jonath of his' cable i severt Esta music? ardly.I Hemin work humm Monke esty, it voicea As t givesv Machi tunity ment h I gr( fluctu, And ye you wa that gr Regarc aboutt one of ers of: could: lating; Un bE but y Tho dimini ate mu is com able), t he's to regard that m "WI my job King t back it that pa music. Thi: like to the he sessio: talk th to wor iction is to eliminate any entity, is it really that extreme f outside influence. Hell, to use anything else as a tool to ian Franzen goes out better yourself? way to glue an Ethernet "Now I'll only listen at the nto his computer, only to end of a day's work," King he cord itself. continued, "when I roll back iblishing my mood with to the beginning of what I ? That's positively cow- did that day and go over it on I can only imagine what the screen. A lot of times, the igway would think as I music will drive my wife crazy my way into this column, because it will be the same ing along to the Arctic thing over and over and over eys. Not only is it a trav- again." 's a disservice to my If music can be an immedi- as a writer. Right? ate and often spontaneous he Arctic Monkeys gateway to a specific memory, way to Rage Against the embedded within a single ne, allow me the oppor- moment of time, can't music to shift my own argu- then achieve the same purpose iere. in writing? Case in point: I s- ew up reading a fairly ten to The Decemberists's "The ating range of authors. Mariner's Revenge Song," and t, one staple (wherever ensuingly get to work on some ant to place him within sort of old-timey sailor's tale. -oup) was Stephen King. The atmosphere, the tone, the dless of your opinions mood is so specific that leav- the guy, he's undeniably ing the work unfinished risks the most successful writ- never recapturing it. the past few decades. You But, luckily, the specific- do much worse in emu- ity of that mindset can be an artist, right? accessed, at least to some degree, by revisiting the music I listened to during that. And, lug ingcan if need be, I can solidify that p gcan feeling by playing the same e beneficial, song over and over again as I I progress through my story, music keeps likely to the eventual chagrin of the future Mrs. Alpern. ou moving. But really, how can you ignore a tool like that which may better your overall prod- uct, no matter how that's ugh he admits to a accomplished? Why are ished ability to toler- authors like Franzen so afraid isic while he writes (as of being influenced by some- pletely understand- thing outside of their own :here's one key point ability - are they so egotistical uched on in interviews that nothing can better their ing the beneficial effect craft outside of their own con- usic can achieve. centration? To me, that's the hen I sit down to write, ultimate flaw of a writer: to is to move the story," ignore whatever can improve old The Paris Review your story from some precon- n 2006." ... To achieve ceived notion of detrimental ace I used to listen to influence. So, like King, I'll be rocking s is exactly the point I away in my room - just don't tell myself as I get out interrupt me while I'm writing. adphones for another n of prose. For all the sat a writer must be able k his craft as a lone Alpern is writing stories. To give him things to write about, e-mail 'S.H.IE.L.D.' fails to capitalize Jones, Armstrong travel to the past JL I By MADDIE THOMAS DailyArts Writer "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." was given every opportunity to succeed. Backed by the multi- billion-dollar _ Marvel fran- chise and one Marvel'S of the hottest directorsinHol- AgeIts of lywood today, S.H.I.E.L.D. JossWhedon (of "Buffy the Vam- Season one pire Slayer" and midseason "The Aveng- Tuesdays ers" fame), it at 8 p.m. was destined to be the break- ABC out pilot of the season - or at least destined to immediately earn strong viewership. How could it not, when it was mar- keted as a small-screen spin-off of the immensely popular "Aveng- ers" movie? And yet, somehow, "S.H.IE.L.D." is floundering. For- mulaic episodes, two-dimensional characters and the lack of a cohe- sive overarching plotline are turn- ing a once-promising project into the biggest flop of 2013. This week's "S.H.I.E.L.D." epi- sode, titled "The Well," is the sev- enth episode of a (recently picked up) 22-episode season. Usually by now,aboutsevenepisodesinanew show wants to have found its foot- ing and be settling into a groove that allows writers to experiment with characters and generate some quality television. "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." isn't quite there yet. This newest episode, advertised as a companion to the "Thor: The Dark World" feature film, was a yawn-inducing hour of television complete with boring, empty vil- lains (I ... paga plot fe that pi in a sui a Berse "S.H formul worldl infecte to ove accept: actuall sodesi six du "The ful Opp past, b advant ers dec "secrec an inc young, sumabl in a w they k and all they're ers are secrets becom' ing. Ra secrec Co The "The V with a Grant Ming-P tently show), welcon the wi Norwegian hipsters who are between Skye and Grant build up in?), a relatively low-stakes over the past few weeks. Hope- aturing an Asgardian staff fully, this surprise character pair- sses people off and one guy ing is a sign that things are about it who apparently used to be to be headed in a new and exciting rker soldier. direction, because that is exactly I.LE.L.D." 's predictable, where "S.H.IE.L.D." needs to go. aic setup (team finds other- ASAP. y object, member of team is At the end of the day, "Agents d by it, team works together ofS.H.IE.L.D." is simply notstep- rcome struggle) might be ping up to the plate. In the first able if its characters were seven episodes, the writers have y compelling, but seven epi- fallen into a rut of formulaic epi- in, we're still dealing with sodes and characters without ll, two-dimensional leads. chemistry. The only plot driving Well" offers up a wonder- the season forward as a whole is ortunity to explore Grant's Coulson's mysterious Tahiti trip, ut instead of actually taking and even that is wearingthin after age of that chance, the writ- being mentioned basically every ide to stick with the show's week without any new revelations cy" motif and tease us with to keep us invested. Joss Whedon omplete flashback featuring knows how to make a TV show, Grant and a little boy (pre- and though he's not running it ly his brother?) who is stuck day to day, he must be aware fell. Secrets are valuable - of "S.H.I.E.L.D." 's total lack of eep a TV show interesting intrigue. Perhaps the writers are low for confrontation when taking advantage of the guaran- revealed - but the writ- teed hype and popularity that so focused on keeping the comes with the Marvel franchise locked up that the plotlines to start out the first season cau- e too vague to be captivat- tiously, but time is running out. ther than piquing curiosity, They can only get by on Marvel's y leads to confusion. good name for so long; eventually they're goingto have to delve into the characters' back stories and 1 1u take some more risks. U10 use more I'm at my wit's end with W hedon. "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," but my admiration for Joss Whedon is keeping me from giving up on it just yet. Though seven episodes one redeeming moment of in is pretty late in the game to Nell" comes at the very end, still have trouble developing n implied hookup between characters, every new show and May (the wonderful has a learning curve. With 15 Na Wen, who has consis- installments left in the season, been the best part of this "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." still which was a small but very has time to turn itself around, me plot twistafter watching but it's going to take some dras- ill-they-won't-they tension tic changes. By HANNAH WEINER Daily Arts Writer There's something to be said for a musician taking on a genre entirely different than his or her own. There's A- something to be said for Foreverly two musicians Billie Joe doing this. And there's some- Armstrong and thing even NorahbJones more to be said Reprise for two musi- cians doing this in order to honor icons of the music industry. Enter: Billie Joe Armstrong - the spikey-haired and heav- ily eyelinered punk rocker from Green Day. And then, enter: Norah Jones, the sweet-voiced singer-songwriter. The two met at a Stevie Wonder concert, and at Armstrong's wife's sug- gestion, he invited Jones along to cover The Everly Brothers's 1958 Songs Our Daddy Taught Us, which eventually turned into Foreverly. Unlike Armstrong's typically whiney and harsh-sounding vocals on Green Day songs, Foreverly features a gentle side of Armstrong that we may not have expected - he's not full of angst or anger; instead, he sounds fairly refined. Perhaps. this has to do with Jones's abil- ity to tame the artists she works with (she has collaborated with the Foo Fighters, calming Dave Grohl's usually rough voice). Or, it could have to do with the message that Foreverly sends. There are generally three ways a cover album can go: It can lend the songs a new inter- pretat songs songs mimic everly which and J ducing But ing? B guy angril can I ing tr "Dow: den" a Norah that: r take o album And chanc that f would to co album nonetl Taugh is it bu So, wb are u duo, t doubly ion by making rowdy Stone noted that not even Elvis tender, it can make quiet Presley "had the nerve to do an sound wild or it can album as rootsy as this one." the original sound. For- Maybe Armstrong and Jones takes this last option, genuinely are huge fans of this surrenders Armstrong album; Armstrong, himself, has ones to criticism of pro- stated in several interviews that g a safe and boring album. he has loved The Everly Broth- , is it really safe and bor- ers since childhood. illie Joe Armstrong - a Yet, it's curious that these who previously yelled two have teamed up to release y on tracks like "Ameri- a roots album that's sparse in diot" - is now croon- production, relying entirely aditional folk songs like on their vocal harmonies, soft n in the Willow Gar- drums and occasional lambent alongside the sweetheart piano notes. While it appears Jones. Nobody expected that Armstrong and Jones Nobody expected him to have subscribed to the trend of n country-folk as his next Americana folk/roots albums z. (a la The Avett Brothers, The I even if, by some slim Lumineers, etc.), this effort e, someone did expect doesn't seem so transparent; in rom Armstrong, nobody fact, Foreverly feels like an hon- have expected for him est tribute. ver an entire obscure The songs themselves feel 1 by The Everly Brothers, authentic and full of gorgeous heless. Songs Our Daddy harmonies between Jones and t Us isn't full of hits, nor Armstrong, especially in tracks irsting with catchy songs. like "That Silver Haired Daddy bile Armstrong and Jones of Mine" and "Roving Gam- ndoubtedly an unlikely bler." The two prove they may he album they chose is not intend to make a statement y surprising. with Foreverly. And while the album doesn't feel incredibly progressive, it also doesn't act uo produces as a standstill: It's not exciting, yet it's not boring, either. In the beautiful end, the album exceeds expec- tations in idea more than in harmonies. execution: Nobody would have expected this of Armstrong and Jones. With that in mind, it's easier two musicians make - and, almost beautiful - to that their intentions are hear Billie Joe Armstrong and mess with the integrity Norah Jones's voices entan- songs, noting that The gle themselves in The Everly Brothers created this Brothers' down-to-earth lyrics. markedly of roots songs Because in all honesty, no one reason. When the album expected them to sing country eleased in 1958, Rolling folk so mellifluously. Di The clear1 not to of the Everly album for a was ri +F X