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November 22, 2013 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, November 22, 2013


After 4BBUM,
regents vow to
take action on
race relations

Administrators voice
support for students
of color at meeting
Daily Staff Reporter
While #BBUM trended nationally
on Twitter, its message reached the
University's Board of Regents. The
board heard Thursday heard from
student leaders and administrators
about the campaign and offered a
glimpse at how they might respond.
The Being Black at the Univer-
sity of Michigan campaign gained
momentum Tuesday as students
took to Twitter to share their expe-
rience and thoughts about what it
means to be Black at the University
- both good and bad. Over the past
two days, #BBUM - created by the
Black Student Union - has been used
more than 16,000 times and spread
far beyond the confines of campus.
National figures have responded in
solidarity with the students and the
hashtag has inspired a similar move-
ment at Michigan State University,
Although some administrators
have already responded to the move-
ment on Twitter, the meeting marked
the first time the officials addressed

the campaign in person. The offi-
cial University Twitter account ini-
tially responded on Tuesday, saying
administrators are listening.
During her monthly report on the
Division of Student Life, E. Royster
Harper, the division's vice president,
said the administration is working to
address the issues brought up by the
"It's quite an informative and
robustcand honest and painful conver-
sation among the community about
the experiences of African-American
students," Harper said.
Earlier in the meeting, Physics
Prof. Timothy McKay gave a presen-
tation on predicting student success
at the University. The presentation
included statistics demonstrating
that students in less supportive envi-
ronments tended to not perform to
the best to their academic abilities
academically. Many of the students
who contributed to the BBUM dis-
cussion said they often felt isolated
in their classes and with their non-
Black peers.
Harper, who said she was struck
by the presentation's findings, said
the administration will work toward
improving the University's focus on
celebrating diversity - "the com-
mitment that this institution has and
will continue to have."
See BBUM, Page 3

Ed Seaberg, Vice President of IT Operations at Rockwell Automation, speaks at "Leading Inclusion in Corporate America" in the Chesebrough Audi-
torium at Chrysler Center Thursday.
Dining optionstocag

expands Dining
Dollars, makes
meals unlimited
Daily Staff Reporter
After encouraging students
to waste less food in the new
trayless initiative, Univer-
sity Housing is implementing
unlimited meals with all meal
For the 2014 academic year,

all plans will include unlim-
ited meals, a certain amount
of Dining Dollars and no Blue
Bucks for students living in
residence halls and North-
wood III Apartments. Blue
Bucks will be available for
purchase but will not auto-
matically come with any plan.
The unlimited plan will be
included in students' room
and board rates. The new
offerings also include several
different options to balance
Dining Dollars and guest
The Bronze Plan comes at
no extra cost and will include

25 Dining Dollars and two
guest meals. The Silver Plan
costs an extra $175 per semes-
ter, and will include 200 Din-
ing Dollars and eight guest
meals. The Gold Plan costs an
extra $275 per term, and will
include 300 Dining Dollars
and 12 guest meals.
Christine Siegel, senior
associate director of hous-
ing services, said University
Housing has been studying
the design of new plans for
over a year.
"We want students to feel
comfortable that they can eat
as often as they like in the din-

ing hail," Siegel wrote in an
e-mail. "We are hoping that
the plans will encourage stu-
dents to use our dining facili-
ties as hubs for socializing and
Currently, a 125- or 150-
block meal plan comes at no
extra cost with room and
board rates. The 125 plan
includes 125 meals, 300 Din-
ing Dollars and 75 Blue Bucks,
while the 150-block plan
includes 150 meals, 100 Dining
Dollars and 100 Blue Bucks.
The 200-block plan, Unlim-
ited plan and Unlimited+ plan
See DINING, Page 3

Letter sent to faculty
addresses concerns
over cost-cutting
Daily StaffReporter
In response to the recent slew of
letters from department chairs con-
cerning the proposed Shared Services
5 Center, the University released a state-
ment noting the latest developments.
University administrators apolo-
gized to concerned department chairs
Thursday about the lack of commu-
nication and clarity in their decision-
making process about the center,
which is expected to cut costs by $5
to 6 million by consolidating human-
resource and finance services to a cen-
tralized location.
Timothy Slottow, the University's
executive vice president and chief
financial officer, sent an e-mail to fac-
ulty Wednesday correcting previous
factual errors and clarifying the Uni-
versity's relationship with Accenture,
the consulting firm contracted for the
project. The Accenture contract is val-
ued at $11.7 million.
Slottow's e-mail focused largely on
a report released to faculty on Nov.
18 by purported alumni and graduate
students concerning the University's
contractual relationship with the con-
sult- See SERVICE, Page 3

With $4.5 M grant,
researchers look at
video game therapies

Rackham student Ben Alterman, Jim Struve, Michael Fox, and Jeffrey Glover share their stories as male survivors
of sexual abuse at "Dare to Dream: Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Movie/Discussion" at Kraus Auditorium in the
Natural Science Building Thursday.
Screening discusses stima
of being a -male surv.ivorl

Simulations could
help young adults
with disabilities
Daily StaffReporter
At the intersection of video
games and medicine lies a
new University initiative to
construct a center for the
development of medical tech-
The U.S. Department of
Education's National Institute
on Disability and Rehabilita-
tion Research recently award-
ed a $4.5 million, five year
grant to a team of collabora-
tive researchers from multiple
disciplines and departments
across the University. This
grant will fund researching
therapies for adolescents and
young adults with physical,
cognitive and neurodevelop-
mental disabilities.
Michelle Meade, an assis-
tant professor in the Medi-
cal School's Department of
Physical Medicine and Reha-
bilitation, said the project -
called Technology Increasing
Knowledge, Technology Opti-
mizing Choices - will likely
spawn a new research center
at the University, tentatively
named the Center for Self
Management and Rehabilita-
tion Technology.
Such a center would aim to
supply practical therapies to
improve the lives of patients
with debilitating physical

impairments. Among other
projects, this includes the
development of rehabilitation
video games intended to pro-
vide patients with support in
their daily lives, Meade said.
"No matter what level of
injury someone has, there is a
capacity for that individual to
have a happy, productive life,"
Meade said. "How people do
that often depends on their
personality and the resources
they have available."
One resource that Meade
and collaborators are develop-
ing is SCI-Hard, a computer
game that engages the patient
in simulations of common
daily struggles they may face
at home. By solving prob-
lems and developing strate-
gies to win the game, patients
simultaneously develop tools
that help them in the outside
"That game is focused on
teaching self-management
skills - the attitude that peo-
ple with spinal cord injury can
and should be able to get out
and manage their health and,
once they're able to do that,
take on all the other challeng-
es that life throws at them,"
Meade said.
The grant is also funding
the development of a "virtual
coaching" application that
will track the body move-
ments of patients with limited
mobility and provide them
with feedback from a health
professional. Meade said
researchers hope the app can
See VIDEO GAME, Page 3

Men discuss
healing after
sexual assaultw
For the Daily
While many events regard-
ing sexual abuse are guided
toward raising awareness for
female survivors, an event held
Thursday night aimed to raise
awareness, show support and
explain available resources for
male survivors of sexual abuse.
The event, entitled Dare to
Dream, was co-sponsored by
the Central Student Govern-
ment and the Rackham Dean's
Strategic Initiative Grant. The

event emphasized that healing
is possible for male survivors.
The event started with a
viewing of the documentary
"Boys and Men Healing,"
which tells the story of three
male survivors and how their
abuse impacted their recovery
After the documentary,
Chris Anderson, executive
director of MaleSurvivor, and
Jim Struve, one of the non-
profit's original founders,
facilitated a panel discussion.
MaleSurvivor is a national
organization that supports
male victims of sexual abuse.
Rackham student Ben Alter-
man coordinated the event
with help from MaleSurvivor
and many other University

and local organizations.
Currently, one in six males
are sexually abused before the
age of18 and one of every eight
adult rape victims are male,
according to Anderson and
Struve. According to Alter-
man, 3,584 out of 7,446 sexual
abuse survivors at the Univer-
sity of Michigan are male.
Alterman, Anderson and
Struve are survivors of male
sexual abuse and believe that
the first step toward recov-
ery is reaching out to people.
While this may not seem hard
in theory, Anderson described
that social stereotypes are
huge barriers toward reaching
Struve explained that soci-
See SURVIVOR, Page 3



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INDEX NEWS ,........................... 2 ARTS .............................8
Vol.CXXIV,No.34 OPINION .......................4 SUDOKU ........................ 2
t201tThe Michigan Daily SPORTS ......................... S CLASSIFIEDS .................6


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