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November 15, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-15

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EUN Lid jigan IajM

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, November 15, 2013


Up to three
may come
to campus

Business senior Eric Tan practices break dancing at Angel Hall with his performance group, EnCore. The group held its annual Fall Bar Night Thursday
LSA planning new center

Delta Phi Epsilon
will lose house to
Gamma Phi Beta
Ditly StaffReporter
There will be some new Greek
letters on campus in the coming
years as a chapter of the Gamma
Phi Beta sorority returns next fall
and the University considers add-
ing two additional sororities.
Due to a record number of
students during registration for
recruitment and with the quota
limiting 62 recruits per pledge
class this year, a committee made
up of representatives from each
campus sorority decided to extend
the sorority community and invite
three more organizations to join.
In addition to Gamma Phi Beta,
chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi and
Kappa Delta may find their way to
campus in the next four years.
The process of looking for new
sororities began in Winter 2012.
The committee accepted pack-
ets of infor sation from national
sorority organizations that were
interested in joining the Univer-
sity community and narrowed the

While Alpha Omicron Pi and
Kappa Delta have been invited to
join campus, whether or not they
will join depends on if the Greek
community feels it's ready for new
additions when the time comes for
the chapters to join.
The committee wants to ensure
the growing number of new
members experience the same
tight-knit community previous
generations shared without being
overcrowded, said LSA senior
Emily Goor, the president of the
Pan-Hellenic Council.
Although Gamma Phi Beta is
joining next year, the sorority
has a long history with the Uni-
versity, going back to 1882, when
it was brought to campus. One of
its founders, Frances E. Haven,
was the daughter of a University
professor and six of their national
presidents were members of the
University's chapter. Upon hear-
ing of the chapter openings, Goor
said the sorority seemed really
excited to jump onboard.
While the addition of Gamma
Phi Beta has been met with excite-
ment, it has caused a logistical
problem for the University's chap-
ter of the Delta Phi Epsilon soror-
DPhiE has been renting Gamma

Social Innovation
Alliance will work
to find solutions
Daily StaffReporter
Fight the power! Construc-
tively, of course.
As part of the Victors for
Michigan fundraising cam-
paign, LSA hopes to raise $400

million; a fraction of the cam-
paign's $4 billion goal. Pending
donor support, the college has
already announced its inten-
tion to begina Social Innovation
Alliance Center to find solutions
to expansive social issues.
Although the center's plan-
ning is still in its early stages,
SIA aspires to have a $4 mil-
lion endowment and contribute
funds to annual fellowships,
one-credit mini-courses, sum-
mer innovation grants and an

annual social innovation chal-
lenge as a result of the campaign.
Specific programs will be devel-
oped as donor support increases.
The new center will partner
with optiMize, a student-run
organization with an analogous
Philip Deloria, LSA's associ-
ate dean for undergraduate edu-
cation, wrote in a statement that
the center reflects larger goals
within the college such as using
a diverse education to challenge

and solve real-world problems.
"The Social Innovation Alli-
ance unites the energy and ideas
of committed students with
a support structure that will
enable them to bring those ideas
to fruition," Deloria wrote.
After serving as optiMize's
organizational sponsor, LSA has
expanded its commitment to the
center's creation. Since students
founded the organization, Delo-
ria said the Social Innovation
See CENTER, Page 3

'U' plans
for self-
. ."
Ann Arbor will be
the first American
city with a fleet of
autonomous cars
Daily StaffReporter
Last May, the University
launched The Michigan Mobility
Transformation Center, a govern-
ment-industry partnership that
focuses on improving transpor-
tation safety, sustainability and
accessibility. Recently, the center
announced an eight-year plan to
make Ann Arbor the first U.S. city
with a fleet of networked, driver-
less vehicles.
Peter Sweatman, director of
the University's Transportation
Research Institute, said the Uni-
versity will partially fund the $100
million project, and additional aid
will come from private and federal
In addition to the auto industry,
0 companies in the communication
and information industries are
participating in the project. The
U.S. Department of Transportation
initiated the Safety Pilot Model
Deployment under the Trans-
See VEHICLES, Page 3

Medical faculty
clinch prestigious
research awards

honored by AAMC
at meeting in
Daily StaffReporter
Earlier this month, two
faculty members of the
University Medical School
received top awards from
the Association of American
Medical Colleges at a meeting
in Philadelphia.
Huda Akil, who is a pro-
fessor of neuroscience in
psychiatry, won the Award
for Distinguished Research
in the Biomedical Sciences.
Akil studies the biology of
the brain with a particular
focus on mood, emotions and
addiction, oth in humans and
animals, inthe hopes of devel-
oping possible treatments for
psychiatric disorders.
Akil said she was "surprised
and honored" to win the
award and felt strongly that it
was the shared efforts of her
team as a whole that deserved
recognition. She plans on con-
tinuing her research on the
role of emotion because she
believes it is still one of the
least understood and impor-
tant aspects of the brain.
"I feel that when emotions
go wrong in a chronic way,
when people feel stuck with

their emotions, the price of
that is really very high on the
person themselves, on their
family and on society in gen-
eral," Akil said.
The other award recipi-
ent was Gilbert Omenn, who
received the David E. Rogers
Omenn is a professor of
internal medicine, human
genetics, and public health
and is director of the Center
for Computational Medicine &
Bioinformatics at the Univer-
sity. He said he was pleased to
earn the recognition, because
it's a lifetime award that was
named after a doctor whom
Omenn knew personally.
"I actually worked directly
with him, so that was really
quite wonderful," Omenn said.
The David E. Rogers Award
was presented as a monetary
prize as well as an engraved
glass sculpture. Though
Omenn could not specify
exactly what he plans to do
with the money at this time,
he promises to donate it to a
new or existing initiative at
the University involving medi-
cine and public health.
Omenn is currently look-
ing forward to holding a
leadership role in the Human
Proteome Project, an interna-
tional research goal similar
to the Human Genome Proj-
ect. Additionally, he and his
colleague are competing for
a grant toward their BigData

University receives award for
encouraging economic growth

Award recognizes
work with public
and private sectors
Daily StaffReporter
The Association of Public and
Land-grant Universities recent-
ly granted the Economic Pros-
perity Award to the University
for its efforts integrating entre-
preneurial education with state-
wide economic initiatives.
The APLU, the oldest higher
education association in the
United States, is a research and

advocacy organization with
219 university members. The
APLU's Commission on Inno-
vation, Competitiveness, and
Economic Prosperity, which
established the Economic Pros-
perity Award, encourages mem-
bers to assess their own work in
regional economic development.
Northern Illinois University,
the University of Cincinnati and
the State University of New York
also received the award. The
APLU said the four universities
were chosen because they col-
laborated with both private and
public sector business partners
and actively promoted statewide
economic growth.

Marvin Parnes, managing
director for the University's
Institute of Social Research, had
a role in applying to the award
during his time as the Univer-
sity's associate vice president
for research. He said as a public
institution, the University has
an obligation to be "more delib-
erate in helping improve the
In its application, the Uni-
versity highlighted three inno-
vation programs, including the
Institute for Research on Labor,
Employment, and the Economy;
the Business Engagement Cen-
ter; and the Michigan Venture
See AWARD, Page 3

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INDEX NEW S ............... ......... 2 A RTS ....... ........ ...5
Vol.CXXIII,No.55 OPINION ....... ............4 SUDOKU............ 2
2013 The MichiganDaily SPORTS. 6 CLASSIFIEDS ............. 6

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