Ii, Alidjigan &it e j ONE-IIUNIDIDITVENTYI-TH IWR YEI'A S OF EDITORIA NI.IIRE)EDOM Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, September 19, 2013 michigandaily.com low PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH CSG seeks input from on search Public Policy junior Carly Manes speaks to Engineering sophomore Samantha Rahmani during a Diag debate on abortion rights Wednesday. Abortion de h Proppe e-mails survey, wants leaders for student commitee By AMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR Daily Staff Reporter To maximize student input in the search for the next Univer- sity president, LSA student gov- ernment has created a survey to determine what qualities the col- lege's students seek in President Mary Sue Coleman's successor. Student government lead- ers e-mailed a link to the survey Wednesday. The survey poses six questions focused specifically towards the needs of LSA stu- dents and improvements the next president should focus on. "This input will be instrumen- tal in helping the regents choose the best candidate to lead the University after President Cole- man retires in the spring," the e-mail said. LSA-SG President Sagar Lathia said leaders hope respons- es would demonstrate the school's diversity. "One of the biggest things I wanted to make sure was that the LSA constituency got heard no matter what," Lathia, and LSA and business senior, said. "It's just to assure that LSA students could get their word out." Less than 24 hours later, a similar stride was taken through the office of the Central Student Government. As promised at that assembly's Tuesday meeting, CSG President Michael Proppe sent an e-mail to the entire stu- dent body today, informing them of the upcoming student involve- ment in the presidential search process. Last week, the University Council - a governing body con- sisting of student presidents from all the University schools and colleges - introduced a resolu- tion that would create a student- driven committee to provide input to the University's Board of Regents until the next president is selected. Organizers say stu- dent committee was created due to a lack of student representa- tion on the regent's Presidential Search Advisory Committee. See INPUT, Page 3A Opposing groups face off to garner student attention By HILLARY CRAWFORD Daily Staff Reporter The two sides of the debate on abortion rights were clear on the Diag Wednesday as groups staged dueling demonstrations. The University's chapter of Students for Life set up 915 pink crosses in front of the flag post, along with large pink signs explainingeach cross represents the number of abortions that, according to the Planned Par- enthood Project, are performed in America by Planned Parent- hood each day. The Planned Parenthood Project is not affiliated with the Planned Parenthood network of healthcare clinics. Rather, the project is a touring group spon- sored by Students for Life of America that criticizes the orga- nization, which is a major pro- vider of abortions in the United States. The University is one of 41 stops for the project. The 18,041-mile tour encompasses campuses in 20 states over an eight-week period. LSA sophomore Amanda Salvi, Students for Life's pub- licity chair, claimed that many people are misinformed about Planned Parenthood. "In a recent survey, 55 per- cent of Americans did not know that Planned Parenthood com- mits abortion," Salvi said, in reference to a poll performed by the Students for Life organiza- tion. "Since it's such a controver- sial issue, not many people talk about it, let alone know about it, so we're here to stir some con- versation." Members of the University's See ABORTION, Page 3A TRANSPORTATION Officials gear up Ann Arbor for bike share City, University planning tentative spring launch By YARDAIN AMRON For the Daily The end of winter term may seem an eternity away, but come springtime, Ann Arbor is aiming to have its own bike share program for public use. With the Ann Arbor City Council's approval last month to partner with Clean Energy Coalition - a non- profit that promotes clean energy technologies - fund- ing for Phase 1 of the program fell into place. The question now remains whether the program will have similar success to the fast-growing number of bike share pro- grams popping up across the country. To use the system - which is tentatively scheduled to open on April1,2014 - riders must first buy a membership, with rates ranging from $60 annually, $20 weekly or $5 daily. These fees allow mem- bers to swipe their Mcards at any station, where they can ride free of charge for up to 30 minutes. For every subsequent half-hour, a yet to be determined usage fee is charged to the mem- ber's account. Bikes can be returned to any station on campus. Steve Dolen, the Univer- sity's executive director of parking and transportation services, said officials have discussed the possibility of linking B-cycle membership to the Mcard system, but that is low on the priority list compared to getting the sys- tem up and running. See BIKE, Page7A COMMUNITY OUTREACH 'u' program to combat obesity goes statewide Building Healthy Communities spins off from UMHS initiative By TUI RADEMAKER Daily StaffReporter Let's do it for the kids - or at least their eating habits. Working closely with aca- demic and commercial partners, a University program aimed at fighting obesity in local middle schools has expanded into a statewide initiative aimed at fighting obesity, encouraging exercise and promoting healthier lifestyles. Building Healthy Commu- nities - a new offshoot of the University of Michigan Health System's 'Project Healthy Schools' initiative - is in the pro- cess of implementing programs in 28 middle and elementary See OBESITY, Page 7A Eileen Quintero, a business systems analyst in the School of Dentistry, and Dentistry student Amir Aryaan compete in an inflatable basketball game during the MHealthy Play Day on Ingalls Mall Tuesday. MHealthy hosts multi-day fai'r to promote weliness Activities include games, flu shots, free massages By STEPHANIE SHENOUDA Daily Staff Reporter From bouncy houses to flu shots, MHealthy is working to bring wellness to campus with a series of events focused on encouraging exercise and healthy living. MHealthy Champions - a group of staff and faculty who aim to create a healthy work environment - hosted the sec- ond annual Health and Wellness Fair outside the Ford School of Public Policy Wednesday, con- tinuing to spread awareness about all aspects of healthy liv- ing. They also promoted Active U Autumn, a six-week program where students and staff can log their physical activity and com- pete for prizes. Nearly 300 people received flu shots and other wellness-related services, including complimenta- ry massages from the University of Michigan Health System Mas- sage Therapy Program and fresh, See MHEALTHY, Page 7A Public art spaces K0 The B-side looks at ne nn Arbor art installaions. ) IDE WEATHER HI:79 GOTANEWS TIP? 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