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September 26, 2013 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-09-26

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6A - Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

6A - Thursday, September 26, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

From Page 1A
personalized ad campaigns run
by companies like Amazon and
Murphy said she was shocked
to hear she had been nominated.
She envisioned chemists and biol-
ogists winning the fellowship -
not statisticians.
"I didn't even aspire to ever
winning a MacArthur Founda-
tion (Fellowship)," she said. "It
just completely floored me."
Murphy plans to use her sti-
pend to further her treatment
research. She said her team is
currently working on a mobile
application that would provide
personalized recommenda-
tions and coaching to individu-
als in real time, depending on
the situation they find them-
selves in.
Murphy said she is thankful
that, as a statistician, she is able
to use mathematics and quantita-
tive methods to improve people's
"I really like math, and I like
the sense that I can do things
From Page 1A
users is not an easy task.
"The Wi-Fi problems aren't
really gone, in the sense that
there's still conflict with devic-
es around campus," Palms
said. "We have about 170 Wi-Fi
access points in (Mary Markley
Residence Hall), but at the same
time, students have brought in
around 60 access points, and
that causes us a problem because
there's this conflict in use of the
Engineering Prof. Mingyan
Liu compared the wireless sig-
nal spectrum to a busy confer-
ence room, where the users are a
group of people who need to talk
to each other in that room.
"The more people you pack in
that room, the lower the quality
of the conversations, for obvious
reasons," Liu said. "The capacity
is limited by interference. You
can only fit so many people in
the room; eventually, you have to
find another one."
LSA freshman Kelly Lewis is
one of the many students who
use their own wireless network
as opposed to the University's.
University Housing prohibits
students from creating their own

that help people using the
skills that I can bring to the
table," she said. "It would be
great to see more people doing
Cecilia Conrad, vice presi-
dent of the MacArthur Fellows
Program, wrote on the founda-
tion's website that this year's
24 winners are "an extraordi-
nary group of individuals who
collectively reflect the breadth
and depth of American creativ-
Murphy is the 25th Univer-
sity faculty member to receive
the fellowship. In 2011, three
faculty members from the Uni-
versity received the fellowship,
including Tiya Miles, chair of the
Department of Afroamerican &
African Studies; Chemistry Prof.
Melanie Sanford; and Yukiko
Yamashita, an assistant profes-
sor of cell and developmental
"It is always an honor when
U-M faculty members are recog-
nized with such distinguished
recognition for their work," Uni-
versity spokesman Rick Fitzger-
ald wrote in an e-mail.
wireless networks from within
the dorms.
Nonetheless, Lewis said she
prefers to do her homework in
her dorm room, which she says
has "better Internet."
At this point, however, Palms
said its clear the issue has been
alleviated, evidenced by the net-
work's performance during the
launch of Apple's latest operating
system, iOS 7, last week. He said
MWireless saw a nearly 25-per-
cent increase in use the day iOS
7 came out, but the University
didn't see any network problems
arise as a result.
"It's really our strong intent
to actually meet this demand,
because it's clearly something
that people want to have and
need to have," Palms said. "We
continue to work to provide the
service that folks want to have."
To figure out a better way to
meet users' needs, the University
is currently considering a differ-
ent model for Wi-Fi funding. As
of now, individual buildings and
dorms spend their own money to
set up wireless modems.
"(The goal for the future) is a
different model for funding so
that ITS can provide a consis-
tent service across campus so
students can walk into virtually
any space and get a similar ser-

From Page1A
is a sense of loss," Harper said.
"But for the new students, this
is the way it will be and they will
create their own memories. It is
still East Quad, and now with the
students here, they will make it
funky - the way it was before."
East Quad now houses 856
students in 329 double rooms and
192 single rooms, and is home to
the Residential College and the
Michigan Community Scholar
Program, a residential learning
community focused on service
and social justice.
Coleman said in her remarks
that she was proud of the way in
which the renovated residence
hall would help to "strengthen
the tie between living and learn-
From Page 1A
ary includes the India Business
Conference, which was started
by the Business School in 2009.
The conference - organized by
the University of Michigan India
Alumni Association - typically
works under a theme related to
the business and economic envi-
ronmentin Indiawith avarietyof
keynote speakers at events held
in both Ann Arbor and India.
"This is a way to bring busi-
ness leaders - sort of the leading
edge in thinking about the busi-
ness environment for the future
- together," Coleman said. "It's
a way to get our alums, and par-
ticularly our business alums, so
From Page'1A
affiliated with Greek Life, said
he hopes to see more houses
involved in each division.
The winning houses will be
determined based on the great-
est volume of recyclables in
comparison to the volume of gar-
bage. Every participating house
will be given recycling bins from
Recycle Ann Arbor. The local
non-profit will also offer recy-
cling education to members of
the Greek community.
In order to participate, each
house must appoint a sustain-
ability chair - someone who has
interest in the project's goals to

"Michigan has traditionally
been at the cutting edge of meld-
ing the living and learning envi-
ronment," Coleman said in an
interview after her address. "The
RC started way before this was
very popular across the coun-
try and a lot of colleges are now
offering these kinds of experi-
Coleman added that this
factor helped the University
remain competitive with other
institutions' on-campus hous-
ing options and that a continual
process of improvement would
always be needed.
"There is nothing more impor-
tant to me - nothing more
important than making sure the
experiences studentsgetatMich-
igan are unique and academically
focused, and make people better
I think that's going to be a really
exciting opportunity."
In an August interview in
Mumbai, University alum Bharat
Govinda, secretary of UMIAA,
said Coleman's visit will be
highly symbolic for the Univer-
sity's extensive alumni network
in India. According to UMIAA's
Facebook page, the group claims
1,400 active members - though
there are countless more that live
and work in India.
"There's a sense of camara-
derie," Govinda said of alumni
connections. "If me or my friends
bump into someone and realize
there's some kind of Michigan
connection, there's immediately
a whole different connection."
Govinda added that UMIAA
is looking forward to an update
from Coleman on current affairs
manage the house logistics as
well as recycling.
Houses will permit weekly
bin and dumpster inspections
by GLIST, and a GLIST member
must speak at a chapter meeting
before the house can compete.
This is the first year Greek
Life has teamed up with Recy-
cleMania. Last year, GLIST held
a recycling event that reward-
ed Greek houses with food in
return for involvement. Trust
for Cups provided fraternities
with discounted plastic cups if
35 percent of their waste was
Kononenko said he organized
the competition to go in a differ-
ent direction for 2013.
"I wanted to be able to work
with people that have similar
interests and people who would
respect my voice and they would
enjoy working with another stu-
dent as opposed to working with

human beings, and that is what
we are all about," Coleman said.
Harper touched upon similar
themes of melding the living and
"What we have accomplished
in the renovation of East Quad is
a renewal of the constant hope of
lifelong living and learning expe-
riences that come out of lasting
friendships and prepare our stu-
dents to be contributing students
of the world," Harper said.
LSA senior Jihad Komis, a stu-
dent in the Residential College,
spent two years living in East
Quad prior to the renovation and
is now a resident of the renovated
"They tried to preserve a lot of
the great things that made East
Quad unique, but at the same
time they really expanded the
opportunities for students to
at the University and in Ann
Before attending the business
conference in Mumbai, Coleman
will visit the National Council
of Applied Economic Research,
a social science institute; the All
India Institute of Medical Sci-
ences,whichhas worked with the
University of Michigan Health
System since 2010. She will also
give a keynote speech on the
strengths of large, world-class
universities at the Federation of
Indian Chambers of Commerce
and Industry in New Delhi.
Coleman will also visit Delhi
University and the newly estab-
lished Ashoka University to
improve study-abroad connec-
tions for students.
Holloway, who will be accom-
panyingColeman onher trip, said
faculty or staff," he said. "I saw
this as an opportunity to create
change within my own demo-
For the past three years,
GLIST has had three pilot pro-
grams across campus. Leaders
from the University's chapters
of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta
Upsilon and Sigma Phi Epsilon
joined together in the recycling
initiative with events aimed at
spreading awareness.
LSA junior Mara Geller,
GLIST's vice president of opera-
tions and member of Sigma
Kappa, said she hopes this pro-
gram will show the University
what Greek life is really about.
"In recent months, the Uni-
versity has had a negative per-
spective on Greek life, and,
through such events, we hope to
bring a more positive light to the
community," Geller said.
LSA junior Jordan Kamphuis,

explore here," Komis said.
After the completion of West
Quad in 2015, the University's
Board of Regents may consider
further renovations to other resi-
dence halls, including Bursley
Residence Hall on North Cam-
pus, but no plans are currently in
the works.
Loren Rullman, associate
vice president of student affairs,
said this is the start of a broader
look at buildings across campus,
including the campus recreation-
al spaces like the CentralCampus
Recreational Building.
"We are actually tryingtotake a
comprehensive look at allthe spac-
es students use and (we are) trying
to improve them. It is notjust resi-
dence halls," Rullman said. "We
are trying to make this commit-
ment to students and student life
in amore comprehensive way."
faculty from the Survey Research
Center, LSA and the Medical
school will travel to India to
assist Coleman in her outreach.
Dean of Engineering David Mun-
son and Dean of Business Alison
Davis-Blake will join the group
when they travel to Mumbai for
the business conference.
Holloway added that the indi-
viduals accompanying Coleman
were invited to help develop last-
ing partnerships and collabora-
tive projects to ensure that they
are "sufficient value" to the trip.
The respective attendees'
departments will fund the trip
and the Office of the President
will cover Coleman's expenses.


-Daily Staff Reporter
Amrutha Sivakumar contributed
reporting from Mumbai, India.

former president of the Univer-
sity's chapter of Delta Kappa
Epsilon, said in a statement that
the program was a great way to
get people from his fraternity
involved with recycling.
"This program has not only
informed my fraternity and oth-
ers on how to recycle, but also
how easy it is," Kamphuis said.
"Because of this, whether people
care about recycling or not, it is
happening throughout the house
as a whole."
Every house that participates
will receive a "Letter of Rec-
ognition," sent to its national
organization, recognizing the
leadership of the house in the
Greek community. The top 10
houses will receive a donation
of $250 to their affiliated philan-
thropic organization.
The house that comes in first
place will receive a "Stanley Red

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RELEASE DATE- Thursday, September 26, 2013
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 6 Plains home 41 Huge production 55"But wait! There's
1 Skiareahelpers 7Golden__: 42 Logician's "E," more!"company
6 Finish line? seniors perhaps 56 Vandalized,
10 Equal to the task 8 Classical Greek 47 Has to sell Halloween-style
14"Live Free": style 48 Bullish 57 Comedy routines
New Hampshire 9 Stubborn one beginning? 5H Heathy berry
ottHa 10 They have strings 49 Chinti, in 59Cowpoko'spolite
15 Some are easily attached Chianti assent
bruised 11 Boyfriend 5t Wipe out 63 Tolien's taking
16 Snd oflaughter 12 Animl shelter 52"EightIs Enough" tree
17 RATS 13 Under-the-sink acor Willie 64IBM hardware
20 "Friendly skies" joints 53 Sound quality 65 Ask too many
21 Garrof"Mr. Mom' 1co edgmnt 54Workers' backer questions
22"My place or _?" of praise ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
23 SHUCKS 15 Banks in fasbion
27Unspecfed 2 fBillstamps A G U F I S T A V 0 W
amount 25From the top H O R N O P I E L E N A
28 One ofthe Seven 26Hotspot O L E S R A R E G R E Y
2stersshoos choolsAopBW A L T D I S N C K
32 Joe's siser in 30Compatriot ABeO VEt F90CK
TV's"Underthe 31 Rogerwhoplayed C A L V I N C O O L I 0 0 E
Dome" Lord Marburyon DDY AIA R P AID I N
35 Salinger girl "Tbe West Wing" IT T
38Satcershout 32 BBs, e.g. T R E E T
39 DARN 33Spring tide e 01 E L L C R O W E
43lGoat quote coonerpat I I I H I A EN 0D0E
44Hurdlefora 34Hard-to-seepest A B B Y S I N E A N
storiedcow 35WWII command Y I P E O D O N 0 0 E S
45 Offers thanks, in a 36 "Dexter"network, C O R E B uS I N E S
way in listngs F UeR REts EotG OtE
46 Deidesaone will 37Wordwthbest or A N T M I N I M A u
49ltineraryword common ADS A T O N A T S
57lettngfor aboutme" xwordeditor@aol.com 09/26/13
"Beasts of the 1 2 3 4 5 'O7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Southern Wild"
60 Cloudburst, e.g. 14 15 16
61 Seasonal drink
62 FUDGE 17 1s 1s
66 lem on a "honey- adl1 22
67 Timefraction: a r an a
68' Bd,Bad Leroy 27 28 29 3031
Brown" singer
69 Computerizedcity 32 33 34 35 a 637 a
70 Former 39 a 1 42
Tonight to-
71 c sastical
council 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
DOWN 57 se 59 60 61
1 Replenish apint
of alesay a s3 s4 5s
2 Thormyshrub
3 Jane Cyres
charge s a n
4 Free
5 When sch. often
stars ByMai arter 09126/13
(c20t3nTribueCoetAency, LLC

Ex-Guatemala soldier on
trial in California court

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Feds accuse man of
lying on citizenship
application about
village massacre
RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) - A
former Guatemalan soldier tolda
jury Wednesday that he was sob-
bing as he took a 3-year-old boy
to be killed - but an officer said
he was doing"a job for a man."
Three decades later, that offi-
cer, Jorge Sosa, is battling to
remain a U.S. citizen.
Sosa, a small, mustachioed
man, listened calmly and took
notes as an interpreter relayed
details of the 1982 slaughter in
the hamlet of Dos Erres.
Sosa, who was a second lieu-
tenant during Guatemala's civil
war, is charged with lying on
his U.S. citizenship application
about his military service and
his command role in the massa-
cre of at least 160 men, women
and children in the village.
If convicted, he could face up
to 15 years in prison and lose his
But defense attorney Shashi
Kewalramani said Sosa told
U.S. officials about his role in
the Guatemalan army when he
applied for asylum, years before
becoming a citizen..
While war is horrible, Sosa
is only being tried for the way

he answered questions on his
immigration forms, Kewalra-
mani has said.
While Sosa is not on trial for
war crimes, the government's
case is bringing graphic and
painful memories of Guatema-
la's war to a California court-
Prosecutors say Sosa's patrol
descended upon Dos Erres in
December 1982 to search for
missing rifles believed stolen
by guerrillas, then decided to
kill the villagers after some of
the soldiers began raping the
Speaking in Spanish through
an interpreter, Gilberto Jordan,
a former sergeant, testified that
the soldiers began throwing
people into a well and that Sosa
fired his rifle at the people inside
and threw in agrenade.
"The people that were there,
half-dead, were all screaming,"
Jordan said. "When he threw
the grenade the people that were
there were quiet because they
were killed."
Sosa sought U.S. asylum in
1985, claiming that Guatemalan
guerrillas were after him. The
asylum was denied and he ended
up moving to Canada. He later
returned to the U.S, married an
American, got a green card and
eventually citizenship after fil-
ing an application in 2007.
After authorities searched
his Southern California home

in 2010, Sosa headed to Mexico
and boarded a flight to Canada,
where he also is a citizen. He was
later arrested and was extradit-
ed lastyear to the United States.
Jordan is serving time in fed-
eral prison for lying on his U.S.
naturalization application about
his role in the war.
Wearing orange jail garb,
Jordan testified that he took a
woman to the well and shot her
in the back of the head before
pushing her inside, and started
takinga teenage girl to be killed
when another soldier stopped
him and asked if he was going to
rape her.
When he answered no, the
soldier took the girl away and
later brought her back, bleeding,
to the well, Jordan said.
Another former Guatemalan
soldier, Cesar Franco Ibanez,
testified in Spanish through a
translator that he was called to a
meeting at the village well, and
saw it was half full of men, some
of them yelling at Sosa.
"They were cursing him,"
Franco Ibanez told the court. "At
that time, I think he lost his head
and he started firing."
Soldiers were then ordered to
bring more people to the well.
Everyone had to throw some-
body in to show they were com-
mitted to the patrol, he said.
The women had already been
lined up. Franco Ibanez said he
took a woman and threw her in.



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