2 - Tuesday, September 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2 - Tuesday, September 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom GOT SERVED 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREWWEINER KIRBY VOIGTMAN Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 anweiner@michigandaily.com kvoigtma@michigandailycom Professor Profile: Don Herzog Don Herzog is a Profes- disbanded, I think, over 25 sor in the LSA Political Sci- years ago. And, more impor- ence Department and the Law tant, a few decades ago some School. He has authored five legal scholarship turned in books covering topics from emphatically interdisciplin- political, moral, legal and social ary directions. This law school theory. Herzog. was awarded committed to that sort of thing the Golden Apple Award in 2011. early on and enthusiastically. I'm one of several LSA profes- You used to teach in the politi- sors they adopted along the way. cal science department. How The other $1 million went did you transition from the toward the construction of 100 political science department married-student housing units. to the lawschool? Whatis yourfavorite Well, you'd have to ask my course to teach? senior law school colleagues why they decided to hire me. So this will sound sappy I can report that I got to know beyond belief, but I like them some law professors in an all. Subject matters aside, at informal faculty seminar that the core of teaching is the same Rackham student Jooho Chuung plays tenis at the courts by Palmer field Monday. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Bling ring WHERE: College of Pharmacy WHEN: Friday at about 8:20 a.m. WHAT: University Police reported that a ring was sto- len from a desk some time between 9 a.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday. There are currently no suspects. Famished fiends WHERE: University Hospital WHEN: Saturday at about 10:15 a.m. WHAT: University Police reported that two unidenti- fied subjects took food from the cafeteria without paying and could not be located by Hopial Securtv Hot and cold Law day WHERE: Church Carport WHEN: Friday at about 10 a.m. WHAT: An air conditioner/ heater was found damaged in the carport. University Police reported that the destruction took place some time since June 20, but there are no suspects and the case is still open. Soliciting students? WHERE: Northwood I WHEN: Saturday at about 7:15 p.m. WHAT: Two subjects were soliciting for donations, University Police reported. One was a white male, the other a Hispanic male. Both of college age and wearing ieans and sweatshirts. WHAT: A career fair event to help students interested in law find out about coursework, discover extracurricualrs, meet representatives and get advice on applications. WHO: The Career Center WHEN: Today from 3 p.m to 6 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, second floor Beating the Blues Jewish food lecture WHAT: Adjunct Curator Jan Longone will explain the contributions and effects of Jewish food in America. The reception to follow will be catered by Zingerman's. WHO: University Library WHEN: Today from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Minor safety issues gleeful thing. ... I get to do - or to try to do - something more like this: 'Look, here's this material, it's extremely cool and shot through with fascinat- ing puzzles; I like you guys, you will like this material, we will have fun exploring this mate- rial together, working very hard, and raising our game. At the end of the semester you shouldn't just know some legal rules, or worse yet jargon, that you didn't know before. You should be able to think more subtly and deeply, to read more carefully, to make better argu- ments. You should be smarter.' -CARLYFROMM T HR EE T HINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW TODAY ABC7 reported that a velociraptor model was taken from outside a carwash in Golden, Colorado after being unchained by a cleaning crew. It was taken by local high school students who used it in a prank. Americans have life, health and home insur- ance, so why isn't policy insuring that cli- mate change doesn't destoy the planet? SEE OPINION, PAGE 4 NBC news reported that gas prices could be falling close to $3 dur- ing the end of Septem- ber. AAA spokesman Mark Jenkins said that demand drops after summer driving season ends. Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Setion sports@ichigandaily.com Display Sales dailydisplay@gmail.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@michigandaily.com LetterstotheEditor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Phatography Section photo@michigandaiy.com Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com a EDITORIAL STAFF ' MatthewSlovin ManagingEditor mjslovin@michigandaily.com Adam RubenfireManagingNewsEditor arube@michigandaily.com SENIORNEWSEDITORS:AliciaAdamczyk,PeterShahin,K.C.Wassman,TaylorWizner ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Ariana Assaf, Jennair C .fas, Hilary Crawford, Ian Dillingham, Will Greenberg, Sam Gringlas, Matt Jackonen, Rachel Premack, Stephanie Shenouda,ChristySong Melanie Kruvelis and opinioneditors@michigandaily.com Adrienne RobersE tditorialPageEdors SENIOR EDITORIALPAE EDIsTOR:n an, Derk Walfe ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald Everett Cook and Zach Helfand ManagingSportstEditors sportseditors@michigandaily.com SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Alejandro Zuniga, Jeremy Sunmitt, Neal Rothschild, Rajat Khare, Daniel Wasserman, Liz Vukelich ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Greg Garno, Alexa Dettlebach, Daniel Feldman, Erin Lennon,LevFacher,MaxCohen Kayla Upadhyaya Managing Arts Editor kaylau@michigandaily.com SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Elliot Alpern, Brianne Johnson,sJohnLynch,Anna Sadovskaya ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: John Bohn, Sean Czarnecki, Max Radin,AkshaySeth,KatieSteen,Steven Tweedie Adam Glanzman and Terra Molengraff ManagingPhoto Editors photo@michigandaily.com SENIOR PHOTO EDITORS: Teresa Mathew, Todd Needle ASSISnNTPenOEDaITORSKatherinePekala, PaulSherman, M nieorei, RuyWalla,Patrick Baron Kristen tleghorn and Nick Cruz ManagingDesign Editors design@michigandaily.com Haley Goldberg Magazine Editor statement@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITOR:PaigePearcy Josephine Adams and Tom McBrien copychiefs copydesk@michigandaily.com SENIORCOPYEDITORS:JennieColeman,KellyMcLaugin Austen Hufford online Editor ahufford@michigandaily.com BUSINESS STAFF Amal Muzaffar tigital Accounts Manager Doug Soloman University Accounts Manager Leah Louis-Prescott classified Manager Lexi DerasmO LocalAccountsManager Hillary WangNationalAccounts Manager Ellen Wolbert and Sophie Greenbaum Production Managers The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondaythrough Friday duringathe fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2.Subscriptionsfor fall term, starting in September, viaU.S.mail are $110. Winter term( JanuarythroughnApri)is $115, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campussubscriptions for faltermare3.Subscriptionsmust be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. WHAT: This session will WHAT: This seminar inform students about will assess how to create what depression is and a safety net for minors is not, as well as provide following incidents of child advice about how to feel sexual abuse. energized and com- WHO: School of Social bat negative moods. Work Office of Alumni WHO: Counseling and Relations Psychological Services WHEN: Today from 5 p.m. WHEN: Today from 4:15 to 8 p.m. p.m. to 5:30 p.m WHERE: School of WHERE: Michigan Union, Social Work CAPS office 3100 Man misidentified by media as Navy shooter speaks of distress Judge gives EPA six months to act after environmental victory 6 NBC and CBS cause emotional turmoil for former worker McLEAN, Va. (AP) - A week ago, Rollie Chance was working the phones, worried that some of his friends at the Washington Navy Yard may have been killed in a mass shooting there. In the middle of that, he received a call that he thought was a prank: a news organiza- tion telling him that he had been identified as the shooter. Chance's name was reported Sept. 16 by two network news organizations as the shooter in an apparent mix-up involvinghis long-discarded Navy Yard iden- tification badge. NBC report- ers tweeted Chance's name as the shooter, while CBS used Chance's name in tweets and in a radio broadcast. Both networks retracted their reports within H-U minutes of misidentifying him as person, concerned that bringing the shooter. the victim's name into the public Chance, a Stafford, Va., resi- eye could cause the family pain. dent, has reluctantly spoken with Chance said he had not reporters in recent days because received a phone call from NBC he hopes getting stories out or CBS. about the mix-up will crowd out NBC News said in a statement archived versions of stories on Monday, "We received misinfor- the Internet that misidentify him mation from reliable sources and as the Navy Yard shooter. He also immediately corrected." says he wants to ensure that oth- Sonya McNair, senior vice ers don't go through what he did. president of communications for "It was a very emotionally CBS News, issued a similar state- draining week," Chance said ment: "We reported what we Monday in a phone interview. learned from law enforcement on the day of the shooting, sources and it was corrected Chance was also was dealing within minutes." with the shootings on a personal The first call he received on level. He had worked at the Navy the day of the shootings was Yard for years, first as a U.S. Navy from ABC, asking if he knew Rol- sailor and later as a civilian in lie Chance had been identified as engineering, specifically mod- the Navy Yard shooter. Chance ernization and maintenance. thought it was a bad joke. Still, he He knew one of the victims holds no ill will toward ABC or fairlywell; their families met and other news agencies that called spent time together at a Christ- trying to get the story straight mas party a few years back. and that withheld his name from Chance declined to identify the publication. "They verified before they vil- ified," Chance said He first learned for certain that news outlets had identi- fied him as the shooter from FBI agents who visited his home that day. They were trying to figure out why Chance's badge was 5 6 found at the scene. Chance said he still has no 9 idea how his badge got mixed up in the case. He retired in October from his civilian Navy job and turned in his badge as a mat- ter of routine. He said multiple 9 people, including his boss, were there when he did so. He didn't 9 give the badge a second thought between then and the day of the 5 - - -shootings. 5 4 7 He said the FBI and other agencies that came to his home 5 4 a week ago concluded relatively quickly that he had no involve- 3 ment in what occurred. 3 Still,"that day was prettyemo- tional. You're trying to alleviate any doubt in anyone's mind," he said. His family received con- dolence flowers that day from people who heard the news and thought Chance was dead. Advocates make progress with waterway 'dead zone' NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Environmental advocates in states along the Mississippi River have won a round toward a long-term goal of having feder- al standards created to regulate farmland runoff and other pol- lution blamed for the oxygen- depleted "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico and problems in other bodies of water. In a ruling Friday, U.S. Dis- trict Judge Jay Zainey in New Orleans gave the Environmental Protection Agency six months to decide whether to set Clean Water Act standards for nitro- gen and phosphorous in all U.S. waterways or explain why they're not needed. The EPA describes the nutrients on its website as "one of America's most widespread, costly and challenging environmental problems," affecting every state. "If they step up to the plate and do the right thing, agreeing to promulgate federal standards where states have failed, the impact on waters throughout the nation could be hugely positive," said Ann Alexander, an attor- ney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, one of nine environmental groups including the Gulf Restoration Network, the Sierra Club and the Prairie Rivers Network. If they do, she said Monday, one of the first areas to look at could be the 31 states of the Mis- sissippi River basin, because the annual dead zone is "one of the clearest manifestations of the severity of the problem." Every summer, nutrients feed algae blooms at the river's mouth. Algae and the protozoa that eat them die and fall to the bottom, where their decomposi- tion uses up oxygen. That creates an area on the sea bottom averaging nearly 5,800 square miles - larger than the state of Connecticut - where there is too little oxygen for aquatic life. "More than 100,000 miles of rivers and streams, close to 2.5 million acres of lakes, reservoirs and ponds, and more than 800 square miles of bays and estu- aries in the United States have poor water quality because of nitrogen and phosphorus pollu- tion," according to EPA. "Addi- tionally, nutrients can soak into ground water, which provides drinking water to millions of Americans." Earlier this month, a fed- eral judge in Virginia upheld federal and state pollution lim- its worked out by the EPA, six states and Washington, D.C., to improve the health of the Chesa- peake Bay by more tightly regu- lating wastewater treatment, construction along waterways and agricultural runoff. The American Farm Bureau, one of 44 agricultural groups that asked to join EPA as plaintiffs in the Louisiana lawsuit, had chal- lenged the regulations. Similar issues are driving the damaging algae blooms in Lake Erie and threatening other parts of the Great Lakes, the NRDC said in a news release. The environmental groups are also members of the Missis- sippi River Collaborative, which asked EPA in a 2008 petition to set standards and cleanup plans for nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of the river. An attorney for the agri- cultural groups, from the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, the National Corn Growers Associa- tion and the National Pork Pro- ducers Council to farm bureaus in 15 states from Louisiana to Wyoming, said he would ask his clients if they wanted to com- ment. "We're reviewing the ruling. We have no further comment at this time," U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wyn Horn- buckle wrote in an email. The department argued for EPA that setting such rules would be unnecessarily com- plex, would take too many peo- ple and too much time, and that the agency could more effective- ly fight water pollution by work- ing with states to reduce such pollution from fertilizer, sewage and storm runoff. States are indeed working with the EPA and each other on the problem, said Garret Graves, coastal protection chief for Louisiana, one of 12 states that joined the EPA as defen- dants. "The Hypoxia Task Force is meeting this week in Min- neapolis to advance nutrient management strategies on the entire Mississippi River basin," he said. He said Iowa released its plan about a year ago. "We're work- ing in that larger venue to make sure that all the state efforts are complementary," Graves said. The U.S. Supreme Court's 2007 ruling in a lawsuit about greenhouse gases and car emis- sions also requires EPA to inves- tigate whether federal water pollution standards are needed, Zainey ruled Friday. He refused to rule that such standards should be based only on science, noting that the Clean Water Act was designed to give the states the first crack at set- ting water quality standards, letting EPA step in "only when the states demonstrate that they either cannot or will not comply. "Plaintiffs contend that most states to date have done little or nothing to meaningfully control the levels of nitrogen and phosphorous that pollute their waters, and that they have even less political.will to protect downstream waters," he wrote. Alexander said the feder- al government has known at least since the 1990s that the nutrients are a major problem. She said EPA warned states in 1998 that it would have to act if states didn't set their own stan- dards within three years. "They extended that deadline and then ultimately blew through it," Alexander said. 4 ,M& i ;,: