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October 28, 2013 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-10-28

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, October 28, 2013 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, October 28, 2013 - 5A

From Page 1A
Woolliscroft also said he's
looking forward to researching
issues pertinent to the nation
and reporting on sub-committees
related to health and safety.
Fearon, whose research is
related to the progression of colon
and rectal cancer, described the
process as intense: members of
the IOM nominate individuals for
consideration, and then a board
takes several months to evaluate
the candidates to determine who
will be elected.
Despite the honor, Fearon said
joining the IOM wasn't a career
* goal.
"It's great to be recognized and
have your group recognized for
their work in science and in medi-
cine, but ultimately your goal is to
help people," Fearon said. "With
anything you just try to do the
best work and the best research
you can and try to make an impact
that way."
From Page 1A
relatively low voter turnout for
council elections.
Other than Lumm, Westphal
and Briere, no candidates exceed-
ed $5,000 in fundraising during
the period.
In Ward 3, Stephen Kunselman
(D-Ward 3) collected no money
during the last filing period. Kun-
selman also recently announced
he will be running for mayor in
2014. His council seat is being
contested by Samuel DeVarti,
a student at Eastern Michigan
University, running as an Inde-
pendent for the Mixed Use Party.
DeVarti has raised a total of $945
so far.
In Ward 4, John Eaton is run-
ning against write-in candidate
William Lockwood, the Ann
Arbor Chronicle reported. Eaton
collected $2,150 during this most
recent period. Campaign finance
details are not available for write-
in candidates.
Mike Anglin (D-Ward 5)
has collected about $4,587, and
is officially uncontested. Ann
Arbor residents Thomas Par-
tridge and Charles Smith have
mounted write-in campaigns,
according to the Ann Arbor
Only five of the 11 city coun-
cil seats will have elections this
fall, as only half of the 10 ward
representatives are elected
each year for two-year terms.
The elections are Tuesday, Nov.
From Page 1A
like a combination of profession-
al fashion and something more
accessible to students.
"We're all Michigan students
but we get to be a part of some-
thing more interesting," Treado
The group sold SHEI branded
T-shirts and other merchandise

for fundraising, and guests were
also invited to have their photo
taken against a SHEI backdrop.
Attendees were given raffle 'tick-
ets upon entry for giftcards to
ASOS, MDen and Pitaya, among
--Daily News Editor Alicia
Adamczyk contributed reporting.
"But you guys are an
institution, man! I'm not
gonna follow you!"

From Page1A
said she often feels lonesome as a
Black student pursuing a career
in the legal industry.
"I really thought that I was
the only one. I knew I wasn't,
but it felt like it," Wilson said. "It
would be nice to actually come
together and see who like you is
doing the same thing, and then
you can talk about your process
Though the number of Black
students at the law school is low
according to recent data, Wilson
doesn't feel like that puts her at a

"If you look at the numbers
and see that a lot of people like
yourself don'tcget picked, I guess
that can he slightly discourag-
ing, but I don't think about it so
much because I am confident in
my abilities," Wilson said.
LSA junior Jehan Jawad, her-
self an aspiring attorney, saidshe
thinks an increase in minority
pre-law clubs will help encour-
age minority participation in
this career path.
"I don't think there is an
adequate amount of programs
to help minorities interested in
law school. I want to help share
my story as a way to enlighten
women of color to go into this

Israeli tunnel hit
by cyber attackers

From Page 1A
Office of Technology Transfer,
$11.1 million of the $14.4 mil-
lion that the University collects
each year from past patents and
licensing agreements is directly
attributable to innovations from
medical research. Licenses were
granted to 54 Medical School
inventions as part of 40 license
agreements with corporate busi-
nesses in the past fiscal year.
Licensing and patents do not
always translate into successful
products,but the Medical School.
has established a new initiative
to aid in the translation from
research lab to marketplace.
Headed by Ward, the Fast
Forward Medical Innova-
tion Initiative aims to combine
research and entrepreneurship
efforts in order to foster com-
Among the initiative's pro-
grams is the implementation of
Innovation Strike Forces, groups

of employees that will identify
and accelerate promising ideas,
then connect the dots between
researchers, clinicians and busi-
"The new innovation program
is to help faculty think in different
ways about their ideas and to pro-
vide them with an innovation road
map so that we can get their ideas
to impact through product devel-
Ward said although ideas are
protected through invention
disclosures and patents, many of
them do not necessarily become
products. To ease the transi-
tion from biomedical research
to clinical application, Ward
plans to work closely with the
Office of Tech Transfer, the Col-
lege of Engineering Center for
Entrepreneurship, the Business
Engagement Center and other
campus offices.
"We've got a top-ranked Med-
ical School, College of Engineer-
ing and Business School, so one
of the strategies will be to blur
the lines between them."

Trojan horse attack
inflitrated security
system, lead to
massive shutdown
HADERA, Israel (AP) -
When Israel's military chief
delivered a high-profile speech
this month outlining the great-
est threats his country might
face in the future, he listed
computer sabotage as a top
concern, warning a sophisti-
cated cyberattack could one
day bring the nation to a stand-
Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz was
not speaking empty words.
Exactly one month before his
address, a major artery in Isra-
el's national road network in
the northern city of Haifa was
shut down because of a cyberat-
tack, cybersecurity experts tell
The Associated Press, knock-
ing key operations out of com-
mission two days in a row and
causing hundreds of thousands
of dollars in damage.
One expert, speaking on con-
dition of anonymity because
the breach of security was a
classified matter, said a Trojan
horse attack targeted the secu-
rity camera system in the Car-
mel Tunnels toll road on Sept.
8. A Trojan horse is a malicious
computer program that users
unknowingly install that can
give hackers complete control
over their systems.
The attack caused an imme-
diate 20-minute lockdown of
the roadway. The next day, the
expert said, it shut down the
roadway again during morning
rush hour. It remained shut for
eight hours, causing massive
The expert said investiga-
tors believe the attack was the
work of unknown, sophisti-
cated hackers, similar to the
Anonymous hacking group that
led attacks on Israeli websites
in April. He said investigators
determined it was not sophisti-
cated enough to be the work of
an enemy government like Iran.
The expert said Israel's
National Cyber Bureau, a two-
year-old classified body that
reports to the prime minister,
was aware of the incident. The
bureau declined comment,
while Carmelton, the compa-
ny that oversees the toll road,
blamed a "communication
glitch" for the mishap.
While Israel is a frequent
target of hackers, the tunnel is
the most high-profile landmark
known to have been attacked.
It is a major thoroughfare for
Israel's third-largest city, and
the city is looking to turn the
tunnel into a public shelter in
case ofemergency, highlighting

its importance.
The incident is exactly the
type of scenario that Gantz
described in his recent address.
He said Israel's. future battles
might begin with "a cyberat-
tack on websites which provide
daily services to the citizens of
Israel. Traffic lights could stop
working, the banks could be
shut down," he said.
There have been cases of
traffic tampering before. In
2005, the United States out-
lawed the unauthorized use
of traffic override devices
installed in many police cars
and ambulances after unscru-
pulous drivers started using
them to turn lights from red to
green. In 2008, two Los Ange-
les traffic engineers pleaded
guilty to breaking into the city's
signal system and deliberately
snarling traffic as part of alabor
Oren David, a manager at
international security firm
RSA's anti-fraud unit, said that
although he didn't have infor-
mation about the tunnel inci-
dent, this kind of attack "is the
hallmark of a new era."
"Most of these systems are
automated, especially as far
as security is concerned.
They're automated and they're
remotely controlled, either over
the Internet or otherwise, so
they're vulnerable to cyberat-
tack," he said. Israel, he added,
is "among the top-targeted
In June, Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran
and its proxies Hezbollah and
Hamas have targeted Israel's
"essential systems," including
its water system, electric grid,
trains and banks.
"Every sphere of civilian
economic life, let's not even
talk about our security, is a
potential or actual cyberattack
target," Netanyahu said at the
Israeli government websites
receive hundreds and some-
times thousands of cyberat-
tacks each day, said Ofir Ben
Avi, head of the government's
website division.
During Israel's military
offensive on the Gaza Strip last
year, tens of millions of web-
site attacks took place, from
denial of service attacks, which
cripple websites by overload-
ing them with traffic, to more
sophisticated attempts to steal
passwords, Ben Avi said.
Under constant threat, Israel
has emerged as a world leader
in cybersecurity, with murky
military units developing much
of the technology. Last year,
the military formed its first
cyberdefense unit.
Israeli cybersecurity experts
say Iran and other hostile enti-
ties have successfully hacked

into Israeli servers this year,
and that Israel has quietly per-
mitted those attacks to occur in
order to track the hackers and
feed them false intelligence.
Israel is also widely believed
to have launched its own
sophisticated computer attacks
on its enemies, including the
Stuxnet worm that caused sig-
nificant damage to Iran's nucle-
ar program.
Bracing for serious attacks
on Israeli civilian infrastruc-
ture, Israel's national electric
company launched a training
program this month to teach
engineers and power plant
supervisors how to detect sys-
tem infiltrations.
The Israel Electric Corp.
says its servers register about
6,000 unique computer attacks
every second.
"Big organizations and even
countries are preparing for
D-Day," said Yasha Hain, a
senior executive vice president
at the company. "We decided to
prepare ourselves to be first in
The training program is
run jointly with CyberGym, a
cyberdefense company founded
by ex-Israeli intelligence opera-
tives that consults for Israeli
oil, gas, transportation and
financial companies.
On a manicured campus
of eucalyptus trees across
from a power plant in Israel's
north, groups are divided into
teams in a role-playing game
of hackers and power plant
The "hackers," code-named
the Red Team, sit in a dimly lit
room decorated with cartoon
villains on the walls. Darth
Vader hovers over binary code.
Kermit the Frog flashes his
middle finger.
In another room, a minia-
ture model of a power station
overflows with water and the
boiler's thermometer shoots
up as the role-playing hackers
run a "Kill All" code. The exer-
cise teaches employees how to
detect a possible cyberattack
even if their computer systems
don't register it.
About 25 middle-aged
employees attended the first
day of training last week. The
course will eventually train
thousands of workers, the elec-
tric company said.
CyberGym co-founder Ofir
Hason declined to comment on
the toll road shutdown, but said
the company has seen a number
of cyberattacks on infrastruc-
tures in recent years.
The country is especially
susceptible because Israel has
no electricity-sharing agree-
ments with neighboring states,
and all of the country's essen-
tial infrastructure depends on

Calif. gunman
dead following
brutal rampage

Gunman kills one,
injures three before
being shot by police
- Sergio Munoz was known
around this small desert city to
acquaintances as a personable
dad, and to police for his long
rap sheet.
In recent weeks, he began
losing the moorings of a stable*
life - his job, then his family.
Kicked out of the house, he had
been staying at a friend's place,
using and dealing heroin.
Life fully unraveled. when
Munoz, with two hostages in his
trunk, led officers on a wild chase
Friday after killing a woman and
injuring his crash-pad friend.
He shot the friend after he had
refused to join what Munoz
planned would be afinalrampage
against police and "snitches."
Munoz knew the authorities
well enough that after the initial,
pre-dawn slaying he called one
patrol officer's cellphone and
announced that he wanted to kill
all police in town. But because
he would be outgunned at the
station he would instead "wreak
havoc" elsewhere, Kern County
Sheriff Donny Youngblood said
at a news conference Friday.
Munoz kept his word, first
firing at drivers in Ridgecrest,
according to police, then taking
shots at pursuing officers and
passingmotorists duringachase
along 30 miles of highway that
runs through the shrub-dotted
desert about 150 miles north of
Los Angeles. He ran traffic off
the road, firing at least 10 times
at passing vehicles with a shot-
gun and a handgun, though no
one was hurt.
In the end, Munoz pulled
over on U.S. 395, turned in his
seat and began shooting into the
trunk - which had popped open
earlier in the pursuit to reveal a
man and woman inside.
As many as seven officers
opened fire and killed him. The
hostages were flown to a hospi-
tal in critical condition, but were
expected to survive. Their names
have not been released and police
have not said anything about
their relationship to Munoz
except that he knew them.
In the neighborhood where

the first shooting happened,
people said Munoz was an affa-
ble man who would stop to chat,
revealing no signs of inner tur-
"He didn't show any anger,"
said Edgar Martinez, who
would see Munoz at a nearby
gym and said he cleaned his
house several years ago.
Others described him as
respectful and humble.
But recently, his life began to
First, he became unemployed.
According to his Facebook page,
Munoz worked at Searles Valley
Minerals, a company that makes
products such as borax and soda
ash by extracting a salty mix
from beneath a desert lake bed.
It was not clear whether he lost
his job at Searles, or another
business, and officials at Searles
were unreachable Saturday.
Last Sunday, Munoz, 39, was
arrested again - police found
ammunition and a syringe atthe
house where the, slaying would
happen five days later. Munoz is
a felon with convictions dating
back to 1994, when he was sen-
tenced to more than two years
in prison for receiving stolen
property. In May, he was arrest-
ed for possessing ammunition
as a felon, but the felony charge
was dismissed.
After making bail on the lat-
est arrest, Munoz returned to
the house where he first started
staying about two weeks ago.
A neighbor heard Munoz
bemoaning his life, saying he was
losing everything due to drugs.
"He was a cool guy," said the
neighbor, Derrick Holland. "He
was just losing his mind."
Munoz's estranged wife, San-
dra Leiva, said that they sepa-
rated because she finally had
enough of his bad choices.
"Tough love and drugs, that's
what brought him down," Leiva
On Saturday morning,
Munoz's 15-year-old daugh-
ter, Viviana, reflected on her
father's life in a Facebook post.
"Your such a great dad
when you were not on drugs...I
remember how you used always
try and teach us how to dance
all crazy with your chicken legs
haha," she wrote. "You were a
good father and person, you just
made a sad choice."

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