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October 28, 2013 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-10-28

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H ighs an d Lo NeIs
The Michigan hockey team picked up a come-from-behind victory over Boston University on Friday but finally took its first loss of the season with a 2-1 loss to UMass-Lowe ll the next night. The Riven Hawkhs are the preseason Hockey East-favoite.

t's time to come back to
The sea-
son is still
young, but
the No. 4
team had a ALEJANDRO
big question ZUNIGA

to answer when it hosted Bos-
ton University on Friday night.
Last year, the Wolverines failed
to earn a berth in the NCAA
Tournament for the first time
in 22 years. Then, two of their
best players left for NHL orga-
nizations..They'd played well
through the first four games,
but even=Michigan coach Red
Berenson admitted that his
team hadn't proved it could win

- it was even simply finding
ways not to lose.
For two periods, the fears
of the 5,535 fans in atten-
dance were realized. Like at
the beginning of last year,
Michigan entered with a high
national ranking. Like last year,
it boasted a slew of offensive
weapons but had uncertainty at
the goaltender position. After
40 minutes on Friday, the Wol-

verines were outshooting No.
13 Boston University 30-12 but
were somehow, inexplicably,
impossibly on the wrong end of
the scoreboard, down 1-0.
"It was a little bit of a frus-
trating experience," said junior
forward Alex Guptill.
The sentiment was seemingly
echoed by sophomore forward
Andrew Copp, who paused to
glance back at the scoreboard

with a mixture of surprise
and disbelief when the public-.
address announcer read off the
shot totals at the end of the sec-
ond period.
And who could blame them?
They had a chance to beat one
of the most storied programs
in the country and, in the eyes
of Berenson, a top-10 team.
Instead, they were losing
despite dominating the gamne,

and the packed arena's cheers
of encouragement were slowly
being punctured by grumbles
of exasperation as the uncer-
tainties of last year were again
becoming realities.
One student had to leave
when a puck deflected over the
boards and cut his face badly.
He missed how, in the span of
20 minutes, the Wolverines not
See HOCKEY, Page 7A

Junior forward Alex Guptill scored the game-winning goal on a third-period penalty shot Friday against Boston University
5 Things We Learned

Junior midfielder TJ VanSlooten scored a goal in the 88th minute to propel Michigan past Indiana on Saturday.
'M' beats Indiana at home
for 1st time in team history

By GREG GARNO groin against New Hampshire
Daily Sports Writer last weekend. Nagelvoort has
been beyond consistent, mak-
1. Whether it's Steve Racine or ing the saves he was supposed
Zach Nagelvoort, Michigan can to and then some this weekend.
rely on its goaltending. His reflexes to slide across
the net and the vision to pick a
Last year, starting then- puck out of the air are special
freshmen goaltenders Jared for anyone at such a young age,
Rutledge and Steve Racine but his inexperience in stick
meant taking a risk. The defense handling and timing coming out
felt the pressure to do too much, of the net still require work.
and the offense wasn't capable In four appearances, Nagel-
of building up a big enough lead. voort is 2-1-1 against three
This year, the Wolverines top-20 teams, which is most
inserted the freshman Nagel- important to his teammates.
voort in a pinch to replace the "It's a huge confidence boost-
injured Racine, who pulled a er, that's for sure," said senior

defenseman Mac Bennett. "He
played fantastic tonight, and
he gave us a chance to win this
game. He's been really, really
solid since he's come in, and I'm
really happy with his play."
Better yet, Racine also looked
solid in his limited action and
instills the same confidence in
his team.
Berenson said the last time
he had two goalies who both
excelled was three years ago
during the Big Chill at the Big
House. Then, Shawn Hunwick
filled in .for Bryan Hogan and
started the remainder of the
See FIVE, Page 3B

For the Daily
The Michigan men's soc-
cer team continued its strong
play of late on Saturday night,
defeating Indiana, 2-1, at U-M
Soccer Stadium. The Wol-
verines beat the defending
national champions in con-
vincing fashion for their first
three-game winning streak of
the season and their first-ever
home win against the Hoosiers.
"Beating the national cham-
pions helps our mentality and
the culture we're trying to
create with Michigan men's
soccer," said Michigan coach

Chaka Daley. "To get that
result was something we talk-
ed about in terms of creating
our own legacy."
While Indiana (1-3 Big Ten,
5-10-1 overall) has an unim-
pressive record this season,
Daley was well aware that this
was a program-defining victo-
ry over a team that has histori-
cally dominated the Big Ten.
Michigan (3-2, 7-4-3) played
aggressively from the opening
whistle, as redshirt senior mid-
fielder Tyler Arnone sent the
ball beautifully from the right
flank to senior forward Mal-
colm Miller in the second min-
ute. Miller slid past the ball,

barely missing the opportunity
to poke it into the left corner.
Michigan continued knock-
ing on the door throughout the
first half of play, outshooting
Indiana, 7-4.
The Wolverines seemed
especially likely to get on the
board first during a sequence
in which four players had great
chances to score, but none
could capitalize. Between the
37th and 39th minutes, Arnone
blasted the ball high over the
net off a deflection, senior mid-
fielder Fabio Pereira had his
shot blocked by Indiana goal-
keeper Michael Soderlund and
See SOCCER, Page 3B

Michigan has come a long way from
half-empty gyms and anonymous play-
ers. Sports Monday Column: Page 2B

The Michigan volleyball team strug-
gled with consistency against Purdue.
Page 4B

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