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October 09, 2013 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-10-09

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Tecni chdyWednesday, October 9, 2013 - 5A

I* The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

A Lennon tribute
concert for peace

Local artists to
present peace-
themed music
Daily Arts Writer
Few artists have so influenced
and inspired people to work
toward societal change as John
Lennon. From
his days with Veterans
The , Beatles, For Peace
through his solo
work until his John Lennon
death in 1980, Birthday
Lennon was
an iconic and Concert
unfaltering pro- Wednesday
ponent of peace. at 7:30 p.m.
As his
73rd birthday The Ark
fans of Lennon. $15
have an oppor-
tunity to celebrate his life and
ideals while supporting a worthy
cause. The sixth annual "Veterans
for Peace John Lennon Birthday
Concert," put on by the Veterans
for Peace Chapter 93, features sev-
eral local artists, who will perform
a wide array of Lennon's works
and other peace-related songs.
For the first event held in Ypsi-
lanti's Corner Brewery, Chapter
President Bob Krzewinski con-
tacted Yoko Ono's people in New
York and asked to use John Len-
non's name for the peace event.
About a month later, the chapter
receiveda$10,000 checkfromOno
in support of the event.
The concert continued to grow

and develop fromthenon,so much
so thatorganizers decided to move
it to abigger venue.
"The biggest change made to
the event was moving it last year
from the Corner Brewery to The
Ark," said Chapter Vice-Coordi-
nator William Shea. "The Brewery
was a free place, while The Ark
cost significantly more. But at the
Corner we had to get the sound
system, lights, set up publicity, etc.
But at The Ark, that's all taken care
of Plus, because of the size of The
Ark, there's the potential to make,
or lose, a bit more money."
The event promises to be a
thoughtful forum on combating
acts of war and systematic vio-
lence through peaceful means.
"The concert," Shea said,
"serves two purposes: to raise
money for the Utah Phillips/J.
David Singer Chapter of Vet-
erans For Peace's Peace Schol-
arship Fund, a fund that has
supported 10 college students
who are studying conflict reso-
lution, be it in a single course,
a degree-granting program or
research-dissertation work, and
to get like-minded peace activ-
ists together to celebrate peace
efforts throughout the world."
tions from the event has changed
to accommodate more candidates
in different concentrations.
"The award system has been
opened up," Shea said, "to
include almost any Michigan
resident who is studying con-
flict resolution and has a need
for funds to accomplish their
activities and goals. We've given
out as little as $250 for a small,

one-time project to as much as
$5,000 for financial assistance
on a major dissertation project."
Lennon's aggressive activism
against war serves as an inspi-
ration for others who believe in
peace to act on their beliefs.
"Lennon was a militant paci-
fist," Shea said. "He knew full
well that you often have to get in
warmongers' faces to get them to
pay attention to the fundamental
destruction onthe lives and psyche
of those affected by war and con-
The call for peace is especially
poignant when coming from vet-
erans, men and women who have
experienced the brutality of war
firsthand and who refuse to let
such atrocities continue unchal-
"I am a Vietnam-era vet and
when I meet younger vets, we
often understand that the wars
we've been in may be from a dif-
ferent time, but in reality there is
no difference between one war
and another," Shea said. "A war is
a war, be it World War II, Korea,
Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. The
destruction on all is the same, the
(post-traumatic stress disorder)
is the same, the dehumanizing
effect on both military and civil-
ian participants is the same, the
hatred is the same."
With all the recent discussion
about taking military action in
Syria, Lennon's message of giv-
ing peace a chance is as relevant
today as ever.
"War seems to be the first
solution by many," Shea said,
"when truly it should never be
considered a solution at all."

Government shutdown.
Articulate 'Inequality'
is a treat for all

'Vampire Diaries' spinoff The
SOriginals' stands on its own.

Daily Arts Writer
Robert Reich served as the
Secretary of Labor under the
Clinton Administration from
1993 to 1997.
Prior to that, A-
he served in
the adminis- Inequality
trations of Ger- for Ali
ald Ford (yay,
Michigan!) and At the
Jimmy Carter. Michigan
Reich is strik-
ing in appear- RADiUS-TWC
ance because of
his height - he stands at about
five feet tall - and his person-
able demeanor makes' him an
intriguing conversationalist. Ift
Reich wants to tell you about
one of the biggest economic and
social problems of your country,
you're probably going to listen
to him - and not just because
you've paid seven or eight dol-
In director Jacob Kornbluth's
("The Best Thief in the World")
latest documentary, Reich talks
to the audience about the wid-
ening income inequality in the
United States and the effect
that it has on society. His story
begins with America's economy
from the early years of the Great
Depression and goes through
today in an attempt to shed light
on the seriousness of the mat-
ter. Clocking in at 85 minutes,
this documentary is lean and
straightforward, containing
necessary splashes of wit and
seriousness to keep the audience
In broad strokes, "Inequal-
ity for All" can be split into two
parts. The first deals with the

and ho
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with t
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film ar
make t

m of income inequality sonality and wit make him the
w the face of the economy ideal person to take us through
anged from 1928 to 2010. the troubling tale, and he makes
cond deals with the politi- the material easyto understand.
d social effects associated There are no vague economic
his problem, showing us terms and complicated graphs
e widening gap between - just plain and simple com-
:h and the poor is much mon sense (not socommon after
han a game of numbers. all). The documentary features
h parts are held together', interviews with people from the
thought that the middle middle class and the rich upper
f any economy is its sus- class, helping to form a well-
g force and heartbeat. rounded and compelling argu-
conomy is nothing but a ment. Inventive and animated
ion of the middle class. visuals compliment the spoken
film's material focuses material keeping the audience
problems faced by the ' interested throughout. One of
class, by way of stagnat- the biggest plus points of this
ome over a period of 40 feature is that it never indulg-
rom the 1970s, which has es - there are no sentimental
d in a massive drop in interviews from the victims,
diture. At the same time, nor are there attempts to point
h keep getting richer, but fingers toward the people with
an insignificant portion of big paychecks. Theschief enemy
normous incomes. There- here is greed.
he drop in middle-class The seriousness of the situ-
diture is not buoyed by an ation is diluted at the climax
se in upper-class expen- due to an unnecessarily posi-
Expenditure forms the tive ending in which Reich
one of a capitalist econ- tries too hard to find the silver
nd any sort of decrease lining in a bid to convince the
long way in harming the audience that it's all going to
my as a whole. be OK. However, the documen-
tary does make some impor-
tant comments on the situation
and even points toward a pos-
sible solution. It does well to
S gaps paint inequality as an economic
nCOme gissue that eventually evolves
appeals to into a larger societal problem
as it rears its head in politics.
rnmon sense. "Inequality for All" chooses to
delve into the grayer, murkier
aspects of the country's eco-
nomic and political structure.
h is the anchor of the It's not only about who holds the
nd uses his experience to bigger stick; it's also about how
the material all the more - the bigger stick is used to exert
cing. His amicable per- dominance over the oppressed.

DailyArts Writer
As a spinoff that already aired
a back-door pilot in April, CW's
racy new series "The Originals"
found itself in a
tight spot when B+-
it had to release
yet another pre- The
miere of sorts Oginals
last Thursday.
Fans of "The Pilot
Vampire Dia- Tuesdays
ries" already
have copious at8 p.m.
background CW .
on the original
vampire fam-
ily; we've seen their whole sor-
did story in repeated flashbacks
since "TVD" season two. In the
new premiere, "The Originals"
had to work around this previ-
ous knowledge while providing
enough token exposition for new-
comers to gain a shaky foothold.
To get around this, the series
essentially recycles the previ-
ously aired pilot, but reworks the
unfolding events through Elijah's
(Daniel Gillies) point of view.
While it's not oh-shit-what-is-
going-on exciting like a top-of-
its-game episode of "TVD," the
premiere manages to get all of its
ducks in a row with a satisfying
amount of shifty looks and secret
meetings to heighten suspense.
As if we haven't been waiting on
the edge of our seats for months
Elijah, while a supremely bor-
ing character in "TVD," makes
an excellent 'narrator here. We
find out even more twisty details
about his rocky relationship with
Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and see
him get a little too up-close-
and-personal with Klaus's -baby
mama, Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin).
Turns out starchy, proper Eli-
jah is human (well ... you know
what I mean) after all. Props to
"The Originals" for handling the
whole hybrid baby thing without
delving into "Twilight" territory
- though the super prolonged
pause to hear the heartbeat was
toeing the line.
While "TVD" isn't completely
forgotten - there's a shoutout or
two to Mystic Falls - it's clear the

Vampires sure do wear a lot of makeup.

er moo
the rig
rior to
- ther
ward a
into t
the hea
who sp
either t
she, ex
in char
with th
down t

wants to stand on its own. setting of New Orleans. Klaus's
a wealth of stake-happy old mentee dominates the super-
drama and a darker, sultri- natural around him, preventing
d, "The Originals" has all the witches from practicing and
ht elements of a juicy CW killing anyone who gets in his
This premiere is far supe- way. It's refreshing to see Klaus
the premiere of "TVD" pitted against essentially himself;
es no fog, ravens or awk- he enjoyed the upper hand for too
ctor fumbling. Instead, the longin Mystic Falls. If "The Origi-
are comfortably settled nals" wants to stay relevant, it
heir characters already; should put its efforts behind Mar-
avy lifting is already done. cel - he's the clear oomph factor
Rebekah (Claire Holt), behind the new series.
'ends the entire episode in Even though essentially noth-
he bath or a robe (where is ing happens plot-wise in the pre-
actly?), seems completely miere, the last two minutes set up
acter. After all that drama enough intrigue to make the next
se cure, she deserves some episode (returning to its regu-
ine. lar time slot on Tuesday nights)
explosive. Marcel has a secret
weapon, Klaus is loveless as usual
Vampires, and Elijah is staked- again.
Even if you're not a fan of
verewolves "TVD," "The Originals" is worth
the watch. It's new, it's fresh and
nd w itches. it's full of gorgeous people - seri-
ously where does the CW find
them all? As yet another show
about vampires, werewolves and
best part of the premiere is witches (oh my!), "The Origi-
tionably Marcel (Charles nals" isn't exactly reinventing
el Davis, "Grey's Anato- the wheel here, but why should
one of the only new char- that be a bad thing? Reworking
specific to "The Originals." an established formula is part of
lf-proclaimed King of the the fun. It's nice to know there'll
r enlivens every scene he be a lot of blood-ringed mouths,
to appear in, looking gor- slightly sadistic threats and bare
y at place in the rich, smoky abs. Bring it.



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