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November 14, 2013 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-14

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th'~ye b-side

Reporting by
Akshay Seth,
Daily B-Side


"I guess the hardest part of my day is waking
up and know ing~hadon't have a dollar in my
pocket. The worst part is that aost people just
tend to ignore me. But I'm really happy that the
community of homeless people here is really
strong. I've actually never had my own apartment.
I've always just stayed with friends and couch-
surfed and stuff. We can always kind of depend on
each other if we need anything."

: :-


of my day is going to a friend's home and smoking some
"The best part of a sg Im not dependent on it. It'sntt
marijuana.1mean, come on man,
avoid my problems, it's just so relaxing. -Wil1e

"The hardest part of my day was getting out m
morning. But the best part wasfinally getting y sleeping bag this
little cup here to go to the liquor store and buys few cigaretts ig


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