2A - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com BOOKS From Page 1A shelves," Hamstra said. There are no books that are banned from the University,-but the practice continues to be an issue in some U.S. school dis- tricts. People stopped to listen as they walked through the Diag - Hamstra noted that in the past people have been confused as they walked past the read- ing because censorship does not seem to be a pressing issue on campus. "I think it's important that the library has this advocacy this week so that students are encour- aged to be good patrons of their libraries so they think critically as they get involved in their com- munities and school districts," she said. Banned books have includ- ed content against religious values, magic with claims of cultism, religious texts, offen- sive language or anti-family themes. Hamstra said claims of anti-family content usually pertain to books that include gay parents such as Lesla Newman's "Heather has Two Mommies." In 2010, the Tucson Uni- fied School District banned all books by Chicano and Native American authors, in response to a state law that banned schools from including mate- rial in their instruction that promote ethnic solidarity over individuality. The TUSD deci- sion to remove these books was overturned this July by a fed- eral court order. LECTURES From Page 1A the system of protecting chil- dren, prompting administrators and professors to examine how minors are protected on cam- pus. Experts from different fields, from medicine to risk manage- ment, discussed the institutional flaws. Bethany Mohr, medical director of University of Michi- gan Health System Child Protec- tion Team, said UMHS faculty and residents are not screened for a history of committing child abuse. This screening, different from a background check, would nar- row in on instances that typically do not warrant arrest and where employees abuse their own chil- dren. Though the Sandusky case involved sexual abuse, Jenson was not accused of having an inappropriate contact with chil- dren. Mohr added that there are issues with establishing poli- cies on the provider-patient relationship, which must com- prehensively cover all possible instances of abuse. She said such policies should be better known. "Close to zero parents know what to do," Mohr said about cases where parents must grap- ple with alleged abuse inci- dents. "They just don't have any resources." The complexity of minors interacting with University offi- cials even extends to the Law School. Frank Vandervort, super- vising attorney at the University LSA freshman Jessica Longe was a junior at Salem High School, 25 miles outside of Ann Arbor, when the superintendent decided to ban "Waterland" from her AP English class after a com- plaint from one of the student's parents due to sexually graphic descriptions. After months of debate at school board meetings, a panel of community members decided to revoke the ban. Longe - who read a pas- sage aloud at the event - said the debate brought religion and politics into the school system, which she didn't think was appropriate. She was frustrated that the school system was trying to appease specific children rather than creating curricula that works for the entire student body. Just last week, the school board in Ralph County, N.C. banned the book "Invisible Man" claiming it was innapropriate for teenagers and that it did not hold any literary value. Visiting Pof. V.V. Ganeshananthan read an excerpt from "In'visible Man at the Read Out. The Banned Books Week website includes a map I of banned books in the United States. Advocates can also report occurrences of book hpn- ning to the ALA. On Thursday, Sept. 26, stu- dents can contribute to a Vir- tual Read Out video statement celebrating the freedom to read by reading out a few lines from a banned book. Anyone interested should go to the Practice Pre- sentation Room in the Under- graduate Library from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Juvenile Justice Clinic, said his students represent minors in criminal courts. However, the Law School doesn't have policies on how to appropriately treat children. Vandervort recently asked his colleagues where he could find such policies. "Most of the people looked at me with a very strange face like I was from outer space," he said. Lawyers and clergy mem- bers are not required to report witnessed sexual abuse even in states where all adults are required to, a precedent that angered Vandervort. "It seems to me in that circum- stance the response is so obvi- ous is that we shouldn't have a national debate or conversation about these sort of things," he said. Faller said she hoped the seminar translates to better policy at the University. Her fel- low speakers said other colleges' policies lack comprehensiveness, though some campuses are more advanced. "We're hoping that out of this will come more coherent understanding, but also a better policy and better ideas of policy when kids are on campus," she said. Some graduate students may attend the seminars for credit. Social Work graduate student Christian Moore was one such student in a crowd of professors - he hopes to work in University outreach. "I wish that more, students, were aware of the course," he said. "It promotes agreater dia- logue about safety." CSG From Page 1A youMICH presidential nominee, sent an e-mail to assembly representatives and youMICH affiliates, recommend- ing candidates for select executive and legislative positions, including that Keeney was qualified to be instated as the rules committee chair. At the time, Keeney was a representative on the assembly, popularly elected as an inde- pendent. At the time, youMICH party members served as the majority in the assembly, giving them the majority vote to select and confirm candidates for committee- chair positions. Keeney denied all allegations of affili- ations with youMICH prior to the UEC hearings. While the youMICH e-mail sug- gests that Keeney was affiliated with youMICH, Proppe said the decision to instate Keeney as chair of the commit- tee was solely due to the fact that Keeney was the most qualified candidate for the position. While Keeney previously served as a lawyer for the youMICH team during the legal proceedings that followed the 2012 CSG election, he was appointed externally by the Central Student Judi- ciary to serve youMICH - along with now-defunct party ourMichigan - and was paid for his services. As a result, when Proppe announced, his nomination of Keeney for a position on his executive branch, the Executive Nominations Committee conducted an investigation on the alleged affiliations that may compromise Keeney's impar- tiality. Architecture senior John Arnold, chair of the Executive Nominations Committee, said although Keeney was a qualified candidate for the position and he recognized that a lot of the allega- tions were "hearsay," the committee felt that Keeney was ethically compromised. "We feel that because of (Keeney's) prior involvement with youMICH, it would have been good ethical prac- tice for him to recuse himself from the (UEC)hearings,"Arnold said. "Confirm- ing a candidate that has been intimately involved with the past two (election tri- als), we don't think is a good way to ame- liorate the issues." In an August interview, former stu- dent general counsel Lukas Garske, an ex-officio and non-voting member of the last UEC, said he made all UEC members disclose their party affiliations prior the hearing and that the decision to oust the forUM candidates was a "very clear-cut decision." In a written statement, Garske said there was no proof confirming rumors that Keeney had "accepted a deal" from youMICH that promised he would be appointed as SGC if the UEC disquali- fied Osborn from the presidency. "It would be a shame if (Keeney) was denied the ability to continue to serve CSG because of party politics," Garske wrote. Proppe stressed that he never prom- ised Keeney the SGC position before the hearings had finished. In contemplating possible candidates, Propre said the first time he reached dout to Keeney for the position was in late April, after all elec- tion disputes had been resolved. Lawstudent Betsy Fisher, who served as forUM's lawyer during the election cycle, issued a statement that said that the issues raised were "structural rather than ethical" as Keeney's presence on the UEC panel was his responsibility as an assembly member, regardless of affili- ation. "I worked hard on forUM's case, and I'm disappointed that anyone from forUM would attack the credibility of their colleagues six months after the election dispute was finalized," she added. "I'm embarrassed to be associ- ated with anyone who would." 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREW WEINER KIRBY VOIGTMAN Editor is Chief Business Manager 734-418-4110 ext. 1202 734-418-4115ext. 1241 anweiner@michigandaily.coi kvoigtman@michigandaily.com Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Corrections orrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Sectin ,p ts@mihiandaily.com DisplaySales dailydisplay@gmail.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com r News Tips news@michigandaily.com Letters to the Editor tothedaily@nichigandaily.com Editoralage opinion@mich 'ndaily.com Photography Sectin photo@michigandailycom Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com EDITORIAL STAFF Matthew Slovin Managing Editor mjslovin@michigandaily.com AdamRUbenfireManagingNewsEditor arube@michiandaily.com SENIORNEWS EDITORS:AliciaAdamczyk,Peter Shahin, KC. 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The Michigan Dailyl(SSN0 745-967) is publishedMonday through Friday during thefall and wnter ters byntudentn atthe Uivnrsity of Michia.Oncopy isavailable frneef charge toallIrnaders. Additoal copienmay bepicedup at thnDaily's ffice for 2. Ssriptionsfor fall term starting in September, via U.S. mail are $1150.Winter term (anuary through April) is 115, eaIng(nStember throuThAssilis1d5.Uivesityhaffiliatsaredubecttoaredused subsciption rete. On-campssabcriptios nfor tall tem arn $35. Subsciptionsnut be prepaid. The Michigan Dinly is a member of The Asociated Press and The Asnociated Collegiate Press. DO YOU LIKE KEEPING UP WITH ALL THE STUFF THAT'S HAPPENING ON YOUR COLLEGE CAMPUS? NO? FOLLOW THE DAILY ANYWAY @MICHIGANDAILY BRAIN From Page 1A, of activity they encounter, estab- lishing a "functional circuitry," Umemori said. "In the beginning, we usu- ally have excess synapses, so we choose good ones," he said. "Active ones will be stabilized and inactive ones will be elimi- nated, so that we will basically have the most efficient circuitry in the brain." While the lab's research involves development of the brain over time, the recent findings focus on the molecular mecha- nisms that underlie the process of synapse maturation in the second step of the process. In particular, Umemori's lab has confirmed the role a new molecule in this step: signal regu- latory protein-alpha. SIRP-alpha travels between pre- and post- synaptic neurons, binding with specific receptors that tell the neuron to reinforce the synaptic connection. "SIRP is basically used as a communication tool between pre- and post-synaptic cells to tell them that this is an active syn- apse," Umemori said. The molecule was discovered in2010 in a research study focus- ing primarily on the first step of neuron development. It wasn't until the lab's most recent pub- lication that they realized the importance of this molecule in synaptic reinforcement was real- ized. Irl the search for molecules involved in the synapse matu- ration process, Umemori's lab screened brain tissue samples in culture - placing neurons in con- tact with a variety of molecules thought to play a role in synapse development. After identifying cultures with active synapse formation, the tissue samples underwent a procedure known as biochemi- cal purification, which separates molecules based on different characteristics such as size or charge. In future studies, Umemori said the lab hopes to analyze the effects of synapse dysfunction in schizophrenia using geneti- cally modified mice, often called knockouts. While these mice are thought to express schizophre- nia, the lab plans to run behhvior- al studies to confirn'the presence of this trait - or "phenotype" - and its link to synaptic develop- ment. "We have the knockout ani- mals, and knockout animals do have synaptic changes, but we don't know if they have different phenotype yet," Umemori said. "If the animals show schizo- phrenic phenotype then we can try to treat (them) and see if that can be a disease model." Additionally, future research in the lab will examine other areas of the brain, since the recent findings were isolated to specific regions like the hippo- campus. Erin Johnson-Venkatesh, a postdoctoral research fellow in the lab, plans to expand the research to cover other aspects of synapse development. "The paper focuses only on excitatory synapses," Johnson- Venkatesh said. "Inhibitory syn- apses also may be affected, so I'm trying to figure out why and how." Although the research has potentially broad implications for clinical treatments of neurode- velopmental diseases, Johnson- Venkatesh said the molecular professes tend to dominate the day-to-day focus of the lab. Only when a project reaches the pub- lication stage does she come to fully realize the impact of such work. "You get really engrossed in a particular set of experience and sometimes you forget to even come up for air and all of a sud- den ... we need to write a paper and share these results," she said. "Usually atthe beginning and the end you sort of think more larger picture, and in the middle you're just focused." Two University alumni, Anna Toth and Lily Zhang, both con- tributed to this recent publi- cation. Given their success in this field, Johnson-Venkatesh offered advice to undergradu- ates interested in pursuing research. "I think finding something you're interested in is probably the most important," she said. "And the second most important is finding an environment that you like working in ... because then you're going to enjoy being there." -Alexandra Soos and Madison Dettlinger contributed reporting. A C-SPAN From Page 1A ment during the 1970s and 1980s, including the conserva- tive women who fervently fought against the Equal Rights Amend- ment, which was never ratified. The episode was taped during a lecture the 2013 winter semes- ter in Morantz-Sanchez's course, "Women in American History Since 1870." When Morantz-Sanchez earned a Ph.D. at Columbia 3 University in 1971, classes like "Women in American History" would never have appeared on the pages of a university course .guide. "When I went to graduate school, I learned nothing really, except the abilityto tell good his- tory from bad history because ., E none of the history we practice today really existed," Morantz- Sanchez said. At the time,she said mosthistory classes were aboiut'mple history.'^ "We never spoke about women," Morantz-Sanchez said. History as studied at iniver- sities and taught in classrooms, she said, was told through a nar- row lens. The subject generally ignored the complexities of race, class and gender - it generally focused on a political narrative absent of cultural influences. Morantz-Sanchez left Colum- bia later that year. At that time, interest in the Civil Rights Move- ment was growing at universities. Morantz-Sanchez considered trekking down South to register disenfranchised voters'. "Growing up in th Aextraordy nary 12 years of social and politi- cal change in the '60s and '70s, I think many of us were open to thinking outside the box," she said. "And one of the first things the Civil Rights Movement did was to touch other people living in American society." In essence, the period's politi- cal tumult influenced Morantz- Sanchez and her contemporaries to broaden the lens through which academics and students write about and study history. "All of these things were not necessarily taught as what was 'real history,' " she said. "What it does is help us much better understand ourselves - once we' understand the complex ways we are created as Americans, as gen- dered people, as classed people, as raced people, and all those different categories are working together mutually construct the cultural world in which we live." Despite these disciplinary advances, Morantz-Sanchez said enrollment in many of her history courses has decreased over the past 10 years. "I think we're a society that doesn't believe in history any- more," she said. On Saturday, a program dedi- cated to "the people and events that document the American story," will air the lecture of a professor hoping to do just that in her Ann Arbor classroom. But Morantz-Sanchez, who was recruited by C-SPAN for inclusion in the program, doesn't have any delusions about the net- work's demographic reach. "Do I think anybody will watch this C-SPAN thing? His- tory buffs, maybe," she said. Morantz-Sanchez isn't dis- counting the power of history, though. She's seen its enduring weight when classes end each term and a student says: "Boy I really didn't want to take this, but I really do understand myself bet- ter now." GET UPDATES IN YOUR NEWSFEED: FACEBOOK.COM/MICHIGANDAILY 4 t,