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November 20, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-20

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2A - Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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Liberty U student killed by police


A 19-year-old Liberty Univer-
sity student died Tuesday morn-
ing when he was shot by a public
safety officer at an all-female
dorm at the school's Lynchburg,
Va., campus, The Liberty Cham-
pion reported.
Lynchburg police responded
to a call around 4 a.m. A physi-
cal altercation then occurred
between the student and a
police officer, who then shot the
It is unclear whether the
student was armed. Police said
the officer shot at the student
at least twice. The officer was
taken to the hospital for treat-
ment and was later released.
"The Liberty University com-

munity is deeply saddened by
this tragic event and is prayer-
fully supporting all those
impacted," Jerry Falwell Jr.,
Liberty's president, said in a
University of Delaware
fraternity brothers acquitted
in hazing death
Two University of Delaware
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity
brothers were found not liable
in the 2008 death of a freshman
student, The University of Dela-
ware Review reported Monday.
In November 2008, Brett
Griffin, 18 at the time, attended
a pledge event at the fraternity.

During the party, he became
unconscious and was left alone
in a room. He began to foam at
the mouth, 911 was called and he
died later that night.
His autopsy showed that he
had ingested an entire fifth-
sized bottle of Southern Com-
fort liqueur, resulting in a blood
alcohol content of .341. Alco-
hol poisoning was noted as the
cause of death.
The lawsuit against the
brothers argued that former
chapter president Jason Aaron
and former pledge master
Matthew Siracusa were liable
for his death.

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Nickels' Arcade was decorated for the holidays with
lights and erns Monday.



Need a needle? Flight or flier Concussions Jewish deli

WHERE: Art and Architec-
ture Building
WHEN: Monday at
about 11:20 a.m.
WHAT: A bin of sewing
needles and two staple guns
were reportedly removed
from a storage room some-
time after September,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects.
Crash into me
WHERE: 1800 block of
WHEN: Monday at about
9:15 a.m.
WHAT: Two vehicles
-were involved in a roadway
accident, University Police
reported. The vehicles did
not sustain damages and
there were no injuries.

WHERE: 700 blockof
South University
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 12 a.m.
WHAT: A male harassed
two subjects hanging fliers,
University Police reported.
The suspect is described
as a Black male wearing a
shiny gray jacket. He fled in
a silver Ford SUV.
Missing tablet
WHERE: 710 E. University
WHEN: Monday at about
10:45 a.m.
WHAT: A tablet was
reportedly stolen from a
locked office sometime last
week, University Police
reported. The case has been

in sports talk in.America

WHAT: Discuss legal issues
and challenges facing pro-
fessional athletic associa-
tions regarding concussions.
WHO: Kid's Kitchen
WHEN: Today from 11:50
a.m. to1 p.m.
WHERE: South Hall
Room 0225
WHAT: The University
of Michigan Trombone
Ensemble will perform a
free concert open to the
public. The concert is
directed by David Jackson
and will include music by
Bach and Debussy.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Walgreen Drama
Center, Stamps Auditorium

WHAT: Join Dickinson
College Judaic Studies Pro-
fessor Ted Merwin for an
exploration of the Jewish
deli's evolution.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library Gallery
Dialogue with
the dead
WHAT: Explore the impli-
cations of displaying human
remains in a museum set-
ting as well as the reactions
of visitors to such an exhibit
at the Mutter Museum in
WHO: Museum
Studies Program
WHEN: Today from 6:30
p.m. to 8 p.m.
WHERE: Museum of
Art Auditorium

"Selfie" has been select-
ed as Oxford English
Dictionary's Word of the
Year, the Los Angeles Times
reported. Selfie was first used
in 2002 by an Australian who
posted a photo on the inter-
net captioned with the new
word of the year.
For women in business,
it's more than a num-
bers game. Read how
the women of the Business
School pave their own way in
a male-dominated world.
3JP Morgan Chase final-
ized a settlement with
the U.S. Department of
Justice for knowingly selling
risky mortgage-backed secu-
rities leading up to the finan-
cial crisis, The Washington
Post reported. The settle-
ment will total $13 billion.

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Early N.M.votes oppose
late-term abortion ban

New bill offers tax relief.
to keep students in state

Initial results show
56 percent of voters
against proposal
- A closely watched, first-of-
its-kind proposal to ban late-
term abortions in New Mexico's
largest city was trailing in early
returns Tuesday.
Initial results from 50,000
early and absentee ballots in
Albuquerque showed 56 percent
of voters against the proposal,
while 44 percent supported the
ban on most abortions after 20
City officials said more
than 36,000 votes that were
cast Tuesday remained to be
The municipal election was
being closely watched as a pos-
sible new front in the abortion
wars, which have traditionally

been waged at the federal and
state levels.
The vote capped an emo-
tional and graphic campaign
that drew national groups and
hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars in advertising, pictures of
abortion victims and one pro-
test comparing abortion to the
Police were stationed near
polling places around the city
as protesters from both sides
tried to persuade voters who
were lining up before the polls
closed. One school reported an
hour wait.
Michelle Halfacre said she
cast her ballot in favor of the
proposal, which would ban
abortions after 20 weeks except
to save the mother's life.
"I had an abortion when I
was young, and I regret it,"
Halfacre said. "I don't believe
in it."
But Jonathan Cottrell, a crisis

hotline volunteer, said he voted
against the proposal because he
believes it marks the beginning
of a "slippery slope to ban abor-
tion in general."
"I feel that women have the
right to choose what to do to
their body," Cottrell said.
NARAL Pro-Choice America
President America Ilyse Hogue
said this is the first munici-
pal ballot on abortion that she
knows of, and her group was
watching the election closely.
A legal challenge is expect-
ed if the referendum passes.
Attorney General Gary King, a
Democrat, has said he believes
the measure is unconstitu-
The issue was put to voters
after former Operation Rescue
interns and anti-abortion "mis-
sionaries" Tara and Bud Shaver
moved here three years ago to
target Southwestern Women's
Options, one of a handful of

Proposal would give In a written statement, State
Rep. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor)
Mich. graduates tax agreed that the bill could have
a positive effect, but suggested
credit toward loan that more could be done to keep
graduates in Michigan, such as
payments improving the public school sys-

Daily StaffReporter
Contingent upon the pas-
sage of Senate Bill 408, recently
graduated students looking for
employment will receive a state-
sponsored incentive to work in
The bill, which was voted out
of committee and sent to the full
state Senate last Wednesday,
would give graduates of private
and public Michigan schools a
tax credit equal to 50 percent of
the annual payment on their stu-
dent loans for each tax year they
live and work in Michigan.
In a statement, state Sen.
Glenn Anderson (D-Westland),
the bill's sponsor, characterized
it as one part of a bigger over-
all approach to address rising
tuition costs and the growing
need for a more educated work-
"My legislation addresses two
significant problems in Michi-
gan - the growing student loan
debt crisis for college graduates
and the economic brain drain we
experience when our students
move to other states after gradu-
ation," he wrote in the statement.
"The credit would be a financial
incentive for graduates to stay in

The tax reduction per person
would be capped at 20 percent
of the average annual tuition for
Michigan schools, and graduates
would be eligible to receive the
reduction forup to fiveyears. The
bill defines an eligible graduate
as someone who has completed
at least a bachelor's degree at any
of Michigan's private or public
colleges and universities.
An analysis performed by the
Senate Fiscal Agency estimates
that the bill would reduce state
revenue by $29.4 million for the
2013-2014 fiscal year, and has
projected that it could cost the
state up to $152.9 million by the
2017-2018 fiscal year.
While those numbers are
large, they don't necessarily rep-
resent a net loss for the state.
Don Grimes, a senior research
associate at the University's
Institute for Research on Labor,
Employment and the Economy,
pointed out that the demograph-
ic this bill is aimed at - newly
graduated students with at least
a bachelor's degree - have both
a high-earning potential and
are very likely to leave the state
without incentives like this.
"If you can keep (recently
graduated students) here for five
years, the probability that they
will stay in the state after that

increases dramatically, and the
state will keep all of their addi-
tional income tax payments,
which would have been lost if
they had moved out of the state,"
he said.
Grimes added that "people
who earn bachelor's degrees
tend tobe big net contributors to
the state and local government
budgets, and they pay much
more in taxes than they cost the -
state and local government in
extra services."
LSA junior Lisa Tencer, presi-
dent of the University chapter of
Pure Michigan Talent Connect,
a group that encourages students
to stay and work in the state after
graduation, said from a student
standpoint, the bill definitely 0
makes Michigan a more enticing
post-graduation option.
"According to USA Today, 44
percent of the U-M class of 2011
were in debt when graduating,"
said Tencer. "This is a growing
concern to many of my peers who
would indeed find this tax credit
extremely attractive. Many cit-
ies such as New York City and
Chicago seem more attractive to
graduates because of the higher
rate of pay and larger popula-
A similar bill, HB 4182 -
which included recommenda-
tions and research from the
University chapter of the Col-
lege Democrats and the Roos-
evelt Institute - was introduced
to the State House in February
2013 by state Rep. Andy Schor
(D-Lansing). It has been in com-
mittee since April.

clinics in thecutvha nr


-1 t

form late-term abortions.
Tara Shaver said her group,
Project Defending Life, gath-
ered signatures to get the
measure on the city ballot
after failing to make headway
in the Democrat-controlled
Asked if other cities with
late-term abortion clinics
might be targeted in the future,
Shaver said: "We are encourag-
ing people to see what can be
done at the city level.... We are
starting to get calls from people
asking us how to do what we
have done."

Well, here you are. You picked up The Michigan Daily. But what's next?
You come work for us. Your byline could be in the very pages that you hold so
dearly in your hands. Tempting, right? That's what we thought, and here we are,
making friends and reporting the news all across campus.

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