2A - Thursday, October 31, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com - hrsaOcoe 3,213TeMihga aly-mchgnavyo (T e fidtciian Daily 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREW WEINER KIRBY VOIGTMAN Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 anweiner@michigandaily.com kvoigtman@michigandailycom S W I NG: I' FUiN - The traveling bestseller Jennifer Coburn is a bestsell- ing fiction author and journal- ist whose novels include "Tales from the Crib" and "Reinventing Mona." She graduated from the University in 1988 with a bach- elor's degree in communications. Her new book, "We'll Always Have Paris," will be available in stores in April. What piqued your interest in writing novels? I had always been interested in short story and fiction writing, but journalism kind of just hap- pened. Someone once approached me to write an article, and that's how it started. I've written a lot of op-ed pieces for around 40 regional newspapers, like The Miami Herald and also national publications like Mothering, Salon and Huffington Post. Why did you decide to write a memoir? I've written six novels, and I wanted to try a new genre. Actually, my mom suggested I write about my travels with my daughter. It was a four-part trip to Europe. We first went when my daughter was eight and then 11, 14, and the last one was when she was 16. I used to always tell people about my travels and they were like 'You should write these down' - and, eventually, I did. ALLISON FARRAND/Daily Birmingham resident Mike Kopmeyer participates in a Swing Ann Arbor lesson at the Michigan Union Wednesday. CRIME NOTES Who am I? Feasting WHERE: Campus Safety gone wild Services WHEN: Tuesday at about WHERE: North Quad Resi- 12:10 p.m. dence Hall WHAT: An unknown WHEN: Wednesday at subejet used a student's about 9:25 p.m. social security number for WHAT: An unkown subject employment records, Uni- took a platter of various versity Police reported. A food items from North Quad clerical error was found to without paying for it, Uni- be the culprit. versity Police reported. It's gettin Hands off the It. gin' h . CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Trick or treat! Halloween WHAT: Trick-or-Treat bags are available to pick up in CCI room 2205. Candy and prizes can be found in the Michigan Union, along with information about Union services. WHO: Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: Today from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. frights WHAT: Come watch a classic Halloween movie, complete with popcorn and snacks. WHO:Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: Today from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. WHERE: Pierpont Com- mons How did your experiences at the University contribute to your success, both personally and professionally? I absolutely loved my years at the University. I wish, and a lot of other alumni will tell you this, that I had taken more advantage of the resources. Our alumni network is amazing; they have been extraordinarily helpful. I can pick up the phone, call any alumni, and they will take the call and help me. Even alumni who are working in Hollywood, who are very busy, will take the time to talk to me. - TANAZAHMED Read more at michigandaily-com TH REE T HINGS YOU SHOU 0 KNOW IOOAY 1Guy Fieri, celebrity chef known for his hair, got into a scuffle with his hair dresser outside of his SUV, TMZ reported Wednes- day. To the disappointment or perhaps delight of many, his hair remains as spikey as ever. Turn to the b-side to geta behind the scenes look at Night Ter- rors, one of Michigan's pre- mier haunted houses. Also explored: Live Action Role Playing culture and its die- hard fans in Ann Arbor. Kanye West said his fiancee, Kim Kardashi- an, should be featured on the cover of Vogue, Polit- ico reported Wednesday. Kanye reasoned this is only natural, as Michelle Obama was featured on the cover previously. EDITORIAL STAFF MatthewSlovin ManagingEditor mjslovin@michigandaily.com AdamRUbenfire ManagingNews Editor arube@michigandaily.com SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Alicia Adamczyk, KatieBurke, Peter Shahin, K.C. Wassman, Taylor Wner ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Ariana Assaf, Jennifer Calfas, Hillary Crawford, Ian "illingham, Will Greenberg, Sam Gringlas, Matt Jackonen, Rachel Premack, Stephanie ShesoudaChristy Song Melanie Kruvelisand opinioneditors@michigandaily.com Adrienne RobertS Editorial Page Editors SENIOREDIORIALPAGEEDITORS:DanWang,DerekWolfe ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Aarica Marsh,rMegan McDonald Everett Cook and Zach Helfand Managing Sports Editors sportseditors@michigandaily.com SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Alejandro Zuniga, Jeremy Summitt, Neal Rothschild, Rajat Khar,,e,aielWaerm~n,Liz Vukelich ASSTNT S S sEDITaOSeg'SGarno, Ale.Dettseach, Daniel Feldman, Erin Lennon,LevFacher, MaxCohen Kayla Upadhyaya ManagingArtsEditor kaylau@michigandaily.com SENIORARTSEDITORS:ElliotAlpern,BrianneJohnson,JohnLynch,AnnaSadovskaya ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: JohnBohn,Sean Czarnecki, Max Radin,AkshaySeth, Katie Steen, StevenTweedie Adam Glanzman and Terra Molengraff ManagingPhototEditors photo@rnichigandaily.com 5SIOR PHOTO EDIORS: Tereesa ahew, ToddNeedle ASISTsN PHOOnEDIORSn KatherinePekaaPaul Sherman, cen"ieBe"reinaubyWallau,PatrickBarron KristenCleghorn and Nick Cruz ManagingDesign Editors design@michigandaily.com Haley Goldberg MagazineEditor statement@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITOR:Paige Pearcy Josephine Adams and Tom McBrien copychiefs copydesk@michigandaily.com SENIOR COPY EDITORS: Jennie Coleman, Kelly McLauglin Austen HuffOrd OnlineEiiter ahufford@michigandailycom BUSINESS STAFF Amal Muzaffar DigitalAccounts Manager Doug Soloman University Accounts Manager Leah Louis-Prescott classified Manager Lexi DerasmO Local Accounts Manager Hillary Wang National Accounts Manager Ellen Wolbert and SophieGreenbaumP roductionManagers The Michigan Daiy (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during thetfall and winerteerms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available freesoficharge to allreaders.Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2.Subscriptions for fall term, starting in september viaU.S.mail are S110. Winter term (January through April) is $115, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affiliates are subject to a reeded subscription rate.On-ampus subscriptionsfor falltermare$5.Subscriptionsmust beprepaid. The Michigan Daily is amember of The Associated Press and The AssociatedCollegiate Press. Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Corrections orrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section ats@ichigandaily.com Sparts Sectior sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales dailydisplay@gmaiLcom Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@michigandaily.com letters to the Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com PhotographrySec~tin photomichigandailycom Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com Horror film Puppet fun technology WHERE: Mott Children's Hospital WHEN: Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. WHAT: An iPad was stolen from the seventh floor activity room, University Police reported. A possible suspect has been identified. 11V meire as1I festival WHERE:West Qu dence Hall WHEN: Tuesday; a.m. WHAT: A fire ext was found to be m from its case in W University Police r There were no ind a fire or smoke pre sad Resi- WHAT: Students can come at 9:15 experience the lesser known horror films from countries inguisher around the word, including issing Brazil, France and India. est Quad, The day-long screening will reported. cover everything from silly icators of horror to the more "legiti- sent. mately" scary. WHO: University Library L WHEN: Today from12 p.m. to 11 p.m. WHERE: Graduate Library WHAT: Come see the play, Blind Summit: The Table, where a puppet struggles with a sudden existential crisis. The theatrical team who created the show also had a hand in Danny Boyle's Olympic Opening Ceremony. General admission costs $35. WHO: University Musical Society WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Performance Network MORE ONLINE Love Crime Notes? Get more online at michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire l NYC Council votes to raise tobacco-buying age to 21 City Councilman tional City Councilman James to rise to 21 in January in near Gennaro, the bill's sponsor, by Canton, Mass. The state of Gennaro said bill whose mother and father died New Jersey is also considering from tobacco-related illnesses. a similar proposal. will save lives "I've lived with it, I've seen it ... Lawmakers who pushed for but I feel good today." the change site city statistics NEW YORK (AP) - Smokers Mayor Michael Bloomberg, that show youth smoking rates younger thau 21 in the nation's who is a strong supporter of the have plateaued at 8.5 percent biggest city will soon be barred tough smoking restrictions, has since 2007. from buying cigarettes after 30 days to sign the bills into law. "We have to do more and the New York City Council The minimum age bill will take that's what we're doing today," voted overwhelming Wednes- effect 180 days after enactment. said City Council Speaker day to raise the tobacco-pur- "We know that tobacco Christine Quinn. "We have a chasing age to higher than all dependence can begin very real chance of leading the coun- but a few other places in the soon after a young person try and the world." United States. first tries smoking so it's criti- The city's current age limit City lawmakers approved cal that we stop young people is 18, a federal minimum that's the bill - which raises from 18 from smoking before they ever standard in many places. Smok- to21 the purchasing age for cig- start," Bloomberg said in a ing in city parks and beaches- arettes, certain tobacco prod- statement. is already prohibited as it is in ucts and even electronic-vapor With Wednesday's vote, New restaurants. smokes - and another that sets York is by far the biggest city Advocates say higher age a minimum $10.50-a-pack price to bar cigarette sales to 19- and limits help prevent, or at least for tobacco cigarettes and steps 20-year-olds. Similar legisla- delay, young people from tak- tsp law enforcement on illegal tion is expected to come to a ing up a habit that remains the tobacco sales. vote in Hawaii this December. leading cause of preventable "This will literally save The tobacco-buying age is 21 in deaths nationwide. And sup- many, many lives," said an emo- Needham, Mass., and is poised porters point to drinking-age laws as a precedent for setting the bar at 21. E E E(US E But cigarette manufactur- ers have suggested young adult smokers may just turn to black-market merchants. And some smokers say it's unfair and patronizing to tell people 4 2 considered mature enough to vote and serve in the military 8 4 that they're not old enough to decide whether to smoke. 1 6 3 "New York City already has the highest cigarette tax rate and the highest cigarette smug- 8 1 5 gling rate in the country," said Bryan D. Hatchell , a spokes- 6 5 8 man for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which makes Camel and other brands. "Those go hand in hand and this new law will only make the problem 4 2 9116 worse." A coalition of bodegas and 7 A ll 3 tobacco store owners funded by tobacco-manufactures also A1__ slammed the council's vote 1 4Wednesday, particularly the bill that sets the minimum M oS S prices and bans tobacco prod- uct discounts and coupons. Ramon Murphy, president City Council may repeal. crosswalk ordinance Members say ordinance conflicts with state law By FARONE E. RASHEED Daily StaffReporter A controversial city crosswalk ordinance continues to be a topic of scrutiny by the Ann Arbor City Council members, and residents, and it mayface repeal. The dispute centers on an excerpt of the Ann Arbor city ordinance, Title X, Article XII, 10.148. - which states that at intersections without traffic sig- nals, drivers must stop for jny pedestrian stopped at the curb, curb line or ramp leading to a crosswalk. This is in contrast to the Michigan Uniform Traffic Code, which more broadly states that drivers should yield the right- of-way when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk on the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching closely from the opposite site of the freeway. The state code prohibits pedestrians from walking in front of a vehicle when the driver lacks sufficient load to yield Councilmember Sally Petersen (D-Ward 2) said she, along with Councilmembers Sumi Kailasap- athy (D-Ward 1) and Jane Lumm (I-Ward 2) plan to co-sponsor a motion that would repeal the city's requirement that drivers stop for pedestrians when they are standing at the curb. She said the resolution would better align Ann Arbor code with the MUTC, which the rest ofthe state follows. City council approved the revi- sion to the ordinance in Decem- ber 2011 that no longer required vehicles to stop for pedestrians approaching or within cross- walks, instead requiring vehicles to stop for a pedestrian standing at the curb or within the cross- walk. At the time, the revision was made to clear up ambiguity in the wording of the ordinance. ButPetersen explainedthatthe ordinance instills a false sense of securityin pedestrians,whooften believe they have an absolute right-of-way and that motorists will stop when the pedestrians reach the curb. "What we've seen is that isn't necessarily the case - that motor- ists don't stop because this local law - A, it's not enforced in Ann Arbor, and, B, it's not the same as in other communities," Petersen said. "I think it's confusing to drivers because it's inconsistent." Councilwoman Sabra Briere (D-Ward 1), on the other hand, did not see a repeal of the ordi- nance as a good solution to exist- ing problems. "Part of the problem with see- ing the ordinance as the issue is that it places the fault for a traf- fic accident on an ordinance that I would bet most people haven't read, much less haven't heard about," Briere said. "A pedes- trian in a crosswalk always has the right to be in the crosswalk and repealing this ordinance - whether that's a good idea or a bad idea - doesn't address the problems along Plymouth Road." Briere expressed a desire to see increased enforcement of the ordinance, with an overall objec- tine of promoting crosswalk safe- ty. The Washtenaw Biking and Walking Coalition has also opposed calls to repeal the ordi- nance, and started an online peti- tion to help preserve the current statute. WBWC Erica Briggs explained that the difference between the state and city laws was based on interpretation. While states like California have established that the crosswalk begins while the pedestrian waits at the curb, the MUTC stipulates that the cross- walk does not begin until one steps into the street. "There are a number of stud- ies that have shown that we basically need coordinated education, enforcement and good appropriate engineering," Briggs said. "We haven't very successfully done that in our community." Consequently, she iterated concerns about residents, par- ticularly those with disabili- ties, crossing large streets, such as Jackson Road, in a safe and efficient manner without the requirements set by the local ordinance. "It became very apparent that when traffic didn't stop, people were pretty much putting their life in their own hands and it was really risky," Briggs said. With the process still ongoing, the coalition continues to work with city officials in developing an effective and efficient cross- walk policy. "What we all agreed on is that we all want pedestrians to be safe, and we all want to pedestrians to have access to a road to be able to cross it safely," Petersen said. "Where we differ is how that should happen." 0 0I LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK.COM/MICHIGANDAILY 4